Author(s): Chew LW, Liu X, Li XX, Norford LK
Heat waves are unusually high temperature events over consecutive days and may cause adverse impacts such as morbidity and mortality. The interaction between heat waves and urban heat island (UHI) effects has remained a subject of debate, as some studies prove heat wave-UHI synergy while others do not. Furthermore, heat waves affect tropical cities more severely than mid-latitude cities, but there is a disproportionate lack of heat wave studies focusing on tropical cities. We attempt to narrow this gap by studying the heat wave in Singapore in April 2016 using ground observations and the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Compared to non-heat wave days, the ground observations show that daytime temperatures can be 3 degrees C higher during the heat wave. Despite the temperature spike, the UHI intensity is not amplified during the heat wave, maintaining its peak near 2.5 degrees C during both heat wave and non-heat wave periods. WRF simulation results also agree well with measurements and predict UHI peaks near 2.5 degrees C during both periods, showing no heat wave-UHI synergy. The spatially averaged UHI intensity also shows no such synergy. There is no significant change of wind speed, soil moisture availability or heat storage flux during the heat wave. Therefore, the lack of heat wave-UHI synergy in our study is consistent with current understanding of factors contributing to UHI. This study shows that the heat wave-UHI interaction in a tropical city can be different from that in cities in the temperate climate zone and more studies should be conducted in tropical cities, which are projected to suffer larger impacts of increasing heat stress.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105134