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Future changes in heatwaves characteristics in Romania

The changes in the characteristics of heatwaves over Romania have been analyzed using the excess heat factor calculated for two climate change scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) from the EURO-CORDEX project. The changes were evaluated for the near future (2021-2050) using the historical period (1971-2000) as reference. The frequency of occurrence and the duration of heatwaves is projected to increase for both climate scenarios in particular over southern Romania. In this region, the percentage of change in the near future for the number of heatwaves is between 50 and 60% for the RCP4.5 scenario and 60-80% for the RCP8.5 scenario. Also for the same region, the duration of heatwaves will increase by 30-50% for the RCP4.5 scenario and 60-80% for the RCP8.5 scenario. These results indicate that the human exposure to heatwaves will increase in Romania in the near future. To increase awareness on heatwaves and their impact, we propose a series of immediate actions that include (1) improving the communication of the impact of heatwaves, (2) identification of the regions where the population is more vulnerable to heatwaves, and (3) better understanding of the mortality and morbidity associate with heatwaves in Romania.

Exploring the links between flood events and the COVID-19 infection cases in Romania in the new multi-hazard-prone era

The occurrence of flood events amid the COVID-19 pandemic represents a prominent part of the emerging multi-hazard landscape, as floods are one of the most frequent and destructive natural hazards. This spatial and temporal overlap of hydrological and epidemiological hazards translates into compounded negative effects, causing a shift in the hazard management paradigm, in which hazard interaction takes centre stage. This paper calls into question whether the river flood events that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic in Romania and the way that they were managed had an impact on the infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus at county scale. To this end, hazard management data concerning the flood events that were severe enough to impose the evacuation of the population were corroborated with COVID-19 confirmed cases data. A definite link between the flood events and the dynamics of COVID-19 cases registered in the selected counties is difficult to identify, but the analysis shows that all flood events were followed by various size increases in the COVID-19 confirmed cases at the end of the incubation time range. The findings are critically interpreted by providing viral load and social-related contexts, allowing a proper understanding of the interactions between concurrent hazards.

A community-based sensor network for monitoring the air quality in urban Romania

Air quality, especially particulate matter pollution levels in urban areas, is an essential academic and social topic due to its association with health issues and climate change. In Romania, increasing awareness of urban communities and the availability of low-cost sensors has led to the development of an independent monitoring network currently distributed in over 194 cities and towns. The uRADMonitor((R)) network consists of 630 sensors measuring PM10 and PM2.5 concentration levels. The spatial distribution of the sensors complements the national air quality network with sensors in residential areas, intense traffic zones, and industrial areas. The data are available through a user-friendly web-based platform from uRADMonitor((R)). Based on data collected in 2021, we present an analysis of PM10 pollution levels in Romania’s five most populated urban areas by employing five annual statistical indicators recommended by the European Environmental Agency. For the case of Timis,oara, we also compare the data measured by independent sensors with those from the national monitoring network. The results highlight the usefulness of our community-based network as it complements the national one.

Six-year monitoring of atmospheric pollen and major air pollutant concentrations in relation with meteorological factors in Bucharest, Romania

Pollen levels in rapidly developing urban areas are of particular interest due to their negative impact on human health, being responsible for the increasing prevalence of seasonal allergic diseases. This study analyzed multiyear data (2014-2019) of the pollen concentrations in correlation with major air pollutants PM10, PM2.5, NOx, CO, VOCs, O-3, SO2 and meteorological parameters from Bucharest, in order to find potential links between them. The pollen monitoring performed at Colentina Clinical Hospital using a Hirst-type pollen trap showed that maximum values of pollen concentration from trees are reached in early spring, from grasses in spring and early summer and from weeds in late summer and fall. The correlation analysis was performed using the Spearman correlation coefficient on annual and seasonal basis and revealed the influence of air pollutants and meteorological parameters on pollen concentrations. No monotonic decreasing or increasing trend was detected for Bucharest during the investigated 6-year period, but a general constant behavior.

