Author(s): Matthies F, Menne B

OBJECTIVES: The general aim of the EuroHEAT project was to improve public health responses to weather extremes and, in particular, to heatwaves. STUDY DESIGN: The public health responses were developed on the basis of the overall results from the two-year project, "Improving Public Health Responses to Extreme Weather--EuroHEAT," co-funded by the European Commission (DG Sanco). METHODS: A literature review was carried out and a questionnaire was administered to health officials in charge of heat-health action plans in 2005 to survey existing heat-health action plans in Europe, and to identify models of the good practices for national/local preparedness planning. RESULTS: The adverse health effects of heatwaves are largely preventable. Prevention requires a range of actions at different levels: from health system preparedness coordinated with meteorological early warning systems to timely public and medical advice and improvements to housing and urban planning. These actions can be integrated in a defined heat-health action plan. Guidance for the development of heat-health action plans has been made available through EuroHEAT and is being used in various countries in the European Region. CONCLUSIONS: EuroHEAT recommends developing and implementing heat-health action plans at the national and regional levels in Europe to prevent, react upon and contain heat-related risks to health.

Journal: International Journal of Circumpolar Health