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Year-round dengue fever in Pakistan, highlighting the surge amidst ongoing flood havoc and the COVID-19 pandemic: A comprehensive review

Dengue fever (DF) is an arthropod-borne viral infection caused by four serotypes of dengue virus (DENV 1-4) transmitted to the host by the vector mosquito Aedes, which causes fever, vomiting, headache, joint pain, muscle pain, and a distinctive itching and skin rash, ultimately leading to dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. The first case of DF in Pakistan was documented in 1994, but outbreak patterns began in 2005. As of 20 August 2022, Pakistan has 875 confirmed cases, raising alarming concerns. Misdiagnosis due to mutual symptoms, lack of an effective vaccine, the weakened and overburdened health system of Pakistan, irrational urbanization, climate change in Pakistan, insufficient waste management system, and a lack of awareness are the significant challenges Pakistan faces and result in recurrent dengue outbreaks every year. The recent flood in Pakistan has caused massive destruction, and stagnant dirty water has facilitated mosquito breeding. Sanitization and spraying, proper waste management, an adequate and advanced diagnostic system, control of population size, public awareness, and promotion of medical research and global collaboration, especially amidst flood devastation, are recommended to combat this deadly infection in Pakistan. This article aims to comprehensively review the year-round DF in Pakistan, highlighting the surge amidst ongoing flood havoc and the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.

wMel replacement of dengue-competent mosquitoes is robust to near-term change

Rising temperatures are impacting the range and prevalence of mosquito-borne diseases. A promising biocontrol technology replaces wild mosquitoes with those carrying the virus-blocking Wolbachia bacterium. Because the most widely used strain, wMel, is adversely affected by heat stress, we examined how global warming may influence wMel-based replacement. We simulated interventions in two locations with successful field trials using Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 climate projections and historical temperature records, integrating empirical data on wMel’s thermal sensitivity into a model of Aedes aegypti population dynamics to evaluate introgression and persistence over one year. We show that in Cairns, Australia, climatic futures necessitate operational adaptations for heatwaves exceeding two weeks. In Nha Trang, Vietnam, projected heatwaves of three weeks and longer eliminate wMel under the most stringent assumptions of that symbiont’s thermal limits. We conclude that this technology is generally robust to near-term (2030s) climate change. Accelerated warming may challenge this in the 2050s and beyond.

Weather integrated multiple machine learning models for prediction of dengue prevalence in India

Dengue is a rapidly spreading viral disease transmitted to humans by Aedes mosquitoes. Due to global urbanization and climate change, the number of dengue cases are gradually increasing in recent decades. Hence, an early prediction of dengue continues to be a major concern for public health in countries with high prevalence of dengue. Creating a robust forecast model for the accurate prediction of dengue is a complex task and can be done through various data modelling approaches. In the present study, we have applied vector auto regression, generalized boosted models, support vector regression, and long short-term memory (LSTM) to predict the dengue prevalence in Kerala state of the Indian subcontinent. We consider the number of dengue cases as the target variable and weather variables viz., relative humidity, soil moisture, mean temperature, precipitation, and NINO3.4 as independent variables. Various analytical models have been applied on both datasets and predicted the dengue cases. Among all the models, the LSTM model was outperformed with superior prediction capability (RMSE: 0.345 and R(2):0.86) than the other models. However, other models are able to capture the trend of dengue cases but failed in predicting the outbreak periods when compared to LSTM. The findings of this study will be helpful for public health agencies and policymakers to draw appropriate control measures before the onset of dengue. The proposed LSTM model for dengue prediction can be followed by other states of India as well.

WebGIS-based real-time surveillance and response system for vector-borne infectious diseases

The diseases transmitted through vectors such as mosquitoes are named vector-borne diseases (VBDs), such as malaria, dengue, and leishmaniasis. Malaria spreads by a vector named Anopheles mosquitos. Dengue is transmitted through the bite of the female vector Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquito. The female Phlebotomine sandfly is the vector that transmits leishmaniasis. The best way to control VBDs is to identify breeding sites for their vectors. This can be efficiently accomplished by the Geographical Information System (GIS). The objective was to find the relation between climatic factors (temperature, humidity, and precipitation) to identify breeding sites for these vectors. Our data contained imbalance classes, so data oversampling of different sizes was created. The machine learning models used were Light Gradient Boosting Machine, Random Forest, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, and Multi-Layer Perceptron for model training. Their results were compared and analyzed to select the best model for disease prediction in Punjab, Pakistan. Random Forest was the selected model with 93.97% accuracy. Accuracy was measured using an F score, precision, or recall. Temperature, precipitation, and specific humidity significantly affect the spread of dengue, malaria, and leishmaniasis. A user-friendly web-based GIS platform was also developed for concerned citizens and policymakers.

The relative importance of key meteorological factors affecting numbers of mosquito vectors of dengue fever

Although single factors such as rainfall are known to affect the population dynamics of Aedes albopictus, the main vector of dengue fever in Eurasia, the synergistic effects of different meteorological factors are not fully understood. To address this topic, we used meteorological data and mosquito-vector association data including Breteau and ovitrap indices in key areas of dengue outbreaks in Guangdong Province, China, to formulate a five-stage mathematical model for Aedes albopictus population dynamics by integrating multiple meteorological factors. Unknown parameters were estimated using a genetic algorithm, and the results were analyzed by k-Shape clustering, random forest and grey correlation analysis. In addition, the population density of mosquitoes in 2022 was predicted and used for evaluating the effectiveness of the model. We found that there is spatiotemporal heterogeneity in the effects of temperature and rainfall and their distribution characteristics on the diapause period, the numbers of peaks in mosquito densities in summer and the annual total numbers of adult mosquitoes. Moreover, we identified the key meteorological indicators of the mosquito quantity at each stage and that rainfall (seasonal rainfall and annual total rainfall) was more important than the temperature distribution (seasonal average temperature and temperature index) and the uniformity of rainfall annual distribution (coefficient of variation) for most of the areas studied. The peak rainfall during the summer is the best indicator of mosquito population development. The results provide important theoretical support for the future design of mosquito vector control strategies and early warnings of mosquito-borne diseases.

The ecological determinants of severe dengue: A bayesian inferential model

Low socioeconomic status (SES), high temperature, and increasing rainfall patterns are associated with increased dengue case counts. However, the effect of climatic variables on individual dengue virus (DENV) serotypes and the extent to which serotype count affects the rate of severe dengue in Mexico have not been studied before. A principal components analysis was used to determine the poverty indices across Mexico. Conditional autoregressive Bayesian models were used to determine the effect of poverty and climatic variables on the rate of serotype distribution and severe dengue in Mexico. A unit increase in poverty increased the rate of DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4 by 8.4%, 5%, 16%, and 13.8% respectively. An increase in one case attributable to DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4 was independently associated with an increase in the rate of severe dengue by 0.02%, 0.1%, 0.03%, and 5.8% respectively. Hotspots of all DENV serotypes and severe dengue are found mostly in parts of the Northeastern, Center west, and Southeastern regions of Mexico. The association between climatic parameters predominant in the Southeast region and severe dengue leaves several states in this region at an increased risk of a higher number of severe dengue cases. Our study’s results may guide policies that help allocate public health resources to the most vulnerable municipalities in Mexico.

The 2022 dengue outbreak in Bangladesh: Hypotheses for the late resurgence of cases and fatalities

Bangladesh reported the highest number of annual deaths (n = 281) related to dengue virus infection in 2022 since the virus reappeared in the country in 2000. Earlier studies showed that >92% of the annual cases occurred between the months of August and September. The 2022 outbreak is characterized by late onset of dengue cases with unusually higher deaths in colder months, that is, October-December. Here we present possible hypotheses and explanations for this late resurgence of dengue cases. First, in 2022, the rainfall started late in the season. Compared to the monthly average rainfall for September and October between 2003 and 2021, there was 137 mm of additional monthly rainfall recorded in September and October 2022. Furthermore, the year 2022 was relatively warmer with a 0.71°C increased temperature than the mean annual temperature of the past 20 yr. Second, a new dengue virus serotype, DENV-4, had recently reintroduced/reappeared in 2022 and become the dominant serotype in the country for a large naïve population. Third, the post-pandemic return of normalcy after 2 yr of nonpharmaceutical social measures facilitates extra mosquito breeding habitats, especially in construction sites. Community engagement and regular monitoring and destruction of Aedes mosquitoes’ habitats should be prioritized to control dengue virus outbreaks in Bangladesh.

Spatial pattern assessment of dengue fever risk in subtropical urban environments: The case of Hong Kong

Dengue fever, a mosquito-borne fatal disease, brings a huge health burden in tropical regions. With global warming, rapid urbanization and the expansion of mosquitoes, dengue fever is expected to spread to many subtropical regions, leading to increased potential health risks on local populations. So far, limited studies assessed the dengue fever risk spatially for subtropical non-endemic regions hindering the development of related public health management. Therefore, we proposed a spatial hazard-exposure-vulnerability assessment framework for mapping the dengue fever risk in Hong Kong. Firstly, the spatial distribution of the habitat suitability for Aedes albopictus, the mosquito proxy for the dengue fever hazard, was predicted using a species distribution model (e.g., MaxEnt) relying on a list of variables related to local climate, urban morphology, and landscape metrics. Secondly, the spatial autocorrelation between high dengue hazard and high human popula-tion exposure in urban areas was measured. Finally, the dengue fever risk was assessed at community scale by integrating the results of vulnerability analysis basing on census data. This approach allowed the identification of 17 high-risk spots within Hong Kong. The landscape metrics about land utilities and vegetations, and urban morphological characteristics are the influential factors on the spatial distribution of dengue vector. In addition, the underlying factors behind each hot spot were investigated, and specific suggestions for dengue prevention were proposed accordingly. The findings provide a useful reference for developing local dengue fever risk pre-vention measures, with the proposed method easily exportable to other high-density cities within subtropical Asia and elsewhere.

Singapore’s 5 decades of dengue prevention and control-implications for global dengue control

This paper summarises the lessons learnt in dengue epidemiology, risk factors, and prevention in Singapore over the last half a century, during which Singapore evolved from a city of 1.9 million people to a highly urban globalised city-state with a population of 5.6 million. Set in a tropical climate, urbanisation among green foliage has created ideal conditions for the proliferation of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, the mosquito vectors that transmit dengue. A vector control programme, largely for malaria, was initiated as early as 1921, but it was only in 1966 that the Vector Control Unit (VCU) was established to additionally tackle dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) that was first documented in the 1960s. Centred on source reduction and public education, and based on research into the bionomics and ecology of the vectors, the programme successfully reduced the Aedes House Index (HI) from 48% in 1966 to <5% in the 1970s. Further enhancement of the programme, including through legislation, suppressed the Aedes HI to around 1% from the 1990s. The current programme is characterised by 4 key features: (i) proactive inter-epidemic surveillance and control that is stepped up during outbreaks; (ii) risk-based prevention and intervention strategies based on advanced data analytics; (iii) coordinated inter-sectoral cooperation between the public, private, and people sectors; and (iv) evidence-based adoption of new tools and strategies. Dengue seroprevalence and force of infection (FOI) among residents have substantially and continuously declined over the 5 decades. This is consistent with the observation that dengue incidence has been delayed to adulthood, with severity highest among the elderly. Paradoxically, the number of reported dengue cases and outbreaks has increased since the 1990s with record-breaking epidemics. We propose that Singapore's increased vulnerability to outbreaks is due to low levels of immunity in the population, constant introduction of new viral variants, expanding urban centres, and increasing human density. The growing magnitude of reported outbreaks could also be attributed to improved diagnostics and surveillance, which at least partially explains the discord between rising trend in cases and the continuous reduction in dengue seroprevalence. Changing global and local landscapes, including climate change, increasing urbanisation and global physical connectivity are expected to make dengue control even more challenging. The adoption of new vector surveillance and control tools, such as the Gravitrap and Wolbachia technology, is important to impede the growing threat of dengue and other Aedes-borne diseases.

Role of air pollutants in dengue fever incidence: Evidence from two southern cities in Taiwan

Air pollution may be involved in spreading dengue fever (DF) besides rainfalls and warmer temperatures. While particulate matter (PM), especially those with diameter of 10 μm (PM10) or 2.5 μm or less (PM25), and NO2 increase the risk of coronavirus 2 infection, their roles in triggering DF remain unclear. We explored if air pollution factors predict DF incidence in addition to the classic climate factors. Public databases and DF records of two southern cities in Taiwan were used in regression analyses. Month order, PM10 minimum, PM2.5 minimum, and precipitation days were retained in the enter mode model, and SO2 minimum, O3 maximum, and CO minimum were retained in the stepwise forward mode model in addition to month order, PM10 minimum, PM2.5 minimum, and precipitation days. While PM2.5 minimum showed a negative contribution to the monthly DF incidence, other variables showed the opposite effects. The sustain of month order, PM10 minimum, PM2.5 minimum, and precipitation days in both regression models confirms the role of classic climate factors and illustrates a potential biological role of the air pollutants in the life cycle of mosquito vectors and dengue virus and possibly human immune status. Future DF prevention should concern the contribution of air pollution besides the classic climate factors.

Relationship between climate variables and dengue incidence in Argentina

Climate change is an important driver of the increased spread of dengue from tropical and subtropical regions to temperate areas around the world. Climate variables such as temperature and precipitation influence the dengue vector’s biology, physiology, abundance, and life cycle. Thus, an analysis is needed of changes in climate change and their possible relationships with dengue incidence and the growing occurrence of epidemics recorded in recent decades. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess the increasing incidence of dengue driven by climate change at the southern limits of dengue virus transmission in South America. METHODS: We analyzed the evolution of climatological, epidemiological, and biological variables by comparing a period of time without the presence of dengue cases (1976-1997) to a more recent period of time in which dengue cases and important outbreaks occurred (1998-2020). In our analysis, we consider climate variables associated with temperature and precipitation, epidemiological variables such as the number of reported dengue cases and incidence of dengue, and biological variables such as the optimal temperature ranges for transmission of dengue vector. RESULTS: The presence of dengue cases and epidemic outbreaks are observed to be consistent with positive trends in temperature and anomalies from long-term means. Dengue cases do not seem to be associated with precipitation trends and anomalies. The number of days with optimal temperatures for dengue transmission increased from the period without dengue cases to the period with occurrences of dengue cases. The number of months with optimal transmission temperatures also increased between periods but to a lesser extent. CONCLUSIONS: The higher incidence of dengue virus and its expansion to different regions of Argentina seem to be associated with temperature increases in the country during the past two decades. The active surveillance of both the vector and associated arboviruses, together with continued meteorological data collection, will facilitate the assessment and prediction of future epidemics that use trends in the accelerated changes in climate. Such surveillance should go hand in hand with efforts to improve the understanding of the mechanisms driving the geographic expansion of dengue and other arboviruses beyond the current limits. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP11616.

Projecting the future incidence and burden of dengue in Southeast Asia

The recent global expansion of dengue has been facilitated by changes in urbanisation, mobility, and climate. In this work, we project future changes in dengue incidence and case burden to 2099 under the latest climate change scenarios. We fit a statistical model to province-level monthly dengue case counts from eight countries across Southeast Asia, one of the worst affected regions. We project that dengue incidence will peak this century before declining to lower levels with large variations between and within countries. Our findings reveal that northern Thailand and Cambodia will show the biggest decreases and equatorial areas will show the biggest increases. The impact of climate change will be counterbalanced by income growth, with population growth having the biggest influence on increasing burden. These findings can be used for formulating mitigation and adaptation interventions to reduce the immediate growing impact of dengue virus in the region.

Projecting future risk of dengue related to hydrometeorological conditions in mainland China under climate change scenarios: A modelling study

We have limited knowledge on the impact of hydrometeorological conditions on dengue incidence in China and its associated disease burden in a future with a changed climate. This study projects the excess risk of dengue caused by climate change-induced hydrometeorological conditions across mainland China. METHODS: In this modelling study, the historical association between the Palmer drought severity index (PDSI) and dengue was estimated with a spatiotemporal Bayesian hierarchical model from 70 cities. The association combined with the dengue-transmission biological model was used to project the annual excess risk of dengue related to PDSI by 2100 across mainland China, under three representative concentration pathways ([RCP] 2·6, RCP 4·5, and RCP 8·5). FINDINGS: 93 101 dengue cases were reported between 2013 and 2019 in mainland China. Dry and wet conditions within 3 months lag were associated with increased risk of dengue. Locations with potential dengue risk in China will expand in the future. The hydrometeorological changes are projected to substantially affect the risk of dengue in regions with mid-to-low latitudes, especially the coastal areas under high emission scenarios. By 2100, the annual average increased excess risk is expected to range from 12·56% (95% empirical CI 9·54-22·24) in northwest China to 173·62% (153·15-254·82) in south China under the highest emission scenario. INTERPRETATION: Hydrometeorological conditions are predicted to increase the risk of dengue in the future in the south, east, and central areas of mainland China in disproportionate patterns. Our findings have implications for the preparation of public health interventions to minimise the health hazards of non-optimal hydrometeorological conditions in a context of climate change. FUNDING: National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Prevention of a dengue outbreak via the large-scale deployment of sterile insect technology in a Brazilian city: A prospective study

Dengue is a global problem that seems to be worsening, as hyper-urbanization associated with climate change has led to a significant increase in the abundance and geographical spread of its principal vector, the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Currently available solutions have not been able to stop the spread of dengue which shows the urgent need to implement alternative technologies as practical solutions. In a previous pilot trial, we demonstrated the efficacy and safety of the method ‘Natural Vector Control’ (NVC) in suppressing the Ae. aegypti vector population and in blocking the occurrence of an outbreak of dengue in the treated areas. Here, we expand the use of the NVC program in a large-scale 20 months intervention period in an entire city in southern Brazil. METHODS: Sterile male mosquitoes were produced from locally sourced Ae. aegypti mosquitoes by using a treatment that includes double-stranded RNA and thiotepa. Weekly massive releases of sterile male mosquitoes were performed in predefined areas of Ortigueira city from November 2020 to July 2022. Mosquito monitoring was performed by using ovitraps during the entire intervention period. Dengue incidence data was obtained from the Brazilian National Disease Surveillance System. FINDINGS: During the two epidemiological seasons, the intervention in Ortigueira resulted in up to 98.7% suppression of live progeny of field Ae. aegypti mosquitoes recorded over time. More importantly, when comparing the 2020 and 2022 dengue outbreaks that occurred in the region, the post-intervention dengue incidence in Ortigueira was 97% lower compared to the control cities. INTERPRETATION: The NVC method was confirmed to be a safe and efficient way to suppress Ae. aegypti field populations and prevent the occurrence of a dengue outbreak. Importantly, it has been shown to be applicable in large-scale, real-world conditions. FUNDING: This study was funded by Klabin S/A and Forrest Innovations Ltd.

Paradox between adequate sanitation and rainfall in dengue fever cases

Dengue fever is a tropical disease and a major public health concern, and almost half of the world’s population lives in areas at risk of contracting this disease. Climate change is identified by WHO and other international health authorities as one of the primary factors that contribute to the rapid spread of dengue fever. METHODS: We evaluated the effect of sanitation on the cross-correlation between rainfall and the first symptoms of dengue in the city of Mato Grosso do Sul, which is in a state in the Midwest region of Brazil, and employed the time-lagged detrended cross-correlation analysis (DCCAC) method. RESULTS: Co-movements were obtained through the time-phased DCCAC to analyze the effects of climatic variables on arboviruses. The use of a time-lag analysis was more robust than DCCAC without lag to present the behavior of dengue cases in relation to accumulated precipitation. Our results show that the cross-correlation between rain and dengue increased as the city implemented actions to improve basic sanitation in the city. CONCLUSION: With climate change and the increase in the global average temperature, mosquitoes are advancing beyond the tropics, and our results show that cities with improved sanitation have a high correlation between dengue and annual precipitation. Public prevention and control policies can be targeted according to the period of time and the degree of correlation calculated to structure vector control and prevention work in places where sanitation conditions are adequate.

Northern and central Chile still free of emerging flaviviruses in mosquitoes (diptera: Culicidae)

Geographic isolation and strict control limits in border areas have kept Chile free from various pathogens, including Flavivirus. However, the scenario is changing mainly due to climate change, the reintroduction of more aggressive mosquitoes, and the great wave of migration of people from endemic countries in recent years. Hence, it is necessary to surveillance mosquitoes to anticipate a possible outbreak in the population and take action to control it. This study aimed to investigate the presence of Flavivirus RNA by molecular tools with consensus primers in mosquitoes collected in the extreme north and central Chile. From 2019 to 2021, a prospective study was carried out in localities of Northern and part of Central Chile. Larvae, pupae, and adults of mosquitoes were collected in rural and urban sites in each locality. The collected samples were pooled by species and geographical location and tested using RT-PCR and RT-qPCR to determine presence of Flavivirus. 3085 specimens were collected, the most abundant specie Culex quinquefasciatus in the North and Aedes (Ochlerotatus) albifasciatus in the Center of Chile. Both genera are associated with Flavivirus transmission. However, PCR and RT-PCR did not detect Flavivirus RNA in the mosquitoes studied. These negative results indicate we are still a free Flavivirus country, which is reaffirmed by the non-existence of endemic human cases. Despite this, routine surveillance of mosquitoes and the pathogens they carry is highly recommended to evaluate each area-specific risk of vector-borne transmission.

Multiplicative mixed-effects modelling of dengue incidence: An analysis of the 2019 outbreak in the Dominican Republic

Dengue is a vector-borne disease that is endemic to several countries, including the Dominican Republic, which has experienced dengue outbreaks for over four decades. With outbreaks growing in incidence in recent years, it is becoming increasingly important to develop better tools to understand drivers of dengue transmission. Such tools are critical for providing timely information to assist healthcare authorities in preparing human, material, and medical resources for outbreaks. Here, we investigate associations between meteorological variables and dengue transmission in the Dominican Republic in 2019, the year in which the country’s largest outbreak to date ocurred. We apply generalized linear mixed modelling with gamma family and log link to model the weekly dengue incidence rate. Because correlations in lags between climate variables and dengue cases exhibited different behaviour among provinces, a backward-type selection method was executed to find a final model with lags in the explanatory variables. We find that in the best models, meteorological conditions such as temperature and rainfall have an impact with a delay of 2-5 weeks in the development of an outbreak, ensuring breeding conditions for mosquitoes.

National dengue surveillance, Cambodia 2002-2020

Global dengue incidence has increased dramatically over the past few decades from approximately 500 000 reported cases in 2000 to over 5 million in 2019. This trend has been attributed to population growth in endemic areas, rapid unplanned urbanization, increasing global connectivity, and climate change expanding the geographic range of the Aedes spp. mosquito, among other factors. Reporting dengue surveillance data is key to understanding the scale of the problem, identifying important changes in the landscape of disease, and developing policies for clinical management, vector control and vaccine rollout. However, surveillance practices are not standardized, and data may be difficult to interpret particularly in low- and middle-income countries with fragmented health-care systems. The latest national dengue surveillance data for Cambodia was published in 2010. Since its publication, the country experienced marked changes in health policies, population demographics, climate and urbanization. How these changes affected dengue control remains unknown. In this article, we summarize two decades of policy changes, published literature, country statistics, and dengue case data collected by the Cambodia National Dengue Control Programme to: (i) identify important changes in the disease landscape; and (ii) derive lessons to inform future surveillance and disease control strategies. We report that while dengue case morbidity and mortality rates in Cambodia fell between 2002 and 2020, dengue incidence doubled and age at infection increased. Future national surveillance, disease prevention and treatment, and vector control policies will have to account for these changes to optimize disease control.

Measuring the effects of typhoon trajectories on dengue outbreaks in tropical regions of Taiwan: 1998-2019

Dengue fever is a rapidly spreading mosquito-borne contagion. However, the effects of extreme rainfall events on dengue occurrences have not been widely evaluated. With their immense precipitation and high winds, typhoons may have distinct effects on dengue occurrence from those during other heavy rain events. Frequented by typhoons and situated in the tropical climate zone, southern Taiwan is an appropriate study area due to its isolated geographic environment. Each subject to distinct orographic effects on typhoon structure and typhoon-induced precipitation, 9 typhoon trajectories around Taiwan have not been observed until now. This study analyzes typhoon-induced precipitation and examines historical typhoon events by trajectory to determine the effects of typhoons on dengue occurrences in different urban contexts of Tainan and Kaohsiung in high-epidemic southern Taiwan. We employed data from 1998 to 2019 and developed logistic regression models for modeling dengue occurrence while taking 28-day lag effects into account. We considered factors including typhoon trajectory, occurrence, and typhoon-induced precipitation to dengue occurrences. Our results indicate that typhoon trajectories are a significant risk factor for dengue occurrence. Typhoons affect dengue occurrence differently by trajectory. One out of four northbound (along the Taiwan Strait) and four out of five westbound (across Taiwan) typhoons were found to be positively correlated with dengue occurrences in southern Taiwan. We observe that typhoon-induced precipitation is not associated with dengue occurrence in southern Taiwan, which suggests that wind destruction during typhoon events may serve as the primary cause for their positive effects by leaving debris suitable for mosquito habitats. Our findings provide insights into the impact of typhoons by trajectory on dengue occurrence, which can improve the accuracy of future dengue forecasts in neighboring regions with similar climatic contexts.

Long-term projections of the impacts of warming temperatures on zika and dengue risk in four Brazilian cities using a temperature-dependent basic reproduction number

For vector-borne diseases the basic reproduction number [Formula: see text], a measure of a disease’s epidemic potential, is highly temperature-dependent. Recent work characterizing these temperature dependencies has highlighted how climate change may impact geographic disease spread. We extend this prior work by examining how newly emerging diseases, like Zika, will be impacted by specific future climate change scenarios in four diverse regions of Brazil, a country that has been profoundly impacted by Zika. We estimated a [Formula: see text], derived from a compartmental transmission model, characterizing Zika (and, for comparison, dengue) transmission potential as a function of temperature-dependent biological parameters specific to Aedes aegypti. We obtained historical temperature data for the five-year period 2015-2019 and projections for 2045-2049 by fitting cubic spline interpolations to data from simulated atmospheric data provided by the CMIP-6 project (specifically, generated by the GFDL-ESM4 model), which provides projections under four Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP). These four SSP scenarios correspond to varying levels of climate change severity. We applied this approach to four Brazilian cities (Manaus, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo) that represent diverse climatic regions. Our model predicts that the [Formula: see text] for Zika peaks at 2.7 around 30°C, while for dengue it peaks at 6.8 around 31°C. We find that the epidemic potential of Zika will increase beyond current levels in Brazil in all of the climate scenarios. For Manaus, we predict that the annual [Formula: see text] range will increase from 2.1-2.5, to 2.3-2.7, for Recife we project an increase from 0.4-1.9 to 0.6-2.3, for Rio de Janeiro from 0-1.9 to 0-2.3, and for São Paulo from 0-0.3 to 0-0.7. As Zika immunity wanes and temperatures increase, there will be increasing epidemic potential and longer transmission seasons, especially in regions where transmission is currently marginal. Surveillance systems should be implemented and sustained for early detection.

Joint influence of architectural and spatiotemporal factors on the presence of aedes aegypti in urban environments

BACKGROUND: Urbanization has led to the proliferation of high-rise buildings, which have substantially influenced the distribution of dengue vectors, such as Aedes aegypti (L.). However, knowledge gaps exist regarding the individual and combined effects of architectural and spatiotemporal factors on dengue vector. This study investigated the interrelationship between Ae. aegypti presence, building architectural features, and spatiotemporal factors in urban environments. RESULTS: The mosquito Ae. aegypti presence varied by location and seasons, being higher in outdoor environments than in indoor environments. Lingya (Kaohsiung City, Taiwan) had the highest mosquito numbers, particularly in basement and first floor areas. Ae. aegypti was found on multiple floors within buildings, and their presence was greater in summer and autumn. The XGBoost model revealed that height within a building, temperature, humidity, resident density, and rainfall were key factors influencing mosquito presence, whereas openness had a relatively minor impact. CONCLUSION: To effectively address the problems caused by urbanization, the three-dimensional distribution of Ae. aegypti, including their spatial distribution across heights and areas within the urban environment, must be considered. By incorporating these multiple factors, this approach provides valuable insights for those responsible for urban planning and disease management strategies. Understanding the interplay between architectural features, environmental conditions, and the presence of Ae. aegypti is essential for developing targeted interventions and mitigating the adverse impacts of urbanization on public health. © 2023 Society of Chemical Industry.

Integration of climate, transmission, and spread of dengue hemorrhagic fever in endemic areas

Introduction. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is still a public health problem even in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, including in Indonesia. This study aimed to analyze the incidence of DHF based on the integration of climatic factors, including rainfall, humidity, air temperature, and duration of sun-light and their distribution.Materials and Methods. This was an ecological time series study with secondary data from the Surabaya City Health Office covering the incidence of DHF and larva-free rate and climate data on rainfall, humidity, air temperature, and duration of sunlight obtained from the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG). Silver station in Surabaya, the distribution of dengue incidence during 2018-2020.Results and Discussion. The results showed that humidity was correlated with the larvae-free rate. Meanwhile, the larva-free rate did not correlate with the number of DHF cases. DHF control is estimated due to the correlation of climatic factors and the inci-dence of DHF, control of vectors and disease agents, control of transmission media, and exposure to the community.Conclusions. The integration of DHF control can be used for early precautions in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic by control-ling DHF early in the period from January to June in Surabaya. It is concluded that humidity can affect the dengue outbreak and it can be used as an early warning system and travel warning regarding the relative risk of DHF outbreak.

Interactions between climate change, urban infrastructure and mobility are driving dengue emergence in Vietnam

Dengue is expanding globally, but how dengue emergence is shaped locally by interactions between climatic and socio-environmental factors is not well understood. Here, we investigate the drivers of dengue incidence and emergence in Vietnam, through analysing 23 years of district-level case data spanning a period of significant socioeconomic change (1998-2020). We show that urban infrastructure factors (sanitation, water supply, long-term urban growth) predict local spatial patterns of dengue incidence, while human mobility is a more influential driver in subtropical northern regions than the endemic south. Temperature is the dominant factor shaping dengue’s distribution and dynamics, and using long-term reanalysis temperature data we show that warming since 1950 has expanded transmission risk throughout Vietnam, and most strongly in current dengue emergence hotspots (e.g., southern central regions, Ha Noi). In contrast, effects of hydrometeorology are complex, multi-scalar and dependent on local context: risk increases under either short-term precipitation excess or long-term drought, but improvements in water supply mitigate drought-associated risks except under extreme conditions. Our findings challenge the assumption that dengue is an urban disease, instead suggesting that incidence peaks in transitional landscapes with intermediate infrastructure provision, and provide evidence that interactions between recent climate change and mobility are contributing to dengue’s expansion throughout Vietnam.

Indigenous ecological calendars and seasonal vector-borne diseases in the Colombian Amazon: An intercultural and interdisciplinary approach

Traditional ecological knowledge of indigenous groups in the southeastern Colombian Amazon coincides in identifying the two main hydrological transition periods (wet-dry: August-November; dry-wet: March-April) as those with greater susceptibility to disease in humans. Here we analyze the association between indigenous knowledge about these two periods and the incidence of two vector-borne diseases: malaria and dengue. We researched seven “ecological calendars” from three regions in the Colombian Amazon, malaria and dengue cases reported from 2007 to 2019 by the Colombian National Institute of Health, and daily temperature and precipitation data from eight meteorological stations in the region from 1990-2019 (a climatological normal). Malaria and dengue follow a seasonal pattern: malaria has a peak from August to November, corresponding with the wet-dry transition (the “season of the worms” in the indigenous calendars), and dengue has a peak in March and April, coinciding with the dry-wet transition. Previous studies have shown a positive correlation between rainfall and dengue and a negative correlation between rainfall and malaria. However, as the indigenous ecological knowledge codified in the calendars suggests, disease prediction cannot be reduced to a linear correlation with a single environmental variable. Our data show that two major aspects of the indigenous calendars (the time of friaje as a critical marker of the year and the hydrological transition periods as periods of greater susceptibility to diseases) are supported by meteorological data and by the available information about the incidence of malaria and dengue.

Impact of regional climate change on the mosquito vector Aedes albopictus in a tropical island environment: La Réunion

The recent expansion of Aedes albopictus across continents in both tropical and temperate regions and the exponential growth of dengue cases over the past 50 years represent a significant risk to human health. Although climate change is not the only factor responsible for the increase and spread of dengue cases worldwide, it might increase the risk of disease transmission at global and regional scale. Here we show that regional and local variations in climate can induce differential impacts on the abundance of Ae. albopictus. We use the instructive example of Réunion Island with its varied climatic and environmental conditions and benefiting from the availability of meteorological, climatic, entomological and epidemiological data. Temperature and precipitation data based on regional climate model simulations (3 km × 3 km) are used as inputs to a mosquito population model for three different climate emission scenarios. Our objective is to study the impact of climate change on the life cycle dynamics of Ae. albopictus in the 2070-2100 time horizon. Our results show the joint influence of temperature and precipitation on Ae. albopictus abundance as a function of elevation and geographical subregion. At low-elevations areas, decreasing precipitation is expected to have a negative impact on environmental carrying capacity and, consequently, on Ae. albopictus abundance. At mid- and high-elevations, decreasing precipitation is expected to be counterbalanced by a significant warming, leading to faster development rates at all life stages, and consequently increasing the abundance of this important dengue vector in 2070-2100.

Impact of climate change on dengue fever epidemics in south and southeast asian settings: A modelling study

The potential for dengue fever epidemic due to climate change remains uncertain in tropical areas. This study aims to assess the impact of climate change on dengue fever transmission in four South and Southeast Asian settings. We collected weekly data of dengue fever incidence, daily mean temperature and rainfall from 2012 to 2020 in Singapore, Colombo, Selangor, and Chiang Mai. Projections for temperature and rainfall were drawn for three Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP126, SSP245, and SSP585) scenarios. Using a disease transmission model, we projected the dengue fever epidemics until 2090s and determined the changes in annual peak incidence, peak time, epidemic size, and outbreak duration. A total of 684,639 dengue fever cases were reported in the four locations between 2012 and 2020. The projected change in dengue fever transmission would be most significant under the SSP585 scenario. In comparison to the 2030s, the peak incidence would rise by 1.29 times in Singapore, 2.25 times in Colombo, 1.36 times in Selangor, and >10 times in Chiang Mai in the 2090s under SSP585. Additionally, the peak time was projected to be earlier in Singapore, Colombo, and Selangor, but be later in Chiang Mai under the SSP585 scenario. Even in a milder emission scenario of SSP126, the epidemic size was projected to increase by 5.94%, 10.81%, 12.95%, and 69.60% from the 2030s-2090s in Singapore, Colombo, Selangor, and Chiang Mai, respectively. The outbreak durations in the four settings were projected to be prolonged over this century under SSP126 and SSP245, while a slight decrease is expected in 2090s under SSP585. The results indicate that climate change is expected to increase the risk of dengue fever transmission in tropical areas of South and Southeast Asia. Limiting greenhouse gas emissions could be crucial in reducing the transmission of dengue fever in the future.

How do temperature and precipitation drive dengue transmission in nine cities, in Guangdong province, China: A bayesian spatio-temporal model analysis

Dengue remains an important public health issue in South China. In this study, we aim to quantify the effect of climatic factors on dengue in nine cities of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) in South China. Monthly dengue cases, climatic factors, socio-economic, geographical, and mosquito density data in nine cities of the PRD from 2008 to 2019 were collected. A generalized additive model (GAM) was applied to investigate the exposure-response relationship between climatic factors (temperature and precipitation) and dengue incidence in each city. A spatio-temporal conditional autoregressive model (ST-CAR) with a Bayesian framework was employed to estimate the effect of temperature and precipitation on dengue and to explore the temporal trend of the dengue risk by adjusting the socioeconomic and geographical factors. There was a positive non-linear association between the temperature and dengue incidence in the nine cities in south China, while the approximate linear negative relationship between precipitation and dengue incidence was found in most of the cities. The ST-CAR model analysis showed the risk of dengue transmission increased by 101.0% (RR: 2.010, 95% CI: 1.818 to 2.151) for 1 degrees C increase in monthly temperature at 2 months lag in the overall nine cities, while a 3.2% decrease (relative risk (RR): 0.968, 95% CI: 0.946 to 0.985) and a 2.1% decrease (RR: 0.979, 95% CI: 0.975 to 0.983) for 10 mm increase in monthly precipitation at present month and 3 months lag. The expected incidence of dengue has risen again since 2015, and the highest incidence was in Guangzhou City. Our study showed that climatic factors, including temperature and precipitation would drive the dengue transmission, and the dengue epidemic risk has been increasing. The findings may contribute to the climate-driven dengue prediction and dengue risk projection for future climate scenarios.

Higher-temperature-adapted dengue virus serotype 2 strain exhibits enhanced virulence in AG129 mouse model

The factors that drive dengue virus (DENV) evolution, and selection of virulent variants are yet not clear. Higher environmental temperature shortens DENV extrinsic incubation period in mosquitoes, increases human transmission, and plays a critical role in outbreak dynamics. In the present study, we looked at the effect of temperature in altering the virus virulence. We found that DENV cultured at a higher temperature in C6/36 mosquito cells was significantly more virulent than the virus grown at a lower temperature. In a mouse model, the virulent strain induced enhanced viremia and aggressive disease with a short course, hemorrhage, severe vascular permeability, and death. Higher inflammatory cytokine response, thrombocytopenia, and severe histopathological changes in vital organs such as heart, liver, and kidney were hallmarks of the disease. Importantly, it required only a few passages for the virus to acquire a quasi-species population harboring virulence-imparting mutations. Whole genome comparison with a lower temperature passaged strain identified key genomic changes in the structural protein-coding regions as well as in the 3’UTR of the viral genome. Our results point out that virulence-enhancing genetic changes could occur in the dengue virus genome under enhanced growth temperature conditions in mosquito cells.

