Author(s): Kaltsatou A, Flouris AD, Herry CL, Notley SR, Macartney MJ, Seely AJE, Kenny GP

BACKGROUND: The Threshold Limit Values (TLV) of the American Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists indicate the levels of heat stress that all workers may be repeatedly exposed to without adverse health effects. In this study, we evaluated heart rate variability (HRV) during moderate-to-heavy work performed continuously or according to different TLV work-rest (WR) allocations in healthy physically active older workers. METHODS: Nine healthy older (58?±?5?years) males performed three different 120-minute conditions in accordance with TLV guidelines for moderate-to-heavy intensity work (360?W fixed rate of heat production) in different wet-bulb globe temperatures (WBGT): continuous cycling at 28°C WBGT (CON), as well as intermitted work performed at WR of 3:1 in 29°C WBGT (WR3:1), and at WR of 1:1 at 30°C (WR1:1). Rectal temperature and HRV (3-lead electrocardiogram [ECG]) were assessed throughout. RESULTS: Coefficient of Variation, Poincaré SD2, and Shannon Entropy were decreased during the CON compared with the WR3:1 when core temperature exceeded 38°C and after 1?hour of continuous work (P?

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ajim.23156