Climate change impacts on the transmission and epidemics of vector-borne diseases (VBDs), hence an understanding of the institutional determinants that influence the response of national health systems is important. This study explored how institutional determinants influence health outcomes of malaria and bilharzia using the case study of Gwanda district, Zimbabwe, in the advent of climate change. Qualitative data were collected using in-depth interviews from representatives of public and private institutions; and organisations involved in the prevention and control of malaria and bilharzia. Results from the study showed that the Ministry of Health and Child Care of Zimbabwe and other relevant government ministries and departments involved in environmental and social issues, constituted the primary network in the control and prevention of malaria and bilharzia. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) formed the secondary network that mainly mobilized resources or complimented the primary networks in the delivery of services. It was noted that there was an institutional structure primarily responsible for responding to malaria and bilharzia but it was not adequately prepared to address climate change-induced VBDs changes. Based on our findings, a framework for reducing vulnerability and enhancing resilience among populations affected by VBDs in the context of climate change was developed.
BACKGROUND: To explore the impacts of contextual issues encompassing social, cultural, political and institutional elements, on the operation of public health surveillance systems in Nepal concerning the monitoring of infectious diseases in the face of a changing climate. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews (n = 16) were conducted amongst key informants from the Department of Health Services, Health Information Management System, Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, World Health Organization, and experts working on infectious disease and climate change in Nepal, and data were analysed using thematic analysis technique. RESULTS: Analysis explicates how climate change is constructed as a contingent risk for infectious diseases transmission and public health systems, and treated less seriously than other ‘salient’ public health risks, having implications for how resources are allocated. Further, analysis suggests a weak alliance among different stakeholders, particularly policy makers and evidence generators, resulting in the continuation of traditional practices of infectious diseases surveillance without consideration of the impacts of climate change. CONCLUSIONS: We argue that along with strengthening systemic issues (epidemiological capacity, data quality and inter-sectoral collaboration), it is necessary to build a stronger political commitment to urgently address the influence of climate change as a present and exponential risk factor in the spread of infectious disease in Nepal.
Children spend a significant proportion of their time at school and in school buildings. A healthy learning environment that supports children should be thermally conducive for learning and working. Here, we aimed to study the relations between indoor classroom temperatures and learner absenteeism as a proxy for children’s health and well-being. This one-year prospective study that spanned two calendar years (from June 2017 to May 2018) entailed measurement of indoor classroom temperature and relative humidity, calculated as apparent temperature (Tapp) and collection of daily absenteeism records for each classroom in schools in and around King Williams Town, Eastern Cape province, South Africa. Classroom characteristics were collected using a standardized observation checklist. Mean indoor classroom temperature ranged from 11 to 30 °C, while mean outdoor temperature ranged from 6 °C to 31 °C during the sample period. Indoor classroom temperatures typically exceeded outdoor temperatures by 5 °C for 90% of the study period. While multiple factors may influence absenteeism, we found absenteeism was highest at low indoor classroom Tapp (i.e., below 15 °C). Absenteeism decreased as indoor Tapp increased to about 25 °C before showing another increase in absenteeism. Classroom characteristics differed among schools. Analyses of indoor classroom temperature and absenteeism in relation to classroom characteristics showed few statistically significant relations-although not exceptionally strong ones-likely because of the multiple factors that influence absenteeism. However, given the possible relationship between indoor temperature and absenteeism, there is a learning imperative to consider thermal comfort as a fundamental element of school planning and design. Furthermore, additional research on factors besides temperature that affect learner absenteeism is needed, especially in rural areas.
