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Plan andino de salud y cambio climático 2020-2025 / Andean Health and Climate Change Plan 2020-2025

Case Study: Anticipatory Action to Reduce the Impact of Extreme Weather Events on Health

Assessment of the impact of higher temperatures due to climate change on the mortality risk indexes in Ecuador until 2070

Extreme weather conditions, including intense heat stress due to higher temperatures, could trigger an increase in mortality risk. One way to evaluate the increase in mortality risk due to higher temperatures is the high risk warming (HRW) index, which evaluates the difference between the future and base period of a given percentile of daily maximum temperature (Tmax). Another is to calculate the future increase in the number of days over the temperature of such percentile, named high risk days (HRD) index. Previous studies point to the 84th percentile as the optimum temperature. Thus, this study aims to evaluate HRW and HRD indexes in Ecuador from 2011 to 2070 over the three natural climate zones, e.g., Coast, Andes, and Amazon. This climate analysis is based on historical data from meteorological stations and projections from CSIRO-MK36, GISS-E2, and IPSL-CM5A-MR, CMIP5 global climate models with dynamical scale reduction through weather research forecasting (WRF). The representative concentration pathways (RCPs), 8.5, were considered, which are related to the highest increases in future temperature. The results indicate that HRW and HRD will experience a larger increase in the period 2041-2070 compared with the period 1980-2005; in particular, these two indices will have a progressively increasing trend from 2011 onward. Specifically, the HRW calculated from the CMIP5 models for all stations is expected to grow from 0.6 degrees C to 1.4 degrees C and 1.8 degrees C to 4.6 degrees C for 2010-2040 and 2041-2070, respectively. Also, it is expected that the HRD for all stations will increase from 42 to 74 and 120 to 227 warming days for 2011-2040 and 2041-2070, respectively. The trends derived using Sen’s slope test show an increase in the HRW between 0.5 degrees C and 0.9 degrees C/decade and of the HRD between 2.88 and 4.9 days/decade since 1985. These results imply a high increase in heat-related mortality risks related to climate change in Ecuador. In terms of spatial distribution, three Ecuadorian regions experienced more critical temperature conditions with higher values of HRW and HRD for 2070. As a response to the increased frequency trends of warming periods in tropical areas, urgent measures should be taken to review public policies and legislation to mitigate the impacts of heat as a risk for human health in Ecuador.

Household and climate factors influence Aedes aegypti presence in the arid city of Huaquillas, Ecuador

Arboviruses transmitted by Aedes aegypti (e.g., dengue, chikungunya, Zika) are of major public health concern on the arid coastal border of Ecuador and Peru. This high transit border is a critical disease surveillance site due to human movement-associated risk of transmission. Local level studies are thus integral to capturing the dynamics and distribution of vector populations and social-ecological drivers of risk, to inform targeted public health interventions. Our study examines factors associated with household-level Ae. aegypti presence in Huaquillas, Ecuador, while accounting for spatial and temporal effects. From January to May of 2017, adult mosquitoes were collected from a cohort of households (n = 63) in clusters (n = 10), across the city of Huaquillas, using aspirator backpacks. Household surveys describing housing conditions, demographics, economics, travel, disease prevention, and city services were conducted by local enumerators. This study was conducted during the normal arbovirus transmission season (January-May), but during an exceptionally dry year. Household level Ae. aegypti presence peaked in February, and counts were highest in weeks with high temperatures and a week after increased rainfall. Univariate analyses with proportional odds logistic regression were used to explore household social-ecological variables and female Ae. aegypti presence. We found that homes were more likely to have Ae. aegypti when households had interruptions in piped water service. Ae. aegypti presence was less likely in households with septic systems. Based on our findings, infrastructure access and seasonal climate are important considerations for vector control in this city, and even in dry years, the arid environment of Huaquillas supports Ae. aegypti breeding habitat.

Human Climate Horizons (HCH)

The IAI Compendium on Climate Change Impacts in Latin America and the Caribbean

Time-lagged inverse-distance weighting for air temperature analysis in an equatorial urban area (Guayaquil, Ecuador)

It is well known that sudden variations of air temperature have the potential to cause severe impacts on human health. Therefore, it becomes necessary to provide information capable of quantifying the severity of the problem, considering that the continuous increase of temperature due to global warming and urban development will cause more intense effects in heavily populated areas. Due to its geographical location and local characteristics, Ecuador, a country located on the western coast of South America, is characterized by a high vulnerability to climatic extremes. The present research develops an evaluation of urban climate change effects through the analysis of extreme temperature indices using four meteorological stations situated in the city of Guayaquil (southwest Ecuador). Since the available data are not adequate for extreme temperature indices criteria, it was necessary to employ an infilling method for times series in an innovative way that can be applicable at the small scale. Thus, a cross-correlation-enhanced inverse distance weighting (CC-IDW) method was proposed. The method entails a spatial interpolation based on data of urban stations situated outside of Guayaquil by taking into account cross-correlation among times series at precise lags that leads to an improvement in the way of estimating the missing values. Subsequently, a homogeneity test, data quality control and the calculation of extreme temperature indices chosen from those proposed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) were implemented. The results show that there is a general tendency of warming with quite homogenous temperatures for all considered stations. However, it should be recognized that the climate pattern of this region is strongly modulated by the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle. Only for two extreme indices: the highest maximum temperature (TXx) and the warm days (TX90p), are the resulting trend co-efficients statistically significant. The study suggests a deteriorated climatic condition due to heat stress that warrants further study using the available database for the city of Guayaquil.