Global distribution of aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus in a climate change scenario of regional rivalry

Arboviral mosquito vectors are key targets for the surveillance and control of vector-borne diseases worldwide. In recent years, changes to the global distributions of these species have been a major research focus, aimed at predicting outbreaks of arboviral diseases. In this study, we analyzed a global scenario of climate change under regional rivalry to predict changes to these species’ distributions over the next century. Using occurrence data from VectorMap and environmental variables (temperature and precipitation) from WorldClim v. 2.1, we first built fundamental niche models for both species with the boosted regression tree modelling approach. A scenario of climate change on their fundamental niche was then analyzed. The shared socioeconomic pathway scenario 3 (regional rivalry) and the global climate model Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Earth System Model v. 4.1 (GFDL-ESM4.1; gfdl.noaa.gov) were utilized for all analyses, in the following time periods: 2021-2040, 2041-2060, 2061-2080, and 2081-2100. Outcomes from these analyses showed that future climate change will affect Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus distributions in different ways across the globe. The Northern Hemisphere will have extended Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus distributions in future climate change scenarios, whereas the Southern Hemisphere will have the opposite outcomes. Europe will become more suitable for both species and their related vector-borne diseases. Loss of suitability in the Brazilian Amazon region further indicated that this tropical rainforest biome will have lower levels of precipitation to support these species in the future. Our models provide possible future scenarios to help identify locations for resource allocation and surveillance efforts before a significant threat to human health emerges.

Global transmission suitability maps for dengue virus transmitted by aedes aegypti from 1981 to 2019

Mosquito-borne viruses increasingly threaten human populations due to accelerating changes in climate, human and mosquito migration, and land use practices. Over the last three decades, the global distribution of dengue has rapidly expanded, causing detrimental health and economic problems in many areas of the world. To develop effective disease control measures and plan for future epidemics, there is an urgent need to map the current and future transmission potential of dengue across both endemic and emerging areas. Expanding and applying Index P, a previously developed mosquito-borne viral suitability measure, we map the global climate-driven transmission potential of dengue virus transmitted by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes from 1981 to 2019. This database of dengue transmission suitability maps and an R package for Index P estimations are offered to the public health community as resources towards the identification of past, current and future transmission hotspots. These resources and the studies they facilitate can contribute to the planning of disease control and prevention strategies, especially in areas where surveillance is unreliable or non-existent.

Generalized linear regression model to determine the threshold effects of climate variables on dengue fever: A case study on Bangladesh

One of the leading causes of the increase in the intensity of dengue fever transmission is thought to be climate change. Examining panel data from January 2000 to December 2021, this study discovered the nonlinear relationship between climate variables and dengue fever cases in Bangladesh. To determine this relationship, in this study, the monthly total rainfall in different years has been divided into two thresholds: (90 to 360 mm) and (360 mm), and the daily average temperature in different months of the different years has been divided into four thresholds: (16 degrees C to <= 20 degrees C), (>20 degrees C to <= 25 degrees C), (>25 degrees C to <= 28 degrees C), and (>28 degrees C to <= 30 degrees C). Then, quasi-Poisson and zero-inflated Poisson regression models were applied to assess the relationship. This study found a positive correlation between temperature and dengue incidence and furthermore discovered that, among those four average temperature thresholds, the total number of dengue cases is maximum if the average temperature falls into the threshold (>28 degrees C to <= 30 degrees C) and minimum if the average temperature falls into the threshold (16 degrees C to <= 20 degrees C). This study also discovered that between the two thresholds of monthly total rainfall, the risk of a dengue fever outbreak is approximately two times higher when the monthly total rainfall falls into the thresholds (90 mm to 360 mm) compared to the other threshold. This study concluded that dengue fever incidence rates would be significantly more affected by climate change in regions with warmer temperatures. The number of dengue cases rises rapidly when the temperature rises in the context of moderate to low rainfall. This study highlights the significance of establishing potential temperature and rainfall thresholds for using risk prediction and public health programs to prevent and control dengue fever.

Genomic profiling of climate adaptation in aedes aegypti along an altitudinal gradient in Nepal indicates nongradual expansion of the disease vector

Driven by globalization, urbanization and climate change, the distribution range of invasive vector species has expanded to previously colder ecoregions. To reduce health-threatening impacts on humans, insect vectors are extensively studied. Population genomics can reveal the genomic basis of adaptation and help to identify emerging trends of vector expansion. By applying whole genome analyses and genotype-environment associations to populations of the main dengue vector Aedes aegypti, sampled along an altitudinal gradient in Nepal (200-1300 m), we identify putatively adaptive traits and describe the species’ genomic footprint of climate adaptation to colder ecoregions. We found two differentiated clusters with significantly different allele frequencies in genes associated to climate adaptation between the highland population (1300 m) and all other lowland populations (≤800 m). We revealed nonsynonymous mutations in 13 of the candidate genes associated to either altitude, precipitation or cold tolerance and identified an isolation-by-environment differentiation pattern. Other than the expected gradual differentiation along the altitudinal gradient, our results reveal a distinct genomic differentiation of the highland population. Local high-altitude adaptation could be one explanation of the population’s phenotypic cold tolerance. Carrying alleles relevant for survival under colder climate increases the likelihood of this highland population to a worldwide expansion into other colder ecoregions.

Genomic signatures of local adaptation in recent invasive Aedes aegypti populations in California

BACKGROUND: Rapid adaptation to new environments can facilitate species invasions and range expansions. Understanding the mechanisms of adaptation used by invasive disease vectors in new regions has key implications for mitigating the prevalence and spread of vector-borne disease, although they remain relatively unexplored. RESULTS: Here, we integrate whole-genome sequencing data from 96 Aedes aegypti mosquitoes collected from various sites in southern and central California with 25 annual topo-climate variables to investigate genome-wide signals of local adaptation among populations. Patterns of population structure, as inferred using principal components and admixture analysis, were consistent with three genetic clusters. Using various landscape genomics approaches, which all remove the confounding effects of shared ancestry on correlations between genetic and environmental variation, we identified 112 genes showing strong signals of local environmental adaptation associated with one or more topo-climate factors. Some of them have known effects in climate adaptation, such as heat-shock proteins, which shows selective sweep and recent positive selection acting on these genomic regions. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide a genome wide perspective on the distribution of adaptive loci and lay the foundation for future work to understand how environmental adaptation in Ae. aegypti impacts the arboviral disease landscape and how such adaptation could help or hinder efforts at population control.

Epidemiology and burden of dengue fever in the United States: A systematic review

BACKGROUND: Dengue is currently a global concern. The range of dengue vectors is expanding with climate change, yet United States of America (USA) studies on dengue epidemiology and burden are limited. This systematic review sought to characterize the epidemiology and disease burden of dengue within the USA. METHODS: Studies evaluating travel-related and endemic dengue in US states and territories were identified and qualitatively summarized. Commentaries and studies on ex-US cases were excluded. MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library, Latin American and Caribbean Center of Health Sciences Information, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination and Clinicaltrials.gov were searched through January 2022. RESULTS: 116 studies were included. In US states, dengue incidence was generally low, with spikes occurring in recent years in 2013-16 (0.17-0.31 cases/100,000) and peaking in 2019 (0.35 cases/100,000). Most cases (94%, n = 7895, 2010-21) were travel related. Dengue was more common in Puerto Rico (cumulative average: 200 cases/100,000, 1980-2015); in 2010-21, 99.9% of cases were locally acquired. There were <50 severe cases in US states (2010-17); fatal cases were even rarer. Severe cases in Puerto Rico peaked in 1998 (n = 173) and 2021 (n = 76). Besides lower income, risk factors in US states included having birds in residence, suggesting unspecified environmental characteristics favourable to dengue vectors. Commonly reported symptoms included fever, headache and rash; median disease duration was 3.5-11 days. Hospitalization rates increased following 2009 World Health Organization disease classification changes (pre-2009: 0-54%; post-2009: 14-75%); median length of stay was 2.7-8 days (Puerto Rico) and 2-3 days (US states). Hospitalization costs/case (2010 USD) were$14 350 (US states),$1764-$5497 (Puerto Rico) and$4207 (US Virgin Islands). In Puerto Rico, average days missed were 0.2-5.3 (work) and 2.5 (school). CONCLUSIONS: Though dengue risk is ongoing, treatments are limited, and dengue's economic burden is high. There is an urgent need for additional preventive and therapeutic interventions.

Effects of high temperatures and heatwaves on dengue fever: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Studies have shown that dengue virus transmission increases in association with ambient temperature. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the effect of both high temperatures and heatwave events on dengue transmission in different climate zones globally. METHODS: A systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, Embase, and Web of Science from January 1990 to September 20, 2022. We included peer reviewed original observational studies using ecological time series, case crossover, or case series study designs reporting the association of high temperatures and heatwave with dengue and comparing risks over different exposures or time periods. Studies classified as case reports, clinical trials, non-human studies, conference abstracts, editorials, reviews, books, posters, commentaries; and studies that examined only seasonal effects were excluded. Effect estimates were extracted from published literature. A random effects meta-analysis was performed to pool the relative risks (RRs) of dengue infection per 1 °C increase in temperature, and further subgroup analyses were also conducted. The quality and strength of evidence were evaluated following the Navigation Guide systematic review methodology framework. The review protocol has been registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO). FINDINGS: The study selection process yielded 6367 studies. A total of 106 studies covering more than four million dengue cases fulfilled the inclusion criteria; of these, 54 studies were eligible for meta-analysis. The overall pooled estimate showed a 13% increase in risk of dengue infection (RR = 1.13; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.11-1.16, I(2) = 98.0%) for each 1 °C increase in high temperatures. Subgroup analyses by climate zones suggested greater effects of temperature in tropical monsoon climate zone (RR = 1.29, 95% CI: 1.11-1.51) and humid subtropical climate zone (RR = 1.20, 95% CI: 1.15-1.25). Heatwave events showed association with an increased risk of dengue infection (RR = 1.08; 95% CI: 0.95-1.23, I(2) = 88.9%), despite a wide confidence interval. The overall strength of evidence was found to be “sufficient” for high temperatures but “limited” for heatwaves. Our results showed that high temperatures increased the risk of dengue infection, albeit with varying risks across climate zones and different levels of national income. INTERPRETATION: High temperatures increased the relative risk of dengue infection. Future studies on the association between temperature and dengue infection should consider local and regional climate, socio-demographic and environmental characteristics to explore vulnerability at local and regional levels for tailored prevention. FUNDING: Australian Research Council Discovery Program.

Effects of temperature, rainfall, and El Niño Southern oscillations on dengue-like-illness incidence in Solomon Islands

This study investigated associations between climate variables (average temperature and cumulative rainfall), and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and dengue-like-illness (DLI) incidence in two provinces (Western and Guadalcanal Provinces) in Solomon Islands (SI). METHODS: Weekly DLI and meteorological data were obtained from the Ministry of Health and Medical Services SI and the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology from 2015 to 2018, respectively. We used negative binomial generalized estimating equations to assess the effects of climate variables up to a lag of 2 months and ENSO on DLI incidence in SI. RESULTS: We captured an upsurge in DLI trend between August 2016 and April 2017. We found the effects of average temperature on DLI in Guadalcanal Province at lag of one month (IRR: 2.186, 95% CI: 1.094-4.368). Rainfall had minor but consistent effect in all provinces. La Niña associated with increased DLI risks in Guadalcanal Province (IRR: 4.537, 95% CI: 2.042-10.083), whereas El Niño associated with risk reduction ranging from 72.8% to 76.7% in both provinces. CONCLUSIONS: Owing to the effects of climate variability and ENSO on DLI, defining suitable and sustainable measures to control dengue transmission and enhancing community resilience against climate change in low- and middle-developed countries are important.

Development and utility of practical indicators of critical outcomes in dengue patients presenting to hospital: A retrospective cross-sectional study

Global travel and climate change have drastically increased the number of countries with endemic or epidemic dengue. The largest dengue outbreak in Taiwan, with 43,419 cases and 228 deaths, occurred in 2015. Practical and cost-effective tools for early prediction of clinical outcomes in dengue patients, especially the elderly, are limited. This study identified the clinical profile and prognostic indicators of critical outcomes in dengue patients on the basis of clinical parameters and comorbidities. A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted in a tertiary hospital from 1 July 2015 to 30 November 2015. Patients diagnosed with dengue were enrolled, and the initial clinical presentations, diagnostic laboratory data, details of the underlying comorbidities, and initial management recommendations based on 2009 World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines were used to evaluate prognostic indicators of critical outcomes in dengue patients. Dengue patients from another regional hospital were used to evaluate accuracy. A group B (4 points) classification, temperature < 38.5 °C (1 point), lower diastolic blood pressure (1 point), prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) (2 points), and elevated liver enzymes (1 point) were included in the scoring system. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the clinical model was 0.933 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.905-0.960). The tool had good predictive value and clinical applicability for identifying patients with critical outcomes.

Dengue: Updates for dermatologists on the world’s fastest-growing vector-borne disease

Dengue is the world’s fastest-growing vector borne disease and has significant epidemic potential in suitable climates. Recent disease models incorporating climate change scenarios predict geographic expansion across the globe, including parts of the United States and Europe. It will be increasingly important in the next decade for dermatologists to become familiar with dengue, as it commonly manifests with rashes, which can be used to aid diagnosis. In this review, we discuss dengue for general dermatologists, specifically focusing on its cutaneous manifestations, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. As dengue continues to spread in both endemic and new locations, dermatologists may have a larger role in the timely diagnosis and management of this disease.

Dengue and climate changes: Increase of DENV-1 in São Paulo/Brazil – 2023

Dengue is a vector borne disease caused by virus serotypes DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4, representing a significant public health concern in the Region of the Americas (2,997,097 cases in 2023). This study explores the relationship between dengue incidence and climate changes in the city of São Paulo-Brazil. During the first semester of 2023, Brazil reported the highest number of dengue cases in Americas’ Region. Our data reveals a correlation between the high temperature and rainfall season persistence and the extension of dengue incidence into the winter season. The findings highlight the importance of understanding the relationship between climate change and disease transmission patterns to develop effective strategies for prevention and control.

Dengue in Myanmar: Spatiotemporal epidemiology, association with climate and short-term prediction

Dengue is a major public health problem in Myanmar. The country aims to reduce morbidity by 50% and mortality by 90% by 2025 based on 2015 data. To support efforts to reach these goals it is important to have a detailed picture of the epidemiology of dengue, its relationship to meteorological factors and ideally to predict ahead of time numbers of cases to plan resource allocations and control efforts. Health facility-level data on numbers of dengue cases from 2012 to 2017 were obtained from the Vector Borne Disease Control Unit, Department of Public Health, Myanmar. A detailed analysis of routine dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) incidence was conducted to examine the spatial and temporal epidemiology. Incidence was compared to climate data over the same period. Dengue was found to be widespread across the country with an increase in spatial extent over time. The temporal pattern of dengue cases and fatalities was episodic with annual outbreaks and no clear longitudinal trend. There were 127,912 reported cases and 632 deaths from 2012 and 2017 with peaks in 2013, 2015 and 2017. The case fatality rate was around 0.5% throughout. The peak season of dengue cases was from May to August in the wet season but in 2014 peak dengue season continued until November. The strength of correlation of dengue incidence with different climate factors (total rainfall, maximum, mean and minimum temperature and absolute humidity) varied between different States and Regions. Monthly incidence was forecasted 1 month ahead using the Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) method at country and subnational levels. With further development and validation, this may be a simple way to quickly generate short-term predictions at subnational scales with sufficient certainty to use for intervention planning.

Dengue virus infection during window period of consecutive outbreaks in Nepal and assessment of clinical parameters

Nepal is an endemic country for dengue infection with rolling of every 3 year’s clear cyclic outbreaks with exponential growth since 2019 outbreak and the virus gearing towards the non-foci temperate hill regions. However, the information regarding circulating serotype and genotype is not frequent. This research discusses on the clinical features, diagnosis, epidemiology, circulating serotype and genotype among 61 dengue suspected cases from different hospitals of Nepal during the window period 2017-2018 between the two outbreaks of 2016 and 2019. E-gene sequences from PCR positive samples were subjected to phylogenetic analysis under time to most recent common ancestor tree using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and BEAST v2.5.1. Both evolution and genotypes were determined based on the phylogenetic tree. Serotyping by Real-time PCR and Nested PCR showed the co-circulation of all the 3 serotypes of dengue in the year 2017 and only DENV-2 in 2018. Genotype V for DENV-1 and Cosmopolitan Genotype IVa for DENV-2 were detected. The detected Genotype V of DENV-1 in Terai was found close to Indian genotype while Cosmopolitan IVa of DENV-2 found spreading to geographically safe hilly region (now gripped to 9 districts) was close to South-East Asia. The genetic drift of DENV-2 is probably due to climate change and rapid viral evolution which could be a representative model for high altitude shift of the infection. Further, the increased primary infection indicates dengue venturing to new populations. Platelets count together with Aspartate transaminase and Aalanine transaminase could serve as important clinical markers to support clinical diagnosis. The study will support future dengue virology and epidemiology in Nepal.

Correlation of dengue and meteorological factors in Bangladesh: A public health concern

Dengue virus (DENV) is an enveloped, single-stranded RNA virus, a member of the Flaviviridae family (which causes Dengue fever), and an arthropod-transmitted human viral infection. Bangladesh is well known for having some of Asia’s most vulnerable Dengue outbreaks, with climate change, its location, and it’s dense population serving as the main contributors. For speculation about DENV outbreak characteristics, it is crucial to determine how meteorological factors correlate with the number of cases. This study used five time series models to observe the trend and forecast Dengue cases. Current data-based research has also applied four statistical models to test the relationship between Dengue-positive cases and meteorological parameters. Datasets were used from NASA for meteorological parameters, and daily DENV cases were obtained from the Directorate General of Health Service (DGHS) open-access websites. During the study period, the mean of DENV cases was 882.26 ± 3993.18, ranging between a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 52,636 daily confirmed cases. The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient between climatic variables and Dengue incidence indicated that no substantial relationship exists between daily Dengue cases and wind speed, temperature, and surface pressure (Spearman’s rho; r = -0.007, p > 0.05; r = 0.085, p > 0.05; and r = -0.086, p > 0.05, respectively). Still, a significant relationship exists between daily Dengue cases and dew point, relative humidity, and rainfall (r = 0.158, p < 0.05; r = 0.175, p < 0.05; and r = 0.138, p < 0.05, respectively). Using the ARIMAX and GA models, the relationship for Dengue cases with wind speed is -666.50 [95% CI: -1711.86 to 378.86] and -953.05 [-2403.46 to 497.36], respectively. A similar negative relation between Dengue cases and wind speed was also determined in the GLM model (IRR = 0.98). Dew point and surface pressure also represented a negative correlation in both ARIMAX and GA models, respectively, but the GLM model showed a positive association. Additionally, temperature and relative humidity showed a positive correlation with Dengue cases (105.71 and 57.39, respectively, in the ARIMAX, 633.86, and 200.03 in the GA model). In contrast, both temperature and relative humidity showed negative relation with Dengue cases in the GLM model. In the Poisson regression model, windspeed has a substantial significant negative connection with Dengue cases in all seasons. Temperature and rainfall are significantly and positively associated with Dengue cases in all seasons. The association between meteorological factors and recent outbreak data is the first study where we are aware of the use of maximum time series models in Bangladesh. Taking comprehensive measures against DENV outbreaks in the future can be possible through these findings, which can help fellow researchers and policymakers.

Complexity in the dengue spreading: A network analysis approach

In an increasingly interconnected society, preventing epidemics has become a major challenge. Numerous infectious diseases spread between individuals by a vector, creating bipartite networks of infection with the characteristics of complex networks. In the case of dengue, a mosquito-borne disease, these infection networks include a vector-the Aedes aegypti mosquito-which has expanded its endemic area due to climate change. In this scenario, innovative approaches are essential to help public agents in the fight against the disease. Using an agent-based model, we investigated the network morphology of a dengue endemic region considering four different serotypes and a small population. The degree, betweenness, and closeness distributions are evaluated for the bipartite networks, considering the interactions up to the second order for each serotype. We observed scale-free features and heavy tails in the degree distribution and betweenness and quantified the decay of the degree distribution with a q-Gaussian fit function. The simulation results indicate that the spread of dengue is primarily driven by human-to-human and human-to-mosquito interaction, reinforcing the importance of controlling the vector to prevent episodes of epidemic outbreaks.

Combination patterns of precipitation and its concentration degree determining the risk of dengue outbreaks in China

The amount and distribution of precipitation can determine dengue risk by affecting mosquito breeding; however, previous studies failed to incorporate this bivariate characteristic to examine dengue fever transmission. In the present research, nationwide data on daily dengue cases in China between January 2005 and December 2020 were obtained, and the top 12 cities accounting for 78% of total cases were selected for analysis. Precipitation patterns were quantified by weekly precipitation and precipitation concentration degree (PCD). On the basis of the combinations of both parameters, the exposure-response relationships of precipitation with dengue risk were established using generalised additive models, and the high-dengue-risk thresholds of precipitation patterns were further identified. Dengue burden was assessed by calculating attributable dengue cases. For the same amount of precipitation, the dispersed precipitation in the pre-summer rainy season leads to a higher dengue risk in autumn. The weekly precipitation of 100-150 mm and PCD of 0.2-0.4 constitute the highest risk scenario, and the average frequency of precipitation associated with dengue risk in 2013-2020 is 1.6 times higher than that in 2005-2012. A total of 3093 attributable dengue cases are identified. From 2005 to 2020, the amount of dispersed precipitation increased in southern and southwestern China and posed high dengue risks in central China. This study has improved the understanding of the health impacts of irregular rainfall under climate change. Our approach to identifying thresholds provides information for early warning systems and helps reduce the risk of dengue transmission in the long run.

Common patterns between dengue cases, climate, and local environmental variables in Costa Rica: A wavelet approach

Dengue transmission poses significant challenges for public health authorities worldwide due to its susceptibility to various factors, including environmental and climate variability, affecting its incidence and geographic spread. This study focuses on Costa Rica, a country characterized by diverse microclimates nearby, where dengue has been endemic since its introduction in 1993. Using wavelet coherence and clustering analysis, we performed a time-series analysis to uncover the intricate connections between climate, local environmental factors, and dengue occurrences. The findings indicate that multiannual dengue frequency (3 yr) is correlated with the Oceanic Niño Index and the Tropical North Atlantic Index. This association is particularly prominent in cantons located along the North and South Pacific Coast, as well as in the Central cantons of the country. Furthermore, the time series of these climate indices exhibit a leading phase of approximately nine months ahead of dengue cases. Additionally, the clustering analysis uncovers non-contiguous groups of cantons that exhibit similar correlation patterns, irrespective of their proximity or adjacency. This highlights the significance of climate factors in influencing dengue dynamics across diverse regions, regardless of spatial closeness or distance between them. On the other hand, the annual dengue frequency was correlated with local environmental indices. A persistent correlation between dengue cases and local environmental variables is observed over time in the North Pacific and the Central Region of the country’s Northwest, with environmental factors leading by less than three months. These findings contribute to understanding dengue transmission’s spatial and temporal dynamics in Costa Rica, highlighting the importance of climate and local environmental factors in dengue surveillance and control efforts.

Climate and visitors as the influencing factors of dengue fever in badung district of Bali, Indonesia

Badung district has recorded the highest dengue fever (DF) in Bali Province. This research presents the distribution of DF in Badung district and analyses its association with climate and visitors. The monthly data of DF, climate and number of visitors during January 2013 to December 2017 were analysed using Poisson Regression. A total of 10,689 new DF cases were notified from January 2013 to December 2017. DF in 2016 was recorded as the heaviest incidence. Monthly DF cases have positive association with average temperature (0.59 (95% CI: 0.56-.62)), precipitation (5.7 x 10(-4) (95% CI: 3.8 x 10(-4) – 7.6 x 10(-4))), humidity (.014 (95% CI: 0.003-.025)) and local visitors (7.40 x 10(-6) 95% CI: 5.88 x 10(-6) : 8.91 x 10(-6)). Negative association was shown between DF cases with foreign visitors (-2.18 x 10(-6) (95% CI: -2.50 x 10(-6) : -1.87 x 10(-6))). This study underlines the urgency to integrate climate and tourism for DF surveillance.

Climate change and Aedes albopictus risks in China: Current impact and future projection

Future distribution of dengue risk is usually predicted based on predicted climate changes using general circulation models (GCMs). However, it is difficult to validate the GCM results and assess the uncertainty of the predictions. The observed changes in climate may be very different from the GCM results. We aim to utilize trends in observed climate dynamics to predict future risks of Aedes albopictus in China. METHODS: We collected Ae. albopictus surveillance data and observed climate records from 80 meteorological stations from 1970 to 2021. We analyzed the trends in climate change in China and made predictions on future climate for the years 2050 and 2080 based on trend analyses. We analyzed the relationship between climatic variables and the prevalence of Ae. albopictus in different months/seasons. We built a classification tree model (based on the average of 999 runs of classification and regression tree analyses) to predict the monthly/seasonal Ae. albopictus distribution based on the average climate from 1970 to 2000 and assessed the contributions of different climatic variables to the Ae. albopictus distribution. Using these models, we projected the future distributions of Ae. albopictus for 2050 and 2080. RESULTS: The study included Ae. albopictus surveillance from 259 sites in China found that winter to early spring (November-February) temperatures were strongly correlated with Ae. albopictus prevalence (prediction accuracy ranges 93.0-98.8%)-the higher the temperature the higher the prevalence, while precipitation in summer (June-September) was important predictor for Ae. albopictus prevalence. The machine learning tree models predicted the current prevalence of Ae. albopictus with high levels of agreement (accuracy > 90% and Kappa agreement > 80% for all 12 months). Overall, winter temperature contributed the most to Ae. albopictus distribution, followed by summer precipitation. An increase in temperature was observed from 1970 to 2021 in most places in China, and annual change rates varied substantially from -0.22 ºC/year to 0.58 ºC/year among sites, with the largest increase in temperature occurring from February to April (an annual increase of 1.4-4.7 ºC in monthly mean, 0.6-4.0 ºC in monthly minimum, and 1.3-4.3 ºC in monthly maximum temperature) and the smallest in November and December. Temperature increases were lower in the tropics/subtropics (1.5-2.3 ºC from February-April) compared to the high-latitude areas (2.6-4.6 ºC from February-April). The projected temperatures in 2050 and 2080 by this study were approximately 1-1.5 °C higher than those projected by GCMs. The estimated current Ae. albopictus risk distribution had a northern boundary of north-central China and the southern edge of northeastern China, with a risk period of June-September. The projected future Ae. albopictus risks in 2050 and 2080 cover nearly all of China, with an expanded risk period of April-October. The current at-risk population was estimated to be 960 million and the future at-risk population was projected to be 1.2 billion. CONCLUSIONS: The magnitude of climate change in China is likely to surpass GCM predictions. Future dengue risks will expand to cover nearly all of China if current climate trends continue.

Challenges and implications of predicting the spatiotemporal distribution of dengue fever outbreak in chinese Taiwan using remote sensing data and deep learning

Ongoing climate change has accelerated the outbreak and expansion of climate-sensitive infectious diseases such as dengue fever. Dengue fever will remain a threat until safe and effective vaccines and antiviral drugs have been developed, distributed, and administered on a global scale. By predicting the spatiotemporal distribution of dengue fever outbreaks, we can effectively implement dengue fever prevention and control. Our study aims to predict the spatiotemporal distribution of dengue fever outbreaks in Chinese Taiwan using a U-Net based encoder – decoder model with daily datasets of sea-surface temperature, rainfall, and shortwave radiation from Remote Sensing (RS) instruments and dengue fever case notification data. Although the prediction accuracy of the proposed model was low and the overlapping areas between the ground truth and pixelwise prediction were few, some of the pixels were located nearby the ground truth, suggesting that the application of RS data and deep learning may help to predict the spatiotemporal distribution of dengue fever outbreaks. With further improvements, the deep learning model might effectively learn a small amount of training data for a specific task.

Bayesian spatio-temporal model with inla for dengue fever risk prediction in Costa Rica

Due to the rapid geographic spread of the Aedes mosquito and the increase in dengue incidence, dengue fever has been an increasing concern for public health authorities in tropical and subtropical countries worldwide. Significant challenges such as climate change, the burden on health systems, and the rise of insecticide resistance highlight the need to introduce new and cost-effective tools for developing public health interventions. Various and locally adapted statistical methods for developing climate-based early warning systems have increasingly been an area of interest and research worldwide. Costa Rica, a country with microclimates and endemic circulation of the dengue virus (DENV) since 1993, provides ideal conditions for developing projection models with the potential to help guide public health efforts and interventions to control and monitor future dengue outbreaks. Climate information was incorporated to model and forecast the dengue cases and relative risks using a Bayesian spatio-temporal model, from 2000 to 2021, in 32 Costa Rican municipalities. This approach is capable of analyzing the spatio-temporal behavior of dengue and also producing reliable predictions.

Autochthonous Dengue outbreak, Paris region, France, september–october 2023

Autochthonous dengue outbreak, Paris region, France, September-October 2023

We describe clinical and laboratory findings of 3 autochthonous cases of dengue in the Paris Region, France, during September-October 2023. Increasing trends in cases, global warming, and growth of international travel mean that such infections likely will increase during warm seasons in France, requiring stronger arbovirus surveillance networks.

Association of climate factors with dengue incidence in Bangladesh, Dhaka City: A count regression approach

In Bangladesh, particularly in Dhaka city, dengue fever is a major factor in serious sickness and hospitalization. The weather influences the temporal and geographical spread of the vector-borne disease dengue in Dhaka. As a result, rainfall and ambient temperature are considered macro factors influencing dengue since they have a direct impact on Aedes aegypti population density, which changes seasonally dependent on these critical variables. This study aimed to clarify the relationship between climatic variables and the incidence of dengue disease. METHODS: A total of 2253 dengue and climate data were used for this study. Maximum and minimum temperature (°C), humidity (grams of water vapor per kilogram of air g.kg(-1)), rainfall (mm), sunshine hour (in (average) hours per day), and wind speed (knots (kt)) in Dhaka were considered as the independent variables for this study which trigger the dengue incidence in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Missing values were imputed using multiple imputation techniques. Descriptive and correlation analyses were performed for each variable and stationary tests were observed using Dicky Fuller test. However, initially, the Poisson model, zero-inflated regression model, and negative binomial model were fitted for this problem. Finally, the negative binomial model is considered the final model for this study based on minimum AIC values. RESULTS: The mean of maximum and minimum temperature, wind speed, sunshine hour, and rainfall showed some fluctuations over the years. However, a mean number of dengue cases reported a higher incidence in recent years. Maximum and minimum temperature, humidity, and wind speed were positively correlated with dengue cases. However, rainfall and sunshine hours were negatively associated with dengue cases. The findings showed that factors such as maximum temperature, minimum temperature, humidity, and windspeed are crucial in the transmission cycles of dengue disease. On the other hand, dengue cases decreased with higher levels of rainfall. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study will be helpful for policymakers to develop a climate-based warning system in Bangladesh.

Assessing the relationship between annual surface temperature changes and the burden of dengue: Implications for climate change and global health outcomes

Dengue fever remains a significant global health concern, imposing a substantial burden on public health systems worldwide. Recent studies have suggested that climate change, specifically the increase in surface temperatures associated with global warming, may impact the transmission dynamics of dengue. This study aimed to assess the relationship between annual surface temperature changes from 1961 to 2019 and the burden of dengue in 185 countries. The dengue burden was evaluated for 2019 using disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and the annual rate of change (ARC) in DALY rates assessed from 1990 to 2019. A cross-sectional and ecological analysis was conducted using two publicly available datasets. Regression coefficients (β) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were used to examine the relationship between annual surface temperature changes and the burden of dengue. The results revealed a significant negative relationship between mean surface temperatures and DALY rates in 2019 (β = -16.9, 95% CI -26.9 to -6.8). Similarly, a significant negative relationship was observed between the temperature variable and the ARC (β = -0.99, 95% CI -1.66 to -0.32). These findings suggest that as temperatures continue to rise, the burden of dengue may globally decrease. The ecology of the vector and variations in seasons, precipitation patterns, and humidity levels may partially contribute to this phenomenon. Our study contributes to the expanding body of evidence regarding the potential implications of climate change for dengue dynamics. It emphasizes the critical importance of addressing climate change as a determinant of global health outcomes.

Assessing dengue fever risk in Costa Rica by using climate variables and machine learning techniques

Dengue fever is a vector-borne disease affecting millions yearly, mostly in tropical and subtropical countries. Driven mainly by social and environmental factors, dengue incidence and geographical expansion have increased in recent decades. Therefore, understanding how climate variables drive dengue outbreaks is challenging and a problem of interest for decision-makers that could aid in improving surveillance and resource allocation. Here, we explore the effect of climate variables on relative dengue risk in 32 cantons of interest for public health authorities in Costa Rica. Relative dengue risk is forecast using a Generalized Additive Model for location, scale, and shape and a Random Forest approach. Models use a training period from 2000 to 2020 and predicted climatic variables obtained with a vector auto-regressive model. Results show reliable projections, and climate variables predictions allow for a prospective instead of a retrospective study.

An ensemble neural network approach to forecast dengue outbreak based on climatic condition

Dengue fever is a virulent disease spreading over 100 tropical and subtropical countries in Africa, the Americas, and Asia. This arboviral disease affects around 400 million people globally, severely distressing the healthcare systems. The unavailability of a specific drug and ready-to-use vaccine makes the situation worse. Hence, policymakers must rely on early warning systems to control intervention-related decisions. Forecasts routinely provide critical information for dangerous epidemic events. However, the available forecasting models (e.g., weather-driven mechanistic, statistical time series, and machine learning models) lack a clear understanding of different components to improve prediction accuracy and often provide unstable and unreliable forecasts. This study proposes an ensemble wavelet neural network with exogenous factor(s) (XEWNet) model that can produce reliable estimates for dengue outbreak prediction for three geographical regions, namely San Juan, Iquitos, and Ahmedabad. The proposed XEWNet model is flexible and can easily incorporate exogenous climate variable(s) confirmed by statistical causality tests in its scalable framework. The proposed model is an integrated approach that uses wavelet transformation into an ensemble neural network framework that helps in generating more reliable long-term forecasts. The proposed XEWNet allows complex non-linear relationships between the dengue incidence cases and rainfall; however, mathematically interpretable, fast in execution, and easily comprehensible. The proposal’s competitiveness is measured using computational experiments based on various statistical metrics and several statistical comparison tests. In comparison with statistical, machine learning, and deep learning methods, our proposed XEWNet performs better in 75% of the cases for short-term and long-term forecasting of dengue incidence.

Analysis of the correlation between climatic variables and dengue cases in the city of Alagoinhas/BA

The Aedes aegypti mosquito is the main vector of dengue and is a synanthropic insect and due to its anthropophilic nature, it has specific reproductive needs. In addition to that, it also needs tropical regions that provide climate-prone conditions that favor vector development. In this article, we propose the cross-correlation analysis between the climatic variables air temperature, relative humidity, weekly average precipitation and dengue cases in the period from 2017 to early 2021 in the municipality of Alagoinhas, Bahia, Brazil. To do so, we apply the trend-free cross-correlation, [Formula: see text], being a generalization of the fluctuation analysis without trend, where we calculate the cross correlation between time series to establish the influence of these variables on the occurrence of dengue disease. The results obtained here were a moderate correlation between relative humidity and the incidence of dengue cases, and a low correlation for relative air temperature and precipitation. However, the predominant factor in the incidence of dengue cases in the city of Alagoinhas is relative humidity and not air temperature and precipitation.

An ecological assessment of the potential pandemic threat of dengue virus in Zhejiang province of China

Dengue fever, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, is a significant public health concern in tropical and subtropical regions. With the end of the COVID-19 pandemic and the reopening of the borders, dengue fever remains a threat to mainland China, Zhejiang province of China is facing a huge risk of importing the dengue virus. This study aims to analyze and predict the current and future potential risk regions for Aedes vectors distribution and dengue prevalence in Zhejiang province of China. METHOD: We collected occurrence records of DENV and DENV vectors globally from 2010 to 2022, along with historical and future climate data and human population density data. In order to predict the probability of DENV distribution in Zhejiang province of China under future conditions, the ecological niche of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus was first performed with historical climate data based on MaxEnt. Then, predicted results along with a set of bioclimatic variables, elevation and human population density were included in MaxEnt model to analyze the risk region of DENV in Zhejiang province. Finally, the established model was utilized to predict the spatial pattern of DENV risk in the current and future scenarios in Zhejiang province of China. RESULTS: Our findings indicated that approximately 89.2% (90,805.6 KM(2)) of Zhejiang province of China is under risk, within about 8.0% (8,144 KM(2)) classified as high risk area for DENV prevalence. Ae. albopictus were identified as the primary factor influencing the distribution of DENV. Future predictions suggest that sustainable and “green” development pathways may increase the risk of DENV prevalence in Zhejiang province of China. Conversely, Fossil-fueled development pathways may reduce the risk due to the unsuitable environment for vectors. CONCLUSIONS: The implications of this research highlight the need for effective vector control measures, community engagement, health education, and environmental initiatives to mitigate the potential spread of dengue fever in high-risk regions of Zhejiang province of China.

A systematic review of dengue outbreak prediction models: Current scenario and future directions

Dengue is among the fastest-spreading vector-borne infectious disease, with outbreaks often overwhelm the health system and result in huge morbidity and mortality in its endemic populations in the absence of an efficient warning system. A large number of prediction models are currently in use globally. As such, this study aimed to systematically review the published literature that used quantitative models to predict dengue outbreaks and provide insights about the current practices. A systematic search was undertaken, using the Ovid MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus and Web of Science databases for published citations, without time or geographical restrictions. Study selection, data extraction and management process were devised in accordance with the ‘Checklist for Critical Appraisal and Data Extraction for Systematic Reviews of Prediction Modelling Studies’ (‘CHARMS’) framework. A total of 99 models were included in the review from 64 studies. Most models sourced climate (94.7%) and climate change (77.8%) data from agency reports and only 59.6% of the models adjusted for reporting time lag. All included models used climate predictors; 70.7% of them were built with only climate factors. Climate factors were used in combination with climate change factors (13.4%), both climate change and demographic factors (3.1%), vector factors (6.3%), and demographic factors (5.2%). Machine learning techniques were used for 39.4% of the models. Of these, random forest (15.4%), neural networks (23.1%) and ensemble models (10.3%) were notable. Among the statistical (60.6%) models, linear regression (18.3%), Poisson regression (18.3%), generalized additive models (16.7%) and time series/autoregressive models (26.7%) were notable. Around 20.2% of the models reported no validation at all and only 5.2% reported external validation. The reporting of methodology and model performance measures were inadequate in many of the existing prediction models. This review collates plausible predictors and methodological approaches, which will contribute to robust modelling in diverse settings and populations.

