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The antecedents of adolescents’ climate change concern in Cambodia

Understanding climate change concern among adolescents is considered a useful strategy for building public engagement with climate change. However, the psychological and sociodemographic antecedents of climate change concern have been studied mainly with Western adults. We used structural equation modeling (SEM) to gain insights into the factors predicting climate change concern among adolescents in Cambodia to be used to support the planning of climate related education. The results of a survey with students in grades 7-9 (N = 389) show that ecological worldview-or belief in an ecocrisis-is the strongest predictor of climate change concern among Cambodian adolescents. Altruistic environmental concern is associated with the strength of the ecological worldview. Building understanding of the human impact on climate and reflection on altruistic motives for environmental action may be good focal points for climate change education in Cambodia, however more research is needed to better understand climate change concern and its individual and cultural predictors in Cambodia and elsewhere outside the West.

Riverine food environments and food security: A case study of the Mekong River, Cambodia

Rivers are critical, but often overlooked, parts of food systems. They have multiple functions that support the food security, nutrition, health and livelihoods of the communities surrounding them. However, given current unsustainable food system practices, damming and climate change, the majority of the world’s largest rivers are increasingly susceptible to environmental degradation, with negative implications for the communities that rely on them. Here we describe the dynamism and multifaceted nature of rivers as food environments (i.e. the place within food systems where people obtain their food) and their role in securing food security including improved diets and overall health. We also provide a conceptual framework that explain rivers as food environments within the broader food system and describe approaches to characterizing these food environments to better inform our understanding of how they influence food security and nutrition outcomes. Applying this framework to the Mekong River in Cambodia, we describe rivers as multifaceted wild food environments embedded within ecosystems, sociocultural and political environments and sectors of influence. We also explain the ways in which individual factors might influence how communities interact with this food environment. Developing and articulating food-related, ecosystem-specific frameworks and their constructs can guide implementation of policies aimed to improve specific public health or environmental sustainability outcomes. Our conceptual framework incorporates the multiple dimensions of rivers, which will aid future work and public health policy framing to better describe, understand and intervene to ensure protection of rivers’ biodiversity and ecosystems as well as food security, health and livelihoods.

National dengue surveillance, Cambodia 2002-2020

Global dengue incidence has increased dramatically over the past few decades from approximately 500 000 reported cases in 2000 to over 5 million in 2019. This trend has been attributed to population growth in endemic areas, rapid unplanned urbanization, increasing global connectivity, and climate change expanding the geographic range of the Aedes spp. mosquito, among other factors. Reporting dengue surveillance data is key to understanding the scale of the problem, identifying important changes in the landscape of disease, and developing policies for clinical management, vector control and vaccine rollout. However, surveillance practices are not standardized, and data may be difficult to interpret particularly in low- and middle-income countries with fragmented health-care systems. The latest national dengue surveillance data for Cambodia was published in 2010. Since its publication, the country experienced marked changes in health policies, population demographics, climate and urbanization. How these changes affected dengue control remains unknown. In this article, we summarize two decades of policy changes, published literature, country statistics, and dengue case data collected by the Cambodia National Dengue Control Programme to: (i) identify important changes in the disease landscape; and (ii) derive lessons to inform future surveillance and disease control strategies. We report that while dengue case morbidity and mortality rates in Cambodia fell between 2002 and 2020, dengue incidence doubled and age at infection increased. Future national surveillance, disease prevention and treatment, and vector control policies will have to account for these changes to optimize disease control.

Health risk assessment of trace elements in the Tonle Sap Great Lake and the Tonle Sap River in Cambodia during the rainy season

To investigate the potential health risk of trace elements in the Tonle Sap Great Lake system, lake (n = 37) and river (n = 14) water samples were collected and analyzed for 19 trace elements (Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Tl, U and Zn) using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. As a result, Cd was not detected in any river and lake water samples. Al, Fe and Mn in lake water exceeded the regulation limits of Cambodia, USEPA and WHO. Health risk assessment using the USEPA model indicated that male and female Cambodian residents are at minimal risk of non-carcinogenic effects from single and mixed trace elements through lake and river water consumption. Nevertheless, As, Tl, Co, Ba, Mn and Cr might pose high potential health risks to consumers which required more attention. Therefore, regular monitoring and further studies are required to investigate the pollution trends and toxic behavior of these trace elements in this Tonle Sap Great Lake system.

