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Kids and Climate Health Zone


Climate Change and Health in Durham Region: Understanding the local health impacts of climate change

Microbiological profile, incidence, and behavior of salmonella on seeds traded in Mexican markets

ABSTRACT: Consumption of seeds has increased in recent years due to their high nutrient content. However, Salmonella outbreaks associated with the consumption of low-water-activity food items have also increased, although these food items do not support microbial growth. The main goal of this study was to quantify microbial indicators and to determine the prevalence and content of Salmonella in chia, amaranth, and sesame seeds obtained from Mexican retail outlets. In addition, the behavior of this pathogen on seeds was evaluated. One hundred samples of each product (chia, amaranth, and sesame seeds) were collected from Queretaro City markets. Aerobic plate count, coliforms, and Escherichia coli bacteria were quantified, and the presence and number of Salmonella pathogens were also determined. Chia, amaranth, and sesame seeds (1 kg each) were inoculated with a cocktail of five Salmonella strains (∼6 log CFU mL-1) and stored at ambient temperature, and then populations of Salmonella were quantified. The median aerobic plate count contents in chia, amaranth, and sesame seeds were 2.1, 2.4, and 3.8 log CFU g-1, respectively, and the content of coliforms on the seeds ranged from 0.48 to 0.56 log most probable number (MPN) per g. E. coli was present at low concentrations in the three types of seeds. Salmonella was detected in chia (31%), amaranth (15%), and sesame (12%) seeds, and the population ranged from 0.48 to 0.56 log MPN g-1. Salmonella levels decreased through 240 days of storage, showing inactivation rates of 0.017, 0.011, and 0.016 log CFU h-1 in chia, amaranth, and sesame seeds, respectively. The high prevalence of Salmonella in the seeds highlights potential risks for consumers, particularly given that seeds are generally consumed without treatments guaranteeing pathogen inactivation.

Examining the relationship between climate change and vibriosis in the United States: Projected health and economic impacts for the 21st century

BACKGROUND: This paper represents, to our knowledge, the first national-level (United States) estimate of the economic impacts of vibriosis cases as exacerbated by climate change. Vibriosis is an illness contracted through food- and waterborne exposures to various Vibrio species (e.g., nonV. cholerae O1 and O139 serotypes) found in estuarine and marine environments, including within aquatic life, such as shellfish and finfish. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to project climate-induced changes in vibriosis and associated economic impacts in the United States related to changes in sea surface temperatures (SSTs). METHODS: For our analysis to identify climate links to vibriosis incidence, we constructed three logistic regression models by Vibrio species, using vibriosis data sourced from the Cholera and Other Vibrio Illness Surveillance system and historical SSTs. We relied on previous estimates of the cost-per-case of vibriosis to estimate future total annual medical costs, lost income from productivity loss, and mortality-related indirect costs throughout the United States. We separately reported results for V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, V. alginolyticus, and “V. spp.,” given the different associated health burden of each. RESULTS: By 2090, increases in SST are estimated to result in a 51% increase in cases annually relative to the baseline era (centered on 1995) under Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5, and a 108% increase under RCP8.5. The cost of these illnesses is projected to reach $5.2 billion annually under RCP4.5, and $7.3 billion annually under RCP8.5, relative to $2.2 billion in the baseline (2018 U.S. dollars), equivalent to 140% and 234% increases respectively. DISCUSSION: Vibriosis incidence is likely to increase in the United States under moderate and unmitigated climate change scenarios through increases in SST, resulting in a substantial burden of morbidity and mortality, and costing billions of dollars. These costs are mostly attributable to deaths, primarily from exposure to V. vulnificus. Evidence suggests that other factors, including sea surface salinity, may contribute to further increases in vibriosis cases in some regions of the United States and should also be investigated. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP9999a.

Nested spatial and temporal modeling of environmental conditions associated with genetic markers of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Washington State pacific oysters

The Pacific Northwest (PNW) is one of the largest commercial harvesting areas for Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) in the United States. Vibrio parahaemolyticus, a bacterium naturally present in estuarine waters accumulates in shellfish and is a major cause of seafood-borne illness. Growers, consumers, and public-health officials have raised concerns about rising vibriosis cases in the region. Vibrio parahaemolyticus genetic markers (tlh, tdh, and trh) were estimated using an most-probable-number (MPN)-PCR technique in Washington State Pacific oysters regularly sampled between May and October from 2005 to 2019 (N = 2,836); environmental conditions were also measured at each sampling event. Multilevel mixed-effects regression models were used to assess relationships between environmental measures and genetic markers as well as genetic marker ratios (trh:tlh, tdh:tlh, and tdh:trh), accounting for variation across space and time. Spatial and temporal dependence were also accounted for in the model structure. Model fit improved when including environmental measures from previous weeks (1-week lag for air temperature, 3-week lag for salinity). Positive associations were found between tlh and surface water temp, specifically between 15 and 26°C, and between trh and surface water temperature up to 26°C. tlh and trh were negatively associated with 3-week lagged salinity in the most saline waters (> 27 ppt). There was also a positive relationship between tissue temperature and tdh, but only above 20°C. The tdh:tlh ratio displayed analogous inverted non-linear relationships as tlh. The non-linear associations found between the genetic targets and environmental measures demonstrate the complex habitat suitability of V. parahaemolyticus. Additional associations with both spatial and temporal variables also suggest there are influential unmeasured environmental conditions that could further explain bacterium variability. Overall, these findings confirm previous ecological risk factors for vibriosis in Washington State, while also identifying new associations between lagged temporal effects and pathogenic markers of V. parahaemolyticus.