A tale of 141 municipalities: The spatial distribution of dengue in mato grosso, brazil

BACKGROUND: In recent years, the state of Mato Grosso has presented one of the highest dengue incidence rates in Brazil. The meeting of the Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal biomes results in a large variation of rainfall and temperature across different regions of the state. In addition, Mato Grosso has been undergoing intense urban growth since the 1970s, mainly due to the colonization of the Mid-North and North regions. We analyzed factors involved in dengue incidence in Mato Grosso from 2008 to 2019. METHODS: The Moran Global Index was used to assess spatial autocorrelation of dengue incidence using explanatory variables such as temperature, precipitation, deforestation, population density and municipal development index. Areas at risk of dengue were grouped by the Local Moran Indicator. RESULTS: We noticed that areas at risk of dengue expanded from the Mid-North region to the North; the same pattern occurred from the Southeast to the Northeast; the South region remained at low-risk levels. The increase in incidence was influenced by precipitation, deforestation and the municipal development index. CONCLUSIONS: The identification of risk areas for dengue in space and time enables public health authorities to focus their control and prevention efforts, reducing infestation and the potential impact of dengue in the human population.

A maximum entropy model of the distribution of dengue serotype in Mexico

Pathogen strain diversity is an important driver of the trajectory of epidemics. The role of bioclimatic factors on the spatial distribution of dengue virus (DENV) serotypes has, however, not been previously studied. Hence, we developed municipality-scale environmental suitability maps for the four dengue virus serotypes using maximum entropy modeling. We fit climatic variables to municipality presence records from 2012 to 2020 in Mexico. Bioclimatic variables were explored for their environmental suitability to different DENV serotypes, and the different distributions were visualized using three cutoff probabilities representing 90%, 95%, and 99% sensitivity. Municipality-level results were then mapped in ArcGIS. The overall accuracy for the predictive models was 0.69, 0.68, 0.75, and 0.72 for DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4, respectively. Important predictors of all DENV serotypes were the growing degree days for December, January, and February, which are an indicator of higher temperatures and the precipitation of the wettest month. The minimum temperature of the coldest month between -5 & DEG;C and 20 & DEG;C was found to be suitable for DENV-1 and DENV-2 serotypes. Respectively, above 700-900 mm of rainfall, the suitability for DENV-1 and DENV-2 begins to decline, while higher humidity still favors DENV-3 and DENV-4. The sensitivity concerning the suitability map was developed for Mexico. DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4 serotypes will be found more commonly in the municipalities classified as suitable based on their respective sensitivity of 91%, 90%, 89%, and 85% in Mexico. As the microclimates continue to change, specific bioclimatic indices may be used to monitor potential changes in DENV serotype distribution. The suitability for DENV-1 and DENV-2 is expected to increase in areas with lower minimum temperature ranges, while DENV-3 and DENV-4 will likely increase in areas that experience higher humidity. Ongoing surveillance of municipalities with predicted suitability of 89% and 85% should be expanded to account for the accurate DENV serotype prevalence and association between bioclimatic parameters.

Yearly variations of the genetic structure of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Philippines (2017-2019)

Dengue is the fastest emerging arboviral disease in the world, imposing a substantial health and economic burden in the tropics and subtropics. The mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is the primary vector of dengue in the Philippines. We examined the genetic structure of Ae. aegypti populations collected from the Philippine major islands (Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao), each with highland (Baguio city, Cebu city mountains and Maramag, Bukidnon, respectively) and lowland sites (Quezon city; Liloan, Cebu and Cagayan de Oro [CDO] city, respectively) during the wet (2017-2018 and 2018-2019) and dry seasons (2018 and 2019). Mosquitoes (n = 1800) were reared from field-collected eggs and immatures, and were analyzed using 12 microsatellite loci. Generalized linear model analyses revealed yearly variations between highlands and lowlands in the major islands as supported by Bayesian clustering analyses on: 1) stronger selection (inbreeding coefficient, F(IS) = 0.52) in 2017-2018 than in 2018-2019 (F(IS) = 0.32) as influenced by rainfall, 2) the number of non-neutral loci indicating selection, and 3) differences of effective population size although at p = 0.05. Across sites except Baguio and CDO cities: 1) F(IS) varied seasonally as influenced by relative humidity (RH), and 2) the number of non-neutral loci varied as influenced by RH and rainfall indicating selection. Human-mediated activities and not isolation by distance influenced genetic differentiations of mosquito populations within (F(ST) = 0.04) the major islands and across sites (global F(ST) = 0.16). Gene flow (Nm) and potential first generation migrants among populations were observed between lowlands and highlands within and across major islands. Our results suggest that dengue control strategies in the epidemic wet season are to be changed into whole year-round approach, and water pipelines are to be installed in rural mountains to prevent the potential breeding sites of mosquitoes.

A bayesian spatiotemporal approach to modelling arboviral diseases in mexico

BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial and temporal patterns of disease prevalence clusters of dengue (DENV), chikungunya (CHIKV) and Zika (ZIKV) virus and how socio-economic and climatic variables simultaneously influence the risk and rate of occurrence of infection in Mexico. METHODS: To determine the spatiotemporal clustering and the effect of climatic and socio-economic covariates on the rate of occurrence of disease and risk in Mexico, we applied correlation methods, seasonal and trend decomposition using locally estimated scatterplot smoothing, hotspot analysis and conditional autoregressive Bayesian models. RESULTS: We found cases of the disease are decreasing and a significant association between DENV, CHIKV and ZIKV cases and climatic and socio-economic variables. An increment of cases was identified in the northeastern, central west and southeastern regions of Mexico. Climatic and socio-economic covariates were significantly associated with the rate of occurrence and risk of the three arboviral disease cases. CONCLUSION: The association of climatic and socio-economic factors is predominant in the northeastern, central west and southeastern regions of Mexico. DENV, CHIKV and ZIKV cases showed an increased risk in several states in these regions and need urgent attention to allocate public health resources to the most vulnerable regions in Mexico.

Water with larvae: Hydrological fertility, inequality, and mosquito urbanism

Aedes aegypti, the primary vector for dengue, chikungunya and zika, breeds mainly in stored/stagnant water and thrives in contexts of rapid urbanization in tropical countries. Some have warned that climate change, in conjunction with urbanization, could drive the proliferation of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. In Colombia dengue has been endemic since the 1990s and the country had the highest number of cases of zika virus in the world after Brazil. Studies have found that domestic stored water contributes to high percentages of the total Ae. aegypti pupal population in Colombian urban sectors. In particular, neighborhoods where water service provision is intermittent are vulnerable to mosquito-borne diseases as water is stored inside households. This article draws on archival work, interviews, and entomological literature to reflect on the ways in which rapid urbanization in the context of armed conflict, infrastructural inequality, the absence of formal jobs, and specific water laws and regulations produce water and Aedes aegypti in the city. It offers an initial attempt to theorize water with larvae by focusing on two interrelated processes. First, the historical and geographic processes that underlie the production of stored water, which despite being treated can become a place of fertility where mosquitoes can flourish. Secondly, the processes by which water, mosquitoes, pathogens, and human bodies become interrelated. This entails thinking about some homes in Barranquilla as socioecological assemblages that are dynamically produced, socially and materially.

Vector indices and metrological factors associated with dengue fever outbreak in Punjab, Pakistan

Dengue fever (DF) is a major public health concern in the Pakistan, and has been a significant cause of hospitalizations and deaths among males and females of all ages. Dengue viruses and their mosquito vectors are sensitive to their environment and temperature, rainfall and time of day have well-defined roles in the transmission cycle. Therefore changes in these conditions may contribute to increasing incidence. The present study was planned to investigate the impact of meteorological factors (rain fall, temperature and humidity) and vector indices ((container index (CI) and Breteau index (BI)) on the DF cases reported from three large and populated cities, Lahore (LHR), Faisalabad (FSD) and Rawalpindi (RWP), Punjab, Pakistan during 2017-2018. Dengue fever cases were recorded by visiting the study stations and cross-checked with data from the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB), Lahore. Metrological data of FSD, LHR and RWP were obtained from the Pakistan Metrological Department (PMD). Most of the DF cases were reported after 62.5-106.5 mm rainfall, 22.1-30.25 degrees C temperature, and 53.5-73.5% relative humidity (r.h.) from FSD, LHR and RWP. CI and BI were significantly correlated (P < 0.01) with mean DF cases reported (BI: 0.824**, 0.000 and CI: 0.706**, 0.000). The r.h. at 5 pm also significantly correlated (P < 0.05) with BI (0.247*, 0.036) and CI (0.266*, 0.024). Maximum DF spread and cases were reported during May and September in FSD, October and November in LHR, and October in RWP during 2017 and 2018. Non availability of specific medicine and vaccine of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever, these indexes could be helpful in control programs to identify areas at high risk for dengue transmission and its significance can be used to halt the outbreak of dengue.

Uncovering the burden of dengue in Africa: Considerations on magnitude, misdiagnosis, and ancestry

Dengue is a re-emerging neglected disease of major public health importance. This review highlights important considerations for dengue disease in Africa, including epidemiology and underestimation of disease burden in African countries, issues with malaria misdiagnosis and co-infections, and potential evidence of genetic protection from severe dengue disease in populations of African descent. The findings indicate that dengue virus prevalence in African countries and populations may be more widespread than reported data suggests, and that the Aedes mosquito vectors appear to be increasing in dissemination and number. Changes in climate, population, and plastic pollution are expected to worsen the dengue situation in Africa. Dengue misdiagnosis is also a problem in Africa, especially due to the typical non-specific clinical presentation of dengue leading to misdiagnosis as malaria. Finally, research suggests that a protective genetic component against severe dengue exists in African descent populations, but further studies should be conducted to strengthen this association in various populations, taking into consideration socioeconomic factors that may contribute to these findings. The main takeaway is that Africa should not be overlooked when it comes to dengue, and more attention and resources should be devoted to this disease in Africa.

The variability of temperature, rainfall, humidity and prevalance of dengue fever in Manado City

Background: Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) was one of infectious diseases that is still a concern in Indonesia, especially the Manado city. This study aimed to analyze the variability of temperature, rainfall, humidity, and the incidence of DHF in Manado city 2011-2020. Method: This ecological research used secondary data obtained from the Health Office and the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Manado City. The variables studied were air temperature, humidity, rainfall and the incidence of DHF in Manado city 2011-2020. Result: in 2016 there were 567 cases of dengue fever and the highest was in the Malalayang sub-district and the lowest was in the Ranomut sub-district. In 2017 there was a significant decrease to 139 cases, the highest in Malalayang sub-district with 32 cases, and the lowest in Bunaken sub-district with 1 case. In 2018, there was an increase in cases by 294 cases, the highest was in the Malalayang sub-district. The air temperature continues to fluctuate where based on the trendline it is found that the air temperature tends to increase. Whereas, the humidity tends to decrease. The rainfall in the city of Manado continues to fluctuate, where based on the trendline it is found that rainfall tends to decrease. Mosquitoes are cold-blooded animals and their metabolic processes or life cycles depend on the environment’s temperature. The DHF cases continue to fluctuate (up and down) where based on the trendline it is found that DHF cases tend to decrease Conclusion: In the period 2011-2020 in Manado City, air temperature tends to increase but rainfall, humidity, and cases of DHF tend to decrease.

The effects of climate factors, population density, and vector density on the incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever in South Jakarta Administrative City 2016-2020: An ecological study

BACKGROUND AND AIM: Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is an infectious disease caused by the dengue virus (DENV) and is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. This study aims to analyze the relationship between the incidence of DHF which can be influenced by climatic factors in the same month (non-time lag), climatic factors with a lag of 1 month (time lag 1), climatic factors with a lag of 2 months (time lag 2), population density, and vector density. METHODS: The study design used is an ecological study. The data is sourced from the South Jakarta City Administration of Health, the South Jakarta City Administration of Central Statistics, and the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency. Data were analyzed using correlation test. RESULTS: The results showed that the incidence of DHF was related to non-time lag rainfall, time lag 1, and time lag 2, air temperature time lag 2, air humidity non-time lag, time lag 1, and time lag 2, population density, and numbers of mosquito’s larvae free index (ABJ). CONCLUSIONS: DHF is still a disease that needs to be watched out for in the South Jakarta Administrative City, requiring the government and the people of the South Jakarta Administration to continue to increase efforts to prevent and control DHF.

The effect of weather and climate on dengue outbreak risk in Peru, 2000-2018: A time-series analysis

BACKGROUND: Dengue fever is the most common arboviral disease in humans, with an estimated 50-100 million annual infections worldwide. Dengue fever cases have increased substantially in the past four decades, driven largely by anthropogenic factors including climate change. More than half the population of Peru is at risk of dengue infection and due to its geography, Peru is also particularly sensitive to the effects of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Determining the effect of ENSO on the risk for dengue outbreaks is of particular public health relevance and may also be applicable to other Aedes-vectored viruses. METHODS: We conducted a time-series analysis at the level of the district-month, using surveillance data collected from January 2000 to September 2018 from all districts with a mean elevation suitable to survival of the mosquito vector (<2,500m), and ENSO and weather data from publicly-available datasets maintained by national and international agencies. We took a Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach to address correlation in space, and B-splines with four knots per year to address correlation in time. We furthermore conducted subgroup analyses by season and natural region. RESULTS: We detected a positive and significant effect of temperature (°C, RR 1.14, 95% CI 1.13, 1.15, adjusted for precipitation) and ENSO (ICEN index: RR 1.17, 95% CI 1.15, 1.20; ONI index: RR 1.04, 95% CI 1.02, 1.07) on outbreak risk, but no evidence of a strong effect for precipitation after adjustment for temperature. Both natural region and season were found to be significant effect modifiers of the ENSO-dengue effect, with the effect of ENSO being stronger in the summer and the Selva Alta and Costa regions, compared with winter and Selva Baja and Sierra regions. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide strong evidence that temperature and ENSO have significant effects on dengue outbreaks in Peru, however these results interact with region and season, and are stronger for local ENSO impacts than remote ENSO impacts. These findings support optimization of a dengue early warning system based on local weather and climate monitoring, including where and when to deploy such a system and parameterization of ENSO events, and provide high-precision effect estimates for future climate and dengue modeling efforts.

The effectiveness of MyMAT Aedes mosquito trap in reducing dengue cases

Malaysia Mosquito Autocidal Trap (MyMAT) is a green technology Aedes mosquito trap that does not use harmful chemical substances. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of MyMAT in reducing dengue cases and relating the cases to rainfall. An experimental field study was conducted for 42 weeks at Pangsapuri Nilam Sari, Shah Alam, Selangor. A total of 624 MyMAT was allocated at four blocks: inside each apartment and outside at the corridors in each level. Mosquito and rainfall data were collected weekly using MyMAT and a mobile rain gauge, respectively. The dengue cases data was retrieved from the e-dengue system obtained from the Malaysia Ministry of Health. The findings showed that MyMAT could catch 97% of Aedes mosquitoes and reduced dengue cases on average of 78%, indicating MyMAT is a reliable Aedes mosquito trap. Interestingly the findings also revealed a significant relationship between dengue cases, the number of Aedes mosquitoes, and rainfall. This week notified dengue cases increased when last two weeks mosquitoes increased due to previous two weeks rainfall increment. Thus indicating an indirect but significant relationship between this week notified dengue cases with the last four weeks rainfall. These relationships can be used in establishing a dengue outbreak forecasting model, which can act as an early warning system.

The diagnosis of dengue in patients presenting with acute febrile illness using supervised machine learning and impact of seasonality

BACKGROUND: Symptomatic dengue infection can result in a life-threatening shock syndrome and timely diagnosis is essential. Point-of-care tests for non-structural protein 1 and IgM are used widely but performance can be limited. We developed a supervised machine learning model to predict whether patients with acute febrile illnesses had a diagnosis of dengue or other febrile illnesses (OFI). The impact of seasonality on model performance over time was examined. METHODS: We analysed data from a prospective observational clinical study in Vietnam. Enrolled patients presented with an acute febrile illness of <72 h duration. A gradient boosting model (XGBoost) was used to predict final diagnosis using age, sex, haematocrit, platelet, white cell, and lymphocyte count collected on enrolment. Data was randomly split 80/20% into a training and hold-out set, respectively, with the latter not used in model development. Cross-validation and hold out set testing was used, with performance over time evaluated through a rolling window approach. RESULTS: We included 8,100 patients recruited between 16th October 2010 and 10th December 2014. In total 2,240 (27.7%) patients were diagnosed with dengue infection. The optimised model from training data had an overall median area under the receiver operator curve (AUROC) of 0.86 (interquartile range 0.84-0.86), specificity of 0.92, sensitivity of 0.56, positive predictive value of 0.73, negative predictive value (NPV) of 0.84, and Brier score of 0.13 in predicting the final diagnosis, with similar performances in hold-out set testing (AUROC of 0.86). Model performances varied significantly over time as a function of seasonality and other factors. Incorporation of a dynamic threshold which continuously learns from recent cases resulted in a more consistent performance throughout the year (NPV >90%). CONCLUSION: Supervised machine learning models are able to discriminate between dengue and OFI diagnoses in patients presenting with an early undifferentiated febrile illness. These models could be of clinical utility in supporting healthcare decision-making and provide passive surveillance across dengue endemic regions. Effects of seasonality and changing disease prevalence must however be taken into account-this is of significant importance given unpredictable effects of human-induced climate change and the impact on health.

The association between dengue case and climate: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Although previous research frequently indicates that climate factors impact dengue transmission, the results are inconsistent. Therefore, this systematic review and meta-analysis highlights and address the complex global health problems towards the human-environment interface and the inter-relationship between these variables. For this purpose, four online electronic databases were searched to conduct a systematic assessment of published studies reporting the association between dengue cases and climate between 2010 and 2022. The meta-analysis was conducted using random effects to assess correlation, publication bias and heterogeneity. The final assessment included eight studies for both systematic review and meta-analysis. A total of four meta-analyses were conducted to evaluate the correlation of dengue cases with climate variables, namely precipitation, temperature, minimum temperature and relative humidity. The highest correlation is observed for precipitation between 83 mm and 15 mm (r = 0.38, 95% CI = 0.31, 0.45), relative humidity between 60.5% and 88.7% (r = 0.30, 95% CI = 0.23, 0.37), minimum temperature between 6.5 °C and 21.4 °C (r = 0.28, 95% CI = 0.05, 0.48) and mean temperature between 21.0 °C and 29.8 °C (r = 0.07, 95% CI = -0.1, 0.24). Thus, the influence of climate variables on the magnitude of dengue cases in terms of their distribution, frequency, and prevailing variables was established and conceptualised. The results of this meta-analysis enable multidisciplinary collaboration to improve dengue surveillance, epidemiology, and prevention programmes.

Temperature, season, and latitude influence development-related phenotypes of Philippine Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus): Implications for dengue control amidst global warming

BACKGROUND: Dengue is endemic in the Philippines. Aedes aegypti is the primary vector. This study aimed to determine the hatching behavior and viability of Ae. aegypti first-generation (F1) eggs when exposed to temperature and photoperiod regimes under laboratory conditions. METHODS: Parental eggs were collected from selected highland and lowland sites in the Philippine big islands (Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao) during the wet (2017-2018) and dry (2018) seasons. F1 egg cohorts were exposed separately in environmental chambers at 18, 25, and 38 °C with respective photoperiods for 6 weeks. Phenotypes (percent pharate larvae [PPL], hatch rates [HRs], and reproductive outputs [ROs]) were determined. RESULTS: Results of multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVA) between seasons showed significant main effects of temperature, season, and big island on all phenotypes across all sites. Significant interaction effects between seasons on all phenotypes across sites were shown between or among (1) season and big island, (2) season and temperature, (3) big island and temperature, (4) season, big island, and temperature, (5) big island, altitude, and temperature, and (6) season, big island, altitude, and temperature. Factors associated with the big islands might include their ecology, available breeding sites, and day lengths due to latitudinal differences, although they were not measured in the field. MANOVA results within each season on all phenotypes across sites showed (1) significant main effects of big island and temperature, and (2) significant interaction effects between big island and temperature within the wet season and (3) between temperature and photoperiod within the dry season. PPL were highest at 18 °C and were formed even at 38 °C in both seasons. Pharate larvae might play an adaptive role in global warming, expanded distribution to highlands, and preponderance to transmit human diseases. HRs in both seasons were highest at 25 °C and lowest at 38 °C. ROs were highest at 25 °C in the wet season and at 18 °C in the dry season. CONCLUSIONS: Temperature and latitude of Philippine big islands influenced the development-related phenotypes of Ae. aegypti in both seasons. The two seasons influenced the phenotypes and their interaction effects with big island and/or temperature and/or altitude. Recommendations include year-round enhanced 4S control strategies for mosquito vectors and water pipeline installation in rural highlands.

Temporal and spatial patterns of dengue geographical distribution in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

INTRODUCTION: Dengue fever disease is affected by many scoioeconomic and enviromental factors throughout endemic areas globally. These factors contribute to increase the incidence of endemic dengue endemic in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to investigate the distribution and spatial patterns of dengue fever cases in Jeddah, and to determine if there is an association between dengue fever and the following environmental factors: temperature, humidity, land cover, climate, rainfall, epicenter of reproduction, and socioeconomic factors. METHODS: A descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in Jeddah in 2020. The study included all reported suspected and confirmed dengue cases. The sample size was 1458 cases. Data were obtained from the Dengue Active Surveillance System and the confirmed cases were geo-distributed in areas by QGIS. All significant variables were included in the logistic regression table. RESULTS: The majority (61.9 %) were suspected cases and 38.1 % confirmed cases. The majority of the cases were male. The highest spatial distribution was in the middle of Jeddah and the lowest in the south. The highest temporal distribution for confirmed cases was in June, and for suspected cases in December. Age, gender, occupation, and area were all significantly associated with the dengue reported cases. Most all the enviromental factors were not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: The study showed three clusters of dengue fever and infection concentrated in the middle and east of Jeddah. The lack of investigation in the environmental factors regarding the dengue distribution and its impact on the population area has to be taken seriously and dengue intervention programs should be implemented to reduce the endemic dengue in Jeddah.

Spatio-temporal detection for dengue outbreaks in the central region of Malaysia using climatic drivers at mesoscale and synoptic scale

The disease dengue is associated with both mesoscale and synoptic scale meteorology. However, previous studies for south-east Asia have found a very limited association between synoptic variables and the reported number of dengue cases. Hence there is an urgent need to establish a more clear association with dengue incidence rates and the most relevant meteorological variables in order to institute an early warning system.& nbsp;This article develops a rigorous Bayesian modelling framework to identify the most important covariates and their lagged effects for constructing an early warning system for the Central Region of Malaysia where the case rates have increased substantially in the recent past. Our modelling includes multiple synoptic scale Nin tilde o indices, which are related to the phenomenon of El Nin tilde o Southern Oscillation (ENSO), along with other relevant mesoscale environmental measurements and an unobserved variable derived from reanalysis data. An empirically well validated hierarchical Bayesian spatio-temporal is used to build a probabilistic early warning system for detecting an upcoming dengue epidemic.& nbsp;Our study finds a 46.87% increase in dengue cases due to one degree increase in the central equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature with a lag time of six weeks. We discover the existence of a mild association with relative risk 0.9774 (CI: 0.9602, 0.9947) between the rate of cases and a distant lagged cooling effect in the region of coastal South America related to a phenomenon called El Nin tilde o Modoki. The Bayesian model also establishes that the synoptic meteorological drivers can enhance short-term early detection of dengue outbreaks and these can also potentially be used to provide longer-term forecasts.

Spatio-temporal dynamics of three diseases caused by aedes-borne arboviruses in Mexico

BACKGROUND: The intensity of transmission of Aedes-borne viruses is heterogeneous, and multiple factors can contribute to variation at small spatial scales. Illuminating drivers of heterogeneity in prevalence over time and space would provide information for public health authorities. The objective of this study is to detect the spatiotemporal clusters and determine the risk factors of three major Aedes-borne diseases, Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), Dengue virus (DENV), and Zika virus (ZIKV) clusters in Mexico. METHODS: We present an integrated analysis of Aedes-borne diseases (ABDs), the local climate, and the socio-demographic profiles of 2469 municipalities in Mexico. We used SaTScan to detect spatial clusters and utilize the Pearson correlation coefficient, Randomized Dependence Coefficient, and SHapley Additive exPlanations to analyze the influence of socio-demographic and climatic factors on the prevalence of ABDs. We also compare six machine learning techniques, including XGBoost, decision tree, Support Vector Machine with Radial Basis Function kernel, K nearest neighbors, random forest, and neural network to predict risk factors of ABDs clusters. RESULTS: DENV is the most prevalent of the three diseases throughout Mexico, with nearly 60.6% of the municipalities reported having DENV cases. For some spatiotemporal clusters, the influence of socio-economic attributes is larger than the influence of climate attributes for predicting the prevalence of ABDs. XGBoost performs the best in terms of precision-measure for ABDs prevalence. CONCLUSIONS: Both socio-demographic and climatic factors influence ABDs transmission in different regions of Mexico. Future studies should build predictive models supporting early warning systems to anticipate the time and location of ABDs outbreaks and determine the stand-alone influence of individual risk factors and establish causal mechanisms.

Spatiotemporal high-resolution prediction and mapping: Methodology and application to dengue disease

Dengue disease has become a major public health problem. Accurate and precise identification, prediction and mapping of high-risk areas are crucial elements of an effective and efficient early warning system in countering the spread of dengue disease. In this paper, we present the fusion area-cell spatiotemporal generalized geoadditive-Gaussian Markov random field (FGG-GMRF) framework for joint estimation of an area-cell model, involving temporally varying coefficients, spatially and temporally structured and unstructured random effects, and spatiotemporal interaction of the random effects. The spatiotemporal Gaussian field is applied to determine the unobserved relative risk at cell level. It is transformed to a Gaussian Markov random field using the finite element method and the linear stochastic partial differential equation approach to solve the “big n” problem. Sub-area relative risk estimates are obtained as block averages of the cell outcomes within each sub-area boundary. The FGG-GMRF model is estimated by applying Bayesian Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation. In the application to Bandung city, Indonesia, we combine low-resolution area level (district) spatiotemporal data on population at risk and incidence and high-resolution cell level data on weather variables to obtain predictions of relative risk at subdistrict level. The predicted dengue relative risk at subdistrict level suggests significant fine-scale heterogeneities which are not apparent when examining the area level. The relative risk varies considerably across subdistricts and time, with the latter showing an increase in the period January-July and a decrease in the period August-December.

Spatially weak syncronization of spreading pattern between Aedes albopictus and dengue fever

Understanding the response of dengue fever to climate change remains a global public health concern. A rich array of mathematical models have been proposed to help estimate future population exposure and vulnerability. While these models have proved helpful in modeling mosquito distribution and/or revealing dengue transmission mechanism, they have rarely been incorporated into distribution estimates, particularly at large spatial and temporal scales, to evaluate dengue response to long-term environmental change. Here, we develop a novel mechanistic phenology model that explicitly describes the dengue epidemic process completion (DPEC) ac-cording to empirically derived responses to environmental conditions. Further, we apply this model to Aedes albopictus and dengue transmission in mainland China. We validate the model with recorded indigenous dengue cases, and reveal the power of model prediction. Results suggest that future temperature rise promotes geographic expansion of mosquitoes and dengue fever, respectively around 3-15% and 4-10% increment in the area by 2080, compared to nowadays. Results also indicate a more extended season (1-2 months increment) and stronger intensity (up to 4 DEPC increment) of dengue transmission by 2080. Most importantly, our model discloses a weak correlation between the spreading pattern of dengue and Aedes albopictus. Using the spatial expansion trend of mosquito to infer the risk of dengue to the human population is likely to bring about strong bias in spreading direction and/or overestimate dengue distribution. Our study paves a way to provide a useful tool and precise information for predicting dengue dynamics. It also helps design control strategies to prevent arbovirus outbreaks worldwide in areas colonized by Aedes mosquitoes.

Simulation and prediction of dengue outbreaks based on an sir model with a time-dependent transmission rate including meteorological data. An example for Colombo and Jakarta

Vector-borne diseases can usually be examined with a vector-host model like the SIRUV model. This, however, depends on parameters that contain detailed information about the mosquito population that we usually do not know. For this reason, in this article, we reduce the SIRUV model to an SIR model with a time-dependent and periodic transmission rate beta(t). Since the living conditions of the mosquitos depend on the local weather conditions, meteorological data sets flow into the model in order to achieve a more realistic behavior. The developed SIR model is adapted to existing data sets of hospitalized dengue cases in Jakarta (Indonesia) and Colombo (Sri Lanka) using numerical optimization based on Pontryagin’s maximum principle. A previous data analysis shows that the results of this parameter fit are within a realistic range and thus allow further investigations. Based on this, various simulations are carried out and the prediction quality of the model is examined.

Short-term effects of tropical cyclones on the incidence of dengue: A time-series study in Guangzhou, China

BACKGROUND: Limited evidence is available about the association between tropical cyclones and dengue incidence. This study aimed to examine the effects of tropical cyclones on the incidence of dengue and to explore the vulnerable populations in Guangzhou, China. METHODS: Weekly dengue case data, tropical cyclone and meteorological data during the tropical cyclones season (June to October) from 2015 to 2019 were collected for the study. A quasi-Poisson generalized linear model combined with a distributed lag non-linear model was conducted to quantify the association between tropical cyclones and dengue, controlling for meteorological factors, seasonality, and long-term trend. Proportion of dengue cases attributable to tropical cyclone exposure was calculated. The effect difference by sex and age groups was calculated to identify vulnerable populations. The tropical cyclones were classified into two levels to compare the effects of different grades of tropical cyclones on the dengue incidence. RESULTS: Tropical cyclones were associated with an increased number of dengue cases with the maximum risk ratio of 1.41 (95% confidence interval 1.17-1.69) in lag 0 week and cumulative risk ratio of 2.13 (95% confidence interval 1.28-3.56) in lag 0-4 weeks. The attributable fraction was 6.31% (95% empirical confidence interval 1.96-10.16%). Men and the elderly were more vulnerable to the effects of tropical cyclones than the others. The effects of typhoons were stronger than those of tropical storms among various subpopulations. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that tropical cyclones may increase the incidence of dengue within a 4-week lag in Guangzhou, China, and the effects were more pronounced in men and the elderly. Precautionary measures should be taken with a focus on the identified vulnerable populations to control the transmission of dengue associated with tropical cyclones.

Seasonal variations in dengue virus transmission suitability in the Americas

Dengue fever (DF) is associated with significant morbidity across the tropics and sub-tropics. Here, we used a temperature-based model of the extrinsic incubation period (EIP) and a temperature and humidity-based model for adult mosquito survival to explore the relationship between seasonal climate variability and DF in Brazil from 2014 to 2019. We found that municipalities with higher mosquito survival probabilities and shorter EIPs were more likely to be associated with DF case reports, but with significant intra-annual variability. A 0.012 or above probability of Aedes aegypti surviving the EIP was associated with a greater than 50% probability of DF being reported in the municipality. We extrapolated these results to the Americas using climate data over the last decade (2010-2019) to map the seasonal change in the range of areas suitable for dengue virus transmission and the magnitude of the population living in those areas. Areas near the Equator exhibited high suitability throughout the year whereas suitability in the subtropics and temperate regions varied seasonally, especially moving poleward. Strengthening our understanding of DF seasonality is essential to mitigating risks, particularly as the Americas experience the impacts of climate change.

Review of importance of weather and environmental variables in agent-based arbovirus models

The study sought to review the works of literature on agent-based modeling and the influence of climatic and environmental factors on disease outbreak, transmission, and surveillance. Thus, drawing the influence of environmental variables such as vegetation index, households, mosquito habitats, breeding sites, and climatic variables including precipitation or rainfall, temperature, wind speed, and relative humidity on dengue disease modeling using the agent-based model in an African context and globally was the aim of the study. A search strategy was developed and used to search for relevant articles from four databases, namely, PubMed, Scopus, Research4Life, and Google Scholar. Inclusion criteria were developed, and 20 articles met the criteria and have been included in the review. From the reviewed works of literature, the study observed that climatic and environmental factors may influence the arbovirus disease outbreak, transmission, and surveillance. Thus, there is a call for further research on the area. To benefit from arbovirus modeling, it is crucial to consider the influence of climatic and environmental factors, especially in Africa, where there are limited studies exploring this phenomenon.

Re-emergence of arbovirus diseases in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: The role of simultaneous viral circulation between 2014 and 2019

The burden of arbovirus diseases in Brazil has increased within the past decade due to the emergence of chikungunya and Zika and endemic circulation of all four dengue serotypes. Changes in temperature and rainfall patterns may alter conditions to favor vector-host transmission and allow for cyclic re-emergence of disease. We sought to determine the impact of climate conditions on arbovirus co-circulation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We assessed the spatial and temporal distributions of chikungunya, dengue, and Zika cases from Brazil’s national notifiable disease information system (SINAN) and created autoregressive integrated moving average models (ARIMA) to predict arbovirus incidence accounting for the lagged effect of temperature and rainfall. Each year, we estimate that the combined arboviruses were associated with an average of 8429 to 10,047 lost Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs). After controlling for temperature and precipitation, our model predicted a three cycle pattern where large arbovirus outbreaks appear to be primed by a smaller scale surge and followed by a lull of cases. These dynamic arbovirus patterns in Rio de Janeiro support a mechanism of susceptibility enhancement until the theoretical threshold of population immunity allows for temporary cross protection among certain arboviruses. This suspected synergy presents a major public health challenge due to overlapping locations and seasonality of arbovirus diseases, which may perpetuate disease burden and overwhelm the health system.

Quantifying the future risk of dengue under climate change in Japan

BACKGROUND: In metropolitan Tokyo in 2014, Japan experienced its first domestic dengue outbreak since 1945. The objective of the present study was to quantitatively assess the future risk of dengue in Japan using climate change scenarios in a high-resolution geospatial environment by building on a solid theory as a baseline in consideration of future adaptation strategies. METHODS: Using climate change scenarios of the Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate version 6 (MIROC6), representative concentration pathway (RCP) 2.6, 4.5, and 8.5, we computed the daily average temperature and embedded this in the effective reproduction number of dengue, R(T), to calculate the extinction probability and interepidemic period across Japan. RESULTS: In June and October, the R(T) with daily average temperature T, was <1 as in 2022; however, an elevation in temperature increased the number of days with R(T) >1 during these months under RCP8.5. The time period with a risk of dengue transmission gradually extended to late spring (April-May) and autumn (October-November). Under the RCP8.5 scenario in 2100, the possibility of no dengue-free months was revealed in part of southernmost Okinawa Prefecture, and the epidemic risk extended to the entire part of northernmost Hokkaido Prefecture. CONCLUSION: Each locality in Japan must formulate action plans in response to the presented scenarios. Our geographic analysis can help local governments to develop adaptation policies that include mosquito breeding site elimination, distribution of adulticides and larvicides, and elevated situation awareness to prevent transmission via bites from Aedes vectors.

Predicting infection area of dengue fever for next week through multiple factors

Death rate of dengue fever is low, because dengue fever become severe illness only when second infection happened. However, global warming is getting severe recently, which make the infection distribution of dengue fever different. Common method of previous studies used climate factors combined with social or geographic factors to predict dengue fever. However, recent study did not use combination of these three factors into dengue fever prediction. We proposed a method that combines these three factors with data of Taiwanese dengue fever and uses the secondary area divided by the population as the granularity. Random Forest (RF) and XGBoost (XGB) are used for prediction model of weekly dengue fever infection area. Experimental results showed that the Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC)/Area Under the Curve (AUC) of RF and XGB are both higher than 93%, and the Recall rate is higher than 80%. With the result, government can determine which area should do disinfection process to reduce the infection rate of dengue infection. Because of accurate prediction and disinfection process, the personnel cost can be reduced and it can prevent waste of medical recourse.

Predicting the effects of climate change on dengue vector densities in southeast Asia through process-based modeling

BACKGROUND: Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus mosquitoes are major vectors for several human diseases of global importance, such as dengue and yellow fever. Their life cycles and hosted arboviruses are climate sensitive and thus expected to be impacted by climate change. Most studies investigating climate change impacts on Aedes at global or continental scales focused on their future global distribution changes, whereas a single study focused on its effects on Ae. aegypti densities regionally. OBJECTIVES: A process-based approach was used to model densities of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus and their potential evolution with climate change using a panel of nine CMIP6 climate models and climate scenarios ranging from strong to low mitigation measures at the Southeast Asian scale and for the next 80 y. METHODS: The process-based model described, through a system of ordinary differential equations, the variations of mosquito densities in 10 compartments, corresponding to 10 different stages of mosquito life cycle, in response to temperature and precipitation variations. Local field data were used to validate model outputs. RESULTS: We show that both species densities will globally increase due to future temperature increases. In Southeast Asia by the end of the century, Ae. aegypti densities are expected to increase from 25% with climate mitigation measures to 46% without; Ae. albopictus densities are expected to increase from 13%-21%, respectively. However, we find spatially contrasted responses at the seasonal scales with a significant decrease in Ae. albopictus densities in lowlands during summer in the future. DISCUSSION: These results contrast with previous results, which brings new insight on the future impacts of climate change on Aedes densities. Major sources of uncertainties, such as mosquito model parametrization and climate model uncertainties, were addressed to explore the limits of such modeling. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP11068.