Impacts of exposure to air pollution, radon and climate drivers on the COVID-19 pandemic in Bucharest, Romania: A time series study

During the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic disease, like several countries, Romania experienced a multiwaves pattern over more than two years. The spreading pattern of SARS-CoV-2 pathogens in the Bucharest, capital of Romania is a multi-factorial process involving among other factors outdoor environmental variables and viral inactivation. Through descriptive statistics and cross-correlation analysis applied to daily time series of observational and geospatial data, this study aims to evaluate the synergy of COVID-19 incidence and lethality with air pollution and radon under different climate conditions, which may exacerbate the coronavirus’ effect on human health. During the entire analyzed period 1 January 2020-21 December 2021, for each of the four COVID-19 waves were recorded different anomalous anticyclonic synoptic meteorological patterns in the mid-troposphere, and favorable stability conditions during fall-early winter seasons for COVID-19 disease fast-spreading, mostly during the second, and the fourth waves. As the temporal pattern of airborne SARS-CoV-2 and its mutagen variants is affected by seasonal variability of the main air pollutants and climate parameters, this paper found: 1) the daily outdoor exposures to air pollutants (particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10, nitrogen dioxide-NO(2), sulfur dioxide-SO(2), carbon monoxide-CO) and radon – (222)Rn, are directly correlated with the daily COVID-19 incidence and mortality, and may contribute to the spread and the severity of the pandemic; 2) the daily ground ozone-O(3) levels, air temperature, Planetary Boundary Layer height, and surface solar irradiance are anticorrelated with the daily new COVID-19 incidence and deaths, averageingful for spring-summer periods. Outdoor exposure to ambient air pollution associated with radon is a non-negligible driver of COVID-19 transmission in large metropolitan areas, and climate variables are risk factors in spreading the viral infection. The findings of this study provide useful information for public health authorities and decision-makers to develop future pandemic diseases strategies in high polluted metropolitan environments.

Biologic pollution due to ambrosia (ragweed) pollen in urban environment of Bucharest

Ragweed pollen is an important component of biological pollution in the urban environment, responsible for increasing respiratory allergies and significant contribution to the health impact of air pollution in the Bucharest area. The aim of this paper is to present the eight-year ragweed pollen monitoring data from Bucharest, to place them in the context of local air pollution, public health regulations and available data on the health impact of ragweed pollen in the urban environment. Our pollen data were correlated with major air pollutant concentrations and with meteorological factors in a recently published local paper and the clinical data of patients with ragweed-induced respiratory symptoms were collected and published in 2019. The ragweed pollen monitoring data, correlated with field data reported by patients and plant specialists confirm the rapid spread of Ambrosia in the Bucharest city area, in addition to some stringent environmental local problems due to air pollution. The number of patients addressed to allergists almost doubled from one year to another, confirming the real alarming health impact of this environmental hazard. Our study confirms the need for more coherent strategies to control ragweed spread, based on application of existing local and international regulations, air pollution control and evaluation of consequences on human health.

Atopy and lifestyle survey of allergic patients from urban environment in Romania: Preliminary data from an interactive qualifying project

Introduction Respiratory allergies represent an important public health problem, with increasing prevalence and severity in Europe during the last decades. The rise of pollen allergies is an issue that continues to negatively impact people’s daily lives across the globe and has become more important in the light of global warming and increasing air pollution. The aim of our paper is to evaluate the prevalence of declared atopy and the influence of lifestyle on allergic diseases, particularly on pollen allergies, in the urban environment from Romania. Methods The study is based on the cooperation Interactive Qualifying Project (IQP) called “Pollen Allergies in Romania: Optimizing Data Analysis in Raising Awareness”, agreed and carried on between a group of North-American students and teachers from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and a hospital-based allergy team from Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy and Colentina Clinical Hospital from Bucharest. The project aimed to evaluate the prevalence of atopy and lifestyle practices of allergic patients and to develop a data analysis tool to determine correlations between pollen counts and other environmental factors in the city of Bucharest. Results The lifestyle survey revealed that about one-third of allergic patients declared history of atopy. Some of the declared lifestyle practices can be considered environmental risk factors for allergies. This IQP can be considered a model of international, interdisciplinary and intercultural collaboration. Conclusion We concluded that Romania is facing an increasing pollen allergies trend and some actual lifestyle aspects can significantly influence the risk of pollen allergies in the big city environment.