Host snail species exhibit differential Angiostrongylus cantonensis prevalence and infection intensity across an environmental gradient

Diverse snail species serve as intermediate hosts of the parasitic nematode Angiostrongylus cantonensis, the etiological agent of human neuroangiostrongyliasis. However, levels of A. cantonensis infection prevalence and intensity vary dramatically among these host species. Factors contributing to this variation are largely unknown. Environmental factors, such as precipitation and temperature, have been correlated with overall A. cantonensis infection levels in a locale, but the influence of environment on infection in individual snail species has not been addressed. We identified levels of A. cantonensis prevalence and intensity in 16 species of snails collected from 29 sites along an environmental gradient on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. The relationship between infection levels of individual species and their environment was evaluated using AIC model selection of Generalized Linear Mixed Models incorporating precipitation, temperature, and vegetation cover at each collection site. Our results indicate that different mechanisms drive parasite prevalence and intensity in the intermediate hosts. Overall, snails from rainy, cool, green sites had higher infection levels than snails from dry, hot sites with less green vegetation. Intensity increased at the same rate along the environmental gradient in all species, though at different levels, while the relation between prevalence and environmental variables depended on species. These results have implications for zoonotic transmission, as human infection is a function of infection in the intermediate hosts, ingestion of which is the main pathway of transmission. The probability of human infection is greater in locations with higher rainfall, lower temperature and more vegetation cover because of higher infection prevalence in the gastropod hosts, but this depends on the host species. Moreover, severity of neuroangiostrongyliasis symptoms is likely to be greater in locations with higher rainfall, lower temperature, and more vegetation because of the higher numbers of infectious larvae (infection intensity) in all infected snail species. This study highlights the variation of infection prevalence and intensity in individual gastropod species, the individualistic nature of interactions between host species and their environment, and the implications for human neuroangiostrongyliasis in different environments.

Climate change and enteric infections in the Canadian Arctic: Do we know what’s on the horizon?

The Canadian Arctic has a long history with diarrheal disease, including outbreaks of campylobacteriosis, giardiasis, and salmonellosis. Due to climate change, the Canadian Arctic is experiencing rapid environmental transformation, which not only threatens the livelihood of local Indigenous Peoples, but also supports the spread, frequency, and intensity of enteric pathogen outbreaks. Advances in diagnostic testing and detection have brought to attention the current burden of disease due to Cryptosporidium, Campylobacter, and Helicobacter pylori. As climate change is known to influence pathogen transmission (e.g., food and water), Arctic communities need support in developing prevention and surveillance strategies that are culturally appropriate. This review aims to provide an overview of how climate change is currently and is expected to impact enteric pathogens in the Canadian Arctic.

Salmonella genomics and population analyses reveal high inter- and intraserovar diversity in freshwater

Freshwater can support the survival of the enteric pathogen Salmonella, though temporal Salmonella diversity in a large watershed has not been assessed. At 28 locations within the Susquehanna River basin, 10-liter samples were assessed in spring and summer over 2 years. Salmonella prevalence was 49%, and increased river discharge was the main driver of Salmonella presence. The amplicon-based sequencing tool, CRISPR-SeroSeq, was used to determine serovar population diversity and detected 25 different Salmonella serovars, including up to 10 serovars from a single water sample. On average, there were three serovars per sample, and 80% of Salmonella-positive samples contained more than one serovar. Serovars Give, Typhimurium, Thompson, and Infantis were identified throughout the watershed and over multiple collections. Seasonal differences were evident: serovar Give was abundant in the spring, whereas serovar Infantis was more frequently identified in the summer. Eight of the ten serovars most commonly associated with human illness were detected in this study. Crucially, six of these serovars often existed in the background, where they were masked by a more abundant serovar(s) in a sample. Serovars Enteritidis and Typhimurium, especially, were masked in 71 and 78% of samples where they were detected, respectively. Whole-genome sequencing-based phylogeny demonstrated that strains within the same serovar collected throughout the watershed were also very diverse. The Susquehanna River basin is the largest system where Salmonella prevalence and serovar diversity have been temporally and spatially investigated, and this study reveals an extraordinary level of inter- and intraserovar diversity.IMPORTANCE Salmonella is a leading cause of bacterial foodborne illness in the United States, and outbreaks linked to fresh produce are increasing. Understanding Salmonella ecology in freshwater is of importance, especially where irrigation practices or recreational use occur. As the third largest river in the United States east of the Mississippi, the Susquehanna River is the largest freshwater contributor to the Chesapeake Bay, and it is the largest river system where Salmonella diversity has been studied. Rainfall and subsequent high river discharge rates were the greatest indicators of Salmonella presence in the Susquehanna and its tributaries. Several Salmonella serovars were identified, including eight commonly associated with foodborne illness. Many clinically important serovars were present at a low frequency within individual samples and so could not be detected by conventional culture methods. The technologies employed here reveal an average of three serovars in a 10-liter sample of water and up to 10 serovars in a single sample.

Edaphoclimatic seasonal trends and variations of the Salmonella spp. infection in Northwestern Mexico

Currently, Salmonella spp. is the bacterium causing the highest number of food-borne diseases (FADs) in the world. It is primarily associated with contaminated water used to that irrigates crops from intensive livestock farming. However, literature emphasizes that the reservoirs for Salmonella spp. remain in wildlife and there are unconventional sources or secondary reservoirs, such as soil. Human soil-borne diseases have not been modeled in spatial scenarios, and therefore it is necessary to consider soil and other climatic factors to anticipate the emergence of new strains or serotypes with potential threat to public and animal health. The objective of this research was to investigate whether edaphic and climatic factors are associated with the occurrence and prevalence of Salmonella spp. in Northwestern Mexico. We estimated the potential distribution of Salmonella spp. with an interpolation method of unsampled kriging areas for 15 environmental variables, considering that these factors have a seasonal dynamic of change during the year and modifications in longer periods. Subsequently, a database was generated with human salmonellosis cases reported in the epidemiological bulletins of the National System of Epidemiological Surveillance (SIVE). For the Northwest region, there were 30,595 human cases of paratyphoid and other salmonellosis reported have been reported in Baja California state, 71,462 in Chihuahua, and 16,247 in Sonora from 2002 to 2019. The highest prevalence was identified in areas with higher temperatures between 35 and 37 °C, and precipitation greater than 1000 mm. The edaphic variables limited the prevalence and geographical distribution of Salmonella spp., because the region is characterized by presenting a low percentage of organic matter (≤4.3), and most of the territory is classified as aridic and xeric, which implies that the humidity comprises ≤ 180 days a year. Finally, the seasonal time series indicated that in the states of Baja California and Chihuahua the rainy quarter of the year is 18.7% and 17.01% above a typical quarter respectively, while for Sonora the warmest quarter is 23.3%. It is necessary to deepen the relationship between different soil characteristics and climate elements such as temperature and precipitation, which influence the distribution of different soil-transmitted diseases.