Effects of weather on the health of individuals: Comparative evidence from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam

Although there is no doubt about the harmful effects of extreme weather and climate events, there is no consensus on the magnitude of these effects on health and disease infection. This study aims to evaluate the effect of temperature and precipitation on the health of individuals in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam using district fixed-effects regression. It finds that exposure to high temperature not only causes sickness and fever but also increases the risk of getting diarrhoea – an infectious disease. High precipitation also increases the probability of getting diseases. However, the effect of precipitation is remarkably lower than that of temperature. The effects of temperature and precipitation differ for different population groups. In Laos and Vietnam, urban and highly educated individuals are less likely to be affected by temperature and precipitation than rural and less educated ones.

Determinants of exposure to Aedes mosquitoes: A comprehensive geospatial analysis in peri-urban Cambodia

Aedes mosquitoes are some of the most important and globally expansive vectors of disease. Public health efforts are largely focused on prevention of human-vector contact. A range of entomological indices are used to measure risk of disease, though with conflicting results (i.e. larval or adult abundance does not always predict risk of disease). There is a growing interest in the development and use of biomarkers for exposure to mosquito saliva, including for Aedes spp, as a proxy for disease risk. In this study, we conduct a comprehensive geostatistical analysis of exposure to Aedes mosquito bites among a pediatric cohort in a peri‑urban setting endemic to dengue, Zika, and chikungunya viruses. We use demographic, household, and environmental variables (the flooding index (NFI), land type, and proximity to a river) in a Bayesian geostatistical model to predict areas of exposure to Aedes aegypti bites. We found that hotspots of exposure to Ae. aegypti salivary gland extract (SGE) were relatively small (< 500 m and sometimes < 250 m) and stable across the two-year study period. Age was negatively associated with antibody responses to Ae. aegypti SGE. Those living in agricultural settings had lower antibody responses than those living in urban settings, whereas those living near recent surface water accumulation were more likely to have higher antibody responses. Finally, we incorporated measures of larval and adult density in our geostatistical models and found that they did not show associations with antibody responses to Ae. aegypti SGE after controlling for other covariates in the model. Our results indicate that targeted house- or neighborhood-focused interventions may be appropriate for vector control in this setting. Further, demographic and environmental factors more capably predicted exposure to Ae. aegypti mosquitoes than commonly used entomological indices.

Air pollution mitigation assessment to inform Cambodia’s first clean air plan

Cambodia’s 16.5 million people are exposed to air pollution in excess of World Health Organisation guidelines. The Royal Government of Cambodia has regulated air pollutant emissions and concentrations since 2000, but rapid economic growth and energy consumption means air pollution continues to impact human health. In December 2021, the Ministry of Environment of Cambodia published Cambodia’s first Clean Air Plan that outlines actions to reduce air pollutant emissions over the next decade. This work presents the quantitative air pollution mitigation assessment underpinning the identification and evaluation of measures included in Cambodia’s Clean Air Plan. Historic emissions of particulate matter (PM(2.5), black carbon, organic carbon) and gaseous (nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, sulphur dioxide, ammonia, and carbon monoxide) air pollutants are quantified between 2010 and 2015, and projected to 2030 for a baseline scenario. Mitigation scenarios reflecting implementation of 14 measures included in Cambodia’s Clean Air Plan were modelled, to quantify the national reduction in emissions, from which the reduction in ambient PM(2.5) exposure and attributable health burdens were estimated. In 2015, the residential, transport, and waste sectors contribute the largest fraction of national total air pollutant emissions. Without emission reduction measures, air pollutant emissions could increase by between 50 and 150% in 2030 compared to 2015 levels, predominantly due to increases in transport emissions. The implementation of the 14 mitigation measures could substantially reduce emissions of all air pollutants, by between 60 and 80% in 2030 compared to the baseline. This reduction in emissions was estimated to avoid approximately 900 (95% C.I.: 530-1200) premature deaths per year in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario. In addition to improving air pollution and public health, Cambodia’s Clean Air Plan could also to lead to additional benefits, including a 19% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, simultaneously contributing to Cambodia’s climate change goals.

