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Air Quality


Nuclear Hazards

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Solar Radiation

Geological Hazards

Harmful Algal Blooms


Hotter and drier conditions caused by climate change are resulting in bigger, more frequent, and longer-lasting wildfires. As a result, more people – including urban populations far from the fire sites – are being exposed to harmful and prolonged levels of wildfire smoke.

The health impact of a fire depends on its size, speed and proximity to populations, and whether there is sufficient advanced warning to evacuate. Air pollution resulting from fires can cause a range of health issues, including respiratory and cardiovascular problems. Wildfire smoke is a complex and toxic mix of chemical compounds that range from fine particles to precursors of ozone, with potentially harmful effects on health.

Wildfires can also disrupt transportation, communications, power and gas services, and water supply. They lead to a deterioration of air quality, and loss of property, crops, resources, animals, can cause injuries and death, and may impact the mental health and well-being of those affected.


Every year, an estimated 339,000 people die worldwide as a result of wildfire smoke.2 2WHO: Wildfires



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A spatial evaluation of global wildfire-water risks to human and natural systems


Robinne FN, Bladon KD, Miller C, Parisien MA, Mathieu J, Flannigan MD


After the Fort McMurray wildfire there are significant increases in mental health symptoms in grade 7-12 students compared to controls


Brown MRG, Agyapong V, Greenshaw AJ, Cribben I, Brett-Maclean P, Drolet J, Mcdonald-Harker C, Omeje J, Mankowsi M, Noble S, Kitching D and Silverstone PH


After the flames then what? Exploring the linkages between wildfires and household food security in the northern savannah of Ghana


Kpienbaareh D and Luginaah I


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