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Aflatoxins in maize from Serbia and Croatia: Implications of climate change

Aflatoxins (AFs) represent the most important mycotoxin group, whose presence in food and feed poses significant global health and economic issues. The occurrence of AFs in maize is a burning problem worldwide, mainly attributed to droughts. In recent years, Serbia and Croatia faced climate changes followed by a warming trend. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to estimate the influence of weather on AFs occurrence in maize from Serbia and Croatia in the 2018-2021 period. The results indicate that hot and dry weather witnessed in the year 2021 resulted in the highest prevalence of AFs in maize samples in both Serbia (84%) and Croatia (40%). In maize harvested in 2018-2020, AFs occurred in less than, or around, 10% of Serbian and 20% of Croatian samples. In order to conduct a comprehensive study on the implications of climate change for the occurrence of AFs in maize grown in these two countries, the results of available studies performed in the last thirteen years were searched for and discussed.

Characterisation and toxicological activity of three different pseudo-nitzschia species from the northern Adriatic Sea (Croatia)

Diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia are cosmopolitans spread in seas and oceans worldwide, with more than 50 described species, dozens of which have been confirmed to produce domoic acid (DA). Here, we characterized and investigated the toxicological activity of secondary metabolites excreted into the growth media of different Pseudo-nitzschia species sampled at various locations in the northern Adriatic Sea (Croatia) using human blood cells under in vitro conditions. The results revealed that three investigated species of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia were capable of producing DA indicating their toxic potential. Moreover, toxicological data suggested all three Pseudo-nitzschia species can excrete toxic secondary metabolites into the surrounding media in addition to the intracellular pools of DA, raising concerns regarding their toxicity and environmental impact. In addition, all three Pseudo-nitzchia species triggered oxidative stress, one of the mechanisms of action likely responsible for the DNA damage observed in human blood cells. In line with the above stated, our results are of great interest to environmental toxicologists, the public and policy makers, especially in light of today’s climate change, which favours harmful algal blooms and the growth of DA producers with a presumed negative impact on the public health of coastal residents.

Zero regrets: scaling up action on climate change mitigation and adaptation for health in the WHO European Region, second edition. Key messages from the Working Group on Health in Climate Change

Climate change and health: the national policy overview in Europe

Map viewer: Accessibility of hospitals in Europe

Map viewer: Availability of urban green spaces to vulnerable groups

Map viewer: Exposure of vulnerable groups and social infrastructure to climate-related risks

Climate change as a threat to health and well-being in Europe: focus on heat and infectious diseases

Human Climate Horizons (HCH)

Climate assessments – Croatia

UV Index – Croatia

Climate Atlas of Croatia

The trends of human dirofilariasis in Croatia: Yesterday – today – tomorrow

INTRODUCTION: Human dirofilariasis is a disease historically linked to the Mediterranean area. For the last few decades, however, Dirofilaria nematodes have been spreading, both in terms of prevalence and the geographical expansion in non-endemic areas. Currently, cases of human dirofilariasis are recorded in more than 40 countries worldwide. Croatia is considered an endemic area of the Adriatic basin. METHODS: In a nationwide investigation, new and previously published cases of human dirofilariasis in Croatia were analyzed. RESULTS: Since 1996, 30 cases of human dirofilariosis were reported in Croatia. A total of 14 (46,67%) cases were from the coastal and 16 (53,33%) from continental regions of the country. Based on anatomical location, 13 (43,33%) cases were subcutaneous, 12 (40%) were ocular and five (16,67%) occurred in the reproductive organs. In all 30 cases, Dirofilaria repens was identified as the causative agent. CONCLUSIONS: An increase in air temperature as climate change, changes in mosquito fauna, high prevalence of D. repens in dogs and limited use of chemoprophylaxis are possible risk factors for Dirofilaria infection in the Croatian population. Since reporting to epidemiological services is not mandatory in this country, the real number of human dirofilariasis cases is probably significantly higher than published. This emphasizes the need for mandatory reporting of human cases and surveillance of Dirofilaria infection in dogs and mosquitoes in Croatia, following the “One Health” concept.

Human ophthalmomyiasis caused by Oestrus ovis-first report from Croatia and review on cases from Mediterranean countries

Oestrus ovis is the most common cause of human ophthalmomyiasis. So far, majority of ophthalmomyiasis cases have been reported from Mediterranean countries, but not from Croatia. In current study, we present first two cases of human ophthalmomyiasis in Croatia, caused by O. ovis larvae. Reviewing a PubMed database, additional 259 cases of human ophthalmomyiasis in countries of Mediterranean basin have been reported. A total of 260 (99.62%) cases had external, while 1 (0.38%) had internal form of ocular myiasis. In all cases, O. ovis larvae were identified as the causative agent. O. ovis infestation is usually reported in shepherds and farmers although there is a high prevalence of infection in urban areas as well. Various climatic factors influence O. ovis larvipositional activity. Air temperature is the most important factor affecting O. ovis larviposition, while humidity, wind speed, and time of the day play only a moderate role. Most common symptoms of ophthalmomyiasis are irritation and redness, and in more than half of cases infestation is multiple. Ophthalmomyiasis interna is eye-compromising condition. Since there is reduced awareness among patients and medical professionals, the real number of ophthalmomyiasis cases is probably significantly higher than published. Global warming predisposes future increase of O. ovis prevalence in humans, which emphasizes the need for mandatory reporting and surveillance of disease.

Climate Service Provider Profiles

Impact of meteorological factors on suicide attempts and completed suicides in Croatia, Osijek-Baranja County

New trends in human and animal leptospirosis in Croatia, 2009-2014

Impact of meteorological parameters and air pollution on emergency department visits for cardiovascular diseases in the city of Zagreb, Croatia

Climatic factors and epidemiologic characteristics of head and neck skin malignancies in Osijek Baranja County, Croatia

Diurnal variation in airborne pollen concentrations of the selected Taxa in Zagreb, Croatia

Sunlight and incidence of pterygium on Croatian Island Rab–Epidemiological study

Assessment of exposure to methylmercury from fish and seafood on the Croatian coast

South-East European Multi-Hazard Early Warning Advisory System

Croatia Air Quality Data

Croatia Lightening Strike Data

Croatia 3-day Thermal Comfort Forecast

Croatia forest fire hazard index

Drought monitoring – Croatia

Croatia UV Index

Croatia Biometeorological Forecast

Flash Flood Guidance System with Global Coverage (FFGS)