INTRODUCTION: Disasters can have deep physical and psychological impact among survivors. An extraordinary southwest monsoon has unleashed floods and landslides in Kerala state in 2018. Adolescents are more vulnerable to psychological impairment after a disaster and trauma during initial stages of life can etch an indelible signature in the individual’s development and may lead to future disorders. OBJECTIVES: 1. To screen for PTSD and associated factors among adolescents 8 months post floods in selected schools in flood-affected areas of Alleppey district of Kerala 2. To compare the proportion of adolescents screened positive for PTSD in public and private schools. METHODOLOGY: A 3-month, Cross-sectional study was done among 670 adolescents in private and public schools using stratified sampling in Alleppey district. The study tool included a structured questionnaire that collected information on sociodemographics, flood-related variables, Trauma screening questionnaire and academic performance. RESULTS: The mean age of the participants was 16.03 ± 0.73 years with almost equal gender distribution. One-third of students reported flood-related damage to house/property, and a few lost their pets. Nearly 50% of the students reported that they still re-experience and get upsetting memories about flood events. The prevalence of probable PTSD noted to be 34.9%. We observed that 31% of students in public school screened positive for PTSD compared to 38.8% of private school students. (odds ratio = 1.409, CI 1.024-1.938). Male gender (Odds ratio = 1.503, CI 1.093-2.069), higher age (Odds ratio = 1.701, CI 1.120-2.585), damage during floods (Odds ratio = 2.566, CI 1.814-3.630), presence of morbidity (Odds ratio = 3.568, CI 1.888-6.743), camp stay (Odds ratio = 3.788, CI 2.364-6.067) and loss of pets (Odds ratio = 3.932, CI 2.019-7.657) were the factors significantly associated with PTSD. We noted a deterioration in academic performance in 45.9% of students who screened positive for PTSD. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: High prevalence of stress disorder highlights the need for early identification and intervention for PTSD and including trained counsellors as a part of the disaster management team in future.
This study investigated children’s perceptions and adaptive behaviors related to indoor thermal conditions of classrooms in primary schools with no air-conditioning systems during both summer and winter in Dehradun City, Uttarakhand, India. Responses were collected from 5297 school children aged 6-13 years. During the measurement periods, 100% and 94% of the samples were obtained under conditions outside an 80% thermally acceptable comfort range in winter and summer, respectively. The analysis using receiver operating characteristics suggested that the students had the least sensitivity to the temperature variation for all scales of the thermal sensation vote (TSV). Approximately 95.1% of students were “very satisfied”, “satisfied”, or “slightly satisfied” with the thermal conditions under the condition of “extreme caution” or “danger” of heat risk. In contrast, adaptive thermal behaviors, such as adjusting clothing insulation ensembles, opening or closing classroom windows and doors, and utilizing ceiling fans, were found to be the most affordable options for optimizing indoor thermal comfort. Children’s reports of thermal sensations and thermal satisfaction did not correspond to the actual physical environment. This draws attention to the adequacy of applying widely used methods of TSV-based identification of the thermal comfort range in classrooms for children, especially in hot environments. The findings of this study are expected to serve as an evidence-based reference for local governments and authorities to take appropriate measures to mitigate heat risks for schoolchildren in the future.
Lessons learned from recent pandemics, such as SARS-CoV-2 have illustrated that education and training in a One Health approach, which recognizes the interdependency of the health of people, animals and the environment, are essential in improving preparations for and responses to disease outbreaks. For this reason and others, there is a critical need to provide One Health (OH) training to medical professionals early in their careers. 133 U.S. medical schools were surveyed for the incorporation of OH learning activities. Results showed that 56% of surveyed programs included OH-related subject matter, primarily in the context of preclinical classroom learning. This supports previous findings that OH education efforts in medical schools lag behind veterinary schools, with many veterinary schools already including OH as a central part of their curricula. A two week OH elective course for third year medical students was developed and implemented at Georgetown University School of Medicine. Topics such as emerging infectious diseases, zoonoses, vector-borne diseases, epidemiology, emergency preparedness, the human-animal bond, and effects of climate change on public health were discussed. The 21 participants were surveyed before and after the course regarding their knowledge and understanding of OH. Participation in the course enhanced the students’ knowledge of OH and furthermore, the students’ perception of the importance of incorporating OH within the curriculum and in their future careers changed significantly. This study provides clear evidence that successful integration of OH material is achievable at low cost through interdepartmental and interdisciplinary collaboration. A more holistic approach to health care that takes into consideration environmental, wildlife, and domestic animal factors, and introduction of concepts such as OH into the medical school curriculum, can help close the educational gaps identified in the surveys.
