Author(s): Foo D, Stewart R, Heo S, Dhamrait G, Choi HM, Song Y, Bell ML
BACKGROUND: Maternal exposure to air pollution during pregnancy is associated with adverse birth outcomes, although less is known for wildfire smoke. This systematic review evaluated the association between maternal exposure to wildfire smoke during pregnancy and the risk of perinatal, obstetric, and early childhood health outcomes. METHODS: We searched CINAHL Complete, Ovid/EMBASE, Ovid/MEDLINE, ProQuest, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar to identify relevant epidemiological observational studies indexed through September 2023. The screening of titles, abstracts, and full-texts, data extraction, and risk of bias assessment was performed by pairs of independent reviewers. RESULTS: Our systematic search yielded 28,549 records. After duplicate removal, we screened 14,009 studies, identifying 31 for inclusion in the present review. Data extraction highlighted high methodological heterogeneity between studies, including a lack of geographic variation. Approximately 56.5% and 16% originated in the United States and Brazil, respectively, and fewer in other countries. Among the studies, wildfire smoke exposure during pregnancy was assessed using distance of residence from wildfire-affected areas (n = 15), measurement of air pollutant concentration during wildfires (n = 11), number of wildfire records (n = 3), aerosol index (n = 1), and geographic hot spots (n = 1). Pooled meta-analysis for birthweight and low birthweight were inconclusive, likely due to low number of methodologically homogenous studies. However, the reviewed studies provided suggestive evidence for an increased risk of birthweight reduction, low birthweight, preterm birth, and other adverse health outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: This review identified 31 studies evaluating the impacts of maternal wildfire smoke exposure on maternal, infant, and child health. Although we found suggestive evidence of harm from exposure to wildfire smoke during pregnancy, more methodologically homogenous studies are required to enable future meta-analysis with greater statistical power to more accurately evaluate the association between maternal wildfire smoke and adverse birth outcomes and other health outcomes.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2023.117527