Predicting transmission suitability of mosquito-borne diseases under climate change to underpin decision making

The risk of the mosquito-borne diseases malaria, dengue fever and Zika virus is expected to shift both temporally and spatially under climate change. As climate change projections continue to improve, our ability to predict these shifts is also enhanced. This paper predicts transmission suitability for these mosquito-borne diseases, which are three of the most significant, using the most up-to-date climate change projections. Using a mechanistic methodology, areas that are newly suitable and those where people are most at risk of transmission under the best- and worst-case climate change scenarios have been identified. The results show that although transmission suitability is expected to decrease overall for malaria, some areas will become newly suitable, putting naïve populations at risk. In contrast, transmission suitability for dengue fever and Zika virus is expected to increase both in duration and geographical extent. Although transmission suitability is expected to increase in temperate zones for a few months of the year, suitability remains focused in the tropics. The highest transmission suitability in tropical regions is likely to exacerbate the intense existing vulnerability of these populations, especially children, to the multiple consequences of climate change, and their severe lack of resources and agency to cope with these impacts and pressures. As these changes in transmission suitability are amplified under the worst-case climate change scenario, this paper makes the case in support of enhanced and more urgent efforts to mitigate climate change than has been achieved to date. By presenting consistent data on the climate-driven spread of multiple mosquito-borne diseases, our work provides more holistic information to underpin prevention and control planning and decision making at national and regional levels.

Prediction of dengue fever outbreaks using climate variability and Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques in a stochastic susceptible-infected-removed model

The recent increase in the global incidence of dengue fever resulted in over 2.7 million cases in Latin America and many cases in Southeast Asia and has warranted the development and application of early warning systems (EWS) for futuristic outbreak prediction. EWS pertaining to dengue outbreaks is imperative; given the fact that dengue is linked to environmental factors owing to its dominance in the tropics. Prediction is an integral part of EWS, which is dependent on several factors, in particular, climate, geography, and environmental factors. In this study, we explore the role of increased susceptibility to a DENV serotype and climate variability in developing novel predictive models by analyzing RT-PCR and DENV-IgM confirmed cases in Singapore and Honduras, which reported high dengue incidence in 2019 and 2020, respectively. A random-sampling-based susceptible-infected-removed (SIR) model was used to obtain estimates of the susceptible fraction for modeling the dengue epidemic, in addition to the Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique that was used to fit the model to Singapore and Honduras case report data from 2012 to 2020. Regression techniques were used to implement climate variability in two methods: a climate-based model, based on individual climate variables, and a seasonal model, based on trigonometrically varying transmission rates. The seasonal model accounted for 98.5% and 92.8% of the variance in case count in the 2020 Singapore and 2019 Honduras outbreaks, respectively. The climate model accounted for 75.3% and 68.3% of the variance in Singapore and Honduras outbreaks respectively, besides accounting for 75.4% of the variance in the major 2013 Singapore outbreak, 71.5% of the variance in the 2019 Singapore outbreak, and over 70% of the variance in 2015 and 2016 Honduras outbreaks. The seasonal model accounted for 14.2% and 83.1% of the variance in the 2013 and 2019 Singapore outbreaks, respectively, in addition to 91% and 59.5% of the variance in the 2015 and 2016 Honduras outbreaks, respectively. Autocorrelation lag tests showed that the climate model exhibited better prediction dynamics for Singapore outbreaks during the dry season from May to August and in the rainy season from June to October in Honduras. After incorporation of susceptible fractions, the seasonal model exhibited higher accuracy in predicting outbreaks of higher case magnitude, including those of the 2019-2020 dengue epidemic, in comparison to the climate model, which was more accurate in outbreaks of smaller magnitude. Such modeling studies could be further performed in various outbreaks, such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to understand the outbreak dynamics and predict the occurrence of future outbreaks.

Prediction of dengue incidents using hospitalized patients, metrological and socio-economic data in Bangladesh: A machine learning approach

Dengue fever is a severe disease spread by Aedes mosquito-borne dengue viruses (DENVs) in tropical areas such as Bangladesh. Since its breakout in the 1960s, dengue fever has been endemic in Bangladesh, with the highest concentration of infections in the capital, Dhaka. This study aims to develop a machine learning model that can use relevant information about the factors that cause Dengue outbreaks within a geographic region. To predict dengue cases in 11 different districts of Bangladesh, we created a DengueBD dataset and employed two machine learning algorithms, Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) and Support Vector Regression (SVR). This research also explores the correlation among environmental factors like temperature, rainfall, and humidity with the rise and decline trend of Dengue cases in different cities of Bangladesh. The entire dataset was divided into an 80:20 ratio, with 80 percent used for training and 20% used for testing. The research findings imply that, for both the MLR with 67% accuracy along with Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 4.57 and SVR models with 75% accuracy along with Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 4.95, the number of dengue cases reduces throughout the winter season in the country and increases mainly during the rainy season in the next ten months, from August 2021 to May 2022. Importantly, Dhaka, Bangladesh’s capital, will see the maximum number of dengue patients during this period. Overall, the results of this data-driven analysis show that machine learning algorithms have enormous potential for predicting dengue epidemics.

Periodic synchronisation of dengue epidemics in Thailand over the last 5 decades driven by temperature and immunity

The spatial distribution of dengue and its vectors (spp. Aedes) may be the widest it has ever been, and projections suggest that climate change may allow the expansion to continue. However, less work has been done to understand how climate variability and change affects dengue in regions where the pathogen is already endemic. In these areas, the waxing and waning of immunity has a large impact on temporal dynamics of cases of dengue haemorrhagic fever. Here, we use 51 years of data across 72 provinces and characterise spatiotemporal patterns of dengue in Thailand, where dengue has caused almost 1.5 million cases over the last 30 years, and examine the roles played by temperature and dynamics of immunity in giving rise to those patterns. We find that timescales of multiannual oscillations in dengue vary in space and time and uncover an interesting spatial phenomenon: Thailand has experienced multiple, periodic synchronisation events. We show that although patterns in synchrony of dengue are similar to those observed in temperature, the relationship between the two is most consistent during synchronous periods, while during asynchronous periods, temperature plays a less prominent role. With simulations from temperature-driven models, we explore how dynamics of immunity interact with temperature to produce the observed patterns in synchrony. The simulations produced patterns in synchrony that were similar to observations, supporting an important role of immunity. We demonstrate that multiannual oscillations produced by immunity can lead to asynchronous dynamics and that synchrony in temperature can then synchronise these dengue dynamics. At higher mean temperatures, immune dynamics can be more predominant, and dengue dynamics more insensitive to multiannual fluctuations in temperature, suggesting that with rising mean temperatures, dengue dynamics may become increasingly asynchronous. These findings can help underpin predictions of disease patterns as global temperatures rise.

Optimal validated multi-factorial climate change risk assessment for adaptation planning and evaluation of infectious disease: A case study of dengue hemorrhagic fever in Indonesia

(1) Background: This paper will present an elaboration of the risk assessment methodology by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), Eurac Research and United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) for the assessment of dengue. (2) Methods: We validate the risk assessment model by best-fitting it with the number of dengue cases per province using the least-square fitting method. Seven out of thirty-four provinces in Indonesia were chosen (North Sumatra, Jakarta Capital, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Bali and East Kalimantan). (3) Results: A risk assessment based on the number of dengue cases showed an increased risk in 2010, 2015 and 2016 in which the effects of El Nino and La Nina extreme climates occurred. North Sumatra, Bali, and West Java were more influenced by the vulnerability component, in line with their risk analysis that tends to be lower than the other provinces in 2010, 2015 and 2016 when El Nino and La Nina occurred. (4) Conclusion: Based on data from the last ten years, in Jakarta Capital, Central Java, East Java and East Kalimantan, dengue risks were mainly influenced by the climatic hazard component while North Sumatra, Bali and West Java were more influenced by the vulnerability component.

The 2024 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: facing record-breaking threats from delayed action

Global strategic preparedness, readiness and response plan for dengue and other Aedes-borne arboviruses September 2024 – September 2025

Dengue in Rio de Janeiro

Dengue in Bangalore

Climate factors and dengue fever in Burkina Faso from 2017 to 2019

Dengue is now a major health concern in sub-Saharan Africa. Understanding the influence of local meteorological factors on the incidence of dengue is an important element for better prediction and control of this disease. This study aims to assess the impact of meteorological factors on dengue transmission in the central region of Burkina Faso. We analyzed the lagged effects of meteorological factors on the weekly incidence of dengue from 2017 to 2019 in the central region of Burkina Faso using a General Additive Model. The results show that maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed have a significant non-linear effect on dengue cases in the region with 83% of case variance explained. The optimal temperature that increases dengue cases was 27°C to 32°C for the maximum temperature and 18°C to 20°C for the minimum temperature with a decrease beyond that. The maximum temperature shifted by six weeks had the best correlation with dengue incidence. The estimated number of dengue cases increases as the maximum relative humidity increases from 15 to 45% and then from 60 to 70%. In general, an increase in daily wind speed is estimated to decrease the number of daily dengue cases. The relationship between rainfall and dengue cases was not significant. This study provides local information about the effect of meteorological factors on dengue that should help improve predictive models of dengue cases in Burkina Faso and contribute to the control of this disease.

Epidemiological, entomological, and climatological investigation of the 2019 dengue fever outbreak in Gewane District, afar region, north-east Ethiopia

Dengue Fever (DF) is an important arthropod-borne viral infection that has repeatedly occurred as outbreaks in eastern and northeastern Ethiopia since 2013. A cross-sectional epidemiological outbreak investigation was carried out from September to November 2019 on febrile patients (confirmed malaria negative) who presented with suspected and confirmed DF at both public and private health facilities in Gewane District, Afar Region, northeastern Ethiopia. Entomological investigation of containers found in randomly selected houses belonging to DF-positive patients was undertaken to survey for the presence of Aedes larvae/pupae. A total of 1185 DF cases were recorded from six health facilities during the 3-month study period. The mean age of DF cases was 27.2 years, and 42.7% of cases were female. The most affected age group was 15−49 years old (78.98%). The total case proportions differed significantly across age groups when compared to the population distribution; there were approximately 15% and 5% higher case proportions among those aged 15−49 years and 49+ years, respectively. A total of 162 artificial containers were inspected from 62 houses, with 49.4% found positive for Aedes aegypti larva/pupae. Aedes mosquitoes were most commonly observed breeding in plastic tanks, tires, and plastic or metal buckets/bowls. World Health Organization entomological indices classified the study site as high risk for dengue virus outbreaks (House Index = 45.2%, Container Index = 49.4%, and Breteau Index = 129). Time series climate data, specifically rainfall, were found to be significantly predictive of AR (p = 0.035). Study findings highlight the importance of vector control to prevent future DF outbreaks in the region. The scarcity of drinking water and microclimatic conditions may have also contributed to the occurrence of this outbreak.

An accurate mathematical model predicting number of dengue cases in tropics

Dengue fever is a systemic viral infection of epidemic proportions in tropical countries. The incidence of dengue fever is ever increasing and has doubled over the last few decades. Estimated 50million new cases are detected each year and close to 10000 deaths occur each year. Epidemics are unpredictable and unprecedented. When epidemics occur, health services are over whelmed leading to overcrowding of hospitals. At present there is no evidence that dengue epidemics can be predicted. Since the breeding of the dengue mosquito is directly influenced by environmental factors, it is plausible that epidemics could be predicted using weather data. We hypothesized that there is a mathematical relationship between incidence of dengue fever and environmental factors and if such relationship exists, new cases of dengue fever in the succeeding months can be predicted using weather data of the current month. We developed a mathematical model using machine learning technique. We used Island wide dengue epidemiology data, weather data and population density in developing the model. We used incidence of dengue fever, average rain fall, humidity, wind speed, temperature and population density of each district in the model. We found that the model is able to predict the incidence of dengue fever of a given month in a given district with precision (RMSE between 18- 35.3). Further, using weather data of a given month, the number of cases of dengue in succeeding months too can be predicted with precision (RMSE 10.4-30). Health authorities can use existing weather data in predicting epidemics in the immediate future and therefore measures to prevent new cases can be taken and more importantly the authorities can prepare local authorities for outbreaks.

Dengue virus infection and associated risk factors in Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Dengue contributes a significant burden on global public health and economies. In Africa, the burden of dengue virus (DENV) infection is not well described. This review was undertaken to determine the prevalence of dengue and associated risk factors. A literature search was done on PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, Embase, and Google Scholar databases to identify articles published between 1960 and 2020. Meta-analysis was performed using a random-effect model at a 95% confidence interval, followed by subgroup meta-analysis to determine the overall prevalence. Between 1960 and 2020, 45 outbreaks were identified, of which 17 and 16 occurred in East and West Africa, respectively. Dengue virus serotype 1 (DENV-1) and DENV-2 were the dominant serotypes contributing to 60% of the epidemics. Of 2211 cases reported between 2009 and 2020; 1954 (88.4%) were reported during outbreaks. Overall, the prevalence of dengue was 29% (95% CI: 20-39%) and 3% (95% CI: 1-5%) during the outbreak and non-outbreak periods, respectively. Old age (6/21 studies), lack of mosquito control (6/21), urban residence (4/21), climate change (3/21), and recent history of travel (3/21) were the leading risk factors. This review reports a high burden of dengue and increased risk of severe disease in Africa. Our findings provide useful information for clinical practice and health policy decisions to implement effective interventions.

Does COVID-19 lockdowns have impacted on global dengue burden? A special focus to India

Background The world has been battling several vector-borne diseases since time immemorial. Socio-economic marginality, precipitation variations and human behavioral attributes play a major role in the proliferation of these diseases. Lockdown and social distancing have affected social behavioral aspects of human life and somehow impact on the spread of vector borne diseases. This article sheds light into the relationship between COVID-19 lockdown and global dengue burden with special focus on India. It also focuses on the interconnection of the COVID-19 pandemic (waves 1 and 2) and the alteration of human behavioral patterns in dengue cases. Methods We performed a systematic search using various resources from different platforms and websites, such as Medline; Pubmed; PAHO; WHO; CDC; ECDC; Epidemiology Unit Ministry of Health (Sri Lanka Government); NASA; NVBDCP from 2015 until 2021. We have included many factors, such as different geographical conditions (tropical climate, semitropic and arid conditions); GDP rate (developed nations, developing nations, and underdeveloped nations). We also categorized our data in order to conform to COVID-19 duration from 2019 to 2021. Data was extracted for the complete duration of 10 years (2012 to 2021) from various countries with different geographical region (arid region, semitropic/semiarid region and tropical region). Results There was a noticeable reduction in dengue cases in underdeveloped (70-85%), developing (50-90%), and developed nations (75%) in the years 2019 and 2021. The dengue cases drastically reduced by 55-65% with the advent of COVID-19 s wave in the year 2021 across the globe. Conclusions At present, we can conclude that COVID-19 and dengue show an inverse relationship. These preliminary, data-based observations should guide clinical practice until more data are made public and basis for further medical research.

Risk assessment of dengue transmission in Bangladesh using a spatiotemporal network model and climate data

Vector-borne disease risk assessment is crucial to optimize surveillance, preventative measures (vector control), and resource allocation (medical supplies). High arthropod abundance and host interaction strongly correlate to vector-borne pathogen transmission. Increasing host density and movement increases the possibility of local and long-distance pathogen transmission. Therefore, we developed a risk-assessment framework using climate (average temperature and rainfall) and host demographic (host density and movement) data, particularly suitable for regions with unreported or underreported incidence data. This framework consisted of a spatiotemporal network-based approach coupled with a compartmental disease model and nonhomogeneous Gillespie algorithm. The correlation of climate data with vector abundance and host-vector interactions is expressed as vectorial capacity-a parameter that governs the spreading of infection from an infected host to a susceptible one via vectors. As an example, the framework is applied for dengue in Bangladesh. Vectorial capacity is inferred for each week throughout a year using average monthly temperature and rainfall data. Long-distance pathogen transmission is expressed with human movement data in the spatiotemporal network. We have identified the spatiotemporal suitability of dengue spreading in Bangladesh as well as the significant-incidence window and peak-incidence period. Analysis of yearly dengue data variation suggests the possibility of a significant outbreak with a new serotype introduction. The outcome of the framework comprised spatiotemporal suitability maps and probabilistic risk maps for spatial infection spreading. This framework is capable of vector-borne disease risk assessment without historical incidence data and can be a useful tool for preparedness with accurate human movement data.

Emergence of dengue as a febrile illness in Rewa and nearby districts of Madhya Pradesh during the year, 2021: A cross-sectional study

Introduction: Dengue is a mosquito borne viral disease. found in tropical and subtropical countries. Dengue virus (DENV) infected mosquitoes of Aedes species are crucial for the transmission of disease. It has emerged as a threat to the public health systems. Dengue is endemic in many parts of India but still the status of dengue cases in Rewa Madhya Pradesh is not reported convincingly. Aim: To investigate the presence of dengue in Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Microbiology at Shyam Shah Medical college Rewa under National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP), Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India, including 1113 Outpatient/Inpatient Department samples received during March 2021 to October 2021. Blood samples were collected from patients having febrile illness and after serum separation, serum were subjected to NS1 Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) test. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests were applied for data analysis. Results: A total of 1113 sample were received and tested for dengue NS1 out of that 108 sample were found NS1 positive by ELISA. The cases of dengue started from the month of July 2021. But in the month of October dengue positivity was highest in number. Dengue cases reported were 297 (6.73%) in the rainy season (July-August), but the dengue positivity increased (713, 9.3%) in the post rainy season (September-October). Overall prevalence of dengue was higher in the 21-30 years (34.3%) age group followed by 11-20 years (24.1%), 31-40 years (18.5%), 41-50 years (18.5%), 51-60 years (7.4%) and >60 years (3.70%) age groups with respect to total positive cases. The prevalence of dengue was higher in male (12.94%) in comparison to females (5.54%). Conclusion: This study warrants the dengue virus infection as one of the important causes of fever during rainy and post rainy season in this region. Early diagnosis and reporting of cases are important for the better management of disease.

An assessment of remotely sensed environmental variables on dengue epidemiology in central India

In recent decades, dengue has been expanding rapidly in the tropical cities. Even though environmental factors and landscape features profoundly impact dengue vector abundance and disease epidemiology, significant gaps exist in understanding the role of local environmental heterogeneity on dengue epidemiology in India. In this study, we assessed the role of remotely sensed climatic factors (rainfall, temperature and humidity) and landscape variables (land use pattern, vegetation and built up density) on dengue incidence (2012-2019) in Bhopal city, Central India. Dengue hotspots in the city were assessed through geographical information system based spatial statistics. Dengue incidence increased from 0.59 cases in 2012 to 9.11 cases in 2019 per 10,000 inhabitants, and wards located in Southern Bhopal were found to be dengue hotspots. Distributed lag non-linear model combined with quasi Poisson regression was used to assess the exposure-response association, relative risk (RR), and delayed effects of environmental factors on dengue incidence. The analysis revealed a non-linear relationship between meteorological variables and dengue cases. The model shows that the risk of dengue cases increases with increasing mean temperature, rainfall and absolute humidity. The highest RR of dengue cases (~2.0) was observed for absolute humidity ≥60 g/m3 with a 5-15 week lag. Rapid urbanization assessed by an increase in the built-up area (a 9.1% increase in 2020 compared to 2014) could also be a key factor driving dengue incidence in Bhopal city. The study sheds important insight into the synergistic effects of both the landscape and climatic factors on the transmission dynamics of dengue. Furthermore, the study provides key baseline information on the climatic variables that can be used in the micro-level dengue prediction models in Bhopal and other cities with similar climatic conditions.

Development and use of a reproducible framework for spatiotemporal climatic risk assessment and its association with decadal trend of dengue in India

INTRODUCTION: The study aimed to develop a reproducible, open-source, and scalable framework for extracting climate data from satellite imagery, understanding dengue’s decadal trend in India, and estimating the relationship between dengue occurrence and climatic factors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A framework was developed in the Open Source Software, and it was empirically tested using reported annual dengue occurrence data in India during 2010-2019. Census 2011 and population projections were used to calculate incidence rates. Zonal statistics were performed to extract climate parameters. Correlation coefficients were calculated to estimate the relationship of dengue with the annual average of daily mean and minimum temperature and rainy days. RESULTS: Total 818,973 dengue cases were reported from India, with median annual incidence of 6.57 per lakh population; it was high in 2019 and 2017 (11.80 and 11.55 per lakh) and the Southern region (8.18 per lakh). The highest median annual dengue incidence was observed in Punjab (24.49 per lakh). Daily climatic data were extracted from 1164 coordinate locations across the country for the decadal period (4,249,734 observations). The annual average of daily temperature and rainy days positively correlated with dengue in India (r = 0.31 and 0.06, at P < 0.01 and 0.30, respectively). CONCLUSION: The study provides a reproducible algorithm for bulk climatic data extraction from research-level satellite imagery. Infectious disease models can be used to understand disease epidemiology and strengthen disease surveillance in the country.

Distribution expansion of dengue vectors and climate change in India

India has witnessed a five-fold increase in dengue incidence in the past decade. However, the nation-wide distribution of dengue vectors, and the impacts of climate change are not known. In this study, species distribution modeling was used to predict the baseline and future distribution of Aedine vectors in India on the basis of biologically relevant climatic indicators. Known occurrences of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus were obtained from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility database and previous literature. Bio-climatic variables were used as the potential predictors of vector distribution. After eliminating collinear and low contributing predictors, the baseline and future prevalence of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus was determined, under three Representative Concentration Pathway scenarios (RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5), using the MaxEnt species distribution model. Aedes aegypti was found prevalent in most parts of the southern peninsula, the eastern coastline, north eastern states and the northern plains. In contrast, Aedes albopictus has localized distribution along the eastern and western coastlines, north eastern states and in the lower Himalayas. Under future scenarios of climate change, Aedes aegypti is projected to expand into unsuitable regions of the Thar desert, whereas Aedes albopictus is projected to expand to the upper and trans Himalaya regions of the north. Overall, the results provide a reliable assessment of vectors prevalence in most parts of the country that can be used to guide surveillance efforts, despite minor disagreements with dengue incidence in Rajasthan and the north east, possibly due to behavioral practices and sampling efforts. Plain Language Summary Climatic parameters derived from temperature and humidity affect the development and survival of mosquitoes that spread diseases. In the past decade, India has witnessed an alarming rise in dengue, a viral disease that spreads through the bite of the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. We used machine learning based modeling algorithm to predict the present and future abundance of these mosquitoes in India, based on biologically relevant climatic factors. The results project expansion of Aedes aegypti in the hot arid regions of the Thar Desert and Aedes albopictus in cold upper Himalayas as a result of future climatic changes. The results provide a useful guide for strengthening efforts for entomological and dengue surveillance.

Impact of environmental factors on the spread of dengue fever in Sri Lanka

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease caused by the dengue virus of the Flaviviridae family and is responsible for colossal health and economic burden worldwide. This study aimed to investigate the effect of environmental, seasonal, and spatial variations on the spread of dengue fever in Sri Lanka. The study used secondary data of monthly dengue infection and the monthly average of environmental parameters of 26 Sri Lankan regions from January 2015 to December 2019. Besides the descriptive measurements, Kendall’s tau_b, Spearman’s rho, and Kruskal-Wallis H test have been performed as bivariate analyses. The multivariate generalized linear negative binomial regression model was applied to determine the impacts of meteorological factors on dengue transmission. The aggregate negative binomial regression model disclosed that precipitation (odds ratio: 0.97, p < 0.05), humidity (odds ratio: 1.05, p < 0.01), and air pressure (odds ratio: 1.46, p < 0.01) were significantly influenced the spread of dengue fever in Sri Lanka. The bioclimatic zone is the vital factor that substantially affects the dengue infection, and the wet zone (odds ratio: 6.41, p < 0.05) was more at-risk than the dry zone. The climate season significantly influenced dengue fever transmission, and a higher infection rate was found (odds ratio: 1.46, p < 0.01) in the northeast monsoon season. The findings of this study facilitate policymakers to improve the existing dengue control strategies focusing on the meteorological condition in the local as well as global perspectives.

Dengue outbreaks in Bangladesh: Historic epidemic patterns suggest earlier mosquito control intervention in the transmission season could reduce the monthly growth factor and extent of epidemics

Dengue is endemic in Bangladesh and is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Suppressing the mosquito vector activity at the optimal time annually is a practical strategy to control dengue outbreaks. The objective of this study was to estimate the monthly growth factor (GF) of dengue cases over the past 12 years as a means to identify the optimal time for a vector-control programme in Bangladesh. We reviewed the monthly cases reported by the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research of Bangladesh during the period of January 2008-December 2019. We calculated the GF of dengue cases between successive months during this period and report means and 95% confidence intervals (CI). The median number of patients admitted to the hospital with dengue fever per year was 1554 (range: 375-101,354). The mean monthly GF of dengue cases was 1.2 (95% CI: 0.4-2.4). The monthly GF lower CI between April and July was > 1, whereas from September to November and January the upper CI was <1. The highest GF of dengue was recorded in June (mean: 2.4; 95% CI: 1.7-3.5) and lowest in October (mean: 0.43; 95% CI: 0.24-0.73). More than 81% (39/48) months between April and July for the period 2008-2019 had monthly GF >1 compared to 20% (19/96) months between August and March of the same period. The monthly GF was significantly correlated with monthly rainfall (r = 0.39) and monthly mean temperature (r = 0.30). The growth factor of the dengue cases over the last 12 years appeared to follow a marked periodicity linked to regional rainfall patterns. The increased transmission rate during the months of April-July, a seasonally determined peak suggests the need for strengthening a range of public health interventions, including targeted vector control efforts and community education campaigns.

Climate variability, dengue vector abundance and dengue fever cases in Dhaka, Bangladesh: A time-series study

Numerous studies on climate change and variability have revealed that these phenomena have noticeable influence on the epidemiology of dengue fever, and such relationships are complex due to the role of the vector—the Aedes mosquitoes. By undertaking a step-by-step approach, the present study examined the effects of climatic factors on vector abundance and subsequent effects on dengue cases of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Here, we first analyzed the time-series of Stegomyia indices for Aedes mosquitoes in relation to temperature, rainfall and relative humidity for 2002–2013, and then in relation to reported dengue cases in Dhaka. These data were analyzed at three sequential stages using the generalized linear model (GLM) and generalized additive model (GAM). Results revealed strong evidence that an increase in Aedes abundance is associated with the rise in temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall during the monsoon months, that turns into subsequent increases in dengue incidence. Further we found that (i) the mean rainfall and the lag mean rainfall were significantly related to Container Index, and (ii) the Breteau Index was significantly related to the mean relative humidity and mean rainfall. The relationships of dengue cases with Stegomyia indices and with the mean relative humidity, and the lag mean rainfall were highly significant. In examining longitudinal (2001–2013) data, we found significant evidence of time lag between mean rainfall and dengue cases.

Climate-driven mosquito-borne viral suitability index: Measuring risk transmission of dengue, chikungunya and zika in Mexico

BACKGROUND: Climate variability influences the population dynamics of the Aedes aegypti mosquito that transmits the viruses that cause dengue, chikungunya and Zika. In recent years these diseases have grown considerably. Dengue is now the fastest-growing mosquito-transmitted disease worldwide, putting 40 per cent of the global population at risk. With no effective antiviral treatments or vaccines widely available, controlling mosquito population remains one of the most effective ways to prevent epidemics. This paper analyses the temporal and spatial dynamics of dengue in Mexico during 2000-2020 and that of chikungunya and Zika since they first appeared in the country in 2014 and 2015, respectively. This study aims to evaluate how seasonal climatological variability affects the potential risk of transmission of these mosquito-borne diseases. Mexico is among the world’s most endemic countries in terms of dengue. Given its high incidence of other mosquito-borne diseases and its size and wide range of climates, it is a good case study. METHODS: We estimate the recently proposed mosquito-borne viral suitability index P, which measures the transmission potential of mosquito-borne pathogens. This index mathematically models how humidity, temperature and precipitation affect the number of new infections generated by a single infected adult female mosquito in a host population. We estimate this suitability index across all Mexico, at small-area level, on a daily basis during 2000-2020. RESULTS: We find that the index P predicted risk transmission is strongly correlated with the areas and seasons with a high incidence of dengue within the country. This correlation is also high enough for chikungunya and Zika in Mexico. We also show the index P is sensitive to seasonal climatological variability, including extreme weather shocks. CONCLUSIONS: The paper shows the dynamics of dengue, chikungunya and Zika in Mexico are strongly associated with seasonal climatological variability and the index P. This potential risk of transmission index, therefore, is a valuable tool for surveillance for mosquito-borne diseases, particularly in settings with varied climates and limited entomological capacity.

Imported dengue case numbers and local climatic patterns are associated with dengue virus transmission in Florida, USA

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are the main vector of dengue viruses globally and are present throughout much of the state of Florida (FL) in the United States of America. However, local transmission of dengue viruses in FL has mainly occurred in the southernmost counties; specifically Monroe and Miami-Dade counties. To get a better understanding of the ecologic risk factors for dengue fever incidence throughout FL, we collected and analyzed numerous environmental factors that have previously been connected to local dengue cases in disease-endemic regions. We analyzed these factors for each county-year in FL, between 2009-2019, using negative binomial regression. Monthly minimum temperature of 17.5-20.8 °C, an average temperature of 26.1-26.7 °C, a maximum temperature of 33.6-34.7 °C, rainfall between 11.4-12.7 cm, and increasing numbers of imported dengue cases were associated with the highest risk of dengue incidence per county-year. To our knowledge, we have developed the first predictive model for dengue fever incidence in FL counties and our findings provide critical information about weather conditions that could increase the risk for dengue outbreaks as well as the important contribution of imported dengue cases to local establishment of the virus in Ae. aegypti populations.

A bayesian prediction spatial model for confirmed dengue cases in the state of Chiapas, Mexico

Dengue is one of the major health problems in the state of Chiapas. Consequently, spatial information on the distribution of the disease can optimize directed control strategies. Therefore, this study aimed to develop and validate a simple Bayesian prediction spatial model for the state of Chiapas, Mexico. This is an ecological study that uses data from a range of sources. Dengue cases occurred from January to August 2019. The data analysis used the spatial correlation of dengue cases (DCs), which was calculated with the Moran index statistic, and a generalized linear spatial model (GLSM) within a Bayesian framework, which was considered to model the spatial distribution of DCs in the state of Chiapas. We selected the climatological, geographic, and sociodemographic variables related to the study area. A prediction of the model on Chiapas maps was carried out based on the places where the cases were registered. We find a spatial correlation of 0.115 (p value=0.001)between neighboring municipalities using the Moran index. The variables that have an effect on the number of confirmed cases of dengue are the maximum temperature (Coef=0.110; 95% CrI: 0.076 – 0.215), rainfall (Coef=0.013; 95% CrI:0.008 – 0.028), and altitude (Coef=0.00045; 95% CrI:0.00002 – 0.00174) of each municipality. The predicting power is notably better in regions that have a greater number of municipalities where DCs are registered. The model shows the importance of considering these variables to prevent future DCs in vulnerable areas.

The epidemiology and incidence of dengue in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, during 2017-2019

OBJECTIVES: To study the epidemiology of dengue incidence and understand the dynamics of dengue transmission in Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), between 2017-2019. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study. Health and demographic data was obtained for all confirmed dengue cases in Makkah, KSA, in the years 2017-2019 from the Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases Administration (VBZDA) in Makkah and the Makkah Regional Laboratory, KSA. In addition, entomological data about Aedes density was obtained from the VBZDA. Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to determine the occurrence and distribution of dengue cases. RESULTS: Laboratory-confirmed dengue cases were higher in 2019 as compared to 2017 and 2018, suggesting an outbreak of dengue in Makkah, KSA, in 2019. The incidence of confirmed dengue cases was 204 in 2017, 163 in 2018 and 748 in 2019. Dengue mostly affected people in the 25-44 age group, accounting for approximately half of the annual dengue cases each year. Men were at a higher dengue incidence risk when compared to women, and Saudi women had a higher risk rate for dengue cases when compared to non-Saudi women in all 3 years studied. There was no dengue related death in these 3 years. CONCLUSION: The dengue incidence increased in Makkah, KSA, in 2019 as compared to the previous 2 years, owing to heavy rainfall in 2019. Post-rainfall Vector control efforts may help contain the disease in Makkah, KSA.

A cross-tabulated analysis for the influence of climate conditions on the incidence of dengue fever in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia during 2006-2009

OBJECTIVE: Increased temperature and humidity across the world and emergence of mosquito-borne diseases, notably dengue both continue to present public health problems, but their relationship is not clear as conflicting evidence abound on the association between climate conditions and risk of dengue fever. This characterization is important as mitigation of climate change-related variables will contribute toward efficient planning of health services. The purpose of this study was to determine whether humidity in addition to high temperatures increase the risk of dengue transmission. METHODS: We have assessed the joint association between temperature and humidity with the incidence of dengue fever at Jeddah City in Saudi Arabia. We obtained weekly data from Jeddah City on temperature and humidity between 2006 and 2009 for 200 weeks starting week 1/2006 and ending week 53/2009. We also collected incident case data on dengue fever in Jeddah City. RESULTS: The cross-tabulated analysis showed an association between temperature or humidity conditions and incident cases of dengue. Our data found that hot and dry conditions were associated with a high risk of dengue incidence in Jeddah City. CONCLUSION: Hot and dry conditions are risk factors for dengue fever.

Assessing the effect of climate variables on the incidence of dengue cases in the metropolitan region of Panama City

The present analysis uses the data of confirmed incidence of dengue cases in the metropolitan region of Panama from 1999 to 2017 and climatic variables (air temperature, precipitation, and relative humidity) during the same period to determine if there exists a correlation between these variables. In addition, we compare the predictive performance of two regression models (SARIMA, SARIMAX) and a recurrent neural network model (RNN-LSTM) on the dengue incidence series. For this data from 1999-2014 was used for training and the three subsequent years of incidence 2015-2017 were used for prediction. The results show a correlation coefficient between the climatic variables and the incidence of dengue were low but statistical significant. The RMSE and MAPE obtained for the SARIMAX and RNN-LSTM models were 25.76, 108.44 and 26.16, 59.68, which suggest that any of these models can be used to predict new outbreaks. Although, it can be said that there is a limited role of climatic variables in the outputs the models. The value of this work is that it helps understand the behaviour of cases in a tropical setting as is the Metropolitan Region of Panama City, and provides the basis needed for a much needed early alert system for the region.

Association between climate factors and dengue fever in Asuncion, Paraguay: A generalized additive model

Dengue fever has been endemic in Paraguay since 2009 and is a major cause of public-health-management-related burdens. However, Paraguay still lacks information on the association between climate factors and dengue fever. We aimed to investigate the association between climatic factors and dengue fever in Asuncion. Cumulative dengue cases from January 2014 to December 2020 were extracted weekly, and new cases and incidence rates of dengue fever were calculated. Climate factor data were aggregated weekly, associations between dengue cases and climate factors were analyzed, and variables were selected to construct our model. A generalized additive model was used, and the best model was selected based on Akaike information criteria. Piecewise regression analyses were performed for non-linear climate factors. Wind and relative humidity were negatively associated with dengue cases, and minimum temperature was positively associated with dengue cases when the temperature was less than 21.3 °C and negatively associated with dengue when greater than 21.3 °C. Additional studies on dengue fever in Asuncion and other cities are needed to better understand dengue fever.

Impact of climate change on human infectious diseases: Dengue

Climate is considered an important factor in the temporal and spatial distribution of vector-borne diseases. Dengue transmission involves many factors: although it is not yet fully understood, climate is a critical factor as it facilitates risk analysis of epidemics. This study analyzed the effect of seasonal factors and the relationship between climate variables and dengue risk in the municipality of Campo Grande, from 2008 to 2018. Generalized linear models with negative binomial and Poisson distribution were used. The most appropriate model was the one with “minimum temperature” and “precipitation”, both lagged by one month, controlled by “year”. In this model, a 1 degrees C rise in the minimum temperature of one month led to an increase in dengue cases the following month, while a 10 mm increase in precipitation led to an increase in dengue cases the following month.

Dengue prediction in Latin America using machine learning and the one health perspective: A literature review

Dengue fever is a serious and growing public health problem in Latin America and elsewhere, intensified by climate change and human mobility. This paper reviews the approaches to the epidemiological prediction of dengue fever using the One Health perspective, including an analysis of how Machine Learning techniques have been applied to it and focuses on the risk factors for dengue in Latin America to put the broader environmental considerations into a detailed understanding of the small-scale processes as they affect disease incidence. Determining that many factors can act as predictors for dengue outbreaks, a large-scale comparison of different predictors over larger geographic areas than those currently studied is lacking to determine which predictors are the most effective. In addition, it provides insight into techniques of Machine Learning used for future predictive models, as well as general workflow for Machine Learning projects of dengue fever.

Conflicting diagnostic and prognostic framing of epidemics? Newspaper representations of dengue as a public health problem in Peru

The way newspapers frame infectious disease outbreaks and their connection to the environmental determinants of disease transmission matter because they shape how we understand and respond to these major events. In 2017, following an unexpected climatic event named “El Niño Costero,” a dengue epidemic in Peru affected over seventy-five thousand people. This paper examines how the Peruvian news media presented dengue, a climate-sensitive disease, as a public health problem by analyzing a sample of 265 news stories on dengue from two major newspapers published between January 1st and December 31st of 2017. In analyzing the construction of responsibility for the epidemic, I find frames that blamed El Niño Costero’s flooding and Peru’s poorly prepared cities and public health infrastructure as the causes of the dengue outbreak. However, when analyzing frames that offer solutions to the epidemic, I find that news articles call for government-led, short-term interventions (e.g., fogging) that fail to address the decaying public health infrastructure and lack of climate-resilient health systems. Overall, news media tended to over-emphasize dengue as requiring technical solutions that ignore the root causes of health inequality and environmental injustice that allow dengue to spread in the first place. This case speaks to the medicalization of public health and to a long history of disease-control programs in the Global South that prioritized top-down technical approaches, turning attention away from the social and environmental determinants of health, which are particularly important in an era of climate change.

