Author(s): Schenk EC, Cook C, Demorest S, Burduli E
OBJECTIVES: This study measured nurses' awareness, motivation, concern, self-reported behaviors at work, and self-reported behaviors at home regarding climate change and health. DESIGN: Descriptive study using an anonymous and voluntary web-based survey. SAMPLE: A nonrepresentative sample recruited from nurses. MEASUREMENTS: The CHANT (Climate, Health and Nursing Tool) with five psychometrically evaluated scales used to measure awareness, motivation, concern, behaviors at work, and behaviors at home. RESULTS: The 489 respondents reported moderate levels of awareness (2.97 mean score of 0-4) and high levels of concern (3.43) about health impacts of climate change. They were motivated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (3.27), yet few did at home (2.28), and even fewer at work (1.81). They were motivated by clean air and water and concern about the future. Barriers to action included not knowing what to do and feeling overwhelmed. Respondents reported discussing climate and health with friends or family more frequently than they did with their colleagues. A majority (63%) never contacted elected officials. CONCLUSION: The respondents were aware of climate and health impacts and motivated to act. However, they reported lower frequencies of changing behaviors at work, and communicating about climate and health professionally and with elected officials.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/phn.12864