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Integrating vector control within an emerging agricultural system in a region of climate vulnerability in southern Malawi: A focus on malaria, schistosomiasis, and arboviral diseases

Infectious diseases are emerging at an unprecedented rate while food production intensifies to keep pace with population growth. Large-scale irrigation schemes have the potential to permanently transform the landscape with health, nutritional and socio-economic benefits; yet, this also leads to a shift in land-use patterns that can promote endemic and invasive insect vectors and pathogens. The balance between ensuring food security and preventing emerging infectious disease is a necessity; yet the impact of irrigation on vector-borne diseases at the epidemiological, entomological and economic level is uncertain and depends on the geographical and climatological context. Here, we highlight the risk factors and challenges facing vector-borne disease surveillance and control in an emerging agricultural ecosystem in the lower Shire Valley region of southern Malawi. A phased large scale irrigation programme (The Shire Valley Transformation Project, SVTP) promises to transform over 40,000 ha into viable and resilient farmland, yet the valley is endemic for malaria and schistosomiasis and experiences frequent extreme flooding events following tropical cyclones. The latter exacerbate vector-borne disease risk while simultaneously making any empirical assessment of that risk a significant hurdle. We propose that the SVTP provides a unique opportunity to take a One Health approach at mitigating vector-borne disease risk while maintaining agricultural output. A long-term and multi-disciplinary approach with buy-in from multiple stakeholders will be needed to achieve this goal.

Rainfall anomalies and typhoid fever in Blantyre, Malawi

Typhoid fever is a major cause of illness and mortality in low- and middle-income settings. We investigated the association of typhoid fever and rainfall in Blantyre, Malawi, where multi-drug-resistant typhoid has been transmitting since 2011. Peak rainfall preceded the peak in typhoid fever by approximately 15 weeks [95% confidence interval (CI) 13.3, 17.7], indicating no direct biological link. A quasi-Poisson generalised linear modelling framework was used to explore the relationship between rainfall and typhoid incidence at biologically plausible lags of 1-4 weeks. We found a protective effect of rainfall anomalies on typhoid fever, at a two-week lag (P = 0.006), where a 10 mm lower-than-expected rainfall anomaly was associated with up to a 16% reduction in cases (95% CI 7.6, 26.5). Extreme flooding events may cleanse the environment of S. Typhi, while unusually low rainfall may reduce exposure from sewage overflow. These results add to evidence that rainfall anomalies may play a role in the transmission of enteric pathogens, and can help direct future water and sanitation intervention strategies for the control of typhoid fever.

A black dog enters the home: Hunger and malnutrition in Malawi

Hunger and inadequate nutrition are ongoing concerns in rural Malawi and are exemplified in traditional proverbs. Traditional proverbs and common expressions offer insight into commonly held truths across societies throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Strong oral traditions allow community beliefs embodied in proverbs to be passed down from generation to generation. In our qualitative study, we conducted 8 individual and 12 focus group interviews with a total of 83 participants across two districts in rural central Malawi with the aim of soliciting context-specific details on men and women’s knowledge, attitudes and practices related to nutrition, gender equality and women’s empowerment. Each interview began by asking participants to share common proverbs related to nutrition. Our qualitative analysis, informed by an indigenous-based theoretical framework that recognises and centres African indigenous knowledge production, yielded six themes: ‘a black dog enters the home’, ‘don’t stay with your hands hanging’, ‘a man is at the stomach’, ‘showers have fallen’, ‘we lack peace in our hearts’ and ‘the hunger season’. Traditional proverbs can provide insight into the underlying causes of hunger and malnutrition. Physicians, nurses and other allied health professionals around the world have a role to play in addressing hunger and malnutrition, which have been exacerbated by climate change. We have an ethical duty to educate ourselves and others, and change our behaviours, to mitigate the root causes of climate change, which are contributing to food insecurity and resultant poor health outcomes in countries like Malawi.