The relative role of climate variation and control interventions on Malaria elimination efforts in El Oro, Ecuador: A modeling study

Malaria is a vector-borne disease of significant public health concern. Despite widespread success of many elimination initiatives, elimination efforts in some regions of the world have stalled. Barriers to malaria elimination include climate and land use changes, such as warming temperatures and urbanization, which can alter mosquito habitats. Socioeconomic factors, such as political instability and regional migration, also threaten elimination goals. This is particularly relevant in areas where local elimination has been achieved and consequently surveillance and control efforts are dwindling and are no longer a priority. Understanding how environmental change, impacts malaria elimination has important practical implications for vector control and disease surveillance strategies. It is important to consider climate change when monitoring the threat of malaria resurgence due to socioeconomic influences. However, there is limited assessment of how the combination of climate variation, interventions and socioeconomic pressures influence long-term trends in malaria transmission and elimination efforts. In this study, we used Bayesian hierarchical mixed models and malaria case data for a 29-year period to disentangle the impacts of climate variation and malaria control efforts on malaria risk in the Ecuadorian province of El Oro, which achieved local elimination in 2011. We found shifting patterns of malaria between rural and urban areas, with a relative increase ofPlasmodium vivaxin urbanized areas. Minimum temperature was an important driver of malaria seasonality and the association between warmer minimum temperatures and malaria incidence was greater forPlasmodium falciparumcompared toP. vivaxmalaria. There was considerable heterogeneity in the impact of three chemical vector control measures on bothP. falciparumandP. vivaxmalaria. We found statistically significant associations between two of the three measures [indoor residual spraying (IRS) and space spraying] and a reduction in malaria incidence, which varied between malaria type. We also found environmental suitability for malaria transmission is increasing in El Oro, which could limit future elimination efforts if malaria is allowed to re-establish. Our findings have important implications for understanding environmental obstacles to malaria elimination and highlights the importance of designing and sustaining elimination efforts in areas that remain vulnerable to resurgence.

Perceptions of local vulnerability and the relative importance of climate change in rural Ecuador

Rural, natural resource dependent communities are especially vulnerable to climate change, and their input is critical in developing solutions, but the study of risk perception within and among vulnerable communities remains underdeveloped. Our multi-disciplinary research team used a mixed-methods approach to document, analyze, and conceptualize the interacting factors that shape vulnerability and to explore community members’ perceptions of the role and relative importance of climate change compared to other factors in three rural communities in Ecuador. Economic instability, lack of access to basic services, and environmental degradation are perceived as greater threats to community well being than increasing seasonal variability and flooding. Programs and policies directed at climate change adaptation should integrate climate and non-climate related stressors. Our findings also point to a greater need for collaboration across public health, poverty alleviation, and environmental management fields through practical research targeting assistance to vulnerable populations.

Health and Climate Change Urban Profiles: Quito

Plan andino de salud y cambio climático 2020-2025

Agenda for the Americas on Health, Environment, and Climate Change 2021–2030

Health Benefits of Open Streets in Latin America

Vector-virus microclimate surveillance system for dengue control in Machala, Ecuador

Innovative community-based data collection to understand and find solutions to rainfall-related diarrhoeal diseases in Ecuador

Ecuador–Peru cooperation for climate-informed dengue surveillance: creating an interdisciplinary multinational team

Spatiotemporal analysis of influenza morbidity and its association with climatic and housing conditions in Ecuador

Social-ecological modelling of the spatial distribution of dengue fever and its temporal dynamics in Guayaquil, Ecuador for climate change adaption

Seasonal patterns of dengue fever in rural Ecuador: 2009-2016

Present and future incidence of dengue fever in Ecuador nationwide and coast region scale using species distribution modeling for climate variability’s effect

Geographic shifts in aedes aegypti habitat suitability in Ecuador using larval surveillance data and ecological niche modeling: Implications of climate change for public health vector control

The impact of early life shocks on human capital formation: Evidence from El Nino floods in Ecuador

Outdoor thermal comfort in public space in warm-humid Guayaquil, Ecuador

Climate services for health: Predicting the evolution of the 2016 dengue season in Machala, Ecuador

Assessing local vulnerability to climate change in Ecuador

Flash Flood Guidance System with Global Coverage (FFGS)