Zero regrets: scaling up action on climate change mitigation and adaptation for health in the WHO European Region, second edition. Key messages from the Working Group on Health in Climate Change

Climate change and health: the national policy overview in Europe

Map viewer: Accessibility of hospitals in Europe

Map viewer: Availability of urban green spaces to vulnerable groups

Map viewer: Exposure of vulnerable groups and social infrastructure to climate-related risks

Climate change as a threat to health and well-being in Europe: focus on heat and infectious diseases

Human Climate Horizons (HCH)

The impact of extreme temperatures on human mortality in the most populated cities of Romania

The impact of extreme weather conditions on humans is one of the most important topics in biometeorology studies. The main objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between temperature-related weather conditions and natural mortality in the five most populated cities of Romania, namely, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Constan?a, Ia?i, and Timi?oara. The results of this study aim to bridge a gap in national research. In the present paper, we used daily natural mortality data and daily minimum and maximum air temperatures. The distributed lag nonlinear model (DLNM) allowed us to identify weather conditions associated with natural mortality. The most important results are as follows: (i) a higher daily mortality is related to a high frequency of heat stress conditions; (ii) a higher maximum temperature increases the relative risk (RR) of natural mortality; (iii) the maximum number of fatalities is recorded on the first day of high-temperature events; and (iv) individuals much more easily adapt to cold stress conditions. The main conclusion in this study is that the inhabitants of the most populated cities in Romania are more sensitive to high-temperature stress than to low-temperature stress.

Human health vulnerability to summer heat extremes in Romanian-Bulgarian cross-border area

Human health vulnerability (HHV) to different climate change-related phenomena, that is, summer heat extremes, is related to the exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity of the affected entities. The current research is an empirical regional assessment of the human health effects of summer heat extremes in the Romania-Bulgarian Danube floodplain Calafat-Vidin-Turnu Magurele-Nikopol (CV-TMN) sector. The external biophysical and socioeconomic factors that shape the vulnerability are supported by the climate approach. The research relies on processing meteorological data from the most representative climate stations in the study area based on which some indicators-significant for measuring the impact on human health-were computed (e.g., number of extremely hot days, number of tropical days, number of tropical nights) and integrated into a composite summer heat extremes index (SHEI). To assess HHV to summer heat extremes, the vulnerability framework was completed by the internal socioeconomic factors revealed by the characteristics of the population living in urban and rural settlements in terms of demographic, health provisions, and quality of indoor living spaces. Finally, the authors computed the index of human health vulnerability to summer heat extremes (HHVI) as the Hull Score at the level of territorial local administrative units.

Perceived influence of weather conditions on rheumatic pain in Romania

Agriculture and the twofold relationship between food security and climate change. Evidence from Romania

Summer thermal discomfort conditions in Romania under climate change scenarios

Qualitative assessment of social vulnerability to flood hazards in Romania

Transmission dynamics of the West Nile virus in mosquito vector populations under the influence of weather factors in the Danube Delta, Romania

Influence of climatic factors on the pollution with nitrogen oxides (NOx) in Bacau City, Romania

Effective monitoring and warning of Urban Heat Island effect on the indoor thermal risk in Bucharest (Romania)

Climate change is increasing the risk of the reemergence of malaria in Romania

Climate change and species distribution: Possible scenarios for thermophilic ticks in Romania

A common methodology for risk assessment and mapping for south-east Europe: An application for heat wave risk in Romania

Dirofilariasis – an emergent human parasitosis in Romania

Leishmaniasis–An unusual cause of splenomegaly in Romania

Respiratory health, effects of ambient air pollution and its modification by air humidity in Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Romania

South-East European Multi-Hazard Early Warning Advisory System

Flash Flood Guidance System with Global Coverage (FFGS)