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4th Annual National Integrated Heat Health Information System (NIHHIS) National Meeting

105th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society (AMS)

Extreme Heat Reporting Training in West Africa

Climate change, health and outdoor workers in urban Vietnam: linking vulnerability, extreme weather and policy

1st GHHIN Southeast Asia Heat Health Forum

Greater Sydney Heat Symposium

Wellcome funding webinar: Uncovering mechanisms between heat and mental health

Pan-Pacific Conference on Climate and Health

NIHHIS Heat Tabletop Exercise Planning Challenge (Inflation Reduction Act)

Webinar: A threat to progress: Global stock take on how climate change impacts child health

Urban Pulse: Climate, Health and Equity in Action

Healthcare Facility Extreme Weather Resilience and Mitigation

Webinar: Supporting local climate adaptation and health using LCAT

Drought, Heat and Extreme Weather: Climate Forces on Food-Insecurity in LAC

Policy conference on health impacts of climate change: Advancing the European adaptation agenda to 2030

Working on a warmer planet: Sharing international experience on occupational heat stress

NIHHIS National Meeting

Inaugural Heat Health Open Forum

International Congress of Biometeorology: From Urban to Global Sustainability

Launch: EEA report on heat and infectious diseases