This paper takes the United States as a case study on the gendered implications of hyper-incarceration in the age of climate emergency. Prisons here are often located on toxic sites and constitute sources of contamination; climate change and global warming exacerbate these conditions. Incarcerated women and their communities are particularly affected. The female incarceration rate has skyrocketed, and women come to the carceral complex with unique histories of abuse, and higher rates of physical and mental illness. Researchers and policymakers need to address, analyse, and include incarcerated women’s experiences of climate stress in global policy mechanisms such as the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) and the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (“Bangkok Rules”). Abolition feminism and the voices of incarcerated women should meaningfully help connect the dots in the larger framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Disaster research concerning the behavior of international students at U.S. institutions of higher education is very limited. The main objective of our study is to develop new knowledge about international student’s behavior at U.S. institutions of higher education in relation to hurricanes in order to enhance the overall campus crisis management. A mix of quantitative and qualitative methods was used to collect data from University of Florida (UF) main campus in Gainesville, Florida; UF administrative leaders committed to international students’ safety in emergencies were interviewed. In addition, 120 international students at UF were surveyed. The data analysis sought to provide insights into one main research question: In a disaster-context, what challenges do international students face that contribute to their vulnerability at UF main campus? Three main groups of challenges were found; Institutional challenges, Students’ well-being and daily challenges, and Disaster preparedness challenges. Moreover, considerable variations in students’ behavior were found among some demographics, including gender, ethnicity, housing, degree level, and previous hurricane experience. The research findings shed a light on a research area that has been under-investigated, and contribute to an increased understanding of international students’ vulnerabilities at U.S. institutions of higher education.
Climate change is putting the achievement of all Sustainable Development Goals at risk and leads to negative impacts on human health and well-being. Consequently, tremendous social responsibility lies with public health professionals and their associations. Therefore, this study addressed the following question: “How can the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) best support the goals of the European Green Deal through its network of public health schools and departments?” This study looked at the implementation of climate education in public health schools in the European region and climate action taken by these public health schools. An online survey among ASPHER members with a 51% overall response rate (excluding non-European members) shows that 64% of the responding schools provide climate-health educational offerings, while 63% consider these for the future. Additionally, most climate actions taken by the schools were ad hoc actions. These findings show that a systematic approach is missing, and there is a general lack of strategy in most schools. We consequently recommend that schools invest in climate and health education in their curricula and become exemplars for climate action to actively contribute to the achievement of Europe’s climate goals.
With global warming, heat waves are becoming more frequent and intense, particularly in northern latitudes, where the pace of warming is faster. Due to its northern location, Swedish society has been built primarily to manage a cold climate, and is less prepared to manage heat, which the 2018 heat wave demonstrated. While young children are recognized as vulnerable to heat, and are reliant on preschool care, few studies have examined how the young and vulnerable people are cared for during heat waves in the institutional preschool setting. This exploratory study demonstrates how children in preschool environments are vulnerable to heat, in order to identify management needs by assessing experienced impacts and responses to the 2018 heat wave in Sweden. Empirically, the study builds on a survey completed by 33 unit heads responsible for 77 preschools in the focused municipality, and qualitative interviews with five educators and five parents, as well as temperature measurements in three selected preschools. This study shows that: (i) children and educators are exposed to both high indoor and outdoor temperatures in the preschools; (ii) both children and educators were affected by the heat wave in the preschools, and their sensitivity is deeply intertwined due to their dependency relationship, rendering a form of double sensitivity to heat; and (iii) the preschool heads and educators were unprepared to sufficiently cope with the heat wave, and organizational strategies for managing heat were lacking, indicating weak adaptive capacity. The significant exposure to heat in preschool environments, the dual sensitivity of children and preschool educators, and the low organizational readiness resulting in uncoordinated responses to reduce heat stress suggest a pronounced vulnerability to heat waves in preschools.