Climate change, extreme events, and increased risk of salmonellosis: Foodborne diseases active surveillance network (FoodNet), 2004-2014

BACKGROUND: Infections with nontyphoidal Salmonella cause an estimated 19,336 hospitalizations each year in the United States. Sources of infection can vary by state and include animal and plant-based foods, as well as environmental reservoirs. Several studies have recognized the importance of increased ambient temperature and precipitation in the spread and persistence of Salmonella in soil and food. However, the impact of extreme weather events on Salmonella infection rates among the most prevalent serovars, has not been fully evaluated across distinct U.S. regions. METHODS: To address this knowledge gap, we obtained Salmonella case data for S. Enteriditis, S. Typhimurium, S. Newport, and S. Javiana (2004-2014; n = 32,951) from the Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet), and weather data from the National Climatic Data Center (1960-2014). Extreme heat and precipitation events for the study period (2004-2014) were identified using location and calendar day specific 95(th) percentile thresholds derived using a 30-year baseline (1960-1989). Negative binomial generalized estimating equations were used to evaluate the association between exposure to extreme events and salmonellosis rates. RESULTS: We observed that extreme heat exposure was associated with increased rates of infection with S. Newport in Maryland (Incidence Rate Ratio (IRR): 1.07, 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.01, 1.14), and Tennessee (IRR: 1.06, 95% CI: 1.04, 1.09), both FoodNet sites with high densities of animal feeding operations (e.g., broiler chickens and cattle). Extreme precipitation events were also associated with increased rates of S. Javiana infections, by 22% in Connecticut (IRR: 1.22, 95% CI: 1.10, 1.35) and by 5% in Georgia (IRR: 1.05, 95% CI: 1.01, 1.08), respectively. In addition, there was an 11% (IRR: 1.11, 95% CI: 1.04-1.18) increased rate of S. Newport infections in Maryland associated with extreme precipitation events. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, our study suggests a stronger association between extreme precipitation events, compared to extreme heat, and salmonellosis across multiple U.S. regions. In addition, the rates of infection with Salmonella serovars that persist in environmental or plant-based reservoirs, such as S. Javiana and S. Newport, appear to be of particular significance regarding increased heat and rainfall events.

Impact of the future coastal water temperature scenarios on the risk of potential growth of pathogenic Vibrio marine bacteria

Vibrio (V), a genus of marine bacteria, are common inhabitants of warm coastal waters and estuaries. Vibrio includes V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus species that can cause human infections through the consumption of contaminated shellfish (as bivalve molluscs). The growth of pathogenic Vibrio is related to ambient water temperature and seems to increase at 15 degrees C and over. The expansion of Vibrio infection outbreak is increasing worldwide due to the increase of the sea surface temperature as a result of ocean warming. Canada’s coast is not an exception to this worldwide Vibrio spread. Faced with this issue, this study focuses on modelling the future potential Vibrio growth risk along the coasts of the St. Lawrence Gulf and Estuary, where the shellfish industry is well developed. This is done using the adequate machine learning model with explanatory variables that include air temperature and wind speed for predicting future water temperatures. Based on the predicted future water temperature scenarios and a threshold of 15 degrees C to determine the conditions favorable to the growth of Vibrio bacteria, we modelled the Vibrio growth risk indicator, i.e. the number of days exceeding the minimum temperature for Vibrio pathogenic growth (15 degrees C), in the horizon 2040-2100. Simulations show that the number of days, where the minimum temperature (15 degrees C) will be reached, will increase spatially and even seasonally and all the shellfish beds would meet the temperature condition for Vibrio growth regardless of the climate scenario (optimistic and pessimistic).

The effect of landscape and human settlement on the genetic differentiation and presence of Paragonimus species in Mesoamerica

Foodborne diseases are a neglected research area, and despite the existence of many tools for diagnosis and genetic studies, very little is known about the effect of the landscape on the genetic diversity and presence of parasites. One of these foodborne disease is paragonimiasis, caused by trematodes of the genus Paragonimus, which is responsible for a high number of infections in humans and wild animals. The main Paragonimus sp reported in Mesoamerica is Paragonimus mexicanus, yet there are doubts about its correct identification as a unique species throughout the region. This, together with a lack of detailed knowledge about their ecology, evolution and differentiation, may complicate the implementation of control strategies across the Mesoamerican region. We had the goal of delimiting the species of P. mexicanus found throughout Mesoamerica and determining the effect of landscape and geology on the diversity and presence of the parasite. We found support for the delimitation of five genetic groups. The genetic differentiation among these groups was positively affected by elevation and the isolation of river basins, while the parasite’s presence was affected negatively only by the presence of human settlements. These results suggest that areas with lower elevation, connected rivers basins, and an absence of human settlements have low genetic differentiation and high P. mexicanus presence, which may increase the risk of Paragonimus infection. These demonstrate the importance of accurate species delimitation and consideration of the effect of landscape on Paragonimus in the proposal of adequate control strategies. However, other landscape variables cannot be discarded, including temperature, rainfall regime, and spatial scale (local, landscape and regional). These additional variables were not explored here, and should be considered in future studies.

