Educating community health professionals about the health-related effects of climate change through echo telementoring Katzman JG, Tomedi LE, Herring D, Jones H, Groves R, Norsworthy K, Martin C, Liu J, Kazhe-Dominguez B, Arora S2022
Can weather help explain ‘why now?’: The potential role of hourly temperature as a stroke trigger Rowland ST, Chillrud LG, Boehme AK, Wilson A, Rush J, Just AC, Kioumourtzoglou MA2021
Effect of weather on frequency of vaso-occlusive crisis in children with sickle cell disease Almuqamam M, Ahuja K, Wassef I, Kilaikode S, Sedrak A2021
Characterisation of an elective course on climate change for health professional students Nguyen E, Aguilar H, Khoshal Y, Macdougall C, Gruenberg K2021
Climate and health education: A critical review at one medical school Greenwald L, Blanchard O, Hayden C, Sheffield P2022
Climate change adaptation activities and needs in US state and territorial health agencies Errett NA, Dolan K, Hartwell C, Vickery J, Hess JJ2023
Climate change and health in New England: A review of training and policy initiatives at health education institutions and professional societies Dresser C, Gentile E, Lyons R, Sullivan K, Balsari S2021
Development and evaluation of an advanced national air quality forecasting capability using the NOAA global forecast system version 16 Campbell PC, Tang Y, Lee P, Baker B, Tong D, Saylor R, Stein A, Huang J, Huang HC, Strobach E, Mcqueen J, Pan L, Stajner I, Sims J, Tirado-Delgado J, Jung Y, Yang F, Spero TL, Gilliam RC, 2022
Climate Change and Social Vulnerability in the United States: A Focus on Six Impacts. Appendix B: Climate change and social vulnerability Environmental Protection Agency2021