Using a mixed-method approach consisting of interviews with preschool teachers and modelling of the outdoor thermal conditions using the mean radiant temperature as an indicator of heat stress, the occurrence of heat stress in Gothenburg preschools during the summer of 2018 and its effects have been studied. One third of 440 preschool yards modelled have more than 50% of the preschool yard-area exposed to strong heat stress during a warm and sunny summer day, implying children in many preschools have considerably less play area than current guidelines deem sufficient. Shade, where present, was mostly from trees within the preschool yards themselves rather from objects in surrounding areas, provided effective heat mitigation. In-terviews confirmed that excessive heat conditions at preschool yards resulted in tired, drowsy and overheated children as well as forcing the preschool to prioritise care over pedagogical activities. The results demonstrated that heat stress occurs at Gothenburg preschools, with difficulties in ensuring the well-being of children at many preschools as a consequence. Many preschools need more shade, preferably from trees to provide healthy and secure environments for preschool children. Finally, the study highlights the need for more research on how weather and outdoor environments affect children’s activity and well-being.
BACKGROUND: Anthropogenic climate change poses a major health risk to humankind. The healthcare sector both contributes to climate change and is vulnerable to its impacts. Healthcare’s greenhouse gas emissions are primarily derived from its supply chain: the production, transport, and disposal of goods. METHODS: Document analysis was used to investigate the workplace policies of one large, Western Canadian healthcare organization. Policies that indicated how employees should engage with resources were reviewed through the lens of environmentally responsible practice and planetary health. Content and thematic analysis were applied. RESULTS: Four themes were identified: procurement of resources, resource utilization, resource conservation, and waste management. CONCLUSION: There was little evidence of environmental or climate impact consideration within the organization’s policies. IMPLICATIONS: Healthcare organizations could benefit from integrating a planetary health perspective into their policies to deliver healthcare that considers the health and safety of both humans and the climate.
Background: The health impacts of heatwaves are a growing public health concern with the frequency, intensity, and duration of heatwaves increasing with global climate change. However, little is known about the healthcare costs and the attributable morbidity associated with heatwaves Objective This study aims to examine the relationship between heatwaves and costs of emergency department (ED) presentations, and to quantify heat-attributable burden during the warm seasons of 2014-2017, in Adelaide, South Australia. Methods: Daily data on ED presentations and associated costs for the period 2014-2017 were obtained from the South Australian Department of Health and Wellbeing. Heatwave intensity was determined using the excess heat factor (EHF) index, obtained from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. A distributed lag non-linear model (DLNM) was used to quantify the cumulative risk of heatwave-intensity over a lag of 0-7 days on ED presentations and costs. Effects of heatwaves were estimated relative to no heatwave. The number of ED presentations and costs attributable to heatwaves was calculated separately for two EHF severity categories (low-intensity and severe/extreme heatwaves). Subgroup analyses by disease-diagnosis groups and age categories were performed. Results: For most disease diagnosis and age categories, low-intensity and severe heatwaves were associated with higher rates of ED presentations and costs. We estimated a total of 1161 (95% empirical confidence interval (eCI): 342, 1944) heatwave-attributable all-cause ED presentations and associated healthcare costs (thousands) of AU $1020.3 (95% eCI: 224.9, 1804.7) during the warm seasons of 2014-2017. The heat-related illness was the disease category contributing most to ED presentations and costs. Age groups 0-14 and >= 65 years were most susceptible to heat. Conclusions: Heatwaves produced a statistically significant case-load and cost burden to the ED. Developing tailored interventions for the most vulnerable populations may help reduce the health impacts of heatwaves and to minimise the cost burden to the healthcare system. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Iran is a disaster-prone country, and many flood events occur in its provinces annually. The unprecedented amount of rainfall in the northern region of Iran (from March 17 to 22, 2019) led to flash flooding of the Golestan Province. Objectives: This study assessed the challenges and strengths of health-related needs in the first 10 days after the great flood in Golestan; via interviews with experts. Methods: This cross-sectional and qualitative study was carried out in Gonbad-e-Kavoos, Anbar Alum, Aq-Qala, Simin Shahr, and Gomishan cities of the flood-hit province of Golestan from March 21, to April 13 in 2019. The data were collected using the researcher’s field observations and interviews with 26 experts and policymakers. Results: The findings were categorized into 10 main groups namely mental health, environmental health, health education, maternal, infant, and child health, nutrition, epidemics, drugs, mobile hospitals, non-communicable diseases, and management. Environmental health issues were faced with a wide range of challenges. Conclusion: Due to the insufficient development of many health infrastructures in underdeveloped and developing countries, health policymakers and disaster management experts should collaborate before and after the disaster to detect and resolve the flaws. This could help reduce health problems and challenges when a natural disaster occurs, particularly by diminishing the number of morbidities and mortalities.
OBJECTIVES: Modelling and assessing the loss of geographical accessibility is key to support disaster response and rehabilitation of the healthcare system. The aim of this study was therefore to estimate postdisaster travel times to functional health facilities and analyse losses in accessibility coverage after Cyclones Idai and Kenneth in Mozambique in 2019. SETTING: We modelled travel time of vulnerable population to the nearest functional health facility in two cyclone-affected regions in Mozambique. Modelling was done using AccessMod V.5.6.30, where roads, rivers, lakes, flood extent, topography and land cover datasets were overlaid with health facility coordinates and high-resolution population data to obtain accessibility coverage estimates under different travel scenarios. OUTCOME MEASURES: Travel time to functional health facilities and accessibility coverage estimates were used to identify spatial differences between predisaster and postdisaster geographical accessibility. RESULTS: We found that accessibility coverage decreased in the cyclone-affected districts, as a result of reduced travel speeds, barriers to movement, road constraints and non-functional health facilities. In Idai-affected districts, accessibility coverage decreased from 78.8% to 52.5%, implying that 136?941 children under 5 years of age were no longer able to reach the nearest facility within 2?hours travel time. In Kenneth-affected districts, accessibility coverage decreased from 82.2% to 71.5%, corresponding to 14?330 children under 5 years of age having to travel >2?hours to reach the nearest facility. Damage to transport networks and reduced travel speeds resulted in the most substantial accessibility coverage losses in both Idai-affected and Kenneth-affected districts. CONCLUSIONS: Postdisaster accessibility modelling can increase our understanding of spatial differences in geographical access to care in the direct aftermath of a disaster and can inform targeting and prioritisation of limited resources. Our results reflect opportunities for integrating accessibility modelling in early disaster response, and to inform discussions on health system recovery, mitigation and preparedness.
OBJECTIVE: Floods are one of the most common types of disasters in Bangladesh and lead to direct and indirect impacts on health. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of floods on Maternal and Newborn Healthcare (MNH) utilization in Bangladesh between the years 2011 and 2014. METHODS: We used variables from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2014 data and georeferenced data of floods between 2011 and 2014 from the Emergency Events Database. Multivariate logistic regression was used to determine whether the flood-affected exposures were significant in predicting differences in MNH utilization. RESULTS: The odds for the received antenatal care by skilled providers, institutional deliveries, deliveries by c-section, and postnatal care of the babies were significantly lower (Unadjusted OR?=?0.81, 0.88, 0.83, and 0.82 respectively; P?0.05) in the flood-affected area than the non-affected area. Additionally, the odds of postnatal checkup of women was statistically significant (P?0.001) and less likely to be received in flood-affected area (OR?=?0.76). The odds of all indicators were significantly lower (OR?1) for the women living in the twice and four times flooded areas compared to the once flooded areas. CONCLUSIONS FOR PRACTICE: The study shows that floods can have a negative impact on MNH utilization. In addition, repeated floods have a worse impact on MNH utilization than incidental floods. Extra effort should be put on ensuring access to MNH of women in flood-affected areas.