Combined effects of hydrometeorological hazards and urbanisation on dengue risk in Brazil: A spatiotemporal modelling study

BACKGROUND: Temperature and rainfall patterns are known to influence seasonal patterns of dengue transmission. However, the effect of severe drought and extremely wet conditions on the timing and intensity of dengue epidemics is poorly understood. In this study, we aimed to quantify the non-linear and delayed effects of extreme hydrometeorological hazards on dengue risk by level of urbanisation in Brazil using a spatiotemporal model. METHODS: We combined distributed lag non-linear models with a spatiotemporal Bayesian hierarchical model framework to determine the exposure-lag-response association between the relative risk (RR) of dengue and a drought severity index. We fit the model to monthly dengue case data for the 558 microregions of Brazil between January, 2001, and January, 2019, accounting for unobserved confounding factors, spatial autocorrelation, seasonality, and interannual variability. We assessed the variation in RR by level of urbanisation through an interaction between the drought severity index and urbanisation. We also assessed the effect of hydrometeorological hazards on dengue risk in areas with a high frequency of water supply shortages. FINDINGS: The dataset included 12 895 293 dengue cases reported between 2001 and 2019 in Brazil. Overall, the risk of dengue increased between 0-3 months after extremely wet conditions (maximum RR at 1 month lag 1·56 [95% CI 1·41-1·73]) and 3-5 months after drought conditions (maximum RR at 4 months lag 1·43 [1·22-1·67]). Including a linear interaction between the drought severity index and level of urbanisation improved the model fit and showed the risk of dengue was higher in more rural areas than highly urbanised areas during extremely wet conditions (maximum RR 1·77 [1·32-2·37] at 0 months lag vs maximum RR 1·58 [1·39-1·81] at 2 months lag), but higher in highly urbanised areas than rural areas after extreme drought (maximum RR 1·60 [1·33-1·92] vs 1·15 [1·08-1·22], both at 4 months lag). We also found the dengue risk following extreme drought was higher in areas that had a higher frequency of water supply shortages. INTERPRETATION: Wet conditions and extreme drought can increase the risk of dengue with different delays. The risk associated with extremely wet conditions was higher in more rural areas and the risk associated with extreme drought was exacerbated in highly urbanised areas, which have water shortages and intermittent water supply during droughts. These findings have implications for targeting mosquito control activities in poorly serviced urban areas, not only during the wet and warm season, but also during drought periods. FUNDING: Royal Society, Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust, National Institutes of Health, Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. TRANSLATION: For the Portuguese translation of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section.

Meteorological indicators of dengue epidemics in non-endemic northwest Argentina

In the last two decades dengue cases increased significantly throughout the world, giving place to more frequent outbreaks in Latin America. In the non-endemic city of San Ramón de la Nueva Orán, located in Northwest Argentina, large dengue outbreaks alternate with several years of smaller ones. This pattern, as well as the understanding of the underlying mechanisms, could be essential to design proper strategies to reduce epidemic size. We develop a stochastic model that includes climate variables, social structure, and mobility between a non-endemic city and an endemic area. Climatic variables were input of a mosquito population ecological model, which in turn was coupled to a meta-population, spatially explicit, epidemiological model. Human mobility was included into the model given the high border crossing to the northern country of Bolivia, where dengue transmission is sustained during the whole year. We tested different hypotheses regarding people mobility as well as climate variability by fitting numerical simulations to weekly clinical data reported from 2009 to 2016. After assessing the number of imported cases that triggered the observed outbreaks, our model allows to explain the observed epidemic pattern. We found that the number of vectors per host and the effective reproductive number are proxies for large epidemics. Both proxies are related with climate variability such as rainfall and temperature, opening the possibility to test these meteorological variables for forecast purposes.

Analysis of climate factors and dengue incidence in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Dengue is a re-emerging disease, currently considered the most important mosquito-borne arbovirus infection affecting humankind, taking into account both its morbidity and mortality. Brazil is considered an endemic country for dengue, such that more than 1,544,987 confirmed cases were notified in 2019, which means an incidence rate of 735 for every 100 thousand inhabitants. Climate is an important factor in the temporal and spatial distribution of vector-borne diseases, such as dengue. Thus, rainfall and temperature are considered macro-factors determinants for dengue, since they directly influence the population density of Aedes aegypti, which is subject to seasonal fluctuations, mainly due to these variables. This study examined the incidence of dengue fever related to the climate influence by using temperature and rainfall variables data obtained from remote sensing via artificial satellites in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The mathematical model that best fits the data is based on an auto-regressive moving average with exogenous inputs (ARMAX). It reproduced the values of incidence rates in the study period and managed to predict with good precision in a one-year horizon. The approach described in present work may be replicated in cities around the world by the public health managers, to build auxiliary operational tools for control and prevention tasks of dengue, as well of other arbovirus diseases.

Forecasting weekly dengue cases by integrating google earth engine-based risk predictor generation and google colab-based deep learning modeling in Fortaleza and the Federal District, Brazil

Efficient and accurate dengue risk prediction is an important basis for dengue prevention and control, which faces challenges, such as downloading and processing multi-source data to generate risk predictors and consuming significant time and computational resources to train and validate models locally. In this context, this study proposed a framework for dengue risk prediction by integrating big geospatial data cloud computing based on Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform and artificial intelligence modeling on the Google Colab platform. It enables defining the epidemiological calendar, delineating the predominant area of dengue transmission in cities, generating the data of risk predictors, and defining multi-date ahead prediction scenarios. We implemented the experiments based on weekly dengue cases during 2013-2020 in the Federal District and Fortaleza, Brazil to evaluate the performance of the proposed framework. Four predictors were considered, including total rainfall (R(sum)), mean temperature (T(mean)), mean relative humidity (RH(mean)), and mean normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI(mean)). Three models (i.e., random forest (RF), long-short term memory (LSTM), and LSTM with attention mechanism (LSTM-ATT)), and two modeling scenarios (i.e., modeling with or without dengue cases) were set to implement 1- to 4-week ahead predictions. A total of 24 models were built, and the results showed in general that LSTM and LSTM-ATT models outperformed RF models; modeling could benefit from using historical dengue cases as one of the predictors, and it makes the predicted curve fluctuation more stable compared with that only using climate and environmental factors; attention mechanism could further improve the performance of LSTM models. This study provides implications for future dengue risk prediction in terms of the effectiveness of GEE-based big geospatial data processing for risk predictor generation and Google Colab-based risk modeling and presents the benefits of using historical dengue data as one of the input features and the attention mechanism for LSTM modeling.

Geoclimatic, demographic and socioeconomic characteristics related to dengue outbreaks in Southeastern Brazil: An annual spatial and spatiotemporal risk model over a 12-year period

Dengue fever is re-emerging worldwide, however the reasons of this new emergence are not fully understood. Our goal was to report the incidence of dengue in one of the most populous States of Brazil, and to assess the high-risk areas using a spatial and spatio-temporal annual models including geoclimatic, demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. An ecological study with both, a spatial and a temporal component was carried out in Sao Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil, between January 1st, 2007 and December 31st, 2019. Crude and Bayesian empirical rates of dengue cases following by Standardized Incidence Ratios (SIR) were calculated considering the municipalities as the analytical units and using the Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation in a Bayesian context. A total of 2,027,142 cases of dengue were reported during the studied period. The spatial model allocated the municipalities in four groups according to the SIR values: (I) SIR<0.8; (II) SIR 0.8<1.2; (III) SIR 1.2<2.0 and SIR>2.0 identified the municipalities with higher risk for dengue outbreaks. “Hot spots” are shown in the thematic maps. Significant correlations between SIR and two climate variables, two demographic variables and one socioeconomical variable were found. No significant correlations were found in the spatio-temporal model. The incidence of dengue exhibited an inconstant and unpredictable variation every year. The highest rates of dengue are concentrated in geographical clusters with lower surface pressure, rainfall and altitude, but also in municipalities with higher degree of urbanization and better socioeconomic conditions. Nevertheless, annual consolidated variations in climatic features do not influence in the epidemic yearly pattern of dengue in southeastern Brazil.

Impacts of El Niño Southern Oscillation on the dengue transmission dynamics in the metropolitan region of Recife, Brazil

BACKGROUND: This research addresses two questions: (1) how El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affects climate variability and how it influences dengue transmission in the Metropolitan Region of Recife (MRR), and (2) whether the epidemic in MRR municipalities has any connection and synchronicity. METHODS: Wavelet analysis and cross-correlation were applied to characterize seasonality, multiyear cycles, and relative delays between the series. This study was developed into two distinct periods. Initially, we performed periodic dengue incidence and intercity epidemic synchronism analyses from 2001 to 2017. We then defined the period from 2001 to 2016 to analyze the periodicity of climatic variables and their coherence with dengue incidence. RESULTS: Our results showed systematic cycles of 3-4 years with a recent shortening trend of 2-3 years. Climatic variability, such as positive anomalous temperatures and reduced rainfall due to changes in sea surface temperature (SST), is partially linked to the changing epidemiology of the disease, as this condition provides suitable environments for the Aedes aegypti lifecycle. CONCLUSION: ENSO may have influenced the dengue temporal patterns in the MRR, transiently reducing its main way of multiyear variability (3-4 years) to 2-3 years. Furthermore, when the epidemic coincided with El Niño years, it spread regionally and was highly synchronized.

Predicting dengue outbreaks in Brazil with manifold learning on climate data

Tropical countries face urgent public health challenges regarding epidemic control of Dengue. Since effective vector-control efforts depend on the timing in which public policies take place, there is an enormous demand for accurate prediction tools. In this work, we improve upon a recent approach of coarsely predicting outbreaks in Brazilian urban centers based solely on their yearly climate data. Our methodological advancements encompass a judicious choice of data pre-processing steps and usage of modern computational techniques from signal-processing and manifold learning. Altogether, our results improved earlier prediction accuracy scores from 0.72 to 0.80, solidifying manifold learning on climate data alone as a viable way to make (coarse) dengue outbreak prediction in large urban centers. Ultimately, this approach has the potential of radically simplifying the data required to do outbreak analysis, as municipalities with limited public health funds may not monitor a large number of features needed for more extensive machine learning approaches.

A framework for weather-driven dengue virus transmission dynamics in different Brazilian regions

This study investigated a model to assess the role of climate fluctuations on dengue (DENV) dynamics from 2010 to 2019 in four Brazilian municipalities. The proposed transmission model was based on a preexisting SEI-SIR model, but also incorporates the vector vertical transmission and the vector’s egg compartment, thus allowing rainfall to be introduced to modulate egg-hatching. Temperature and rainfall satellite data throughout the decade were used as climatic model inputs. A sensitivity analysis was performed to understand the role of each parameter. The model-simulated scenario was compared to the observed dengue incidence and the findings indicate that the model was able to capture the observed seasonal dengue incidence pattern with good accuracy until 2016, although higher deviations were observed from 2016 to 2019. The results further demonstrate that vertical transmission fluctuations can affect attack transmission rates and patterns, suggesting the need to investigate the contribution of vertical transmission to dengue transmission dynamics in future assessments. The improved understanding of the relationship between different environment variables and dengue transmission achieved by the proposed model can contribute to public health policies regarding mosquito-borne diseases.

Environmental changes and the impact on the human infections by dengue, chikungunya and zika viruses in northern Brazil, 2010-2019

Environmental changes are among the main factors that contribute to the emergence or re-emergence of viruses of public health importance. Here, we show the impact of environmental modifications on cases of infections by the dengue, chikungunya and Zika viruses in humans in the state of Tocantins, Brazil, between the years 2010 and 2019. We conducted a descriptive and principal component analysis (PCA) to explore the main trends in environmental modifications and in the cases of human infections caused by these arboviruses in Tocantins. Our analysis demonstrated that the occurrence of El Niño, deforestation in the Cerrado and maximum temperatures had correlations with the cases of infections by the Zika virus between 2014 and 2016. El Niño, followed by La Niña, a gradual increase in precipitation and the maximum temperature observed between 2015 and 2017 were shown to have contributed to the infections by the chikungunya virus. La Niña and precipitation were associated with infections by the dengue virus between 2010 and 2012 and El Niño contributed to the 2019 outbreak observed within the state. By PCA, deforestation, temperatures and El Niño were the most important variables related to cases of dengue in humans. We conclude from this analysis that environmental changes (deforestation and climate change) presented a strong influence on the human infections caused by the dengue, chikungunya and Zika viruses in Tocantins from 2010 to 2019.

Machine-learning-based forecasting of dengue fever in Brazilian cities using epidemiologic and meteorological variables

Dengue is a serious public health concern in Brazil and globally. In the absence of a universal vaccine or specific treatments, prevention relies on vector control and disease surveillance. Accurate and early forecasts can help reduce the spread of the disease. In this study, we developed a model for predicting monthly dengue cases in Brazilian cities 1 month ahead, using data from 2007-2019. We compared different machine learning algorithms and feature selection methods using epidemiologic and meteorological variables. We found that different models worked best in different cities, and a random forests model trained on monthly dengue cases performed best overall. It produced lower errors than a seasonal naive baseline model, gradient boosting regression, a feed-forward neural network, or support vector regression. For each city, we computed the mean absolute error between predictions and true monthly numbers of dengue cases on the test data set. The median error across all cities was 12.2 cases. This error was reduced to 11.9 when selecting the optimal combination of algorithm and input features for each city individually. Machine learning and especially decision tree ensemble models may contribute to dengue surveillance in Brazil, as they produce low out-of-sample prediction errors for a geographically diverse set of cities.

Multilevel analysis of social, climatic and entomological factors that influenced dengue occurrence in three municipalities in Colombia

According to the World Health Organization, dengue is a neglected tropical disease. Latin America, specifically Colombia is in alert regarding this arbovirosis as there was a spike in the number of reported dengue cases at the beginning of 2019. Although there has been a worldwide decrease in the number of reported dengue cases, Colombia has shown a growing trend over the past few years. This study performed a Poisson multilevel analysis with mixed effects on STATA® version 16 and R to assess sociodemographic, climatic, and entomological factors that may influence the occurrence of dengue in three municipalities for the period 2010-2015. Information on dengue cases and their sociodemographic variables was collected from the National Public Health Surveillance System (SIVIGILA) records. For climatic variables (temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation), we used the information registered by the weather stations located in the study area, which are managed by the Instituto de Hidrologia, Meteorologia y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM) or the Corporación Autónoma Regional (CAR). The entomological variables (house index, container index, and Breteau index) were provided by the Health office of the Cundinamarca department. SIVIGILA reported 1921 dengue cases and 56 severe dengue cases in the three municipalities; of them, three died. One out of four cases occurred in rural areas. The age category most affected was adulthood, and there were no statistical differences in the number of cases between sexes. The Poisson multilevel analysis with the best fit model explained the presentation of cases were temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, childhood, live in urban area and the contributory healthcare system. The temperature had the biggest influence on the presentation of dengue cases in this region between 2010 and 2015.

Spatiotemporal dynamics of dengue in Colombia in relation to the combined effects of local climate and ENSO

Dengue virus (DENV) is an endemic disease in the hot and humid low-lands of Colombia. We characterize the association of monthly series of dengue cases with indices of El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) at the tropical Pacific and local climatic variables in Colombia during the period 2007-2017 at different temporal and spatial scales. For estimation purposes, we use lagged cross-correlations (Pearson test), cross-wavelet analysis (wavelet cross spectrum, and wavelet coherence), as well as a novel nonlinear causality method, PCMCI, that allows identifying common causal drivers and links among high dimensional simultaneous and time-lagged variables. Our results evidence the strong association of DENV cases in Colombia with ENSO indices and with local temperature and rainfall. El Niño (La Niña) phenomenon is related to an increase (decrease) of dengue cases nationally and in most regions and departments, with maximum correlations occurring at shorter time lags in the Pacific and Andes regions, closer to the Pacific Ocean. This association is mainly explained by the ENSO-driven increase in temperature and decrease in rainfall, especially in the Andes and Pacific regions. The influence of ENSO is not stationary, given the reduction of DENV cases since 2005, and that local climate variables vary in space and time, which prevents to extrapolate results from one region to another. The association between DENV and ENSO varies at national and regional scales when data are disaggregated by seasons, being stronger in DJF and weaker in SON. Overall, the Pacific and Andes regions control the relationship between dengue dynamics and ENSO at national scale. Cross-wavelet analysis indicates that the ENSO-DENV relation in Colombia exhibits a strong coherence in the 12 to 16-months frequency band, which implies the frequency locking between the annual cycle and the interannual (ENSO) timescales. Results of nonlinear causality metrics reveal the complex concomitant effects of ENSO and local climate variables, while offering new insights to develop early warning systems for DENV in Colombia.

Climatic factors and the incidence of dengue in Cartagena, Colombian Caribbean region

BACKGROUND: The influence of climate on the epidemiology of dengue has scarcely been studied in Cartagena. METHODS: The relationship between dengue cases and climatic and macroclimatic factors was explored using an ecological design and bivariate and time-series analyses during lag and non-lag months. Data from 2008-2017 was obtained from the national surveillance system and meteorological stations. RESULTS: Cases correlated only with climatic variables during lag and non-lag months. Decreases in precipitation and humidity and increases in temperature were correlated with an increase in cases. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide useful information for establishing and strengthening dengue prevention and control strategies.

Experimental evolution of West Nile virus at higher temperatures facilitates broad adaptation and increased genetic diversity

West Nile virus (WNV, Flaviviridae, Flavivirus) is a mosquito-borne flavivirus introduced to North America in 1999. Since 1999, the Earth’s average temperature has increased by 0.6 °C. Mosquitoes are ectothermic organisms, reliant on environmental heat sources. Temperature impacts vector-virus interactions which directly influence arbovirus transmission. RNA viral replication is highly error-prone and increasing temperature could further increase replication rates, mutation frequencies, and evolutionary rates. The impact of temperature on arbovirus evolutionary trajectories and fitness landscapes has yet to be sufficiently studied. To investigate how temperature impacts the rate and extent of WNV evolution in mosquito cells, WNV was experimentally passaged 12 times in Culex tarsalis cells, at 25 °C and 30 °C. Full-genome deep sequencing was used to compare genetic signatures during passage, and replicative fitness was evaluated before and after passage at each temperature. Our results suggest adaptive potential at both temperatures, with unique temperature-dependent and lineage-specific genetic signatures. Further, higher temperature passage was associated with significantly increased replicative fitness at both temperatures and increases in nonsynonymous mutations. Together, these data indicate that if similar selective pressures exist in natural systems, increases in temperature could accelerate emergence of high-fitness strains with greater phenotypic plasticity.

Charting the evidence for climate change impacts on the global spread of malaria and dengue and adaptive responses: A scoping review of reviews

BACKGROUND: Climate change is expected to alter the global footprint of many infectious diseases, particularly vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue. Knowledge of the range and geographical context of expected climate change impacts on disease transmission and spread, combined with knowledge of effective adaptation strategies and responses, can help to identify gaps and best practices to mitigate future health impacts. To investigate the types of evidence for impacts of climate change on two major mosquito-borne diseases of global health importance, malaria and dengue, and to identify the range of relevant policy responses and adaptation strategies that have been devised, we performed a scoping review of published review literature. Three electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus and Epistemonikos) were systematically searched for relevant published reviews. Inclusion criteria were: reviews with a systematic search, from 2007 to 2020, in English or French, that addressed climate change impacts and/or adaptation strategies related to malaria and/or dengue. Data extracted included: characteristics of the article, type of review, disease(s) of focus, geographic focus, and nature of the evidence. The evidence was summarized to identify and compare regional evidence for climate change impacts and adaptation measures. RESULTS: A total of 32 reviews met the inclusion criteria. Evidence for the impacts of climate change (including climate variability) on dengue was greatest in the Southeast Asian region, while evidence for the impacts of climate change on malaria was greatest in the African region, particularly in highland areas. Few reviews explicitly addressed the implementation of adaptation strategies to address climate change-driven disease transmission, however suggested strategies included enhanced surveillance, early warning systems, predictive models and enhanced vector control. CONCLUSIONS: There is strong evidence for the impacts of climate change, including climate variability, on the transmission and future spread of malaria and dengue, two of the most globally important vector-borne diseases. Further efforts are needed to develop multi-sectoral climate change adaptation strategies to enhance the capacity and resilience of health systems and communities, especially in regions with predicted climatic suitability for future emergence and re-emergence of malaria and dengue. This scoping review may serve as a useful precursor to inform future systematic reviews of the primary literature.

Early warning systems (EWSs) for chikungunya, dengue, malaria, yellow fever, and Zika outbreaks: What is the evidence? A scoping review

BACKGROUND: Early warning systems (EWSs) are of increasing importance in the context of outbreak-prone diseases such as chikungunya, dengue, malaria, yellow fever, and Zika. A scoping review has been undertaken for all 5 diseases to summarize existing evidence of EWS tools in terms of their structural and statistical designs, feasibility of integration and implementation into national surveillance programs, and the users’ perspective of their applications. METHODS: Data were extracted from Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), Google Scholar, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), PubMed, Web of Science, and WHO Library Database (WHOLIS) databases until August 2019. Included were studies reporting on (a) experiences with existing EWS, including implemented tools; and (b) the development or implementation of EWS in a particular setting. No restrictions were applied regarding year of publication, language or geographical area. FINDINGS: Through the first screening, 11,710 documents for dengue, 2,757 for Zika, 2,706 for chikungunya, 24,611 for malaria, and 4,963 for yellow fever were identified. After applying the selection criteria, a total of 37 studies were included in this review. Key findings were the following: (1) a large number of studies showed the quality performance of their prediction models but except for dengue outbreaks, only few presented statistical prediction validity of EWS; (2) while entomological, epidemiological, and social media alarm indicators are potentially useful for outbreak warning, almost all studies focus primarily or exclusively on meteorological indicators, which tends to limit the prediction capacity; (3) no assessment of the integration of the EWS into a routine surveillance system could be found, and only few studies addressed the users’ perspective of the tool; (4) almost all EWS tools require highly skilled users with advanced statistics; and (5) spatial prediction remains a limitation with no tool currently able to map high transmission areas at small spatial level. CONCLUSIONS: In view of the escalating infectious diseases as global threats, gaps and challenges are significantly present within the EWS applications. While some advanced EWS showed high prediction abilities, the scarcity of tool assessments in terms of integration into existing national surveillance systems as well as of the feasibility of transforming model outputs into local vector control or action plans tends to limit in most cases the support of countries in controlling disease outbreaks.

Dengue outbreak and severity prediction: Current methods and the future scope

Dengue virus (DENV) is the causative agent of dengue fever and severe dengue. Every year, millions of people are infected with this virus. There is no vaccine available for this disease. Dengue virus is present in four serologically varying strains, DENV 1, 2, 3, and 4, and each of these serotypes is further classified into various genotypes based on the geographic distribution and genetic variance. Mosquitoes play the role of vectors for this disease. Tropical countries and some temperate parts of the world witness outbreaks of dengue mainly during the monsoon (rainy) seasons. Several algorithms have been developed to predict the occurrence and prognosis of dengue disease. These algorithms are mainly based on epidemiological data, climate factors, and online search patterns in the infected area. Most of these algorithms are based on either machine learning or deep learning techniques. We summarize the different software tools available for predicting the outbreaks of dengue based on the aforementioned factors, briefly outline the methodology used in these algorithms, and provide a comprehensive list of programs available for the same in this article.

Persistence of mosquito vector and dengue: Impact of seasonal and diurnal temperature variations

Dengue, a mosquito-borne disease, poses a tremendous burden to human health with about 390 million annual dengue infections worldwide. The environmental temperature plays a major role in the mosquito life-cycle as well as the mosquito-human-mosquito dengue transmission cycle. While previous studies have provided useful insights into the understanding of dengue diseases, there is little emphasis put on the role of environmental temperature variation, especially diurnal variation, in the mosquito vector and dengue dynamics. In this study, we develop a mathematical model to investigate the impact of seasonal and diurnal temperature variations on the persistence of mosquito vector and dengue. Importantly, using a threshold dynamical system approach to our model, we formulate the mosquito reproduction number and the infection invasion threshold, which completely determine the global threshold dynamics of mosquito population and dengue transmission, respectively. Our model predicts that both seasonal and diurnal variations of the environmental temperature can be determinant factors for the persistence of mosquito vector and dengue. In general, our numerical estimates of the mosquito reproduction number and the infection invasion threshold show that places with higher diurnal or seasonal temperature variations have a tendency to suffer less from the burden of mosquito population and dengue epidemics. Our results provide novel insights into the theoretical understanding of the role of diurnal temperature, which can be beneficial for the control of mosquito vector and dengue spread.

Dengue early warning system as outbreak prediction tool: A systematic review

Early warning system (EWS) for vector-borne diseases is incredibly complex due to numerous factors originating from human, environmental, vector and the disease itself. Dengue EWS aims to collect data that leads to prompt decision-making processes that trigger disease intervention strategies to minimize the impact on a specific population. Dengue EWS may have a similar structural design, functions, and analytical approaches but different performance and ability to predict outbreaks. Hence, this review aims to summarise and discuss the evidence of different EWSs, their performance, and their ability to predict dengue outbreaks. A systematic literature search was performed of four primary databases: Scopus, Web of Science, Ovid MEDLINE, and EBSCOhost. Eligible articles were evaluated using a checklist for assessing the quality of the studies. A total of 17 studies were included in this systematic review. All EWS models demonstrated reasonably good predictive abilities to predict dengue outbreaks. However, the accuracy of their predictions varied greatly depending on the model used and the data quality. The reported sensitivity ranged from 50 to 100%, while specificity was 74 to 94.7%. A range between 70 to 96.3% was reported for prediction model accuracy and 43 to 86% for PPV. Overall, meteorological alarm indicators (temperatures and rainfall) were the most frequently used and displayed the best performing indicator. Other potential alarm indicators are entomology (female mosquito infection rate), epidemiology, population and socioeconomic factors. EWS is an essential tool to support district health managers and national health planners to mitigate or prevent disease outbreaks. This systematic review highlights the benefits of integrating several epidemiological tools focusing on incorporating climatic, environmental, epidemiological and socioeconomic factors to create an early warning system. The early warning system relies heavily on the country surveillance system. The lack of timely and high-quality data is critical for developing an effective EWS.

A retrospective study of climate change affecting dengue: Evidences, challenges and future directions

Climate change is unexpected weather patterns that can create an alarming situation. Due to climate change, various sectors are affected, and one of the sectors is healthcare. As a result of climate change, the geographic range of several vector-borne human infectious diseases will expand. Currently, dengue is taking its toll, and climate change is one of the key reasons contributing to the intensification of dengue disease transmission. The most important climatic factors linked to dengue transmission are temperature, rainfall, and relative humidity. The present study carries out a systematic literature review on the surveillance system to predict dengue outbreaks based on Machine Learning modeling techniques. The systematic literature review discusses the methodology and objectives, the number of studies carried out in different regions and periods, the association between climatic factors and the increase in positive dengue cases. This study also includes a detailed investigation of meteorological data, the dengue positive patient data, and the pre-processing techniques used for data cleaning. Furthermore, correlation techniques in several studies to determine the relationship between dengue incidence and meteorological parameters and machine learning models for predictive analysis are discussed. In the future direction for creating a dengue surveillance system, several research challenges and limitations of current work are discussed.

Data-driven methods for dengue prediction and surveillance using real-world and big data: A systematic review

BACKGROUND: Traditionally, dengue surveillance is based on case reporting to a central health agency. However, the delay between a case and its notification can limit the system responsiveness. Machine learning methods have been developed to reduce the reporting delays and to predict outbreaks, based on non-traditional and non-clinical data sources. The aim of this systematic review was to identify studies that used real-world data, Big Data and/or machine learning methods to monitor and predict dengue-related outcomes. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We performed a search in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and grey literature between January 1, 2000 and August 31, 2020. The review (ID: CRD42020172472) focused on data-driven studies. Reviews, randomized control trials and descriptive studies were not included. Among the 119 studies included, 67% were published between 2016 and 2020, and 39% used at least one novel data stream. The aim of the included studies was to predict a dengue-related outcome (55%), assess the validity of data sources for dengue surveillance (23%), or both (22%). Most studies (60%) used a machine learning approach. Studies on dengue prediction compared different prediction models, or identified significant predictors among several covariates in a model. The most significant predictors were rainfall (43%), temperature (41%), and humidity (25%). The two models with the highest performances were Neural Networks and Decision Trees (52%), followed by Support Vector Machine (17%). We cannot rule out a selection bias in our study because of our two main limitations: we did not include preprints and could not obtain the opinion of other international experts. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Combining real-world data and Big Data with machine learning methods is a promising approach to improve dengue prediction and monitoring. Future studies should focus on how to better integrate all available data sources and methods to improve the response and dengue management by stakeholders.

Effect of human mobility on predictive spatio-temporal model of dengue epidemic transmission

In this paper, we propose a new dynamical system model pertaining to Dengue transmission, and investigate its consequent morphology. We present and study various ramifications of our mathematical model for Dengue spread, encapsulated in a spatio-temporal differential system made of reaction-diffusion equations. Diffusion terms are incorporated into the said model by using specific derivations for infected mosquitoes, and infected humans, as well. Moreover, mechanisms for the nearest neighbor(s) infections are integrated into the model. Furthermore, using adaptive multigrid finite difference with decoupling and quasi-linearization techniques, we investigate two main factors for Dengue spatial propagation. We determine the effects of temperature variations, and the mobility of infectious agents, be they mosquitoes or humans. Finally, the proposed model-based analytico-numerical results are obtained, and rendered in graphical profiles, which show the major role the climate temperature and the mobility of infected humans have on the spread and speed of the disease. The consequent proposed model outcomes and health-based ramifications are then raised, discussed, and then validated.

Dengue disease dynamics are modulated by the combined influences of precipitation and landscape: A machine learning approach

BACKGROUND: Dengue is an endemic vector-borne disease influenced by environmental factors such as landscape and climate. Previous studies separately assessed the effects of landscape and climate factors on mosquito occurrence and dengue incidence. However, both factors concurrently coexist in time and space and can interact, affecting mosquito development and dengue disease transmission. For example, eggs laid in a suitable environment can hatch after being submerged in rain water. It has been difficult for conventional statistical modeling approaches to demonstrate these combined influences due to mathematical constraints. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the combined influences of landscape and climate factors on mosquito occurrence and dengue incidence. METHODS: Entomological, epidemiological, and landscape data from the rainy season (July-December) were obtained from respective government agencies in Metropolitan Manila, Philippines, from 2012 to 2014. Temperature, precipitation and vegetation data were obtained through remote sensing. A random forest algorithm was used to select the landscape and climate variables. Afterward, using the identified key variables, a model-based (MOB) recursive partitioning was implemented to test the combined influences of landscape and climate factors on ovitrap index (vector mosquito occurrence) and dengue incidence. RESULTS: The MOB recursive partitioning for ovitrap index indicated a high sensitivity of vector mosquito occurrence on environmental conditions generated by a combination of high residential density areas with low precipitation. Moreover, the MOB recursive partitioning indicated high sensitivity of dengue incidence to the effects of precipitation in areas with high proportions of residential density and commercial areas. CONCLUSIONS: Dengue dynamics are not solely influenced by individual effects of either climate or landscape, but rather by their synergistic or combined effects. The presented findings have the potential to target vector surveillance in areas identified as suitable for mosquito occurrence under specific climatic conditions and may be relevant as part of urban planning strategies to control dengue.

A privacy-preserved internet-of-medical-things scheme for eradication and control of dengue using uav

Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection, found in tropical and sub-tropical climates worldwide, mostly in urban and semi-urban areas. Countries like Pakistan receive heavy rains annually resulting in floods in urban cities due to poor drainage systems. Currently, different cities of Pakistan are at high risk of dengue outbreaks, as multiple dengue cases have been reported due to poor flood control and drainage systems. After heavy rain in urban areas, mosquitoes are provided with a favorable environment for their breeding and transmission through stagnant water due to poor maintenance of the drainage system. The history of the dengue virus in Pakistan shows that there is a closed relationship between dengue outbreaks and a rainfall. There is no specific treatment for dengue; however, the outbreak can be controlled through internet of medical things (IoMT). In this paper, we propose a novel privacy-preserved IoMT model to control dengue virus outbreaks by tracking dengue virus-infected patients based on bedding location extracted using call data record analysis (CDRA). Once the bedding location of the patient is identified, then the actual infected spot can be easily located by using geographic information system mapping. Once the targeted spots are identified, then it is very easy to eliminate the dengue by spraying the affected areas with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The proposed model identifies the targeted spots up to 100%, based on the bedding location of the patient using CDRA.

Association between climate variables and dengue incidence in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand

The tropical climate of Thailand encourages very high mosquito densities in certain areas and is ideal for dengue transmission, especially in the southern region where the province Nakhon Si Thammarat is located. It has the longest dengue fever transmission duration that is affected by some important climate predictors, such as rainfall, number of rainy days, temperature and humidity. We aimed to explore the relationship between weather variables and dengue and to analyse transmission hotspots and coldspots at the district-level. Poisson probability distribution of the generalized linear model (GLM) was used to examine the association between the monthly weather variable data and the reported number of dengue cases from January 2002 to December 2018 and geographic information system (GIS) for dengue hotspot analysis. Results showed a significant association between the environmental variables and dengue incidence when comparing the seasons. Temperature, sea-level pressure and wind speed had the highest coefficients, i.e. β=0.17, β= -0.12 and β= -0.11 (P<0.001), respectively. The risk of dengue incidence occurring during the rainy season was almost twice as high as that during monsoon. Statistically significant spatial clusters of dengue cases were observed all through the province in different years. Nabon was identified as a hotspot, while Pak Phanang was a coldspot for dengue fever incidence, explained by the fact that the former is a rubber-plantation hub, while the agricultural plains of the latter lend themselves to the practice of pisciculture combined with rice farming. This information is imminently important for planning apt sustainable control measures for dengue epidemics.

Deep learning models for forecasting dengue fever based on climate data in Vietnam

BACKGROUND: Dengue fever (DF) represents a significant health burden in Vietnam, which is forecast to worsen under climate change. The development of an early-warning system for DF has been selected as a prioritised health adaptation measure to climate change in Vietnam. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to develop an accurate DF prediction model in Vietnam using a wide range of meteorological factors as inputs to inform public health responses for outbreak prevention in the context of future climate change. METHODS: Convolutional neural network (CNN), Transformer, long short-term memory (LSTM), and attention-enhanced LSTM (LSTM-ATT) models were compared with traditional machine learning models on weather-based DF forecasting. Models were developed using lagged DF incidence and meteorological variables (measures of temperature, humidity, rainfall, evaporation, and sunshine hours) as inputs for 20 provinces throughout Vietnam. Data from 1997-2013 were used to train models, which were then evaluated using data from 2014-2016 by Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: LSTM-ATT displayed the highest performance, scoring average places of 1.60 for RMSE-based ranking and 1.95 for MAE-based ranking. Notably, it was able to forecast DF incidence better than LSTM in 13 or 14 out of 20 provinces for MAE or RMSE, respectively. Moreover, LSTM-ATT was able to accurately predict DF incidence and outbreak months up to 3 months ahead, though performance dropped slightly compared to short-term forecasts. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time deep learning methods have been employed for the prediction of both long- and short-term DF incidence and outbreaks in Vietnam using unique, rich meteorological features. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the usefulness of deep learning models for meteorological factor-based DF forecasting. LSTM-ATT should be further explored for mitigation strategies against DF and other climate-sensitive diseases in the coming years.

Analysis of temperature and humidity on dengue hemorrhagic fever in Manado Municipality

OBJECTIVE: The aim research was to analyze the association between temperature and humidity and the incidence of dengue fever in Manado Municipality. METHODS: The research design used analytical descriptive with a cross-sectional survey approach. Data were analyzed using the Spearman rank test. RESULT: The highest temperature was in August (28.7 °C), the highest humidity was January (88%), and the most DHF incidence was in January (409 cases). There is a significant association between temperature and the prevalence of DHF (p=0.000, r=-0.845). Humidity with the prevalence of DHF (p=0.000, r=0.873). CONCLUSION: It was found that two variables had a significant association between temperature and humidity on the prevalence of DHF in Manado Municipality based on observations of patterns of temperature and humidity characteristics every month during 2019.

Facilitating fine-grained intra-urban dengue forecasting by integrating urban environments measured from street-view images

BACKGROUND: Dengue fever (DF) is a mosquito-borne infectious disease that has threatened tropical and subtropical regions in recent decades. An early and targeted warning of a dengue epidemic is important for vector control. Current studies have primarily determined weather conditions to be the main factor for dengue forecasting, thereby neglecting that environmental suitability for mosquito breeding is also an important factor, especially in fine-grained intra-urban settings. Considering that street-view images are promising for depicting physical environments, this study proposes a framework for facilitating fine-grained intra-urban dengue forecasting by integrating the urban environments measured from street-view images. METHODS: The dengue epidemic that occurred in 167 townships of Guangzhou City, China, between 2015 and 2019 was taken as a study case. First, feature vectors of street-view images acquired inside each township were extracted by a pre-trained convolutional neural network, and then aggregated as an environmental feature vector of the township. Thus, townships with similar physical settings would exhibit similar environmental features. Second, the environmental feature vector is combined with commonly used features (e.g., temperature, rainfall, and past case count) as inputs to machine-learning models for weekly dengue forecasting. RESULTS: The performance of machine-learning forecasting models (i.e., MLP and SVM) integrated with and without environmental features were compared. This indicates that models integrating environmental features can identify high-risk urban units across the city more precisely than those using common features alone. In addition, the top 30% of high-risk townships predicted by our proposed methods can capture approximately 50-60% of dengue cases across the city. CONCLUSIONS: Incorporating local environments measured from street view images is effective in facilitating fine-grained intra-urban dengue forecasting, which is beneficial for conducting spatially precise dengue prevention and control.