A deliberative rural community consultation to assess support for flood risk management policies to strengthen resilience in Malawi

As disasters increase in frequency and magnitude with adverse effects on population health, governments will be forced to implement disaster risk management policies that may include forced relocation. Ineffective public consultation has been cited as one reason for failure of these policies. Using the deliberative polling method, this study assessed the capacity of rural communities to participate in flood risk management policy priority setting and the impact of providing accurate and balanced information on policies by comparing pre-and post -deliberation data. The study also assessed the level of trust on whether government and community would use the results of this study. Results indicated strong community support for policy options to reduce vulnerability in communities and strong resistance to relocation. As all the top five ranked policy options were concerned with population pressure, gender, and social service issues, which are all conceptually considered social determinants of a healthy community, this study concludes that public health considerations are central to flood risk policy development and implementation. The study revealed high levels of trust in government and the community relating to flood risk management, which policymakers in low-to-middle income countries can capitalise on for meaningful community consultation for effective disaster risk management.

Growing spatial overlap between dam-related flooding, cropland and domestic water points: A water-energy-food nexus management challenge in Malawi and Ghana

In sub-Saharan Africa, land cover change, expansion of hydropower infrastructure, and increased flooding complicate country-level efforts to meet the Sustainable Development Goal target concerning access to safe water. The Water, Energy and Food (WEF) nexus approach recognises that addressing these complex challenges requires cross-sectoral analyses at multiple scales. Building on such an approach, our study examined the interrelationships between land cover change, dam-related flooding and access to safe water via a national-level spatial analysis with local case studies in Malawi and Ghana. Our assessment of the water-food interactions found that areas of overlap between water points and cropland increased from 2000 to 2020 for both countries at national scale, but overlap extent varied greatly depending on the land cover product used. Local-scale exploration of water point installation patterns in Zomba, Malawi confirmed this pattern, highlighting increasing non-governmental funding of borehole installation programmes. Our assessment of water-energy interactions found that flooding mediated by hydropower dams increased for the White Volta Basin in Ghana, thereby increasing inundation of groundwater points. Local-scale focus group discussions revealed flooding resulted in contaminated water sources and high risk of injury or drowning whilst fetching water. Overall, our study highlights how socio-economic drivers are bringing water points, flooding and cropland into closer proximity, requiring flood mitigation measures at water points and agro-chemical management to minimise potential water quality impacts. Given differences between land cover products, we recommend more robust integration of existing land cover products to better monitor these phenomena.

From a drought to HIV: An analysis of the effect of droughts on transactional sex and sexually transmitted infections in Malawi

Each year there are over 300 natural disasters globally with millions of victims that cost economic losses near USD$100 billion. In the context of climate change, an emerging literature linking extreme weather events to HIV infections suggests that efforts to control the HIV epidemic could be under threat. We used Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data collected during the 2015-2016 harsh drought that affected several areas of Malawi to provide new evidence on the effect of an unanticipated economic shock on sexual behaviours of young women and men. We find that amongst women employed in agriculture, a six-months drought doubles their likelihood of engaging in transactional sex compared to women who were not affected by the drought and increases their likelihood of having a sexually transmitted infections (STI) by 48% in the past twelve months. Amongst men employed outside of agriculture, drought increases by 50% the likelihood of having a relationship with a woman engaged in transactional sex. These results suggest that women in agriculture experiencing economic shocks as a result of drought use transactional sex with unaffected men, i.e. men employed outside agriculture, as a coping mechanism, exposing themselves to the risk of contracting HIV. The effect was especially observed among non-educated women. A single drought in the last five years increases HIV prevalence in Malawi by around 15% amongst men and women. Overall, the results confirm that weather shocks are important drivers of risky sexual behaviours of young women relying on agriculture in Africa. Further research is needed to investigate the most adequate formal shock-coping strategies to be implemented in order to limit the negative consequences of natural disasters on HIV acquisition and transmission.