High ambient temperature and risk of hospitalization for gastrointestinal infection in Brazil: A nationwide case-crossover study during 2000-2015

BACKGROUND: The burden of gastrointestinal infections related to hot ambient temperature remains largely unexplored in low-to-middle income countries which have most of the cases globally and are experiencing the greatest impact from climate change. The situation is particularly true in Brazil. OBJECTIVES: Using medical records covering over 78 % of population, we quantify the association between high temperature and risk of hospitalization for gastrointestinal infection in Brazil between 2000 and 2015. METHODS: Data on hospitalization for gastrointestinal infection and weather conditions were collected from 1814 Brazilian cities during the 2000-2015 hot seasons. A time-stratified case-crossover design was used to estimate the association. Stratified analyses were performed by region, sex, age-group, type of infection and early/late study period. RESULTS: For every 5 °C increase in mean daily temperature, the cumulative odds ratio (OR) of hospitalization over 0-9 days was 1.22 [95 % confidence interval (CI): 1.21, 1.23] at the national level, reaching its maximum in the south and its minimum in the north. The strength of association tended to decline across successive age-groups, with infants < 1 year most susceptible. The effect estimates were similar for men and women. Waterborne and foodborne infections were more associated with high temperature than the 'others' and 'idiopathic' groups. There was no substantial change in the association over the 16-year study period. DISCUSSION: Our findings indicate that exposure to high temperature is associated with increased risk of hospitalization for gastrointestinal infection in the hot season, with the strength varying by region, population subgroup and infection type. There was no evidence to indicate adaptation to heat over the study duration.

Climate change and emerging food safety issues: A review

ABSTRACT: Throughout the past decades, climate change has been one of the most complex global issues. Characterized by worldwide alterations in weather patterns, along with a concomitant increase in the temperature of the Earth, climate change will undoubtedly have significant effects on food security and food safety. Climate change engenders climate variability: significant variations in weather variables and their frequency. Both climate variability and climate change are thought to threaten the safety of the food supply chain through different pathways. One such pathway is the ability to exacerbate foodborne diseases by influencing the occurrence, persistence, virulence and, in some cases, toxicity of certain groups of disease-causing microorganisms. Food safety can also be compromised by various chemical hazards, such as pesticides, mycotoxins, and heavy metals. With changes in weather patterns, such as lower rainfall, higher air temperature, and higher frequency of extreme weather events among others, this translates to emerging food safety concerns. These include the shortage of safe water for irrigation of agricultural produce, greater use of pesticides due to pest resistance, increased difficulty in achieving a well-controlled cold chain resulting in temperature abuse, or the occurrence of flash floods, which cause runoff of chemical contaminants in natural water courses. Together, these can result in foodborne infection, intoxication, antimicrobial resistance, and long-term bioaccumulation of chemicals and heavy metals in the human body. Furthermore, severe climate variability can result in extreme weather events and natural calamities, which directly or indirectly impair food safety. This review discusses the causes and impacts of climate change and variability on existing and emerging food safety risks and also considers mitigation and adaptation strategies to address the global warming and climate change problem.

Gambierdiscus and its associated toxins: A minireview

Gambierdiscus is a dinoflagellate genus widely distributed throughout tropical and subtropical regions. Some members of this genus can produce a group of potent polycyclic polyether neurotoxins responsible for ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP), one of the most significant food-borne illnesses associated with fish consumption. Ciguatoxins and maitotoxins, the two major toxins produced by Gambierdiscus, act on voltage-gated channels and TRPA1 receptors, consequently leading to poisoning and even death in both humans and animals. Over the past few decades, the occurrence and geographic distribution of CFP have undergone a significant expansion due to intensive anthropogenic activities and global climate change, which results in more human illness, a greater public health impact, and larger economic losses. The global spread of CFP has led to Gambierdiscus and its toxins being considered an environmental and human health concern worldwide. In this review, we seek to provide an overview of recent advances in the field of Gambierdiscus and its associated toxins based on the existing literature combined with re-analyses of current data. The taxonomy, phylogenetics, geographic distribution, environmental regulation, toxin detection method, toxin biosynthesis, and pharmacology and toxicology of Gambierdiscus are summarized and discussed. We also highlight future perspectives on Gambierdiscus and its associated toxins.

Developing a one health approach by using a multi-dimensional matrix

The One Health concept that human, animal, plant, environmental, and ecosystem health are linked provides a framework for examining and addressing complex health challenges. This framework can be represented as a multi-dimensional matrix that can be used as a tool to identify upstream drivers of disease potential in a concise, systematic, and comprehensive way. The matrix can involve up to four dimensions depending on users’ needs. This paper describes and illustrates how the matrix tool might be used to facilitate systems thinking, enabling the development of effective and equitable public policies. The multidimensional One Health matrix tool will be used to examine, as an example, global human and animal fecal wastes. The fecal wastes are analyzed at the microbial and population levels over a timeframe of years. Political, social, and economic factors are part of the matrix and will be examined as well. The One Health matrix tool illustrates how foodborne illnesses, food insecurity, antimicrobial resistance, and climate change are inter-related. Understanding these inter-relationships is essential to develop the public policies needed to achieve many of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Molluscs-a ticking microbial bomb