Relationship between the incidence of dengue virus transmission in traditional market and climatic conditions in Kaohsiung City

In 2014 and 2015, Southern Taiwan experienced two unprecedented outbreaks, with more than 10,000 laboratory-confirmed dengue cases in each outbreak. The present study was aimed to investigate the influence of meteorological and spatial factors on dengue outbreaks in Southern Taiwan and was conducted in Kaohsiung City, which is the most affected area in Taiwan. The distributed lag nonlinear model was used to investigate the role of climatic factors in the 2014 and 2015 dengue outbreaks. Spatial statistics in the Geographic Information System was applied to study the relationship between the dengue spreading pattern and locations of traditional markets (human motility) in the 2015 dengue outbreak. Meteorological analysis results suggested that the relative risk of dengue fever increased when the weekly average temperature was more than 15°C at lagged weeks 5 to 18. Elevated relative risk of dengue was observed when the weekly average rainfall was more than 150 mm at lagged weeks 12 to 20. The spatial analysis revealed that approximately 83% of dengue cases were located in the 1000 m buffer zone of traditional market, with statistical significance. These findings support the influence of climatic factors and human motility on dengue outbreaks. Furthermore, the study analysis may help authorities to identify hotspots and decide the timing for implementation of dengue control programs.

A retrospective study of environmental predictors of dengue in Delhi from 2015 to 2018 using the generalized linear model

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne infection with a rising trend, expected to increase further with the rise in global temperature. The study aimed to use the environmental and dengue data 2015-2018 to examine the seasonal variation and establish a probabilistic model of environmental predictors of dengue using the generalized linear model (GLM). In Delhi, dengue cases started emerging in the monsoon season, peaked in the post-monsoon, and thereafter, declined in early winter. The annual trend of dengue cases declined, but the seasonal pattern remained alike (2015-18). The Spearman correlation coefficient of dengue was significantly high with the maximum and minimum temperature at 2 months lag, but it was negatively correlated with the difference of average minimum and maximum temperature at lag 1 and 2. The GLM estimated β coefficients of environmental predictors such as temperature difference, cumulative rainfall, relative humidity and maximum temperature were significant (p < 0.01) at different lag (0 to 2), and maximum temperature at lag 2 was having the highest effect (IRR 1.198). The increasing temperature of two previous months and cumulative rainfall are the best predictors of dengue incidence. The vector control should be implemented at least 2 months ahead of disease transmission (August-November).

Effects of Guangzhou seasonal climate change on the development of Aedes albopictus and its susceptibility to denv-2

The susceptibility of Asian tiger mosquitoes to DENV-2 in different seasons was observed in simulated field environments as a reference to design dengue fever control strategies in Guangzhou. The life table experiments of mosquitoes in four seasons were carried out in the field. The susceptibility of Ae. albopictus to dengue virus was observed in both environments in Guangzhou in summer and winter. Ae. albopictus was infected with dengue virus by oral feeding. On day 7 and 14 after infection, the viral load in the head, ovary, and midgut of the mosquito was detected using real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR. Immune-associated gene expression in infected mosquitoes was performed using quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase PCR. The hatching rate and pupation rate of Ae. albopictus larvae in different seasons differed significantly. The winter hatching rate of larvae was lower than that in summer, and the incubation time was longer than in summer. In the winter field environment, Ae. albopictus still underwent basic growth and development processes. Mosquitoes in the simulated field environment were more susceptible to DENV-2 than those in the simulated laboratory environment. In the midgut, viral RNA levels on day 7 in summer were higher than those on day 7 in winter (F = 14.459, P = 0.01); ovarian viral RNA levels on day 7 in summer were higher than those on day 7 in winter (F = 8.656, P < 0.001), but there was no significant difference in the viral load at other time points (P > 0.05). Dicer-2 mRNA expression on day 7 in winter was 4.071 times than that on day 7 in summer: the viral load and Dicer-2 expression correlated moderately. Ae. albopictus could still develop and transmit dengue virus in winter in Guangzhou. Mosquitoes under simulated field conditions were more susceptible to DENV-2 than those under simulated laboratory conditions.

Effects of meteorological factors on dengue incidence in Bangkok City: A model for dengue prediction

Dengue is of great public health concern regarding the number of people affected. In addition, climate change is associated with the recent spread of dengue fever. Effects of meteorological factors on dengue incidence from 2003 to 2019 in Bangkok city: a model for dengue prediction. Mathematical statistical applied were principal component analysis (PCA), Poisson regression model (PRM), Mann-Kendall (MK), and Sen’s slope. PRM considers dengue incidence as the dependent variable and climate variables as independent variables. Meteorological factors are maximum temperature (T-max), minimum temperature (T-min), relative humidity (RH), and rainfall. The rainy season showed a high significant probability of occurrence for new patients. Most trends were statistically significant at 1% for seasonal and annual dengue cases. Another finding was that for every 5-50% of RH variation, there was an average increase (73.33-24,369.19%) in the number of dengue cases. Therefore, RH was the best predictor for increasing dengue incidence in Bangkok. In addition, predictions for dengue incidence were evaluated. This study is a significant result to warn the government, providing valuable information for human health protection.

Forecasting the morbidity and mortality of dengue fever in KSA: A time series analysis (2006-2016)

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to forecast the morbidity and mortality of dengue fever using a time series analysis from 2006 to 2016. METHODS: Data were compiled from the Jeddah Dengue Fever Operations Room (RFOR) in a primary health care centre. A time series analysis was conducted for all confirmed cases of dengue fever between 2006 and 2016. RESULTS: The results showed a significant seasonal association, particularly from May to September, and a time-varying behaviour. Air temperature was significantly associated with the incidence of dengue fever (p < 0.001) but was not correlated with its mortality. Similarly, relative humidity was not significantly associated with the incidence of dengue fever (p = 0.237). CONCLUSION: The strong seasonal association of dengue fever during May to September and its relation to air temperature should be communicated to all stakeholders. This will help improve the control interventions of dengue fever during periods of anticipated high incidence.

How air pollution altered the association of meteorological exposures and the incidence of dengue fever

Meteorological exposures are well-documented factors underlying the dengue pandemics, and air pollution was reported to have the potential to change the behaviors and health conditions of mosquitos. However, it remains unclear whether air pollution could modify the association of meteorological exposures and the incidence of dengue fever. We matched the dengue surveillance data with the meteorological and air pollution data collected from monitoring sites from 2015 through 2019 in Guangzhou area. We developed generalized additive models with Poisson distribution to regress the daily counts of dengue against four meteorological exposures, while controlling for pollution and normalized difference vegetation index to evaluate the risk ratio (RR) of dengue for each unit increase in different exposures. The interaction terms of meteorological exposures and air pollution were then included to assess the modification effect of different pollution on the associations. Daily dengue cases were nonlinearly associated with one-week cumulative temperature and precipitation, while not associated with humidity and wind speed. RRs were 1.07 (1.04, 1.11) and 0.95 (0.88, 1.03) for temperature below and above 27.1 degrees C, 0.97 (0.96, 0.98) and 1.05 (1.01, 1.08) for precipitation below and above 20.3 mm, respectively. For the modification effect, the RRs of low-temperature, wind speed on higher SO2 days and low-precipitation on both higher PM2.5 and SO2 days were greater compared to the low-pollution days with P (interaction) being 0.037, 0.030, 0.022 and 0.018. But the RRs of both high-temperature on higher SO2 days and high-precipitation on higher PM2.5 d were smaller with P (interaction) being 0.001 and 0.043. Air pollution could alter the meteorology-dengue associations. The impact of low-temperature, low-precipitation and wind speed on dengue occurrence tended to increase on days with high SO2 levels while the impact of high-temperature decreased. The impact of low-precipitation increased on high-PM2.5 d while the impact of high-precipitation decreased.

Identification of significant climatic risk factors and machine learning models in dengue outbreak prediction

BACKGROUND: Dengue fever is a widespread viral disease and one of the world’s major pandemic vector-borne infections, causing serious hazard to humanity. The World Health Organisation (WHO) reported that the incidence of dengue fever has increased dramatically across the world in recent decades. WHO currently estimates an annual incidence of 50-100 million dengue infections worldwide. To date, no tested vaccine or treatment is available to stop or prevent dengue fever. Thus, the importance of predicting dengue outbreaks is significant. The current issue that should be addressed in dengue outbreak prediction is accuracy. A limited number of studies have conducted an in-depth analysis of climate factors in dengue outbreak prediction. METHODS: The most important climatic factors that contribute to dengue outbreaks were identified in the current work. Correlation analyses were performed in order to determine these factors and these factors were used as input parameters for machine learning models. Top five machine learning classification models (Bayes network (BN) models, support vector machine (SVM), RBF tree, decision table and naive Bayes) were chosen based on past research. The models were then tested and evaluated on the basis of 4-year data (January 2010 to December 2013) collected in Malaysia. RESULTS: This research has two major contributions. A new risk factor, called the TempeRain factor (TRF), was identified and used as an input parameter for the model of dengue outbreak prediction. Moreover, TRF was applied to demonstrate its strong impact on dengue outbreaks. Experimental results showed that the Bayes Network model with the new meteorological risk factor identified in this study increased accuracy to 92.35% for predicting dengue outbreaks. CONCLUSIONS: This research explored the factors used in dengue outbreak prediction systems. The major contribution of this study is identifying new significant factors that contribute to dengue outbreak prediction. From the evaluation result, we obtained a significant improvement in the accuracy of a machine learning model for dengue outbreak prediction.

Model forecasting development for dengue fever incidence in Surabaya City using time series analysis

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is one of the most widespread and deadly diseases in several parts of Indonesia. An accurate forecast-based model is required to reduce the incidence rate of this disease. Time-series methods such as autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models are used in epidemiology as statistical tools to study and forecast DHF and other infectious diseases. The present study attempted to forecast the monthly confirmed DHF cases via a time-series approach. The ARIMA, seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA), and long short-term memory (LSTM) models were compared to select the most accurate forecasting method for the deadly disease. The data were obtained from the Surabaya Health Office covering January 2014 to December 2016. The data were partitioned into the training and testing sets. The best forecasting model was selected based on the lowest values of accuracy metrics such as the root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). The findings demonstrated that the SARIMA (2,1,1) (1,0,0) model was able to forecast the DHF outbreaks in Surabaya City compared to the ARIMA (2,1,1) and LSTM models. We further forecasted the DHF cases for 12 month horizons starting from January 2017 to December 2017 using the SARIMA (2,1,1) (1,0,0), ARIMA (2,1,1), and LSTM models. The results revealed that the SARIMA (2,1,1) (1,0,0) model outperformed the ARIMA (2,1,1) and LSTM models based on the goodness-of-fit measure. The results showed significant seasonal outbreaks of DHF, particularly from March to September. The highest cases observed in May suggested a significant seasonal correlation between DHF and air temperature. This research is the first attempt to analyze the time-series model for DHF cases in Surabaya City and forecast future outbreaks. The findings could help policymakers and public health specialists develop efficient public health strategies to detect and control the disease, especially in the early phases of outbreaks.

Weather factors associated with reduced risk of dengue transmission in an urbanized tropical city

This study assessed the impact of weather factors, including novel predictors-pollutant standards index (PSI) and wind speed-on dengue incidence in Singapore between 2012 and 2019. Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model was fitted to explore the autocorrelation in time series and quasi-Poisson model with a distributed lag non-linear term (DLNM) was set up to assess any non-linear association between climatic factors and dengue incidence. In DLNM, a PSI level of up to 111 was positively associated with dengue incidence; incidence reduced as PSI level increased to 160. A slight rainfall increase of up to 7 mm per week gave rise to higher dengue risk. On the contrary, heavier rainfall was protective against dengue. An increase in mean temperature under around 28.0 °C corresponded with increased dengue cases whereas the association became negative beyond 28.0 °C; the minimum temperature was significantly positively associated with dengue incidence at around 23-25 °C, and the relationship reversed when temperature exceed 27 °C. An overall positive association, albeit insignificant, was observed between maximum temperature and dengue incidence. Wind speed was associated with decreasing relative risk (RR). Beyond prevailing conclusions on temperature, this study observed that extremely poor air quality, high wind speed, minimum temperature 27 °C, and rainfall volume beyond 12 mm per week reduced the risk of dengue transmission in an urbanized tropical environment.

A regional suitable conditions index to forecast the impact of climate change on dengue vectorial capacity

BACKGROUND: The mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus are the primary vectors of dengue virus, and their geographic distributions are predicted to expand further with economic development, and in response to climate change. We aimed to estimate the impact of future climate change on dengue transmission through the development of a Suitable Conditions Index (SCI), based on climatic variables known to support vectorial capacity. We calculated the SCI based on various climate change scenarios for six countries in the Asia-Pacific region (Australia, China, Indonesia, The Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam). METHODS: Monthly raster climate data (temperature and precipitation) were collected for the period January 2005 to December 2018 along with projected climate estimates for the years 2030, 2050 and 2070 using Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4·5, 6·0 and 8·5 emissions scenarios. We defined suitable temperature ranges for dengue transmission of between 17·05-34·61 °C for Ae. aegypti and 15·84-31·51 °C for Ae. albopictus and then developed a historical and predicted SCI based on weather variability to measure the expected geographic limits of dengue vectorial capacity. Historical and projected SCI values were compared through difference maps for the six countries. FINDINGS: Comparing different emission scenarios across all countries, we found that most South East Asian countries showed either a stable pattern of high suitability, or a potential decline in suitability for both vectors from 2030 to 2070, with a declining pattern particularly evident for Ae. albopictus. Temperate areas of both China and Australia showed a less stable pattern, with both moderate increases and decreases in suitability for each vector in different regions between 2030 and 2070. INTERPRETATION: The SCI will be a useful index for forecasting potential dengue risk distributions in response to climate change, and independently of the effects of human activity. When considered alongside additional correlates of infection such as human population density and socioeconomic development indicators, the SCI could be used to develop an early warning system for dengue transmission.

Impact of extreme weather on dengue fever infection in four Asian countries: A modelling analysis

The rapid spread of dengue fever (DF) infection has posed severe threats to global health. Environmental factors, such as weather conditions, are believed to regulate DF spread. While previous research reported inconsistent change of DF risk with varying weather conditions, few of them evaluated the impact of extreme weather conditions on DF infection risk. This study aims to examine the short-term associations between extreme temperatures, extreme rainfall, and DF infection risk in South and Southeast Asia. A total of 35 locations in Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand were included, and weekly DF data, as well as the daily meteorological data from 2012 to 2020 were collected. A two-stage meta-analysis was used to estimate the overall effect of extreme weather conditions on the DF infection risk. Location-specific associations were obtained by the distributed lag nonlinear models. The DF infection risk appeared to increase within 1-3 weeks after extremely high temperature (e.g. lag week 2: RR = 1.074, 95 % CI: 1.022-1.129, p = 0.005). Compared with no rainfall, extreme rainfall was associated with a declined DF risk (RR = 0.748, 95 % CI: 0.620-0.903, p = 0.003), and most of the impact was across 0-3 weeks lag. In addition, the DF risk was found to be associated with more intensive extreme weathers (e.g. seven extreme rainfall days per week: RR = 0.338, 95 % CI: 0.120-0.947, p = 0.039). This study provides more evidence in support of the impact of extreme weather conditions on DF infection and suggests better preparation of DF control measures according to climate change.

The effects of maximum ambient temperature and heatwaves on dengue infections in the tropical city-state of Singapore – A time series analysis

BACKGROUND: Global incidence of dengue has surged rapidly over the past decade. Each year, an estimated 390 million infections occur worldwide, with Asia-Pacific countries bearing about three-quarters of the global dengue disease burden. Global warming may influence the pattern of dengue transmission. While previous studies have shown that extremely high temperatures can impede the development of the Aedes mosquito, the effect of such extreme heat over a sustained period, also known as heatwaves, has not been investigated in a tropical climate setting. AIM: We examined the short-term relationships between maximum ambient temperature and heatwaves and reported dengue infections in Singapore, via ecological time series analysis, using data from 2009 to 2018. METHODS: We studied the effect of two measures of extreme heat – (i) heatwaves and (ii) maximum ambient temperature. We used a negative binomial regression, coupled with a distributed lag nonlinear model, to examine the immediate and lagged associations of extreme temperature on dengue infections, on a weekly timescale. We adjusted for long-term trend, seasonality, rainfall and absolute humidity, public holidays and autocorrelation. RESULTS: We observed an overall inhibitive effect of heatwaves on the risk of dengue infections, and a parabolic relationship between maximum temperature and dengue infections. A 1 °C increase in maximum temperature from 31 °C was associated with a 13.1% (Relative Risk (RR): 0.868, 95% CI: 0.798, 0.946) reduction in the cumulative risk of dengue infections over six weeks. Weeks with 3 heatwave days were associated with a 28.3% (RR: 0.717, 95% CI: 0.608, 0.845) overall reduction compared to weeks with no heatwave days. Adopting different heatwaves specifications did not substantially alter our estimates. CONCLUSION: Extreme heat was associated with decreased dengue incidence. Findings from this study highlight the importance of understanding the temperature dependency of vector-borne diseases in resource planning for an anticipated climate change scenario.

Modeling present and future climate risk of dengue outbreak, a case study in new Caledonia

BACKGROUND: Dengue dynamics result from the complex interactions between the virus, the host and the vector, all being under the influence of the environment. Several studies explored the link between weather and dengue dynamics and some investigated the impact of climate change on these dynamics. Most attempted to predict incidence rate at a country scale or assess the environmental suitability at a global or regional scale. Here, we propose a new approach which consists in modeling the risk of dengue outbreak at a local scale according to climate conditions and study the evolution of this risk taking climate change into account. We apply this approach in New Caledonia, where high quality data are available. METHODS: We used a statistical estimation of the effective reproduction number (R(t)) based on case counts to create a categorical target variable : epidemic week/non-epidemic week. A machine learning classifier has been trained using relevant climate indicators in order to estimate the probability for a week to be epidemic under current climate data and this probability was then estimated under climate change scenarios. RESULTS: Weekly probability of dengue outbreak was best predicted with the number of days when maximal temperature exceeded 30.8°C and the mean of daily precipitation over 80 and 60 days prior to the predicted week respectively. According to scenario RCP8.5, climate will allow dengue outbreak every year in New Caledonia if the epidemiological and entomological contexts remain the same. CONCLUSION: We identified locally relevant climatic factor driving dengue outbreaks in New Caledonia and assessed the inter-annual and seasonal risk of dengue outbreak under different climate change scenarios up to the year 2100. We introduced a new modeling approach to estimate the risk of dengue outbreak depending on climate conditions. This approach is easily reproducible in other countries provided that reliable epidemiological and climate data are available.

The association between tropical cyclones and dengue fever in the Pearl River Delta, China during 2013-2018: A time-stratified case-crossover study

BACKGROUND: Studies have shown that tropical cyclones are associated with several infectious diseases, while very few evidence has demonstrated the relationship between tropical cyclones and dengue fever. This study aimed to examine the potential impact of tropical cyclones on dengue fever incidence in the Pearl River Delta, China. METHODS: Data on daily dengue fever incidence, occurrence of tropical cyclones and meteorological factors were collected between June and October, 2013-2018 from nine cities in the Pearl River Delta. Multicollinearity of meteorological variables was examined via Spearman correlation, variables with strong correlation (r>0.7) were not included in the model simultaneously. A time-stratified case-crossover design combined with conditional Poisson regression model was performed to evaluate the association between tropical cyclones and dengue fever incidence. Stratified analyses were performed by intensity grades of tropical cyclones (tropical storm and typhoon), sex (male and female) and age-groups (<18, 18-59, ≥60 years). RESULTS: During the study period, 20 tropical cyclones occurred and 47,784 dengue fever cases were reported. Tropical cyclones were associated with an increased risk of dengue fever in the Pearl River Delta region, with the largest relative risk of 1.62 with the 95% confidence interval (1.45-1.80) occurring on the lag 5 day. The strength of association was greater and lasted longer for typhoon than for tropical storm. There was no difference in effect estimates between males and females. However, individuals aged over 60 years were more vulnerable than others. CONCLUSIONS: Tropical cyclones are associated with increased risk of local dengue fever incidence in south China, with the elderly more vulnerable than other population subgroups. Health protective strategies should be developed to reduce the potential risk of dengue epidemic after tropical cyclones.

Dengue meteorological determinants during epidemic and non-epidemic periods in Taiwan

The identification of the key factors influencing dengue occurrence is critical for a successful response to the outbreak. It was interesting to consider possible differences in meteorological factors affecting dengue incidence during epidemic and non-epidemic periods. In this study, the overall correlation between weekly dengue incidence rates and meteorological variables were conducted in southern Taiwan (Tainan and Kaohsiung cities) from 2007 to 2017. The lagged-time Poisson regression analysis based on generalized estimating equation (GEE) was also performed. This study found that the best-fitting Poisson models with the smallest QICu values to characterize the relationships between dengue fever cases and meteorological factors in Tainan (QICu = −8.49 × 10−3) and Kaohsiung (−3116.30) for epidemic periods, respectively. During dengue epidemics, the maximum temperature with 2-month lag (β = 0.8400, p < 0.001) and minimum temperature with 5-month lag (0.3832, p < 0.001). During non-epidemic periods, the minimum temperature with 3-month lag (0.1737, p < 0.001) and mean temperature with 2-month lag (2.6743, p < 0.001) had a positive effect on dengue incidence in Tainan and Kaohsiung, respectively.

Low level of dengue infection and transmission risk in Hong Kong: An integrated analysis of temporal seroprevalence results and corresponding meteorological data

Hong Kong is an Asia-Pacific City with low incidence but periodic local outbreaks of dengue. A mixed-method assessment of the risk of expansion of dengue endemicity in such setting was conducted. Archived blood samples of healthy adult blood donors were tested for anti-dengue virus IgG at 2 time-points of 2014 and 2018/2019. Data on the monthly notified dengue cases, meteorological and vector (ovitrap index) variables were collected. The dengue virus (DENV) IgG seroprevalence of healthy adults in 2014 was 2.2% (95%C.I. = 1.8-2.8%, n = 3827) whereas that in 2018/2019 was 1.7% (95%C.I. = 1.2-2.3%, n = 2320). Serotyping on 42 sera in 2018/2019 showed that 22 (52.4%) were DENV-2. In 2002-2019, importation accounted for 95.3% of all reported cases. By wavelet analysis, local cases were in weak or no association with meteorological and vector variables. Without strong association between local cases and meteorological/vector variables, there was no evidence of increasing level of dengue infection in Hong Kong.

Extreme weather conditions and dengue outbreak in Guangdong, China: Spatial heterogeneity based on climate variability

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown associations between local weather factors and dengue incidence in tropical and subtropical regions. However, spatial variability in those associations remains unclear and evidence is scarce regarding the effects of weather extremes. OBJECTIVES: We examined spatial variability in the effects of various weather conditions on the unprecedented dengue outbreak in Guangdong province of China in 2014 and explored how city characteristics modify weather-related risk. METHODS: A Bayesian spatial conditional autoregressive model was used to examine the overall and city-specific associations of dengue incidence with weather conditions including (1) average temperature, temperature variation, and average rainfall; and (2) weather extremes including numbers of days of extremely high temperature and high rainfall (both used 95th percentile as the cut-off). This model was run for cumulative dengue cases during five months from July to November (accounting for 99.8% of all dengue cases). A further analysis based on spatial variability was used to validate the modification effects by economic, demographic and environmental factors. RESULTS: We found a positive association of dengue incidence with average temperature in seven cities (relative risk (RR) range: 1.032 to 1.153), a positive association with average rainfall in seven cities (RR range: 1.237 to 1.974), and a negative association with temperature variation in four cities (RR range: 0.315 to 0.593). There was an overall positive association of dengue incidence with extremely high temperature (RR:1.054, 95% credible interval (CI): 1.016 to 1.094), without evidence of variation across cities, and an overall positive association of dengue with extremely high rainfall (RR:1.505, 95% CI: 1.096 to 2.080), with seven regions having stronger associations (RR range: 1.237 to 1.418). Greater effects of weather conditions appeared to occur in cities with higher economic level, lower green space coverage and lower elevation. CONCLUSIONS: Spatially varied effects of weather conditions on dengue outbreaks necessitate area-specific dengue prevention and control measures. Extremes of temperature and rainfall have strong and positive associations with dengue outbreaks.

Interaction of climate and socio-ecological environment drives the dengue outbreak in epidemic region of China

Transmission of dengue virus is a complex process with interactions between virus, mosquitoes and humans, influenced by multiple factors simultaneously. Studies have examined the impact of climate or socio-ecological factors on dengue, or only analyzed the individual effects of each single factor on dengue transmission. However, little research has addressed the interactive effects by multiple factors on dengue incidence. This study uses the geographical detector method to investigate the interactive effect of climate and socio-ecological factors on dengue incidence from two perspectives: over a long-time series and during outbreak periods; and surmised on the possibility of dengue outbreaks in the future. Results suggest that the temperature plays a dominant role in the long-time series of dengue transmission, while socio-ecological factors have great explanatory power for dengue outbreaks. The interactive effect of any two factors is greater than the impact of single factor on dengue transmission, and the interactions of pairs of climate and socio-ecological factors have more significant impact on dengue. Increasing temperature and surge in travel could cause dengue outbreaks in the future. Based on these results, three recommendations are offered regarding the prevention of dengue outbreaks: mitigating the urban heat island effect, adjusting the time and frequency of vector control intervention, and providing targeted health education to travelers at the border points. This study hopes to provide meaningful clues and a scientific basis for policymakers regarding effective interventions against dengue transmission, even during outbreaks.

An ensemble forecast system for tracking dynamics of dengue outbreaks and its validation in China

As a common vector-borne disease, dengue fever remains challenging to predict due to large variations in epidemic size across seasons driven by a number of factors including population susceptibility, mosquito density, meteorological conditions, geographical factors, and human mobility. An ensemble forecast system for dengue fever is first proposed that addresses the difficulty of predicting outbreaks with drastically different scales. The ensemble forecast system based on a susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) type of compartmental model coupled with a data assimilation method called the ensemble adjusted Kalman filter (EAKF) is constructed to generate real-time forecasts of dengue fever spread dynamics. The model was informed by meteorological and mosquito density information to depict the transmission of dengue virus among human and mosquito populations, and generate predictions. To account for the dramatic variations of outbreak size in different seasons, the effective population size parameter that is sequentially updated to adjust the predicted outbreak scale is introduced into the model. Before optimizing the transmission model, we update the effective population size using the most recent observations and historical records so that the predicted outbreak size is dynamically adjusted. In the retrospective forecast of dengue outbreaks in Guangzhou, China during the 2011-2017 seasons, the proposed forecast model generates accurate projections of peak timing, peak intensity, and total incidence, outperforming a generalized additive model approach. The ensemble forecast system can be operated in real-time and inform control planning to reduce the burden of dengue fever.

Collaboration between meteorology and public health: Predicting the dengue epidemic in Guangzhou, China, by meteorological parameters

BACKGROUND: Dengue has become an increasing public health threat around the world, and climate conditions have been identified as important factors affecting the transmission of dengue, so this study was aimed to establish a prediction model of dengue epidemic by meteorological methods. METHODS: The dengue case information and meteorological data were collected from Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control and Guangdong Meteorological Bureau, respectively. We used spatio-temporal analysis to characterize dengue epidemics. Spearman correlation analysis was used to analyze the correlation between lagged meteorological factors and dengue fever cases and determine the maximum lagged correlation coefficient of different meteorological factors. Then, Generalized Additive Models were used to analyze the non-linear influence of lagged meteorological factors on local dengue cases and to predict the number of local dengue cases under different weather conditions. RESULTS: We described the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of dengue fever cases and found that sporadic single or a small number of imported cases had a very slight influence on the dengue epidemic around. We further created a forecast model based on the comprehensive consideration of influence of lagged 42-day meteorological factors on local dengue cases, and the results showed that the forecast model has a forecast effect of 98.8%, which was verified by the actual incidence of dengue from 2005 to 2016 in Guangzhou. CONCLUSION: A forecast model for dengue epidemic was established with good forecast effects and may have a potential application in global dengue endemic areas after modification according to local meteorological conditions. High attention should be paid on sites with concentrated patients for the control of a dengue epidemic.

Increasingly expanded future risk of dengue fever in the Pearl River Delta, China

BACKGROUND: In recent years, frequent outbreaks of dengue fever (DF) have become an increasingly serious public health issue in China, especially in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) with fast socioeconomic developments. Previous studies mainly focused on the historic DF epidemics, their influencing factors, and the prediction of DF risks. However, the future risks of this disease under both different socioeconomic development and representative concentration pathways (RCPs) scenarios remain little understood. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, a spatial dataset of gross domestic product (GDP), population density, and land use and land coverage (LULC) in 2050 and 2070 was obtained by simulation based on the different shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), and the future climatic data derived from the RCP scenarios were integrated into the Maxent models for predicting the future DF risk in the PRD region. Among all the variables included in this study, socioeconomics factors made the dominant contribution (83% or so) during simulating the current spatial distribution of the DF epidemics in the PRD region. Moreover, the spatial distribution of future DF risk identified by the climatic and socioeconomic (C&S) variables models was more detailed than that of the climatic variables models. Along with global warming and socioeconomic development, the zones with DF high and moderate risk will continue to increase, and the population at high and moderate risk will reach a maximum of 48.47 million (i.e., 63.78% of the whole PRD) under the RCP 4.5/SSP2 in 2070. CONCLUSIONS: The increasing DF risk may be an inevitable public health threat in the PRD region with rapid socioeconomic developments and global warming in the future. Our results suggest that curbs in emissions and more sustainable socioeconomic growth targets offer hope for limiting the future impact of dengue, and effective prevention and control need to continue to be strengthened at the junction of Guangzhou-Foshan, north-central Zhongshan city, and central-western Dongguan city. Our study provides useful clues for relevant hygienic authorities making targeted adapting strategies for this disease.

Geographical heterogeneity and socio-ecological risk profiles of dengue in Jakarta, Indonesia

The aim of this study was to assess the role of climate variability on the incidence of dengue fever (DF), an endemic arboviral infection existing in Jakarta, Indonesia. The work carried out included analysis of the spatial distribution of confirmed DF cases from January 2007 to December 2018 characterising the sociodemographical and ecological factors in DF high-risk areas. Spearman’s rank correlation was used to examine the relationship between DF incidence and climatic factors. Spatial clustering and hotspots of DF were examined using global Moran’s I statistic and the local indicator for spatial association analysis. Classification and regression tree (CART) analysis was performed to compare and identify demographical and socio-ecological characteristics of the identified hotspots and low-risk clusters. The seasonality of DF incidence was correlated with precipitation (r=0.254, P<0.01), humidity (r=0.340, P<0.01), dipole mode index (r= -0.459, P<0.01) and Tmin (r= -0.181, P<0.05). DF incidence was spatially clustered at the village level (I=0.294, P<0.001) and 22 hotspots were identified with a concentration in the central and eastern parts of Jakarta. CART analysis showed that age and occupation were the most important factors explaining DF clustering. Areaspecific and population-targeted interventions are needed to improve the situation among those living in the identified DF high-risk areas in Jakarta.

The epidemic risk of dengue fever in Japan: Climate change and seasonality

Dengue fever is a leading cause of illness and death in the tropics and subtropics, and the disease has become a threat to many nonendemic countries where the competent vectors such as Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti are abundant. The dengue epidemic in Tokyo, 2014, poses the critical importance to accurately model and predict the outbreak risk of dengue fever in nonendemic regions. Using climatological datasets and traveler volumes in Japan, where dengue was not seen for 70 years by 2014, we investigated the outbreak risk of dengue in 47 prefectures, employing the temperature-dependent basic reproduction number and a branching process model. Our results show that the effective reproduction number varies largely by season and by prefecture, and, moreover, the probability of outbreak if an untraced case is imported varies greatly with the calendar time of importation and location of destination. Combining the seasonally varying outbreak risk with time-dependent traveler volume data, the unconditional outbreak risk was calculated, illustrating different outbreak risks between southern coastal areas and northern tourist cities. As the main finding, the large travel volume with nonnegligible risk of outbreak explains the reason why a summer outbreak in Tokyo, 2014, was observed. Prefectures at high risk of future outbreak would be Tokyo again, Kanagawa or Osaka, and highly populated prefectures with large number of travelers.

Detecting dengue outbreaks in Malaysia using geospatial techniques

Dengue is a complex disease with an increasing number of infections worldwide. This study aimed to analyse spatiotemporal dengue outbreaks using geospatial techniques and examine the effects of the weather on dengue outbreaks in the Klang Valley area, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Daily weather variables including rainfall, temperature (maximum and minimum) and wind speed were acquired together with the daily reported dengue cases data from 2001 to 2011 and converted into geospatial format to identify whether there was a specific pattern of the dengue outbreaks. The association between these variables and dengue outbreaks was assessed using Spearman’s correlation. The result showed that dengue outbreaks consistently occurred in the study area during a 11-year study period. And that the strongest outbreaks frequently occurred in two high-rise apartment buildings located in Kuala Lumpur City centre. The results also show significant negative correlations between maximum temperature and minimum temperature on dengue outbreaks around the study area as well as in the area of the high-rise apartment buildings in Kuala Lumpur City centre.

Prediction of dengue outbreak in Selangor Malaysia using machine learning techniques

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease that affects nearly 3.9 billion people globally. Dengue remains endemic in Malaysia since its outbreak in the 1980’s, with its highest concentration of cases in the state of Selangor. Predictors of dengue fever outbreaks could provide timely information for health officials to implement preventative actions. In this study, five districts in Selangor, Malaysia, that demonstrated the highest incidence of dengue fever from 2013 to 2017 were evaluated for the best machine learning model to predict Dengue outbreaks. Climate variables such as temperature, wind speed, humidity and rainfall were used in each model. Based on results, the SVM (linear kernel) exhibited the best prediction performance (Accuracy = 70%, Sensitivity = 14%, Specificity = 95%, Precision = 56%). However, the sensitivity for SVM (linear) for the testing sample increased up to 63.54% compared to 14.4% for imbalanced data (original data). The week-of-the-year was the most important predictor in the SVM model. This study exemplifies that machine learning has respectable potential for the prediction of dengue outbreaks. Future research should consider boosting, or using, nature inspired algorithms to develop a dengue prediction model.

Identifying malaria risk in Niger

An integrated early warning dengue system in Viet Nam

Forecasting the risk of dengue outbreaks in Barbados

Climate Change Impact Map

Global Vector Hub: The global open-access community for vector control information and research

Nota Técnica: Escenarios de ocurrencia de dengue y malaria a nivel nacional en clima futuro

Validation of the Early Warning and Response System (EWARS) for dengue outbreaks: Evidence from the national vector control program in Mexico

Early warning and response system (EWARS) for dengue outbreaks: Recent advancements towards widespread applications in critical settings

Early warning systems (EWSs) for chikungunya, dengue, malaria, yellow fever, and Zika outbreaks: What is the evidence? A scoping review

Transmission dynamics of dengue and chikungunya in a changing climate: Do we understand the eco-evolutionary response?

INTRODUCTION: We are witnessing an alarming increase in the burden and range of mosquito-borne arboviral diseases. The transmission dynamics of arboviral diseases is highly sensitive to climate and weather and is further affected by non-climatic factors such as human mobility, urbanization, and disease control. As evidence also suggests, climate-driven changes in species interactions may trigger evolutionary responses in both vectors and pathogens with important consequences for disease transmission patterns. AREAS COVERED: Focusing on dengue and chikungunya, we review the current knowledge and challenges in our understanding of disease risk in a rapidly changing climate. We identify the most critical research gaps that limit the predictive skill of arbovirus risk models and the development of early warning systems, and conclude by highlighting the potentially important research directions to stimulate progress in this field. EXPERT OPINION: Future studies that aim to predict the risk of arboviral diseases need to consider the interactions between climate modes at different timescales, the effects of the many non-climatic drivers, as well as the potential for climate-driven adaptation and evolution in vectors and pathogens. An important outcome of such studies would be an enhanced ability to promulgate early warning information, initiate adequate response, and enhance preparedness capacity.

Reviewing estimates of the basic reproduction number for dengue, Zika and chikungunya across global climate zones

BACKGROUND: Globally, dengue, Zika virus, and chikungunya are important viral mosquito-borne diseases that infect millions of people annually. Their geographic range includes not only tropical areas but also sub-tropical and temperate zones such as Japan and Italy. The relative severity of these arboviral disease outbreaks can vary depending on the setting. In this study we explore variation in the epidemiologic potential of outbreaks amongst these climatic zones and arboviruses in order to elucidate potential reasons behind such differences. METHODOLOGY: We reviewed the peer-reviewed literature (PubMed) to obtain basic reproduction number (R(0)) estimates for dengue, Zika virus, and chikungunya from tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions. We also computed R(0) estimates for temperate and sub-tropical climate zones, based on the outbreak curves in the initial outbreak phase. Lastly we compared these estimates across climate zones, defined by latitude. RESULTS: Of 2115 studies, we reviewed the full text of 128 studies and included 65 studies in our analysis. Our results suggest that the R(0) of an arboviral outbreak depends on climate zone, with lower R(0) estimates, on average, in temperate zones (R(0) = 2.03) compared to tropical (R(0) = 3.44) and sub-tropical zones (R(0) = 10.29). The variation in R(0) was considerable, ranging from 0.16 to 65. The largest R(0) was for dengue (65) and was estimated by the Ross-Macdonald model in the tropical zone, whereas the smallest R(0) (0.16) was for Zika virus and was estimated statistically from an outbreak curve in the sub-tropical zone. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate climate zone to be an important determinant of the basic reproduction number, R(0), for dengue, Zika virus, and chikungunya. The role of other factors as determinants of R(0), such as methods, environmental and social conditions, and disease control, should be further investigated. The results suggest that R(0) may increase in temperate regions in response to global warming, and highlight the increasing need for strengthening preparedness and control activities.