A conceptual framework of the impact of maternal early life drought exposure on newborn size in Malawi

The effects of adverse prenatal conditions are not only experienced over the life course but can be passed on intergenerationally. The present study took advantage of a natural experiment from three drought periods of 1981/82, 1987/88, and 1992/93 that occurred in Malawi with varying severity and used data from a randomized clinical trial (RCT), conducted between 2011-2015 (Protocol #NCT01239693). The present study aimed to assess the effect of the interactions between maternal exposure to drought in early life and prenatal supplementation with a novel supplement [small quantity (SQ), lipid-based nutrient supplement (LNS)], the standard of care prenatal supplement [iron-folic acid or IFA], or a close substitute of the standard of care [multiple micronutrients or MMN], on subsequent infant birth outcomes. During data analysis, ordinary least squares were used to run multiple regressions. The regression results were as follows. When there was no maternal exposure to drought, SQ-LNS compared to IFA appeared to improve subsequent infant birth outcomes for length-for-age Z score or LAZ (0.403 standard deviation (SD), Confidence interval CI [0.099, 0.708]), for subsequent infant weight-for-age Z score or WAZ (0.372 SD, CI [0.053, 0.691]), and for imputed infant birthweight or BTW (125.900 g, CI [2.901, 248.899]). In conclusion, the results show a pattern emerging whereby some positive associations can be observed, specifically, when maternal non-drought exposure variables and the SQ-LNS variable interact. Their combined effects on subsequent infant birth outcomes notably subsequent infant LAZ, subsequent infant WAZ, and subsequent infant imputed BWT appear to be positive.

Next generation chlorine dispensers for safe water, delivering a climate-health solution at scale

Human Climate Horizons (HCH)

A photovoice assessment for illuminating the role of inland fisheries to livelihoods and the local challenges experienced through the lens of fishers in a climate-driven lake of Malawi

Small-scale inland capture fisheries provide an important source of nutritious food, employment and income to millions of people in developing countries, particularly in rural environments where limited alternatives exist. However, the sector is one of most under-valued fisheries sectors and is increasingly experiencing environmental change. This study adopts a Sustainable Livelihoods Approach and investigates how important a fluctuating inland fishery is to livelihoods, and how local perceptions on challenges corresponds to global evidence. Through an innovative participatory method; photovoice, the lived experiences and perceptions of fishers are depicted. The findings illuminate the valuable role of the sector to food and nutrition security and the complex nexus with vulnerability to climate change. The study responds to the call for more local level assessments of the impacts of climate change on inland fisheries in data-limited environments, and the value of the sector in underpinning the Sustainable Development Goals.

Shifting Risks of Malaria in Southern Africa: A Regional Analysis

Childhood malaria case incidence in Malawi between 2004 and 2017: Spatio-temporal modelling of climate and non-climate factors

Distinct climate influences on the risk of typhoid compared to invasive non-typhoid Salmonella disease in Blantyre, Malawi

Bringing the state back in to humanitarian crises response: Disaster governance and challenging collaborations in the 2015 Malawi flood response

Vulnerability of HIV/AIDS orphans to floods in Malawi

Seasonal variation of malaria cases in children aged less than 5 years old following weather change in Zomba District, Malawi

Vulnerability to climate change and adaptation strategies of local communities in Malawi: Experiences of women fish-processing groups in the Lake Chilwa Basin

Impacts of climate change on water resources in Malawi

Vulnerability modeling for sub-Saharan Africa: An operationalized approach in Malawi

Growing population and ecosystem change increase human schistosomiasis around Lake Malawi

Assessing indigenous knowledge systems and climate change adaptation strategies in agriculture: A case study of Chagaka Village, Chikhwawa, Southern Malawi

National level organisational responses to climate change adaptation: A case study of Malawi

Meteo Rwanda Map Room

Flash Flood Guidance System with Global Coverage (FFGS)