Bivalve shellfish consumption (ark shells, clams, cockles, and oysters) has increased over the last decades. Following this trend, infectious disease outbreaks associated with their consumption have been reported more frequently. Molluscs are a diverse group of organisms found wild and farmed. They are common on our tables, but unfortunately, despite their great taste, they can also pose a threat as a potential vector for numerous species of pathogenic microorganisms. Clams, in particular, might be filled with pathogens because of their filter-feeding diet. This specific way of feeding favors the accumulation of excessive amounts of pathogenic microorganisms like Vibrio spp., including Vibrio cholerae and V. parahaemolyticus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Arcobacter spp., and fecal coliforms, and intestinal enterococci. The problems of pathogen dissemination and disease outbreaks caused by exogenous bacteria in many geographical regions quickly became an unwanted effect of globalized food supply chains, global climate change, and natural pathogen transmission dynamics. Moreover, some pathogens like Shewanella spp., with high zoonotic potential, are spreading worldwide along with food transport. These bacteria, contained in food, are also responsible for the potential transmission of antibiotic-resistance genes to species belonging to the human microbiota. Finally, they end up in wastewater, thus colonizing new areas, which enables them to introduce new antibiotic-resistance genes (ARG) into the environment and extend the existing spectrum of ARGs already present in local biomes. Foodborne pathogens require modern methods of detection. Similarly, detecting ARGs is necessary to prevent resistance dissemination in new environments, thus preventing future outbreaks, which could threaten associated consumers and workers in the food processing industry.

Impacts of climate change on the biogeography of three amnesic shellfish toxin producing diatom species

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are considered one of the main risks for marine ecosystems and human health worldwide. Climate change is projected to induce significant changes in species geographic distribution, and, in this sense, it is paramount to accurately predict how it will affect toxin-producing microalgae. In this context, the present study was intended to project the potential biogeographical changes in habitat suitability and occurrence distribution of three key amnesic shellfish toxin (AST)-producing diatom species (i.e., Pseudo-nitzschia australis, P. seriata, and P. fraudulenta) under four different climate change scenarios (i.e., RCP-2.6, 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5) up to 2050 and 2100. For this purpose, we applied species distribution models (SDMs) using four abiotic predictors (i.e., sea surface temperature, salinity, current velocity, and bathymetry) in a MaxEnt framework. Overall, considerable contraction and potential extirpation were projected for all species at lower latitudes together with projected poleward expansions into higher latitudes, mainly in the northern hemisphere. The present study aims to contribute to the knowledge on the impacts of climate change on the biogeography of toxin-producing microalgae species while at the same time advising the correct environmental management of coastal habitats and ecosystems.

A multiplex pcr for the detection of Vibrio vulnificus hazardous to human and/or animal health from seafood

Vibrio vulnificus is a zoonotic pathogen linked to aquaculture that is spreading due to climate change. The pathogen can be transmitted to humans and animals by ingestion of raw shellfish or seafood feed, respectively. The aim of this work was to design and test a new procedure to detect V. vulnificus hazardous to human and/or animal health in food/feed samples. For this purpose, we combined a pre-enrichment step with multiplex PCR using primers for the species and for human and animal virulence markers. In vitro assays with mixed DNA from different Vibrio species and Vibrio cultures showed that the new protocol was 100 % specific with a detection limit of 10 cfu/mL. The protocol was successfully validated in seafood using artificially contaminated live shrimp and proved useful also in pathogen isolation from animals and their ecosystem. In conclusion, this novel protocol could be applied in health risk studies associated with food/feed consumption, as well as in the routine identification and subtyping of V. vulnificus from environmental or clinical samples.

Target acquired: Transcriptional regulators as drug targets for protozoan parasites

Protozoan parasites are single-celled eukaryotic organisms that cause significant human disease and pose a substantial health and socioeconomic burden worldwide. They are responsible for at least 1 million deaths annually. The treatment of such diseases is hindered by the ability of parasites to form latent cysts, develop drug resistance, or be transmitted by insect vectors. Additionally, these pathogens have developed complex mechanisms to alter host gene expression. The prevalence of these diseases is predicted to increase as climate change leads to the augmentation of ambient temperatures, insect ranges, and warm water reservoirs. Therefore, the discovery of novel treatments is necessary. Transcription factors lie at the junction of multiple signalling pathways in eukaryotes and aberrant transcription factor function contributes to the progression of numerous human diseases including cancer, diabetes, inflammatory disorders and cardiovascular disease. Transcription factors were previously thought to be undruggable. However, due to recent advances, transcription factors now represent appealing drug targets. It is conceivable that transcription factors, and the pathways they regulate, may also serve as targets for anti-parasitic drug design. Here, we review transcription factors and transcriptional modulators of protozoan parasites, and discuss how they may be useful in drug discovery. We also provide information on transcription factors that play a role in stage conversion of parasites, TATA box-binding proteins, and transcription factors and cofactors that participate with RNA polymerases I, II and III. We also highlight a significant gap in knowledge in that the transcription factors of some of parasites have been under-investigated. Understanding parasite transcriptional pathways and how parasites alter host gene expression will be essential in discovering innovative drug targets.

Associations between ambient temperature and enteric infections by pathogen: A systematic review and meta-analysis

BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have quantified the associations between ambient temperature and enteric infections, particularly all-cause enteric infections. However, the temperature sensitivity of enteric infections might be pathogen dependent. Here, we sought to identify pathogen-specific associations between ambient temperature and enteric infections. METHODS: We did a systematic review and meta-analysis by searching PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus for peer-reviewed research articles published from Jan 1, 2000, to Dec 31, 2019, and also hand searched reference lists of included articles and excluded reviews. We included studies that quantified the effects of ambient temperature increases on common pathogen-specific enteric infections in humans. We excluded studies that expressed ambient temperature as a categorical or diurnal range, or in a standardised format. Two authors screened the search results, one author extracted data from eligible studies, and four authors verified the data. We obtained the overall risks by pooling the relative risks of enteric infection by pathogen for each 1°C temperature rise using random-effects modelling and robust variance estimation for the correlated effect estimates. Between-study heterogeneity was measured using I(2), τ(2), and Q-statistic. Publication bias was determined using funnel plot asymmetry and the trim-and-fill method. Differences among pathogen-specific pooled estimates were determined using subgroup analysis of taxa-specific meta-analysis. The study protocol was not registered but followed the PRISMA guidelines. FINDINGS: We identified 2981 articles via database searches and 57 articles from scanning reference lists of excluded reviews and included articles, of which 40 were eligible for pathogen-specific meta-analyses. The overall increased risks of incidence per 1°C temperature rise, expressed as relative risks, were 1·05 (95% CI 1·04-1·07; I(2) 97%) for salmonellosis, 1·07 (1·04-1·10; I(2) 99%) for shigellosis, 1·02 (1·01-1·04; I(2) 98%) for campylobacteriosis, 1·05 (1·04-1·07; I(2) 36%) for cholera, 1·04 (1·01-1·07; I(2) 98%) for Escherichia coli enteritis, and 1·15 (1·07-1·24; I(2) 0%) for typhoid. Reduced risks per 1°C temperature increase were 0·96 (95% CI 0·90-1·02; I(2) 97%) for rotaviral enteritis and 0·89 (0·81-0·99; I(2) 96%) for noroviral enteritis. There was evidence of between-pathogen differences in risk for bacterial infections but not for viral infections. INTERPRETATION: Temperature sensitivity of enteric infections can vary according to the enteropathogen causing the infection, particularly for bacteria. Thus, we encourage a pathogen-specific health adaptation approach, such as vaccination, given the possibility of increasingly warm temperatures in the future. FUNDING: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Kakenhi) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research.

The current situation and potential effects of climate change on the microbial load of marine bivalves of the Greek coastlines: An integrative review

Global warming affects the aquatic ecosystems, accelerating pathogenic microorganisms’ and toxic microalgae’s growth and spread in marine habitats, and in bivalve molluscs. New parasite invasions are directly linked to oceanic warming. Consumption of pathogen-infected molluscs impacts human health at different rates, depending, inter alia, on the bacteria taxa. It is therefore necessary to monitor microbiological and chemical contamination of food. Many global cases of poisoning from bivalve consumption can be traced back to Mediterranean regions. This article aims to examine the marine bivalve’s infestation rate within the scope of climate change, as well as to evaluate the risk posed by climate change to bivalve welfare and public health. Biological and climatic data literature review was performed from international scientific sources, Greek authorities and State organizations. Focusing on Greek aquaculture and bivalve fisheries, high-risk index pathogenic parasites and microalgae were observed during summer months, particularly in Thermaikos Gulf. Considering the climate models that predict further temperature increases, it seems that marine organisms will be subjected in the long term to higher temperatures. Due to the positive linkage between temperature and microbial load, the marine areas most affected by this phenomenon are characterized as ‘high risk’ for consumer health.

Incidence and risk factors of salmonellosis in Ukraine

The article, based on the reports of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, presents the materials of the epidemiological surveillance of salmonellosis in 2011-2018. To assess the influence of factors on the epidemic process of salmonellosis, the demographic situation, income and living conditions of the population were studied; average monthly air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation; the quantitative and qualitative composition of the microbiocenosis of patients with signs of acute intestinal infection. It was found that in Ukraine the incidence of salmonellosis is high. Outbreaks of salmonellosis are recorded. S. enteritidis is most often isolated from the clinical material of patients, carriers and human objects (p <0.05). The risk groups for salmonellosis are children (p <0.05), as well as the rural population (p 7lt;0.05). The low level of sanitary and epidemiological control at the stages of production, transportation and sale of food products, water supply contributes to the spread of salmonellosis. Natural factors have a regulating effect on the intensity of the epidemic salmonella process: a strong direct relationship is established between the incidence and air temperature and precipitation (p <0.05). Salmonella enters into a competitive or synergistic relationship with other microorganisms in the intestinal biotope. Thus, the intensity of the epidemic process of salmonellosis can be influenced not only by external (natural and social), but also by internal factors.

Dinophysis spp. Abundance and toxicity events in South Cornwall, U.K.: Interannual variability and environmental drivers at three coastal sites

Dinophysis is a genus of dinoflagellates with the potential to cause diarrhoeic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) in humans. The lipophilic toxins produced by some species of Dinophysis spp. can accumulate within shellfish flesh even at low cell abundances, and this may result in the closure of a shellfish farm if toxins exceed the recommended upper limit. Over the period 2014 to 2020 inclusive there were several toxic events along the South West coast of U.K. related to Dinophysis spp. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) monitoring programme measure Dinophysis cell abundances and toxin concentration within shellfish flesh around the coasts of England and Wales, but there are few schemes routinely measuring the environmental parameters that may be important drivers for these Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). This study uses retrospective data from the FSA monitoring at three sites on the south Cornwall coast as well as environmental data from some novel platforms such as coastal WaveRider buoys to investigate potential drivers and explore whether either blooms or toxic events at these sites can be predicted from environmental data. Wind direction was found to be important in determining whether a bloom develops at these sites, and low air temperature in June was associated with low toxicity in the shellfish flesh. Using real time data from local platforms may help shellfish farmers predict future toxic events and minimise financial loss.

