Author(s): Hussain N, Mewasingh L, Gosalakkal J
Head injury is a leading cause of death and disability in children and young people worldwide.1,2 The incidence of accidents and head injury among children increases during the summer months.3,4 During the warmer months of summer, when windows are often left open, the number of children who falls from windows increases dramatically. The exact incidence of falls from open windows among children in the United Kingdom is not known. Each year in the United States, 15Ð20 children <10_years of age die, and >4000 are treated in hospital emergency rooms for window fall_related injuries. In one study that involved >2000 children in a suburban trauma centre, it was found that over 40% of them were admitted as a result of falls, 11% of which were from windows. Most of the children who fell were between the ages of 0 and 4, and all were sent directly to the intensive care unit; 4% of the children died. Most window falls occur when children are unsupervised. The height and rate of the fall, force of impact and surface on which the child falls influence the severity of injuries.
Journal: Archives of Disease in Childhood