We have a plan for that’: A qualitative study of health system resilience through the perspective of health workers managing antenatal and childbirth services during floods in Cambodia

OBJECTIVE: Health system resilience can increase a system’s ability to deal with shocks like floods. Studying health systems that currently exhibit the capacity for resilience when shocked could enhance our understanding about what generates and influences resilience. This study aimed to generate empirical knowledge on health system resilience by exploring how public antenatal and childbirth health services in Cambodia have absorbed, adapted or transformed in response to seasonal and occasional floods. DESIGN: A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis and informed by the Dimensions of Resilience Governance framework. SETTING: Public sector healthcare facilities and health departments in two districts exposed to flooding. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-three public sector health professionals with experience providing or managing antenatal and birth services during recent flooding. RESULTS: The theme ‘Collaboration across the system creates adaptability in the response’ reflects how collaboration and social relationships among providers, staff and the community have delineated boundaries for actions and decisions for services during floods. Floods were perceived as having a modest impact on health services. Knowing the boundaries on decision-making and having preparation and response plans let staff prepare and respond in a flexible yet stable way. The theme was derived from ideas of (1) seasonal floods as a minor strain on the system compared with persistent, system-wide organisational stresses the system already experiences, (2) the ability of the health services to adjust and adapt flood plans, (3) a shared purpose and working process during floods, (4) engagement at the local level to fulfil a professional duty to the community, and (5) creating relationships between health system levels and the community to enable flood response. CONCLUSION: The capacity to absorb and adapt to floods was seen among the public sector services. Strategies that enhance stability and flexibility may foster the capacity for health system resilience.

Human Climate Horizons (HCH)

Staying afloat: Community perspectives on health system resilience in the management of pregnancy and childbirth care during floods in Cambodia

INTRODUCTION: Resilient health systems have the capacity to continue providing health services to meet the community’s diverse health needs following floods. This capacity is related to how the community manages its own health needs and the community and health system’s joined capacities for resilience. Yet little is known about how community participation influences health systems resilience. The purpose of this study was to understand how community management of pregnancy and childbirth care during floods is contributing to the system’s capacity to absorb, adapt or transform as viewed through a framework on health systems resilience. METHODS: Eight focus group discussions and 17 semi-structured interviews were conducted with community members and leaders who experienced pregnancy or childbirth during recent flooding in rural Cambodia. The data were analysed by thematic analysis and discussed in relation to the resilience framework. RESULTS: The theme ‘Responsible for the status quo’ reflected the community’s responsibility to find ways to manage pregnancy and childbirth care, when neither the expectations of the health system nor the available benefits changed during floods. The theme was informed by notions on: i) developmental changes, the unpredictable nature of floods and limited support for managing care, ii) how information promoted by the public health system led to a limited decision-making space for pregnancy and childbirth care, iii) a desire for security during floods that outweighed mistrust in the public health system and iv) the limits to the coping strategies that the community prepared in case of flooding. CONCLUSIONS: The community mainly employed absorptive strategies to manage their care during floods, relieving the burden on the health system, yet restricted support and decision-making may risk their capacity. Further involvement in decision-making for care could help improve the health system’s resilience by creating room for the community to adapt and transform when experiencing floods.

Heat wave trends in Southeast Asia during 1979–2018: The impact of humidity

Natural disasters, preferences, and behaviors: Evidence from the 2011 mega flood in Cambodia

Urban Climate Vulnerability in Cambodia: A Case Study in Koh Kong Province

Impacts of climate change on snakehead fish value chains in the lower Mekong Basin of Cambodia and Vietnam

Assessing the performance of remotely-sensed flooding indicators and their potential contribution to early warning for leptospirosis in Cambodia

Effects of weather factors on dengue fever incidence and implications for interventions in Cambodia

Diarrheal diseases and climate change in Cambodia: Environmental epidemiology and opportunities for adaptation

Assessing the institutional capacity to adapt to climate change: A case study in the Cambodian health and water sectors

Water-borne diseases and extreme weather events in Cambodia: Review of impacts and implications of climate change

Using social network analysis to evaluate health-related adaptation decision-making in Cambodia

Spatial epidemiology and climatic predictors of paediatric dengue infections captured via sentinel site surveillance, Phnom Penh Cambodia 2011-2012

Assessing vulnerability to climate change impacts in Cambodia, the Philippines and Vietnam: An analysis at the commune and household level

Enabling environments? Insights into the policy context for climate change and health adaptation decision-making in Cambodia

Quantifying changes in flooding and habitats in the Tonle Sap Lake (Cambodia) caused by water infrastructure development and climate change in the Mekong Basin

Ensuring safe water for communities affected by arsenic contamination in Cambodia

Mekong Flood and Drought Forecasting

Flash Flood Guidance System with Global Coverage (FFGS)