Physiological changes induced by sodium chloride stress in Aphanizomenon gracile, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Dolichospermum sp

Due to anthropogenic activities, associated with climate change, many freshwater ecosystems are expected to experience an increase in salinity. This phenomenon is predicted to favor the development and expansion of freshwater cyanobacteria towards brackish waters due to their transfer along the estuarine freshwater-marine continuum. Since freshwater cyanobacteria are known to produce toxins, this represents a serious threat for animal and human health. Saxitoxins (STXs) are classified among the most powerful cyanotoxins. It becomes thus critical to evaluate the capacity of cyanobacteria producing STXs to face variations in salinity and to better understand the physiological consequences of sodium chloride (NaCl) exposure, in particular on their toxicity. Laboratory experiments were conducted on three filamentous cyanobacteria species isolated from brackish (Dolichospermum sp.) and fresh waters (Aphanizomenon gracile and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii) to determine how salinity variations affect their growth, photosynthetic activity, pigment composition, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), synthesis of compatible solutes and STXs intracellular quotas. Salinity tolerance was found to be species-specific. Dolichospermum sp. was more resistant to salinity variations than A. gracile and C. raciborskii. NaCl variations reduced growth in all species. In A. gracile, carotenoids content was dose-dependently reduced by NaCl. By contrast, in C. raciborskii and Dolichospermum sp., variations in carotenoids content did not show obvious relationships with NaCl concentration. While in Dolichospermum sp. phycocyanin and phycoerythrin increased within the first 24 h exposure to NaCl, in both A. gracile and C. raciborskii, these pigments decreased proportionally to NaCl concentration. Low changes in salinity did not impact STXs production in A. gracile and C. raciborskii while higher increase in salinity could modify the toxin profile and content of C. raciborskii (intracellular STX decreased while dc-GTX2 increased). In estuaries, A. gracile and C. raciborskii would not be able to survive beyond the oligohaline area (i.e. salinity > 5). Conversely, in part due to its ability to accumulate compatible solutes, Dolichospermum sp. has the potential to face consequent salinity variations and to survive in the polyhaline area (at least up to salinity = 24).

Medical error in treatment of amanita phalloides poisoning in pre-hospital care

Background Geopolitical and climate changes form the background of the current migration crisis. It has many faces. One of them are the tragic cases of poisoning of refugees due to eating wild forest mushrooms for socioeconomic reasons in the Western and Northern European countries. The most serious food poisonings in Europe, but not only, are caused by lamellar mushrooms, the most dangerous being Amanita phalloides. Its poisonous properties can be attributed to alpha-amanitin, an RNA polymerase II inhibitor. Unfortunately, as it is characterized by a delayed onset of symptoms, A. phalloides poisoning has a high risk of complications. Case presentation Our article presents a case of A. phalloides poisoning in a 28-year-old man, in which the responding medical emergency unit made errors in diagnosis and treatment. Since the correct diagnosis was made too late, the typical treatment of A. phalloides poisoning was ineffective. The patient suffered a life-threatening liver failure and needed liver transplant from a deceased donor. Conclusions Mushroom poisoning is a particularly important problem not only in countries with a mushroom picking tradition, but also-due to the inflow of refugees-in countries where mushroom poisoning was very rare until recently. In such cases it is crucial to quickly implement the correct procedure, as this can prevent the need for liver transplant or even death. This is a particularly important consideration for the first medical professionals to contact the patient, especially in cases where the patient reports mushrooms consumption and presents alarming symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract. Such situations cannot be underestimated and ignored.

Evaluation of a harmonized undergraduate catalog for veterinary public health and food hygiene pedagogy in Europe

Current and emerging veterinary public health (VPH) challenges raised by globalization, climate change, and industrialization of food production require the veterinarian’s role to evolve in parallel and veterinary education to adapt to reflect these changes. The European Food Hygiene catalog was developed to provide a list of topics relevant to Day One Competencies in VPH. A study was undertaken to ensure that the catalog and teaching practices were pertinent to the work of public health veterinarians. Relevant stakeholders were consulted using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. A long questionnaire was distributed to 49 academics teaching VPH in European veterinary schools to review topics listed in the catalog. Eighteen responses were received (36.7%), representing 12 European countries. There was general agreement that most topics were appropriate for the undergraduate VPH curriculum. A short questionnaire was distributed to 348 European veterinarians working in the industry. Twenty-four questionnaires (6.7%) were received, representing eight European countries. Despite the low participation rate, topics needing greater emphasis in the undergraduate curriculum included Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP), food microbiology, and audits. Seven semi-structured interviews with public health veterinarians working in the UK identified the need for curricular changes including greater practical experience and a shift from a focus on meat inspection to risk management. This may be partly achieved by replacing traditional lectures with authentic case-based scenarios. The study findings can be used to inform the future direction to VPH education for veterinary students across Europe.

Impact analysis of rotavirus vaccination in various geographic regions in Western Europe

BACKGROUND: Universal mass vaccination (UMV) against rotavirus has been implemented in many but not all European countries. This study investigated the impact of UMV on rotavirus incidence trends by comparing European countries with UMV: Belgium, England/Wales and Germany versus countries without UMV: Denmark and the Netherlands. METHODS: For this observational retrospective cohort study, time series data (2001-2016) on rotavirus detections, meteorological factors and population demographics were collected. For each country, several meteorological and population factors were investigated as possible predictors of rotavirus incidence. The final set of predictors were incorporated in negative binomial models accounting for seasonality and serial autocorrelation, and time-varying incidence rate ratios (IRR) were calculated for each age group and country separately. The overall vaccination impact two years after vaccine implementation was estimated by pooling the results using a random effects meta-analyses. Independent t-tests were used to compare annual epidemics in the pre-vaccination and post-vaccination era to explore any changes in the timing of rotavirus epidemics. RESULTS: The population size and several meteorological factors were predictors for the rotavirus epidemiology. Overall, we estimated a 42% (95%-CI 23;56%) reduction in rotavirus incidence attributable to UMV. Strongest reductions were observed for age-groups 0-, 1- and 2-years (IRR 0.47, 0.48 and 0.63, respectively). No herd effect induced by UMV in neighbouring countries was observed. In all UMV countries, the start and/or stop and corresponding peak of the rotavirus season was delayed by 4-7 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of rotavirus UMV resulted in an overall reduction of 42% in rotavirus incidence in Western European countries two years after vaccine introduction and caused a change in seasonal pattern. No herd effect induced by UMV neighbouring countries was observed for Denmark and the Netherlands.

