Tropical cyclone exposures and risks of emergency medicare hospital admission for cardiorespiratory diseases in 175 urban United States counties, 1999-2010 Yan M, Wilson A, Dominici F, Wang Y, Al-Hamdan M, Crosson W, Schumacher A, Guikema S, Magzamen S, Peel JL, Peng RD, Anderson GB2021
Multi-scalar and multi-dimensional conceptions of social capital and mental health impacts after disaster: The case of Hurricane Harvey Smiley KT, Clay LA, Ross AD, Chen YA2022
Epidemiologic impacts in acute infectious disease associated with catastrophic climate events related to global warming in the northeast of Mexico Santos-Guzman J, Gonzalez-Salazar F, Martínez-Ozuna G, Jimenez V, Luviano A, Palazuelos D, Fernandez-Flores RI, Manzano-Camarillo M, Picazzo-Palencia E, Gasca-Sanchez F, Mejia-Velazquez GM2021
A policy analysis of preparedness for hurricane evacuations in the United States, 1990 to 2019: Implementation in coastal states Logan M, Bradley BM, Chen B, Kruger J, Van Meter J, Paetznick B, Smith MJ, Romero-Steiner S2022
Unexpected effects of expressive writing on post-disaster distress in the Hurricane Harvey Study: A randomized controlled trial in perinatal women Paquin V, Bick J, Lipschutz R, Elgbeili G, Laplante DP, Biekman B, Brunet A, King S, Olson D2021
Assessment of an evacuation shelter program for people with access and functional needs in Monroe County, Florida during Hurricane Irma Holmes TJ, Williams PC, Wong S, Smith K, Bandzuh JT, Uejio CK2022
Association between repeated exposure to hurricanes and mental health in a representative sample of Florida residents Garfin DR, Thompson RR, Holman EA, Wong-Parodi G, Silver RC2022
Faith factors, character strengths, and depression following Hurricane Michael Raney AA, Ai AL, Paloutzian RF2022
Mental health impacts of Hurricane Harvey: Examining the roles of intimate partner violence and resilience First JM, Ravi KE, Smith-Frigerio S, Houston JB2022