Projecting the future of dengue under climate change scenarios: Progress, uncertainties and research needs

BACKGROUND: Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease and its transmission is closely linked to climate. We aimed to review available information on the projection of dengue in the future under climate change scenarios. METHODS: Using five databases (PubMed, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, Scopus and Web of Science), a systematic review was conducted to retrieve all articles from database inception to 30th June 2019 which projected the future of dengue under climate change scenarios. In this review, “the future of dengue” refers to disease burden of dengue, epidemic potential of dengue cases, geographical distribution of dengue cases, and population exposed to climatically suitable areas of dengue. RESULTS: Sixteen studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria, and five of them projected a global dengue future. Most studies reported an increase in disease burden, a wider spatial distribution of dengue cases or more people exposed to climatically suitable areas of dengue as climate change proceeds. The years 1961-1990 and 2050 were the most commonly used baseline and projection periods, respectively. Multiple climate change scenarios introduced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), including B1, A1B, and A2, as well as Representative Concentration Pathway 2.6 (RCP2.6), RCP4.5, RCP6.0 and RCP8.5, were most widely employed. Instead of projecting the future number of dengue cases, there is a growing consensus on using “population exposed to climatically suitable areas for dengue” or “epidemic potential of dengue cases” as the outcome variable. Future studies exploring non-climatic drivers which determine the presence/absence of dengue vectors, and identifying the pivotal factors triggering the transmission of dengue in those climatically suitable areas would help yield a more accurate projection for dengue in the future. CONCLUSIONS: Projecting the future of dengue requires a systematic consideration of assumptions and uncertainties, which will facilitate the development of tailored climate change adaptation strategies to manage dengue.

Effects of ambient temperature and precipitation on the risk of dengue fever: A systematic review and updated meta-analysis

OBJECTIVES: We systematically reviewed the published studies on the relationship between dengue fever and meteorological factors and applied a meta-analysis to explore the effects of ambient temperature and precipitation on dengue fever. METHODS: We completed the literature search by the end of September 1st, 2019 using databases including Science Direct, PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. We extracted relative risks (RRs) in selected studies and converted all effect estimates to the RRs per 1 °C increase in temperature and 10 mm increase in precipitation, and combined all standardized RRs together using random-effect meta-analysis. RESULTS: Our results show that dengue fever was significantly associated with both temperature and precipitation. Our subgroup analyses suggested that the effect of temperature on dengue fever was most pronounced in high-income subtropical areas. The pooled RR of dengue fever associated with the maximum temperature was much lower than the overall effect. CONCLUSIONS: Temperature and precipitation are important risk factors for dengue fever. Future studies should focus on factors that can distort the effects of temperature and precipitation.

The impacts of precipitation patterns on dengue epidemics in Guangzhou city

Some studies have demonstrated that precipitation is an important risk factor of dengue epidemics. However, current studies mostly focused on a single precipitation variable, and few studies focused on the impact of precipitation patterns on dengue epidemics. This study aims to explore optimal precipitation patterns for dengue epidemics. Weekly dengue case counts and meteorological data from 2006 to 2018 in Guangzhou of China were collected. A generalized additive model with Poisson distribution was used to investigate the association between precipitation patterns and dengue. Precipitation patterns were defined as the combinations of three weekly precipitation variables: accumulative precipitation (Pre_A), the number of days with light or moderate precipitation (Pre_LMD), and the coefficient of precipitation variation (Pre_CV). We explored to identify optimal precipitation patterns for dengue epidemics. With a lead time of 10 weeks, minimum temperature, relative humidity, Pre_A, and Pre_LMD were positively associated with dengue, while Pre_CV was negatively associated with dengue. A precipitation pattern with Pre_A of 20.67-55.50 mm per week, Pre_LMD of 3-4 days per week, and Pre_CV less than 1.41 per week might be an optimal precipitation pattern for dengue epidemics in Guangzhou. The finding may be used for climate-smart early warning and decision-making of dengue prevention and control.

The effect of demographic and environmental variability on disease outbreak for a dengue model with a seasonally varying vector population

Seasonal changes in temperature, humidity, and rainfall affect vector survival and emergence of mosquitoes and thus impact the dynamics of vector-borne disease outbreaks. Recent studies of deterministic and stochastic epidemic models with periodic environments have shown that the average basic reproduction number is not sufficient to predict an outbreak. We extend these studies to time-nonhomogeneous stochastic dengue models with demographic variability wherein the adult vectors emerge from the larval stage vary periodically. The combined effects of variability and periodicity provide a better understanding of the risk of dengue outbreaks. A multitype branching process approximation of the stochastic dengue model near the disease-free periodic solution is used to calculate the probability of a disease outbreak. The approximation follows from the solution of a system of differential equations derived from the backward Kolmogorov differential equation. This approximation shows that the risk of a disease outbreak is also periodic and depends on the particular time and the number of the initial infected individuals. Numerical examples are explored to demonstrate that the estimates of the probability of an outbreak from that of branching process approximations agree well with that of the continuous-time Markov chain. In addition, we propose a simple stochastic model to account for the effects of environmental variability on the emergence of adult vectors from the larval stage.

Susceptible host availability modulates climate effects on dengue dynamics

Experiments and models suggest that climate affects mosquito-borne disease transmission. However, disease transmission involves complex nonlinear interactions between climate and population dynamics, which makes detecting climate drivers at the population level challenging. By analysing incidence data, estimated susceptible population size, and climate data with methods based on nonlinear time series analysis (collectively referred to as empirical dynamic modelling), we identified drivers and their interactive effects on dengue dynamics in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Climatic forcing arose only when susceptible availability was high: temperature and rainfall had net positive and negative effects respectively. By capturing mechanistic, nonlinear and context-dependent effects of population susceptibility, temperature and rainfall on dengue transmission empirically, our model improves forecast skill over recent, state-of-the-art models for dengue incidence. Together, these results provide empirical evidence that the interdependence of host population susceptibility and climate drives dengue dynamics in a nonlinear and complex, yet predictable way.

Patterns of dengue in Nepal from 2010-2019 in relation to elevation and climate

BACKGROUND: Understanding and describing the regional and climatic patterns associated with increasing dengue epidemics in Nepal is critical to improving vector and disease surveillance and targeting control efforts. METHODS: We investigated the spatial and temporal patterns of annual dengue incidence in Nepal from 2010 to 2019, and the impacts of seasonal meteorological conditions (mean maximum, minimum temperature and precipitation) and elevation on those patterns. RESULTS: More than 25 000 laboratory-confirmed dengue cases were reported from 2010 to 2019. Epidemiological trends suggest that dengue epidemics are cyclical with major outbreaks occurring at 2- to 3-y intervals. A significant negative relationship between dengue incidence and increasing elevation (metres above sea level) driven by temperature was observed (p<0.05) with dengue risk being greatest below 500 m. Risk was moderate between 500 and 1500 m and decreased substantially above 1500 m. Over the last decade, increased nightly temperatures during the monsoon months correlated with increased transmission (p<0.05). No other significant relationship was observed between annual dengue cases or incidence and climatological factors. CONCLUSIONS: The spatial analysis and interpretation of dengue incidence over the last decade in Nepal confirms that dengue is now a well-established public health threat of increasing importance, particularly in low elevation zones and urbanised areas with a tropical or subtropical climate. Seasonal variations in temperature during the monsoon months are associated with increased transmission.

Modeling dengue vector population with earth observation data and a generalized linear model

Mosquitoes propagate many human diseases, some widespread and with no vaccines. The Ae. aegypti mosquito vector transmits Zika, Chikungunya, and Dengue viruses. Effective public health interventions to control the spread of these diseases and protect the population require models that explain the core environmental drivers of the vector population. Field campaigns are expensive, and data from meteorological sites that feed models with the required environmental data often lack detail. As a consequence, we explore temporal modeling of the population of Ae. aegypti mosquito vector species and environmental conditions- temperature, moisture, precipitation, and vegetation- have been shown to have significant effects. We use earth observation (EO) data as our source for estimating these biotic and abiotic environmental variables based on proxy features, namely: Normalized difference vegetation index, Normalized difference water index, Precipitation, and Land surface temperature. We obtained our response variable from field-collected mosquito population measured weekly using 791 mosquito traps in Vila Velha city, Brazil, for 36 weeks in 2017, and 40 weeks in 2018. Recent similar studies have used machine learning (ML) techniques for this task. However, these techniques are neither intuitive nor explainable from an operational point of view. As a result, we use a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) to model this relationship due to its fitness for count response variable modeling, its interpretability, and the ability to visualize the confidence intervals for all inferences. Also, to improve our model, we use the Akaike Information Criterion to select the most informative environmental features. Finally, we show how to improve the quality of the model by weighting our GLM. Our resulting weighted GLM compares well in quality with ML techniques: Random Forest and Support Vector Machines. These results provide an advancement with regards to qualitative and explainable epidemiological risk modeling in urban environments.

Knowledge, attitudes, and practices on climate change and dengue in Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Thailand

BACKGROUND: Dengue is linked with climate change in tropical and sub-tropical countries including the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Laos) and Thailand. Knowledge about these issues and preventive measures can affect the incidence and outbreak risk of dengue. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) among urban and rural communities and government officials about climate change and dengue in Laos and Thailand. METHODS: A cross-sectional KAP survey about climate change and dengue were conducted in 360 households in Laos (180 urban and 180 rural), 359 households in Thailand (179 urban and 180 rural), and 20 government officials (10 in each country) using structured questionnaires. Data analysis was undertaken using descriptive methods, principal component analysis (PCA), Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test (as appropriate), and logistic regression. RESULTS: Significant differences among the selected communities in both countries were found in terms of household participant’s age, level of education, socioeconomic status, attitude level of climate change and KAP level of dengue (P < 0.05; 95% CI). Overall, participants’ KAP about climate change and dengue were low except the attitude level for dengue in both countries. The level of awareness among government officials regarding the climatic relationship with dengue was also low. In Lao households, participants’ knowledge about climate change and dengue was significantly associated with the level of education and socioeconomic status (SES) (P < 0.01). Their attitudes towards climate change and dengue were associated with educational level and internet use (P < 0.05). Householders’ climate change related practices were associated with SES (P < 0.01) and dengue related practices were associated with educational level, SES, previous dengue experience and internet use (P < 0.01). In Thailand, participants’ knowledge about climate change was associated with the level of education and SES (P < 0.01). Their attitudes towards climate change were associated with residence status (urban/rural) and internet use (P < 0.05); climate change related practices were associated with educational level and SES (P < 0.05). Dengue related knowledge of participants was associated with SES and previous dengue experience (P < 0.05); participants’ dengue related attitudes and practices were associated with educational level (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: The findings call for urgently needed integrated awareness programs to increase KAP levels regarding climate change adaptation, mitigation and dengue prevention to improve the health and welfare of people in these two countries, and similar dengue-endemic countries.

Learning from panel data of dengue incidence and meteorological factors in Jakarta, Indonesia

Medical statistics collected by WHO indicates that dengue fever is still ravaging developing regions with climates befitting mosquito breeding amidst moderate-to-weak health systems. This work initiates a study over 2009-2017 panel data of dengue incidences and meteorological factors in Jakarta, Indonesia to bear particular understanding. Using a panel random-effect model joined by the pooled estimator, we show positively significant relationships between the incidence level and meteorological factors. We ideate a clustering strategy to decompose the meteorological datasets into several more datasets such that more explanatory variables are present and the zero-inflated problem from the incidence data can be handled properly. The resulting new model gives good agreement with the incidence data accompanied by a high coefficient of determination and normal zero-mean error in the prediction window. A risk measure is characterized from a one-step vector autoregression model relying solely on the incidence data and a threshold incidence level separating the low-risk and high-risk regime. Its magnitude greater than unity and the weak stochastic convergence to the endemic equilibrium mark a persistent cyclicality of the disease in all the five districts in Jakarta. Moreover, all districts are shown to co-vary profoundly positively in terms of epidemics occurrence, both generally and timely. We also show that the peak of incidences propagates almost periodically every year on the districts with the most to the least recurrence: Central, South, West, East, and North Jakarta.

Future changes in climatic variables due to greenhouse warming increases dengue incidence in the region of the Tucurui hydroelectric dam in the Amazon

This study investigates the impact of future changes in climatic variables on dengue incidence in the region of the Tucurui dam in the Amazon. Tucurui dam is the one of the largest hydroelectric power stations in the Amazon. Correlations and regression analysis through least squares fitting between dengue cases and temperature, precipitation, and humidity are obtained. Positive correlations between dengue incidence and temperature are found for lags from 4 to 5 months (higher correlation for lag 5), dengue and precipitation for lags 0 up to 1, and dengue and humidity for lag 0. The positive correlations between dengue and precipitation and between dengue and humidity are higher for the simultaneous correlation. To investigate the impact of the future changes in these climatic variables in the region, projections of RegCM4 model simulations under the RCP 8.5 scenario are obtained. The model projections indicate a warming and moisture increase in the region near the dam at the end of the twenty-first century. Regression analysis using the model projections indicates that the dengue incidence may increase substantially in future climate scenarios in this region (more than fivefold compared with the present climate). This increase is between two and three times higher than the global estimates of dengue incidence in the future. It is suggested that the incidence of dengue cases is more sensitive to changes in temperature. Vector parameters increase with temperature in the future, indicating that the temperature conditions are highly favorable for the spread of the disease in the region. The results indicate that cities in the area surrounding the Tucurui hydroelectric dam are areas of potential dengue incidence in the future. These findings may be applied to hydroelectric dams in other areas of the world. However, future studies involving additional dams are necessary. The results suggest an increase in climate-driven risk of transmission from Aedes aegypti throughout the entire Amazon, and especially the eastern and southern parts.

Extreme weather events and dengue outbreaks in Guangzhou, China: A time-series quasi-binomial distributed lag non-linear model

Dengue transmission is climate-sensitive and permissive conditions regularly cause large outbreaks in Asia-Pacific area. As climate change progresses, extreme weather events such as heatwaves and unusually high rainfall are predicted more intense and frequent, but their impacts on dengue outbreaks remain unclear so far. This paper aimed to investigate the relationship between extreme weather events (i.e., heatwaves, extremely high rainfall and extremely high humidity) and dengue outbreaks in China. We obtained daily number of locally acquired dengue cases and weather factors for Guangzhou, China, for the period 2006-2015. The definition of dengue outbreaks was based on daily number of locally acquired cases above the threshold (i.e., mean + 2SD of daily distribution of dengue cases during peaking period). Heatwave was defined as ?2 days with temperature ? 95th percentile, and extreme rainfall and humidity defined as daily values ?95th percentile during 2006-2015. A generalized additive model was used to examine the associations between extreme weather events and dengue outbreaks. Results showed that all three extreme weather events were associated with increased risk of dengue outbreaks, with a risk increase of 115-251% around 6 weeks after heatwaves, 173-258% around 6-13 weeks after extremely high rainfall, and 572-587% around 6-13 weeks after extremely high humidity. Each extreme weather event also had good capacity in predicting dengue outbreaks, with the model’s sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and area under the receiver operating characteristics curve all exceeding 86%. This study found that heatwaves, extremely high rainfall, and extremely high humidity could act as potential drivers of dengue outbreaks.

Ecological, social, and other environmental determinants of dengue vector abundance in urban and rural areas of northeastern Thailand

Aedes aegypti is the main vector of dengue globally. The variables that influence the abundance of dengue vectors are numerous and complex. This has generated a need to focus on areas at risk of disease transmission, the spatial-temporal distribution of vectors, and the factors that modulate vector abundance. To help guide and improve vector-control efforts, this study identified the ecological, social, and other environmental risk factors that affect the abundance of adult female and immature Ae. aegypti in households in urban and rural areas of northeastern Thailand. A one-year entomological study was conducted in four villages of northeastern Thailand between January and December 2019. Socio-demographic; self-reported prior dengue infections; housing conditions; durable asset ownership; water management; characteristics of water containers; knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) regarding climate change and dengue; and climate data were collected. Household crowding index (HCI), premise condition index (PCI), socio-economic status (SES), and entomological indices (HI, CI, BI, and PI) were calculated. Negative binomial generalized linear models (GLMs) were fitted to identify the risk factors associated with the abundance of adult females and immature Ae. aegypti. Urban sites had higher entomological indices and numbers of adult Ae. aegypti mosquitoes than rural sites. Overall, participants’ KAP about climate change and dengue were low in both settings. The fitted GLM showed that a higher abundance of adult female Ae. aegypti was significantly (p < 0.05) associated with many factors, such as a low education level of household respondents, crowded households, poor premise conditions, surrounding house density, bathrooms located indoors, unscreened windows, high numbers of wet containers, a lack of adult control, prior dengue infections, poor climate change adaptation, dengue, and vector-related practices. Many of the above were also significantly associated with a high abundance of immature mosquito stages. The GLM model also showed that maximum and mean temperature with four-and one-to-two weeks of lag were significant predictors (p < 0.05) of the abundance of adult and immature mosquitoes, respectively, in northeastern Thailand. The low KAP regarding climate change and dengue highlights the engagement needs for vector-borne disease prevention in this region. The identified risk factors are important for the critical first step toward developing routine Aedes surveillance and reliable early warning systems for effective dengue and other mosquito-borne disease prevention and control strategies at the household and community levels in this region and similar settings elsewhere.

Climate-based dengue model in Semarang, Indonesia: Predictions and descriptive analysis

BACKGROUND: Dengue is one of the most rapidly spreading vector-borne diseases, which is considered to be a major health concern in tropical and sub-tropical countries. It is strongly believed that the spread and abundance of vectors are related to climate. Construction of climate-based mathematical model that integrates meteorological factors into disease infection model becomes compelling challenge since the climate is positively associated with both incidence and vector existence. METHODS: A host-vector model is constructed to simulate the dynamic of transmission. The infection rate parameter is replaced with the time-dependent coefficient obtained by optimization to approximate the daily dengue data. Further, the optimized infection rate is denoted as a function of climate variables using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model. RESULTS: The infection parameter can be extended when updated daily climates are known, and it can be useful to forecast dengue incidence. This approach provides proper prediction, even when tested in increasing or decreasing prediction windows. In addition, associations between climate and dengue are presented as a reversed slide-shaped curve for dengue-humidity and a reversed U-shaped curves for dengue-temperature and dengue-precipitation. The range of optimal temperature for infection is 24.3-30.5 °C. Humidity and precipitation are positively associated with dengue upper the threshold 70% at lag 38 days and below 50 mm at lag 50 days, respectively. CONCLUSION: Identification of association between climate and dengue is potentially useful to counter the high risk of dengue and strengthen the public health system and reduce the increase of the dengue burden.

The time series seasonal patterns of dengue fever and associated weather variables in Bangkok (2003-2017)

BACKGROUND: In Thailand, dengue fever is one of the most well-known public health problems. The objective of this study was to examine the epidemiology of dengue and determine the seasonal pattern of dengue and its associate to climate factors in Bangkok, Thailand, from 2003 to 2017. METHODS: The dengue cases in Bangkok were collected monthly during the study period. The time-series data were extracted into the trend, seasonal, and random components using the seasonal decomposition procedure based on loess. The Spearman correlation analysis and artificial neuron network (ANN) were used to determine the association between climate variables (humidity, temperature, and rainfall) and dengue cases in Bangkok. RESULTS: The seasonal-decomposition procedure showed that the seasonal component was weaker than the trend component for dengue cases during the study period. The Spearman correlation analysis showed that rainfall and humidity played a role in dengue transmission with correlation efficiency equal to 0.396 and 0.388, respectively. ANN showed that precipitation was the most crucial factor. The time series multivariate Poisson regression model revealed that increasing 1% of rainfall corresponded to an increase of 3.3% in the dengue cases in Bangkok. There were three models employed to forecast the dengue case, multivariate Poisson regression, ANN, and ARIMA. Each model displayed different accuracy, and multivariate Poisson regression was the most accurate approach in this study. CONCLUSION: This work demonstrates the significance of weather in dengue transmission in Bangkok and compares the accuracy of the different mathematical approaches to predict the dengue case. A single model may insufficient to forecast precisely a dengue outbreak, and climate factor may not only indicator of dengue transmissibility.

The effects of seasonal climate variability on dengue annual incidence in Hong Kong: A modelling study

In recent years, dengue has been rapidly spreading and growing in the tropics and subtropics. Located in southern China, Hong Kong’s subtropical monsoon climate may favour dengue vector populations and increase the chance of disease transmissions during the rainy summer season. An increase in local dengue incidence has been observed in Hong Kong ever since the first case in 2002, with an outbreak reaching historically high case numbers in 2018. However, the effects of seasonal climate variability on recent outbreaks are unknown. As the local cases were found to be spatially clustered, we developed a Poisson generalized linear mixed model using pre-summer monthly total rainfall and mean temperature to predict annual dengue incidence (the majority of local cases occur during or after the summer months), over the period 2002-2018 in three pre-defined areas of Hong Kong. Using leave-one-out cross-validation, 5 out of 6 observations of area-specific outbreaks during the major outbreak years 2002 and 2018 were able to be predicted. 42 out of a total of 51 observations (82.4%) were within the 95% confidence interval of the annual incidence predicted by our model. Our study found that the rainfall before and during the East Asian monsoon (pre-summer) rainy season is negatively correlated with the annual incidence in Hong Kong while the temperature is positively correlated. Hence, as mosquito control measures in Hong Kong are intensified mainly when heavy rainfalls occur during or close to summer, our study suggests that a lower-than-average intensity of pre-summer rainfall should also be taken into account as an indicator of increased dengue risk.

The asymptotic profile of a dengue model on a growing domain driven by climate change

Global warming results in a slow expansion of habitat range of mosquitoes, an important vector of dengue virus. To understand the impact of this changing environment on the transmission of dengue virus, we develop a dengue model on a growing domain under the framework of reaction diffusion equations. By overcoming some difficulties of dynamical behaviors caused by diffusion terms with variable-dependent coefficients, we investigate the stabilities of the disease-free and endemic equilibria in terms of the associated basic reproduction number. Comparing our dengue model on a growing domain to the model on a fixed domain in terms of the basic reproduction number, we conclude that habitat expansion resulting from global warming catalyzes the spread of dengue fever, and it is negative to the control of dengue fever. Finally, numerical simulations are performed and show a good agreement with our analytical results. (C) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Spatial and temporal patterns of dengue incidence in Bhutan: A Bayesian analysis

Dengue is an important emerging vector-borne disease in Bhutan. This study aimed to quantify the spatial and temporal patterns of dengue and their relationship to environmental factors in dengue-affected areas at the sub-district level. A multivariate zero-inflated Poisson regression model was developed using a Bayesian framework with spatial and spatiotemporal random effects modelled using a conditional autoregressive prior structure. The posterior parameters were estimated using Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation with Gibbs sampling. A total of 708 dengue cases were notified through national surveillance between January 2016 and June 2019. Individuals aged ?14 years were found to be 53% (95% CrI: 42%, 62%) less likely to have dengue infection than those aged >14 years. Dengue cases increased by 63% (95% CrI: 49%, 77%) for a 1°C increase in maximum temperature, and decreased by 48% (95% CrI: 25%, 64%) for a one-unit increase in normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). There was significant residual spatial clustering after accounting for climate and environmental variables. The temporal trend was significantly higher than the national average in eastern sub-districts. The findings highlight the impact of climate and environmental variables on dengue transmission and suggests prioritizing high-risk areas for control strategies.

Simulation models of dengue transmission in Funchal, Madeira Island: Influence of seasonality

The recent emergence and established presence of Aedes aegypti in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, Portugal, was responsible for the first autochthonous outbreak of dengue in Europe. The island has not reported any dengue cases since the outbreak in 2012. However, there is a high risk that an introduction of the virus would result in another autochthonous outbreak given the presence of the vector and permissive environmental conditions. Understanding the dynamics of a potential epidemic is critical for targeted local control strategies. Here, we adopt a deterministic model for the transmission of dengue in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The model integrates empirical and mechanistic parameters for virus transmission, under seasonally varying temperatures for Funchal, Madeira Island. We examine the epidemic dynamics as triggered by the arrival date of an infectious individual; the influence of seasonal temperature mean and variation on the epidemic dynamics; and performed a sensitivity analysis on the following quantities of interest: the epidemic peak size, time to peak, and the final epidemic size. Our results demonstrate the potential for summer and autumn season transmission of dengue, with the arrival date significantly affecting the distribution of the timing and peak size of the epidemic. Late-summer arrivals were more likely to produce large epidemics within a short peak time. Epidemics within this favorable period had an average of 11% of the susceptible population infected at the peak, at an average peak time of 95 days. We also demonstrated that seasonal temperature variation dramatically affects the epidemic dynamics, with warmer starting temperatures producing large epidemics with a short peak time and vice versa. Overall, our quantities of interest were most sensitive to variance in the date of arrival, seasonal temperature, transmission rates, mortality rate, and the mosquito population; the magnitude of sensitivity differs across quantities. Our model could serve as a useful guide in the development of effective local control and mitigation strategies for dengue fever in Madeira Island.

Present and future climatic suitability for dengue fever in Africa

The number of dengue fever incidence and its distribution has increased considerably in recent years in Africa. However, due to inadequate research at the continental level, there is a limited understanding regarding the current and future spatial distribution of the main vector, the mosquitoAedes aegypti, and the associated dengue risk due to climate change. To fill this gap we used reported dengue fever incidences, the presence of Ae. aegypti, and bioclimatic variables in a species distribution model to assess the current and future (2050 and 2070) climatically suitable areas. High temperatures and with high moisture levels are climatically suitable for the distribution of Ae. aegypti related to dengue fever. Under the current climate scenario indicated that 15.2% of the continent is highly suitable for dengue fever outbreaks. We predict that climatically suitable areas for Ae. aegypti related to dengue fever incidences in eastern, central and western part of Africa will increase in the future and will expand further towards higher elevations. Our projections provide evidence for the changing continental threat of vector-borne diseases and can guide public health policy decisions in Africa to better prepare for and respond to future changes in dengue fever risk.

Past, present, and future vulnerability to Dengue in Jamaica: A spatial analysis of monthly variations

Over the years, Jamaica has experienced sporadic cases of dengue fever. Even though the island is vulnerable to dengue, there is paucity in the spatio-temporal analysis of the disease using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing tools. Further, access to time series dengue data at the community level is a major challenge on the island. This study therefore applies the Water-Associated Disease Index (WADI) framework to analyze vulnerability to dengue in Jamaica based on past, current and future climate change conditions using three scenarios: (1) WorldClim rainfall and temperature dataset from 1970 to 2000; (2) Climate Hazard Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS) rainfall and land surface temperature (LST) as proxy for air temperature from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) for the period 2002 to 2016, and (3) maximum temperature and rainfall under the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 climate change scenario for 2030 downscaled at 25 km based on the Regional Climate Model, RegCM4.3.5. Although vulnerability to dengue varies spatially and temporally, a higher vulnerability was depicted in urban areas in comparison to rural areas. The results also demonstrate the possibility for expansion in the geographical range of dengue in higher altitudes under climate change conditions based on scenario 3. This study provides an insight into the use of data with different temporal and spatial resolution in the analysis of dengue vulnerability.

Multiple linear regression models on interval-valued Dengue data with interval-valued climatic variables

Reported dengue fever cases are increasing day by day in the world as well as in Sri Lanka. Model, Prediction and Control are three major parts of the process of analysis of the dengue incidence which leads to reduce the burden of the dengue. There is an increasing trend in the applications and developments in interval-valued data analysis over recent years. Particularly, under regressions there have being developed various techniques to handle interval-valued dependent and independent variables. Representation of data as intervals is very much useful to capture uncertainty and missing details associated with variables. Further, the predictions in intervals suit well when the situations of exact forecasts may not necessary. In this study interval-valued dengue data with interval-valued minimum temperature, maximum temperature and rainfall from 2009 to 2015 in the Colombo district, Sri Lanka were model using three interval valued regression procedures, namely, Center Method (CM), Center and Range Method (CRM) and Constrained Center and Range Method (CCRM). Predicted dengue cases in a range is particularly important because actions taking towards controlling the dengue do not depend on exact number but on magnitude of the values represent in the interval. Data in the year 2016 used for the validation of the models which is developed under three methods. Root of the mean square error, coefficient of determination as well as square root of variance of the models were used to select the best procedure to predict dengue cases. Among the three regression procedures both CRM and CCRM perform well in predicting monthly dengue cases in Colombo.

Modeling the relative role of human mobility, land-use and climate factors on dengue outbreak emergence in Sri Lanka

BACKGROUND: More than 80,000 dengue cases including 215 deaths were reported nationally in less than 7 months between 2016 and 2017, a fourfold increase in the number of reported cases compared to the average number over 2010-2016. The region of Negombo, located in the Western province, experienced the greatest number of dengue cases in the country and is the focus area of our study, where we aim to capture the spatial-temporal dynamics of dengue transmission. METHODS: We present a statistical modeling framework to evaluate the spatial-temporal dynamics of the 2016-2017 dengue outbreak in the Negombo region of Sri Lanka as a function of human mobility, land-use, and climate patterns. The analysis was conducted at a 1?km?×?1?km spatial resolution and a weekly temporal resolution. RESULTS: Our results indicate human mobility to be a stronger indicator for local outbreak clusters than land-use or climate variables. The minimum daily temperature was identified as the most influential climate variable on dengue cases in the region; while among the set of land-use patterns considered, urban areas were found to be most prone to dengue outbreak, followed by areas with stagnant water and then coastal areas. The results are shown to be robust across spatial resolutions. CONCLUSIONS: Our study highlights the potential value of using travel data to target vector control within a region. In addition to illustrating the relative relationship between various potential risk factors for dengue outbreaks, the results of our study can be used to inform where and when new cases of dengue are likely to occur within a region, and thus help more effectively and innovatively, plan for disease surveillance and vector control.

Modeling and prediction of dengue occurrences in Kolkata, India, based on climate factors

Dengue is one of the most serious vector-borne infectious diseases in India, particularly in Kolkata and its neighbouring districts. Dengue viruses have infected several citizens of Kolkata since 2012 and it is amplifying every year. It has been derived from earlier studies that certain meteorological variables and climate change play a significant role in the spread and amplification of dengue infections in different parts of the globe. In this study, our primary objective is to identify the relative contribution of the putative drivers responsible for dengue occurrences in Kolkata and project dengue incidences with respect to the future climate change. The regression model was developed using maximum temperature, minimum temperature, relative humidity and rainfall as key meteorological factors on the basis of statistically significant cross-correlation coefficient values to predict dengue cases. Finally, climate variables from the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) for South Asia region were input into the statistical model to project the occurrences of dengue infections under different climate scenarios such as Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). It has been estimated that from 2020 to 2100, dengue cases will be higher from September to November with more cases in RCP8.5 (872 cases per year) than RCP4.5 (531 cases per year). The present research further concludes that from December to February, RCP8.5 leads to suitable warmer weather conditions essential for the survival and multiplication of dengue pathogens resulting more than two times dengue cases in RCP8.5 than in RCP4.5. Furthermore, the results obtained will be useful in developing early warning systems and provide important evidence for dengue control policy-making and public health intervention.

Machine learning and dengue forecasting: Comparing random forests and artificial neural networks for predicting dengue burden at national and sub-national scales in Colombia

The robust estimate and forecast capability of random forests (RF) has been widely recognized, however this ensemble machine learning method has not been widely used in mosquito-borne disease forecasting. In this study, two sets of RF models were developed at the national (pooled department-level data) and department level in Colombia to predict weekly dengue cases for 12-weeks ahead. A pooled national model based on artificial neural networks (ANN) was also developed and used as a comparator to the RF models. The various predictors included historic dengue cases, satellite-derived estimates for vegetation, precipitation, and air temperature, as well as population counts, income inequality, and education. Our RF model trained on the pooled national data was more accurate for department-specific weekly dengue cases estimation compared to a local model trained only on the department’s data. Additionally, the forecast errors of the national RF model were smaller to those of the national pooled ANN model and were increased with the forecast horizon increasing from one-week-ahead (mean absolute error, MAE: 9.32) to 12-weeks ahead (MAE: 24.56). There was considerable variation in the relative importance of predictors dependent on forecast horizon. The environmental and meteorological predictors were relatively important for short-term dengue forecast horizons while socio-demographic predictors were relevant for longer-term forecast horizons. This study demonstrates the potential of RF in dengue forecasting with a feasible approach of using a national pooled model to forecast at finer spatial scales. Furthermore, including sociodemographic predictors is likely to be helpful in capturing longer-term dengue trends.

Local actions to health risks of heatwaves and dengue fever under climate change: Strategies and barriers among primary healthcare professionals in southern China

BACKGROUND: Climate change and extreme weather poses significant threats to community health, which need to be addressed by local health workforce. This study investigated the perceptions of primary healthcare professionals in Southern China on individual and institutional strategies for actions on health impacts of climate change and the related barriers. METHODS: A mixed methodological approach was adopted, involving a cross-sectional questionnaire survey of 733 primary healthcare professionals (including medical doctors, nurses, public health practitioners, allied health workers and managers) selected through a multistage cluster randomized sampling strategy, and in-depth interviews of 25 key informants in Guangdong Province, China. The questionnaire survey investigated the perceptions of respondents on the health impacts of climate change and the individual and institutional actions that need to be taken in response to climate change. Multivariate logistic regression models were established to determine sociodemographic factors associated with the perceptions. The interviews tapped into coping strategies and perceived barriers in primary health care to adapt to tackle challenges of climate change. Contents analyses were performed to extract important themes. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The majority (64%) of respondents agreed that climate change is happening, but only 53.6% believed in its human causes. Heat waves and infectious diseases were highly recognized as health problems associated with climate change. There was a strong consensus on the need to strengthen individual and institutional capacities in response to health impacts of climate change. The respondents believed that it is important to educate the public, take active efforts to control infectious vectors, and pay increased attention to the health care of vulnerable populations. The lack of funding and limited local workforce capacity is a major barrier for taking actions. Climate change should be integrated into primary health care development through sustainable governmental funding and resource support.

Inference on dengue epidemics with Bayesian regime switching models

Dengue, a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by the dengue viruses, is present in many parts of the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. All four serotypes of dengue viruses are endemic in Singapore, an equatorial city-state. Frequent outbreaks occur, sometimes leading to national epidemics. However, few studies have attempted to characterize breakpoints which precede large rises in dengue case counts. In this paper, Bayesian regime switching (BRS) models were employed to infer epidemic and endemic regimes of dengue transmissions, each containing regime specific autoregressive processes which drive the growth and decline of dengue cases, estimated using a custom built multi-move Gibbs sampling algorithm. Posterior predictive checks indicate that BRS replicates temporal trends in Dengue transmissions well and nowcast accuracy assessed using a post-hoc classification scheme showed that BRS classification accuracy is robust even under limited data with the AUC-ROC at 0.935. LASSO-based regression and bootstrapping was used to account for plausibly high dimensions of climatic factors affecting Dengue transmissions, which was then estimated using cross-validation to conduct statistical inference on long-run climatic effects on the estimated regimes. BRS estimates epidemic and endemic regimes of dengue in Singapore which are characterized by persistence across time, lasting an average of 20 weeks and 66 weeks respectively, with a low probability of transitioning away from their regimes. Climate analysis with LASSO indicates that long-run climatic effects up to 20 weeks ago do not differentiate epidemic and endemic regimes. Lastly, by fitting BRS to simulated disease data generated from a stochastic Susceptible-Infected-Recovered model, mechanistic links between infectivity and regimes classified using BRS were provided. The model proposed could be applied to other localities and diseases under minimal data requirements where transmission counts over time are collected.

Influence of socio-economic, demographic and climate factors on the regional distribution of dengue in the United States and Mexico

BACKGROUND: This study examines the impact of climate, socio-economic and demographic factors on the incidence of dengue in regions of the United States and Mexico. We select factors shown to predict dengue at a local level and test whether the association can be generalized to the regional or state level. In addition, we assess how different indicators perform compared to per capita gross domestic product (GDP), an indicator that is commonly used to predict the future distribution of dengue. METHODS: A unique spatial-temporal dataset was created by collating information from a variety of data sources to perform empirical analyses at the regional level. Relevant regions for the analysis were selected based on their receptivity and vulnerability to dengue. A conceptual framework was elaborated to guide variable selection. The relationship between the incidence of dengue and the climate, socio-economic and demographic factors was modelled via a Generalized Additive Model (GAM), which also accounted for the spatial and temporal auto-correlation. RESULTS: The socio-economic indicator (representing household income, education of the labour force, life expectancy at birth, and housing overcrowding), as well as more extensive access to broadband are associated with a drop in the incidence of dengue; by contrast, population growth and inter-regional migration are associated with higher incidence, after taking climate into account. An ageing population is also a predictor of higher incidence, but the relationship is concave and flattens at high rates. The rate of active physicians is associated with higher incidence, most likely because of more accurate reporting. If focusing on Mexico only, results remain broadly similar, however, workforce education was a better predictor of a drop in the incidence of dengue than household income. CONCLUSIONS: Two lessons can be drawn from this study: first, while higher GDP is generally associated with a drop in the incidence of dengue, a more granular analysis reveals that the crucial factors are a rise in education (with fewer jobs in the primary sector) and better access to information or technological infrastructure. Secondly, factors that were shown to have an impact of dengue at the local level are also good predictors at the regional level. These indices may help us better understand factors responsible for the global distribution of dengue and also, given a warming climate, may help us to better predict vulnerable populations on a larger scale.

Incidence and spatial distribution of cases of dengue, from 2010 to 2019: An ecological study

BACKGROUND: Dengue is an arbovirus that has caused serious problem in Brazil, putting the public health system under severe stress. Understanding its incidence and spatial distribution is essential for disease control and prevention. OBJECTIVE: To perform an analysis on dengue incidence and spatial distribution in a medium-sized, cool-climate and high-altitude city. DESIGN AND SETTING: Ecological study carried out in a public institution in the city of Garanhuns, Pernambuco, Brazil. METHODS: Secondary data provided by specific agencies in each area were used for spatial analysis and elaboration of kernel maps, incidence calculations, correlations and percentages of dengue occurrence. The Geocentric Reference System for the Americas (Sistema de Referência Geocêntrico para as Américas, SIRGAS), 2000, was the software of choice. RESULTS: The incidence rates were calculated per 100,000 inhabitants. Between 2010 and 2019, there were 6,504 cases and the incidence was 474.92. From 2010 to 2014, the incidence was 161.46 for a total of 1,069 cases. The highest incidence occurred in the period from 2015 to 2019: out of a total of 5,435 cases, the incidence was 748.65, representing an increase of 485.97%. Population density and the interaction between two climatic factors, i.e. atypical temperature above 31 °C and relative humidity above 31.4%, contributed to the peak incidence of dengue, although these variables were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: The dengue incidence levels and spatial distribution reflected virus and vector adjustment to the local climate. However, there was no correlation between climatic factors and occurrences of dengue in this city.

