Author(s): Ganeshkumar P, Saigal R, Gopal B, Shankar H, Kaur P

Integrating noncommunicable disease (NCD) in health care delivery during emergency response posed a major challenge post-floods in Kerala. Kerala experienced an abnormally high rainfall during mid-2018 where more than 400 people lost their lives. State health officials and the Disaster Response Team were sensitized about the importance of including NCDs in the response action. More than 80% of patients with hypertension and diabetes were not under control in Kerala. Under the state NCD cell, an NCD expert group was consulted for drafting the treatment and referral strategies. Steps to tackle NCDs during the disaster response were formulated. The state NCD cell decided to integrate NCDs in the response measures. The technical guidance document by the World Health Organization South-East Asia Region was consulted to formulate actions. The activities were implemented in 6 steps: prioritizing of major NCDS, patient estimation and drug stock preparation, standard treatment protocol, mapping of referral facilities, public engagement, and daily reporting of NCD consultations. Prioritizing the continuum of care of NCDs during floods among the program managers and care providers was crucial. The health education and communication campaign was done to sensitize the known NCD patients to seek early care. Daily reporting of consultations was established.

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/dmp.2020.461