USAID, 2020

Heatwaves are generally associated with poor air-quality, and the correlation between exposure to air pollutants and heat increases the burden of both cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. As such, projected increases in temperatures and more frequent heatwaves could increase ambient air-pollution levels , negatively impacting human health. This quick guide from the USAID-funded Adaptation Thought Leadership and Assessments (ATLAS) project provides information on the four most common air pollutants (particulate matter, ground-level ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide), details the impacts of heat on the pollutants and in turn the impacts of the pollutants on human health, and provides information on the populations and geographic locations most vulnerable to air-pollution. The guide also provides actionable recommendations that city officials and donors can take to reduce the risk from heat and air-pollution. To view other guides in the Heat and urban Environmental Issues series, click here.