Impact of climate variability and abundance of mosquitoes on Dengue Transmission in Central Vietnam

Dengue fever is an important arboviral disease in many countries. Its incidence has increased during the last decade in central Vietnam. Most dengue studies in Vietnam focused on the northern area (Hanoi) and southern regions but not on central Vietnam. Dengue transmission dynamics and relevant environmental risk factors in central Vietnam are not understood. This study aimed to evaluate spatiotemporal patterns of dengue fever in central Vietnam and effects of climatic factors and abundance of mosquitoes on its transmission. Dengue and mosquito surveillance data were obtained from the Department of Vector Control and Border Quarantine at Nha Trang Pasteur Institute. Geographic Information System and satellite remote sensing techniques were used to perform spatiotemporal analyses and to develop climate models using generalized additive models. During 2005-2018, 230,458 dengue cases were reported in central Vietnam. Da Nang and Khanh Hoa were two major hotspots in the study area. The final models indicated the important role of Indian Ocean Dipole, multivariate El Niño-Southern Oscillation index, and vector index in dengue transmission in both regions. Regional climatic variables and mosquito population may drive dengue transmission in central Vietnam. These findings provide important information for developing an early dengue warning system in central Vietnam.

Heatwaves and dengue outbreaks in Hanoi, Vietnam: New evidence on early warning

BACKGROUND: Many studies have shown associations between rising temperatures, El Niño events and dengue incidence, but the effect of sustained periods of extreme high temperatures (i.e., heatwaves) on dengue outbreaks has not yet been investigated. This study aimed to compare the short-term temperature-dengue associations during different dengue outbreak periods, estimate the dengue cases attributable to temperature, and ascertain if there was an association between heatwaves and dengue outbreaks in Hanoi, Vietnam. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Dengue outbreaks were assigned to one of three categories (small, medium and large) based on the 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles of distribution of weekly dengue cases during 2008-2016. Using a generalised linear regression model with a negative binomial link that controlled for temporal trends, temperature variation, rainfall and population size over time, we examined and compared associations between weekly average temperature and weekly dengue incidence for different outbreak categories. The same model using weeks with or without heatwaves as binary variables was applied to examine the potential effects of extreme heatwaves, defined as seven or more days with temperatures above the 95th percentile of daily temperature distribution during the study period. This study included 55,801 dengue cases, with an average of 119 (range: 0 to 1454) cases per week. The exposure-response relationship between temperature and dengue risk was non-linear and differed with dengue category. After considering the delayed effects of temperature (one week lag), we estimated that 4.6%, 11.6%, and 21.9% of incident cases during small, medium, and large outbreaks were attributable to temperature. We found evidence of an association between heatwaves and dengue outbreaks, with longer delayed effects on large outbreaks (around 14 weeks later) than small and medium outbreaks (4 to 9 weeks later). Compared with non-heatwave years, dengue outbreaks (i.e., small, moderate and large outbreaks combined) in heatwave years had higher weekly number of dengue cases (p<0.05). Findings were robust under different sensitivity analyses. CONCLUSIONS: The short-term association between temperature and dengue risk varied by the level of outbreaks and temperature seems more likely affect large outbreaks. Moreover, heatwaves may delay the timing and increase the magnitude of dengue outbreaks.

Enhancing fine-grained intra-urban dengue forecasting by integrating spatial interactions of human movements between urban regions

BACKGROUND: As a mosquito-borne infectious disease, dengue fever (DF) has spread through tropical and subtropical regions worldwide in recent decades. Dengue forecasting is essential for enhancing the effectiveness of preventive measures. Current studies have been primarily conducted at national, sub-national, and city levels, while an intra-urban dengue forecasting at a fine spatial resolution still remains a challenging feat. As viruses spread rapidly because of a highly dynamic population flow, integrating spatial interactions of human movements between regions would be potentially beneficial for intra-urban dengue forecasting. METHODOLOGY: In this study, a new framework for enhancing intra-urban dengue forecasting was developed by integrating the spatial interactions between urban regions. First, a graph-embedding technique called Node2Vec was employed to learn the embeddings (in the form of an N-dimensional real-valued vector) of the regions from their population flow network. As strongly interacting regions would have more similar embeddings, the embeddings can serve as “interaction features.” Then, the interaction features were combined with those commonly used features (e.g., temperature, rainfall, and population) to enhance the supervised learning-based dengue forecasting models at a fine-grained intra-urban scale. RESULTS: The performance of forecasting models (i.e., SVM, LASSO, and ANN) integrated with and without interaction features was tested and compared on township-level dengue forecasting in Guangzhou, the most threatened sub-tropical city in China. Results showed that models using both common and interaction features can achieve better performance than that using common features alone. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed approach for incorporating spatial interactions of human movements using graph-embedding technique is effective, which can help enhance fine-grained intra-urban dengue forecasting.

Determination of factors affecting dengue occurrence in representative areas of China: A principal component regression analysis

Background: Determination of the key factors affecting dengue occurrence is of significant importance for the successful response to its outbreak. Yunnan and Guangdong Provinces in China are hotspots of dengue outbreak during recent years. However, few studies focused on the drive of multi-dimensional factors on dengue occurrence failing to consider the possible multicollinearity of the studied factors, which may bias the results. Methods: In this study, multiple linear regression analysis was utilized to explore the effect of multicollinearity among dengue occurrences and related natural and social factors. A principal component regression (PCR) analysis was utilized to determine the key dengue-driven factors in Guangzhou city of Guangdong Province and Xishuangbanna prefecture of Yunnan Province, respectively. Results: The effect of multicollinearity existed in both Guangzhou city and Xishuangbanna prefecture, respectively. PCR model revealed that the top three contributing factors to dengue occurrence in Guangzhou were Breteau Index (BI) (positive correlation), the number of imported dengue cases lagged by 1 month (positive correlation), and monthly average of maximum temperature lagged by 1 month (negative correlation). In contrast, the top three factors contributing to dengue occurrence in Xishuangbanna included monthly average of minimum temperature lagged by 1 month (positive correlation), monthly average of maximum temperature (positive correlation), monthly average of relative humidity (positive correlation), respectively. Conclusion: Meteorological factors presented stronger impacts on dengue occurrence in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, while BI and the number of imported cases lagged by 1 month played important roles on dengue transmission in Guangzhou, Guangdong. Our findings could help to facilitate the formulation of tailored dengue response mechanism in representative areas of China in the future.

Comparative analyses of historical trends in confirmed dengue illnesses detected at public hospitals in Bangkok and northern Thailand, 2002-2018

Dengue is a re-emerging global public health problem, the most common arbovirus causing human disease in the world, and a major cause of hospitalization in endemic countries causing significant economic burden. Data were analyzed from passive surveillance of hospital-attended dengue cases from 2002 to 2018 at Phramongkutklao Hospital (PMKH) located in Bangkok, Thailand, and Kamphaeng Phet Provincial Hospital (KPPH) located in the lower northern region of Thailand. At PMKH, serotype 1 proved to be the most common strain of the virus, whereas at KPPH, serotypes 1, 2, and 3 were the most common strains from 2006 to 2008, 2009 to 2012, and 2013 to 2015, respectively. The 11-17 years age-group made up the largest proportion of patients impacted by dengue illnesses during the study period at both sites. At KPPH, dengue virus (DENV)-3 was responsible for most cases of dengue fever (DF), whereas it was DENV-1 at PMKH. In cases where dengue hemorrhagic fever was the clinical diagnosis, DENV-2 was the predominant serotype at KPPH, whereas at PMKH, it was DENV-1. The overall disease prevalence remained consistent across the two study sites with DF being the predominant clinical diagnosis as the result of an acute secondary dengue infection, representing 40.7% of overall cases at KPPH and 56.8% at PMKH. The differences seen between these sites could be a result of climate change increasing the length of dengue season and shifts in migration patterns of these populations from rural to urban areas and vice versa.

An association between rainy days with clinical dengue fever in Dhaka, Bangladesh: Findings from a hospital based study

BACKGROUND: Dengue, a febrile illness, is caused by a Flavivirus transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Climate influences the ecology of the vectors. We aimed to identify the influence of climatic variability on the occurrence of clinical dengue requiring hospitalization in Zone-5, a high incidence area of Dhaka City Corporation (DCC), Bangladesh. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We retrospectively identified clinical dengue cases hospitalized from Zone-5 of DCC between 2005 and 2009. We extracted records of the four major catchment hospitals of the study area. The Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) provided data on temperature, rainfall, and humidity of DCC for the study period. We used autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models for the number of monthly dengue hospitalizations. We also modeled all the climatic variables using Poisson regression. During our study period, dengue occurred throughout the year in Zone-5 of DCC. The median number of hospitalized dengue cases was 9 per month. Dengue incidence increased sharply from June, and reached its peak in August. One additional rainy day per month increased dengue cases in the succeeding month by 6% (RR = 1.06, 95% CI: 1.04-1.09). CONCLUSIONS: Dengue is transmitted throughout the year in Zone-5 of DCC, with seasonal variation in incidence. The number of rainy days per month is significantly associated with dengue incidence in the subsequent month. Our study suggests the initiation of campaigns in DCC for controlling dengue and other Aedes mosquito borne diseases, including Chikunguniya from the month of May each year. BMD rainfall data may be used to determine campaign timing.

UNDRR Hazard Information Profile: Dengue

Climate-sensitive infectious disease modelling software tools

Landscape mapping of software tools for climate-sensitive infectious disease modelling

Using climate knowledge to guide dengue prevention and risk communication ahead of Brazil’s 2014 FIFA World Cup

Bio-climatic bulletins to forecast dengue vectors in Panama

Vector-virus microclimate surveillance system for dengue control in Machala, Ecuador

Predicting the impacts of climate on dengue in Brazil: integrated risk modelling and mapping

Working with communities in East Africa to manage diarrhoeal disease and dengue risk in a changing climate

Ecuador–Peru cooperation for climate-informed dengue surveillance: creating an interdisciplinary multinational team

Exploration of population ecological factors related to the spatial heterogeneity of dengue fever cases diagnosed through a national network of laboratories in India, 2017

Estimating the threshold effects of climate on Dengue: A case study of Taiwan

Epidemiological study on dengue in southern Brazil under the perspective of climate and poverty

Different responses of dengue to weather variability across climate zones in Queensland, Australia

Dengue incidence and sociodemographic conditions in Pucallpa, Peruvian Amazon: What role for modification of the Dengue-temperature relationship?

Dengue situation in India: Suitability and transmission potential model for present and projected climate change scenarios

Demographic and climatic factors associated with dengue prevalence in a hyperendemic zone in Mexico: An empirical approach

Correlational study of climate factor, mobility and the incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Kendari, Indonesia

Coherence of dengue incidence and climate in the wet and dry zones of Sri Lanka

Climatological, virological and sociological drivers of current and projected dengue fever outbreak dynamics in Sri Lanka

Climate variability and dengue fever in Makassar, Indonesia: Bayesian spatio-temporal modelling

Climate variability, socio-ecological factors and dengue transmission in tropical Queensland, Australia: A Bayesian spatial analysis

Climate factors and the East Asian summer monsoon may drive large outbreaks of dengue in China

Climate change induced vulnerability and adaption for dengue incidence in Colombo and Kandy districts: The detailed investigation in Sri Lanka

Climate change and dengue fever knowledge, attitudes and practices in Bangladesh: A social media-based cross-sectional survey

Characteristics of the dengue epidemic in Pinhalzinho, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2015-2016

Burden of Dengue with related entomological and climatic characteristics in Surat City, Gujarat, India, 2011-2016: An analysis of surveillance data

COVID-19 pandemic, dengue epidemic, and climate change vulnerability in Bangladesh: Scenario assessment for strategic management and policy implications

Assessing and modelling vulnerability to dengue in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam by geospatial and time-series approaches

A spatial-temporal study for the spread of dengue depending on climate factors in Pakistan (2006-2017)

Using dengue epidemics and local weather in Bali, Indonesia to predict imported dengue in Australia

Twenty-two years of dengue fever (1996-2017): An epidemiological study in a Brazilian city

The threat of climate change to non-dengue-endemic countries: Increasing risk of dengue transmission potential using climate and non-climate datasets

The current and future global distribution and population at risk of dengue

The association between dengue incidences and provincial-level weather variables in Thailand from 2001 to 2014

Temperature impacts on dengue emergence in the United States: Investigating the role of seasonality and climate change

Spatiotemporal transmission patterns and determinants of dengue fever: A case study of Guangzhou, China

Spatiotemporal dengue fever hotspots associated with climatic factors in Taiwan including outbreak predictions based on machine-learning

Spatio-temporal dynamics of dengue in Brazil: Seasonal travelling waves and determinants of regional synchrony

Spatiotemporal analysis of dengue outbreaks in Samanabad town, Lahore metropolitan area, using geospatial techniques

Spatiotemporal analysis of historical records (2001-2012) on dengue fever in Vietnam and development of a statistical model for forecasting risk

Spatial and temporal patterns of dengue incidence in northeastern Thailand 2006-2016

Spatial and temporal variation of dengue incidence in the island of Bali, Indonesia: An ecological study

Social-ecological modelling of the spatial distribution of dengue fever and its temporal dynamics in Guayaquil, Ecuador for climate change adaption

Seasonal patterns of dengue fever in rural Ecuador: 2009-2016

Role of climatic factors in the incidence of dengue in Port Sudan City, Sudan

Present and future incidence of dengue fever in Ecuador nationwide and coast region scale using species distribution modeling for climate variability’s effect

Prediction model for dengue fever based on interactive effects between multiple meteorological factors in Guangdong, China (2008-2016)

Prediction of annual dengue incidence by hydro-climatic extremes for southern Taiwan

Prediction of dengue outbreaks based on disease surveillance, meteorological and socio-economic data

Potential effects of heat waves on the population dynamics of the dengue mosquito Aedes albopictus

Potential impacts of climate change on dengue fever distribution using RCP scenarios in China

Pityriasis rosea: Elucidation of environmental factors in modulated autoagressive etiology and dengue virus infection

Paediatric dengue infection in Cirebon, Indonesia: A temporal and spatial analysis of notified dengue incidence to inform surveillance

Non-parametric tests and multivariate analysis applied to reported dengue cases in Brazil

Modeling and predicting dengue incidence in highly vulnerable countries using panel data approach

Inter-annual variation in seasonal dengue epidemics driven by multiple interacting factors in Guangzhou, China

Forecasting dengue fever in Brazil: An assessment of climate conditions

Evaluation of the effects of Aedes vector indices and climatic factors on dengue incidence in Gampaha District, Sri Lanka

Epidemiology of dengue and the effect of seasonal climate variation on its dynamics: A spatio-temporal descriptive analysis in the Chao-Shan area on China’s southeastern coast

Entomological assessment of dengue virus transmission risk in three urban areas of Kenya

Effect of meteorological factors on the seasonal prevalence of dengue vectors in upland hilly and lowland Terai regions of Nepal

Development of a mechanistic dengue simulation model for Guangzhou

Developing a dengue prediction model based on climate in Tawau, Malaysia

Dengue situation in Bangladesh: An epidemiological shift in terms of morbidity and mortality

Climatic variables associated with dengue incidence in a city of the Western Brazilian Amazon region

Climate-driven variation in mosquito density predicts the spatiotemporal dynamics of dengue

Climatic factors influencing dengue incidence in an epidemic area of Nepal

Climate change and dengue risk in central region of Thailand

Changing climatic factors favor dengue transmission in Lahore, Pakistan

A dengue fever predicting model based on Baidu search index data and climate data in South China

A combination of climatic conditions determines major within-season dengue outbreaks in Guangdong Province, China

Nonlinear and delayed impacts of climate on dengue risk in Barbados: A modelling study

Weather variables and the El Nino Southern Oscillation may drive the epidemics of dengue in Guangdong Province, China

The spatial and temporal scales of local dengue virus transmission in natural settings: A retrospective analysis

The changing epidemiological pattern of Dengue in Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

The climatic factors affecting dengue fever outbreaks in southern Taiwan: An application of symbolic data analysis

Spatiotemporal patterns and determinants of dengue at county level in China from 2005-2017

Statistical modeling of the effect of rainfall flushing on dengue transmission in Singapore

Spatial analysis of dengue fever and exploration of its environmental and socio-economic risk factors using ordinary least squares: A case study in five districts of Guangzhou City, China, 2014

Spatial and temporal patterns of dengue infections in Timor-Leste, 2005-2013

Space-time clusters and co-occurrence of chikungunya and dengue fever in Colombia from 2015 to 2016

Seasonal variation and dengue burden in paediatric patients in New Delhi

Seasonal and interannual risks of dengue introduction from South-East Asia into China, 2005-2015

Seasonal temperature variation influences climate suitability for dengue, chikungunya, and Zika transmission

Risk factors for the presence of dengue vector mosquitoes, and determinants of their prevalence and larval site selection in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Risk factors spatial-temporal detection for dengue fever in Guangzhou

Present and future of dengue fever in Nepal: Mapping climatic suitability by ecological niche model

Prediction of dengue outbreaks in Mexico based on entomological, meteorological and demographic data

Potential effects of climate change on dengue transmission dynamics in Korea

Potential impact of global warming on population dynamics of dengue mosquito, Aedes albopictus skuse (Diptera; Culicidae)

Open data mining for Taiwan’s dengue epidemic

Novel tools for the surveillance and control of dengue: Findings by the DengueTools research consortium

Non-linear effects of mean temperature and relative humidity on dengue incidence in Guangzhou, China

Meteorological factors affecting dengue incidence in Davao, Philippines

Long-term epidemiological dynamics of dengue in Barbados – one of the English-speaking Caribbean countries

Long-term predictors of dengue outbreaks in Bangladesh: A data mining approach

Machine learning methods reveal the temporal pattern of dengue incidence using meteorological factors in metropolitan Manila, Philippines

Limiting global-mean temperature increase to 1.5-2 degrees C could reduce the incidence and spatial spread of dengue fever in Latin America

Implications of meteorological and physiographical parameters on dengue fever occurrences in Delhi

Geostatistical mapping of the seasonal spread of under-reported dengue cases in Bangladesh

Factors determining dengue outbreak in Malaysia

Evaluation of hydrologic and meteorological impacts on dengue fever incidences in southern Taiwan using time-frequency analysis methods

Estimating the effective reproduction number of dengue considering temperature-dependent generation intervals

Episodes of the epidemiological factors correlated with prevailing viral infections with dengue virus and molecular characterization of serotype-specific dengue virus circulation in eastern India

Epidemiological trends and risk factors associated with dengue disease in Pakistan (1980-2014): A systematic literature search and analysis

Epidemiological, clinical and climatic characteristics of dengue fever in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan with implication for prevention and control

Ensemble method for dengue prediction

Effects of human mobility, temperature and mosquito control on the spatiotemporal transmission of dengue

ENSO-driven climate variability promotes periodic major outbreaks of dengue in Venezuela

Dynamics of dengue disease with human and vector mobility

Dengue control in the context of climate change: Views from health professionals in different geographic regions of China

Dengue hospitalisations in Brazil: Annual wave from West to East and recent increase among children

Dengue in Araraquara, state of Sao Paulo: Epidemiology, climate and Aedes aegypti infestation

Dengue in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: 2014 to 2016

Dengue infection in patients with febrile illness and its relationship to climate factors: A case study in the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for the period 2010-2014

Determination of environmental factors affecting Dengue incidence in Sleman District, Yogyakart, Indonesia

Correlates of climate variability and dengue fever in two metropolitan cities in Bangladesh

Correlation of dengue incidence and rainfall occurrence using wavelet transform for Joao Pessoa city

Climatic variability and dengue risk in urban environment of Delhi (India)

Climate variability and dengue hemorrhagic fever in Hanoi, Viet Nam, during 2008 to 2015

Climate variability and dengue hemorrhagic fever in Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

Building Infestation Index for Aedes aegypti and occurrence of dengue fever in the municipality of Foz do Iguacu, Parana, Brazil, from 2001 to 2016

Association of dengue fever with Aedes spp. abundance and climatological effects

Application of artificial neural networks for dengue fever outbreak predictions in the northwest coast of Yucatan, Mexico and San Juan, Puerto Rico

A forecasting model for dengue incidence in the District of Gampaha, Sri Lanka

A model comparison algorithm for increased forecast accuracy of dengue fever incidence in Singapore and the auxiliary role of total precipitation information

The interplay of climate, intervention and imported cases as determinants of the 2014 dengue outbreak in Guangzhou

The elimination of the dengue vector, Aedes aegypti, from Brisbane, Australia: The role of surveillance, larval habitat removal and policy

Surveillance of vector-borne infections (chikungunya, dengue, and malaria) in Bo, Sierra Leone, 2012-2013

Spatiotemporal clustering of dengue cases in Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala

Spatial-temporal distribution of dengue and climate characteristics for two clusters in Sri Lanka from 2012 to 2016

Space and space-time distributions of dengue in a hyper-endemic urban space: The case of Girardot, Colombia

Socioeconomic and environmental determinants of dengue transmission in an urban setting: An ecological study in Noumea, New Caledonia

Seasonal patterns of dengue fever and associated climate factors in 4 provinces in Vietnam from 1994 to 2013

Pupal productivity in rainy and dry seasons: Findings from the impact survey of a randomised controlled trial of dengue prevention in Guerrero, Mexico

Potential risk areas of Aedes albopictus in South-Eastern Iran: A vector of dengue fever, zika, and chikungunya

Predicting dengue outbreak in the metropolitan city Lahore, Pakistan, using dengue vector indices and selected climatological variables as predictors

Modelling dengue fever risk in the state of Yucatan, Mexico using regional-scale satellite-derived sea surface temperature

Modelling the association of dengue fever cases with temperature and relative humidity in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia-A generalised linear model with break-point analysis

Modeling and projection of dengue fever cases in Guangzhou based on variation of weather factors

Meteorological variables and mosquito monitoring are good predictors for infestation trends of Aedes aegypti, the vector of dengue, chikungunya and Zika

Influence of meteorological variables on dengue incidence in the municipality of Arapiraca, Alagoas, Brazil

Individual and interactive effects of socio-ecological factors on dengue fever at fine spatial scale: A geographical detector-based analysis

How does the dengue vector mosquito Aedes albopictus respond to global warming?

Estimation of reproduction number and non stationary spectral analysis of dengue epidemic

Estimating effects of temperature on dengue transmission in Colombian cities

Environmental factors can influence dengue reported cases

Effects of local and regional climatic fluctuations on dengue outbreaks in southern Taiwan

Effects of climatic and social factors on dengue incidence in Mexican municipalities in the state of Veracruz

Effect of rainfall for the dynamical transmission model of the dengue disease in Thailand

Effect of climatic conditions and water bodies on population dynamics of the dengue vector, Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)

Effect of climatic factors and population density on the distribution of dengue in Sri Lanka: A GIS based evaluation for prediction of outbreaks

Disease surveillance system for big climate data processing and dengue transmission

Detecting the impact of temperature on transmission of Zika, dengue, and chikungunya using mechanistic models

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) cases in Semarang city are related to air temperature, humidity, and rainfall

Dengue burden in India: Recent trends and importance of climatic parameters

Correlational study of air pollution-related diseases (asthma, conjunctivitis, urti and dengue) in Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Climatic phenomenon and meteorological variables influencing the dengue fever incidence in Colombian South Pacific region: Modeling study

Climate variation drives dengue dynamics

Climate services for health: Predicting the evolution of the 2016 dengue season in Machala, Ecuador

Bayesian dynamic modeling of time series of dengue disease case counts

Assessing spatio-temporal trend of vector breeding and dengue fever incidence in association with meteorological conditions

Analysing increasing trends of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) and dengue cases in Hong Kong using meteorological data

20 years spatial-temporal analysis of dengue fever and hemorrhagic fever in Mexico

Urban climate versus global climate change-what makes the difference for dengue?

Time-lagging interplay effect and excess risk of meteorological/mosquito parameters and petrochemical gas explosion on dengue incidence

The correlation between dengue incidence and diurnal ranges of temperature of Colombo district, Sri Lanka 2005-2014

Seasonal and geographical variation of dengue vectors in Narathiwat, South Thailand

Seasonal distribution and climatic correlates of dengue disease in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Risk analysis for dengue suitability in Africa using the ArcGIS predictive analysis tools (PA tools)

Quantifying the added value of climate information in a spatio-temporal dengue model

Projections of increased and decreased dengue incidence under climate change

Prediction of dengue outbreaks based on disease surveillance and meteorological data

Predicting dengue incidences using cluster based regression on climate data

Perceptions of capacity for infectious disease control and prevention to meet the challenges of dengue fever in the face of climate change: A survey among CDC staff in Guangdong Province, China

Meteorological factors for dengue fever control and prevention in south China

Meteorological influences on dengue transmission in Pakistan

Infection rates by dengue virus in mosquitoes and the influence of temperature may be related to different endemicity patterns in three Colombian cities

Evaluating the performance of infectious disease forecasts: A comparison of climate-driven and seasonal dengue forecasts for Mexico

Epidemiology and characteristics of the dengue outbreak in Guangdong, Southern China, in 2014

Empirical model for calculating dengue incidence using temperature, rainfall and relative humidity: A 19-year retrospective analysis in East Delhi, India

Effects of weather factors on dengue fever incidence and implications for interventions in Cambodia

Dynamic spatiotemporal trends of imported dengue fever in Australia

Developing a time series predictive model for dengue in Zhongshan, China based on weather and Guangzhou dengue surveillance data

Dengue vector control in Malaysia: A review for current and alternative strategies

Climate factors as important determinants of dengue incidence in Curacao

Climate change influences potential distribution of infected Aedes aegypti co-occurrence with dengue epidemics risk areas in Tanzania

Climate change and Aedes vectors: 21st century projections for dengue transmission in Europe

Changing pattern of dengue virus serotypes circulating during 2008-2012 and reappearance of dengue serotype 3 may cause outbreak in Kolkata, India

Causality analysis between climatic factors and dengue fever using the Granger causality

Association between dengue fever incidence and meteorological factors in Guangzhou, China, 2005-2014

An analysis of the potential impact of climate change on dengue transmission in the southeastern United States

Alarm variables for dengue outbreaks: a multi-centre study in Asia and Latin America

Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus’ dynamics influenced by spatiotemporal characteristics in a Brazilian dengue-endemic risk city

A sequence of flushing and drying of breeding habitats of Aedes aegypti (L.) prior to the low dengue season in Singapore

A spatial hierarchical analysis of the temporal influences of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation and weather on dengue in Kalutara District, Sri Lanka

A spatial model of socioeconomic and environmental determinants of dengue fever in Cali, Colombia

A study of spatial and meteorological determinants of dengue outbreak in Bhopal City in 2014

A climate-based prediction model in the high-risk clusters of the Mekong Delta region, Vietnam: Towards improving dengue prevention and control

A Bayesian approach for estimating under-reported dengue incidence with a focus on non-linear associations between climate and dengue in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Weather variability associated with Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Dengue Vector) oviposition dynamics in northwestern Argentina

The interrelationship between dengue incidence and diurnal ranges of temperature and humidity in a Sri Lankan city and its potential applications

Testing the impact of virus importation rates and future climate change on dengue activity in Malaysia using a mechanistic entomology and disease model

Surveillance of dengue vectors using spatio-temporal Bayesian modeling

Space-time scan statistics of 2007-2013 dengue incidence in Cimahi City, Indonesia

Socio-economic and climate factors associated with dengue fever spatial heterogeneity: A worked example in New Caledonia

Space-time clustering characteristics of dengue based on ecological, socio-economic and demographic factors in northern Sri Lanka

Sao Paulo urban heat islands have a higher incidence of dengue than other urban areas

Risk factors for the presence of chikungunya and dengue vectors (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus), their altitudinal distribution and climatic determinants of their abundance in central Nepal

Regional response of dengue fever epidemics to interannual variation and related climate variability

Re-assess vector indices threshold as an early warning tool for predicting dengue epidemic in a dengue non-endemic country

Predicting unprecedented dengue outbreak using imported cases and climatic factors in Guangzhou, 2014

Potential impact of climatic variability on the epidemiology of dengue in Risaralda, Colombia, 2010-2011

Morbidity rate prediction of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) using the support vector machine and the Aedes aegypti infection rate in similar climates and geographical areas

Meteorologically driven simulations of dengue epidemics in San Juan, PR

Increasing dengue incidence in Singapore over the past 40 years: Population growth, climate and mobility

Impacts of El Nino Southern Oscillation and Indian Ocean Dipole on dengue incidence in Bangladesh

Identification of the prediction model for dengue incidence in Can Tho city, a Mekong Delta area in Vietnam

Environmental risk factors and hotspot analysis of dengue distribution in Pakistan

El Nino-Southern Oscillation, local weather and occurrences of dengue virus serotypes

Dengue is still an imported disease in China: A case study in Guangzhou

Dengue on islands: A Bayesian approach to understanding the global ecology of dengue viruses

Dengue outbreaks in Divinopolis, south-eastern Brazil and the geographic and climatic distribution of Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti in 2011-2012

Dengue transmission based on urban environmental gradients in different cities of Pakistan

Dengue: Recent past and future threats

Climate change influences on global distributions of dengue and chikungunya virus vectors

A study of the correlation between dengue and weather in Kandy City, Sri Lanka (2003 -2012) and lessons learned

Vector competence of Aedes aegypti populations from Kilifi and Nairobi for dengue 2 virus and the influence of temperature

Vectorial capacity of Aedes aegypti: Effects of temperature and implications for global dengue epidemic potential

Temporal correlations between mosquito-based dengue virus surveillance measures or indoor mosquito abundance and dengue case numbers in Merida City, Mexico

Temporal relationship between environmental factors and the occurrence of dengue fever

The 2012 Madeira dengue outbreak: Epidemiological determinants and future epidemic potential

Statistical modeling reveals the effect of absolute humidity on dengue in Singapore

Spatial and temporal patterns of locally-acquired dengue transmission in northern Queensland, Australia, 1993-2012

Spatial epidemiology and climatic predictors of paediatric dengue infections captured via sentinel site surveillance, Phnom Penh Cambodia 2011-2012

Spatiotemporal distribution of dengue vectors & identification of high risk zones in district Sonitpur, Assam, India

Recent and future environmental suitability to dengue fever in Brazil using species distribution model

Projecting the impact of climate change on dengue transmission in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Predicting local dengue transmission in Guangzhou, China, through the influence of imported cases, mosquito density and climate variability

Mining local climate data to assess spatiotemporal dengue fever epidemic patterns in French Guiana

Lessons raised by the major 2010 dengue epidemics in the French West Indies

Long-term and seasonal dynamics of dengue in Iquitos, Peru

Intra- and interseasonal autoregressive prediction of dengue outbreaks using local weather and regional climate for a tropical environment in Colombia

Increased replicative fitness of a dengue virus 2 clade in native mosquitoes: Potential contribution to a clade replacement event in Nicaragua

Impact of meteorological factors on the spatiotemporal patterns of dengue fever incidence

Identifying the high-risk areas and associated meteorological factors of dengue transmission in Guangdong Province, China from 2005 to 2011

Geographical distribution of the association between El Nino South Oscillation and dengue fever in the Americas: A continental analysis using geographical information system-based techniques

Global temperature constraints on Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus persistence and competence for dengue virus transmission

Flaviviruses, an expanding threat in public health: Focus on dengue, West Nile, and Japanese encephalitis virus

Expansion of the dengue transmission area in Brazil: The role of climate and cities

Epidemiology of dengue in a high-income country: A case study in Queensland, Australia

Estimates of meteorological variability in association with dengue cases in a coastal city in northern Vietnam: An ecological study

Epidemiology of dengue fever in Hanoi from 2002 to 2010 and its meteorological determinants

Dynamic spatiotemporal trends of dengue transmission in the Asia-Pacific Region, 1955-2004

Correlating remote sensing data with the abundance of pupae of the dengue virus mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti, in central Mexico

Climatic-driven seasonality of emerging dengue fever in Hanoi, Vietnam

Climate change and the emergence of vector-borne diseases in Europe: Case study of dengue fever

Bionomic response of Aedes aegypti to two future climate change scenarios in far north Queensland, Australia: Implications for dengue outbreaks

Assessing changing vulnerability to dengue in northeastern Brazil using a water-associated disease index approach

Assessing climate variability effects on dengue incidence in San Juan, Puerto Rico

A study of the dengue epidemic and meteorological factors in Guangzhou, China, by using a zero-inflated Poisson regression model

Weather-driven variation in dengue activity in Australia examined using a process-based modeling approach

The effects of climate variables on the outbreak of dengue in Queensland 2008-2009

Spatial patterns and socioecological drivers of dengue fever transmission in Queensland, Australia

Potential distribution of dengue fever under scenarios of climate change and economic development

Potential impacts of climate change on the ecology of dengue and its mosquito vector the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus)

Potential impacts of climate variability on dengue hemorrhagic fever in Honduras, 2010

Meteorological factors and El Nino Southern Oscillation are independently associated with dengue infections

Climatic factors influencing dengue cases in Dhaka city: A model for dengue prediction

Climate-based models for understanding and forecasting dengue epidemics

Time series analysis of dengue incidence in Guadeloupe, French West Indies: Forecasting models using climate variables as predictors

The influence of climate variables on dengue in Singapore

The influence of geographic and climate factors on the timing of dengue epidemics in Peru, 1994-2008

Risk assessment of dengue virus amplification in Europe based on spatio-temporal high resolution climate change projections

Ecological factors associated with dengue fever in a central highlands province, Vietnam

Climate variability and dengue fever in warm and humid Mexico

Climate change and dengue: Analysis of historical health and environment data for Peru

A climate model for predicting the abundance of Aedes mosquitoes in Hong Kong

The role of imported cases and favorable meteorological conditions in the onset of dengue epidemics

The extinction of dengue through natural vulnerability of its vectors

Potential influence of climate variability on dengue incidence registered in a western pediatric hospital of Venezuela

Modelling the effect of temperature on transmission of dengue

Monthly district level risk of dengue occurrences in Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand

Locally acquired dengue – Key West, Florida, 2009-2010

Ecological links between water storage behaviors and Aedes aegypti production: Implications for dengue vector control in variable climates

Dengue dynamics in Binh Thuan province, southern Vietnam: Periodicity, synchronicity and climate variability

Dengue fever and El Nino/Southern Oscillation in Queensland, Australia: A time series predictive model

Climate change and the effects of dengue upon Australia: An analysis of health impacts and costs

Changes in dengue risk potential in Hawaii, USA, due to climate variability and change

Turning points, reproduction number, and impact of climatological events for multi-wave dengue outbreaks

Time series analysis of dengue fever and weather in Guangzhou, China

Multiyear climate variability and dengue–El Nino southern oscillation, weather, and dengue incidence in Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Thailand: A longitudinal data analysis

Local and global effects of climate on dengue transmission in Puerto Rico

Integrating biophysical models and evolutionary theory to predict climatic impacts on species’ ranges: The dengue mosquito Aedes aegypti in Australia

Higher temperature and urbanization affect the spatial patterns of dengue fever transmission in subtropical Taiwan

El Ni–o Southern Oscillation and vegetation dynamics as predictors of dengue fever cases in Costa Rica

Epidemiology and vector efficiency during a dengue fever outbreak in Cixi, Zhejiang Province, China

Estimating the economic impacts of climate change on infectious diseases: A case study on dengue fever in Taiwan

Effects of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation on dengue epidemics in Thailand, 1996-2005

Distribution of dengue cases in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, during the period 2004-2006

Cost of dengue cases in eight countries in the Americas and Asia: A prospective study

Climate variability and increase in intensity and magnitude of dengue incidence in Singapore

Australia’s dengue risk driven by human adaptation to climate change

The impacts of climate change on three health outcomes: Temperature-related mortality and hospitalisations, salmonellosis and other bacterial gastroenteritis, and population at risk from dengue

Study of the relationship between Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti egg and adult densities, dengue fever and climate in Mirassol, state of S‹o Paulo, Brazil

Oral calcium administration attenuates thrombocytopenia in patients with dengue fever. Report of a pilot study

Correlation of climatic factors and dengue incidence in Metro Manila, Philippines

Climate influence on dengue epidemics in Puerto Rico

Assessing the roles of temperature, precipitation, and ENSO in dengue re-emergence on the Texas-Mexico border region

A predictive model for dengue hemorrhagic fever epidemics

Weather as an effective predictor for occurrence of dengue fever in Taiwan

Short communication: Impact of climate variability on the incidence of dengue in Mexico

Regional variability in relationships between climate and dengue/DHF in Indonesia

Potential association of dengue hemorrhagic fever incidence and remote senses land surface temperature, Thailand, 1998

Hazard Information Profiles: Supplement to UNDRR-ISC Hazard Definition & Classification Review – Technical Report

Quality criteria for the evaluation of climate-informed early warning systems for infectious diseases

Predicting Climate Sensitive Infectious Diseases to Protect Public Health and Strengthen National Security

Operational Guide: The early warning and response systems (EWARS) for Dengue Outbreaks

Climatic factors and the occurrence of dengue fever, dysentery and leptospirosis in sri-lanka 1996-2010: a retrospective study: technical report

Atlas of Health and Climate

Early detection, assessment and response to acute public health events: Implementation of Early Warning and Response with a focus on Event-Based Surveillance

Global vector control response 2017–2030: A strategic approach to tackle vector-borne diseases

Mosquito Alert