Author(s): Katy Devitt, Cameron Irani, Naba Khan, Fanyi Meng & Nicole Simms
This Playbook provides background information and implementation resources designed to address environmental sustainability in perioperative care
There are numerous reports and guides that have addressed sustainability opportunities in the operating room. This playbook contributes to this field by going beyond the operating room to consider perioperative care more broadly, including the ways in which upstream decisions impact the environmental footprint of care. Also, by engaging an array of stakeholders in addition to surgeons and anesthesiologists, including nurses; OR managers; custodial, informatics, procurement, and QI staff; and many others. Lastly, by exploring change ideas that specifically address perioperative care in the Canadian context. The playbook features videos of Canadian healthcare professionals describing their efforts to improve sustainability at their hospitals, as well as implementation resources that have been created by, developed in collaboration with, and/or reviewed by these sustainability champions.