Author(s): Karman A

The ability to resist and respond to an external shock and recover once it has occurred is called resilience. The present paper discusses mechanisms of organizations' resilience to weather extremes. The objective of the study was to determine factors influencing the application of resilience mechanisms by European organizations. The paper presents the frequency particular mechanisms are applied in and determinants of their employment. We tested a model in which individual, organizational, community-specific, and extreme-related factors influence application of resilience mechanisms, which in turn influence adaptive resilience. The present study revealed that some of the selected resilience mechanisms are applied more frequently than others. The mechanisms include disposition and administration of resources, self-organization, intraorganizational communication, damage assessment, review of previous events, and the acquisition of external information. The significance of 10 factors impacting the using of resilience mechanisms was verified in the course of the study. Findings are intended to facilitate a better understanding of resilience to weather extremes in organizations.

Journal: Business Strategy and the Environment