German Red Cross, Red Crescent Society of tajikistan, 2019
The German Red Cross (GRC) and the Red Crescent Society of tajikistan (RCST) have been working on establishing FbF in tajikistan since early 2019, with technical support of the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre (RCCC) and financial support of the Deutsche Bank Stiftung. For RCST, the FbF project is a great opportunity to provide anticipatory humanitarian assistance to Tajik communities at risk before disaster strikes. To reach this goal, RCST is currently developing EAPs for heatwaves and cold waves. This will also help RCST advance its institutional capacity for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and anticipatory actions, especially through trainings for the existing National Disaster Response Teams. Likewise, the EAP will also enhance the RCST’s cooperation with DRR actors in high-risk areas, enabling it to provide faster and more effective humanitarian assistance to communities at risk.