Extreme weather events pose significant threats to urban health in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa where there are systemic health challenges. This paper investigates health system vulnerabilities associated with flooding and extreme heat, along with strategies for resilience building by service providers and community members, in Accra and Tamale, Ghana. We employed field observations, rainfall records, temperature measurements, and semi-structured interviews in health facilities within selected areas of both cities. Results indicate that poor building conditions, unstable power supply, poor sanitation and hygiene, and the built environment reduce access to healthcare for residents of poor urban areas. Health facilities are sited in low-lying areas with poor drainage systems and can be 6 °C warmer at night than reported by official records from nearby weather stations. This is due to a combination of greater thermal inertia of the buildings and the urban heat island effect. Flooding and extreme heat interact with socioeconomic conditions to impact physical infrastructure and disrupt community health as well as health facility operations. Community members and health facilities make infrastructural and operational adjustments to reduce extreme weather stress and improve healthcare provision to clients. These measures include: mobilisation of residents to clear rubbish and unclog drains; elevating equipment to protect it from floods; improving ventilation during extreme heat; and using alternative power sources for emergency surgery and storage during outages. Stakeholders recommend additional actions to manage flood and heat impacts on health in their cities, such as, improving the capacity of drainage systems to carry floodwaters, and routine temperature monitoring to better manage heat in health facilities. Finally, more timely and targeted information systems and emergency response plans are required to ensure preparedness for extreme weather events in urban areas.
INTRODUCTION: Hurricanes have increased in severity over the past 35 years, and climate change has led to an increased frequency of catastrophic flooding. The impact of floods on emergency department (ED) operations and patient health has not been well studied. We sought to detail challenges and lessons learned from the severe weather event caused by Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas, in August 2017. METHODS: This report combines narrative data from interviews with retrospective data on patient volumes, mode of arrival, and ED lengths of stay (LOS). We compared the five-week peri-storm period for the 2017 hurricane to similar periods in 2015 and 2016. RESULTS: For five days, flooding limited access to the hospital, with a consequent negative impact on provider staffing availability, disposition and transfer processes, and resource consumption. Interruption of patient transfer capabilities threatened patient safety, but flexibility of operations prevented poor outcomes. The total ED patient census for the study period decreased in 2017 (7062 patients) compared to 2015 (7665 patients) and 2016 (7770) patients). Over the five-week study period, the arrival-by-ambulance rate was 12.45% in 2017 compared to 10.1% in 2016 (p < 0.0001) and 13.7% in 2015 (p < 0.0001). The median ED length of stay (LOS) in minutes for admitted patients was 976 minutes in 2015 (p < 0.0001) compared to 723 minutes in 2016 and 591 in 2017 (p < 0.0001). For discharged patients, median ED LOS was 336 minutes in 2016 compared to 356 in 2015 (p < 0.0001) and 261 in 2017 (p < 0.0001). Median boarding time for admitted ED patients was 284 minutes in 2016 compared to 470 in 2015 (p < 0.0001) and 234.5 in 2017 (p < 0.001). Water damage resulted in a loss of 133 of 179 inpatient beds (74%). Rapid and dynamic ED process changes were made to share ED beds with admitted patients and to maximize transfers post-flooding to decrease ED boarding times. CONCLUSION: A number of pre-storm preparations could have allowed for smoother and safer ride-out functioning for both hospital personnel and patients. These measures include surplus provisioning of staff and supplies to account for limited facility access. During a disaster, innovative flexibility of both ED and hospital operations may be critical when disposition and transfer capibilities or bedding capacity are compromised.