Influence of air temperature and implemented veterinary measures on the incidence of human salmonellosis in the Czech Republic during 1998-2017

BACKGROUND: The aim of our study was to analyse the influence of air temperature and implemented veterinary measures on salmonellosis incidence in the Czech Republic (CZ). METHODS: We conducted a descriptive analysis of salmonellosis as reported to the Czech national surveillance system during 1998-2017 and evaluated the influence of applied veterinary measures (started in January 2008) on salmonellosis incidence by comparing two 9-year periods (1998-2006, 2009-2017). Using a generalized additive model, we analysed association between monthly mean air temperature and log-transformed salmonellosis incidence over the entire twenty-year period. RESULTS: A total of 410,533 salmonellosis cases were reported during the study period in the CZ. Annual mean incidences of salmonellosis were 313.0/100,000 inhabitants before and 99.0/100,000 inhabitants after implementation of the veterinary measures. The time course of incidence was non-linear, with a sharp decline during 2006-2010. Significant association was found between disease incidence and air temperature. On average, the data indicated that within a common temperature range every 1 °C rise in air temperature contributed to a significant 6.2% increase in salmonellosis cases. CONCLUSIONS: Significant non-linear effects of annual trend, within-year seasonality, and air temperature on the incidence of salmonellosis during 1998-2017 were found. Our study also demonstrates significant direct effect of preventive veterinary measures taken in poultry in reducing incidence of human salmonellosis in the CZ. The annual mean number of salmonellosis cases in the period after introducing the veterinary measures was only 32.5% of what it had been in the previous period.

Negative trend in seroprevalence of anti-toxoplasma Gondii igg antibodies among the general population of the province of Vojvodina, Serbia, 2008-2021

This study aimed to estimate dynamic changes in seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii within the general population living in the northern part of the Republic of Serbia (Province of Vojvodina) during a 14-year period. The differences in prevalence of anti-toxoplasma antibodies were analyzed in correlation with age, gender, residential area (rural/urban) and meteorological factors. In this cohort retrospective study, 24,440 subjects between 1 and 88 years old were enrolled. To determine the presence of T. gondii-specific IgM and IgG antibodies in serum samples, commercially available ELISA kits were used (Euroimmun, Luebeck, Germany). During the study period, the overall T. gondii seroprevalence was 23.5%. The seroprevalence continuously decreased over time from 31.7% in 2008 to 20.4% in 2021 (0.81% per year, p < 0.001). Approximately 2% of patients had a serologic profile positive for both anti-Toxoplasma IgG and IgM antibodies. The seroprevalence was higher (28.87%) among men compared to women (24.28%), while urban residents (24.94%) had lower seroprevalence than the rural population (28.17%). A statistically significant negative correlation (r = -0.559) was found between serologic profile of patients positive for both T. gondii IgG and IgM antibodies and the annual mean air temperature. No significant association was observed between seropositivity to T. gondii infection and examined meteorological factors. These data could be useful to national and regional health authorities to create an optimal health policy to reduce rate of T. gondii infections.

Harmful algal blooms and their effects in coastal seas of Northern Europe

Harmful algal blooms (HAB) are recurrent phenomena in northern Europe along the coasts of the Baltic Sea, Kattegat-Skagerrak, eastern North Sea, Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea. These HABs have caused occasional massive losses for the aquaculture industry and have chronically affected socioeconomic interests in several ways. This status review gives an overview of historical HAB events and summarises reports to the Harmful Algae Event Database from 1986 to the end of year 2019 and observations made in long term monitoring programmes of potentially harmful phytoplankton and of phycotoxins in bivalve shellfish. Major HAB taxa causing fish mortalities in the region include blooms of the prymnesiophyte Chrysochromulina leadbeateri in northern Norway in 1991 and 2019, resulting in huge economic losses for fish farmers. A bloom of the prymesiophyte Prymnesium polylepis (syn. Chrysochromulina polylepis) in the Kattegat-Skagerrak in 1988 was ecosystem disruptive. Blooms of the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis spp. have caused accumulations of foam on beaches in the southwestern North Sea and Wadden Sea coasts and shellfish mortality has been linked to their occurrence. Mortality of shellfish linked to HAB events has been observed in estuarine waters associated with influx of water from the southern North Sea. The first bloom of the dictyochophyte genus Pseudochattonella was observed in 1998, and since then such blooms have been observed in high cell densities in spring causing fish mortalities some years. Dinoflagellates, primarily Dinophysis spp., intermittently yield concentrations of Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxins (DST) in blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, above regulatory limits along the coasts of Norway, Denmark and the Swedish west coast. On average, DST levels in shellfish have decreased along the Swedish and Norwegian Skagerrak coasts since approximately 2006, coinciding with a decrease in the cell abundance of D. acuta. Among dinoflagellates, Alexandrium species are the major source of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PST) in the region. PST concentrations above regulatory levels were rare in the Skagerrak-Kattegat during the three decadal review period, but frequent and often abundant findings of Alexandrium resting cysts in surface sediments indicate a high potential risk for blooms. PST levels often above regulatory limits along the west coast of Norway are associated with A. catenella (ribotype Group 1) as the main toxin producer. Other Alexandrium species, such as A. ostenfeldii and A. minutum, are capable of producing PST among some populations but are usually not associated with PSP events in the region. The cell abundance of A. pseudogonyaulax, a producer of the ichthyotoxin goniodomin (GD), has increased in the Skagerrak-Kattegat since 2010, and may constitute an emerging threat. The dinoflagellate Azadinium spp. have been unequivocally linked to the presence of azaspiracid toxins (AZT) responsible for Azaspiracid Shellfish Poisoning (AZP) in northern Europe. These toxins were detected in bivalve shellfish at concentrations above regulatory limits for the first time in Norway in blue mussels in 2005 and in Sweden in blue mussels and oysters (Ostrea edulis and Crassostrea gigas) in 2018. Certain members of the diatom genus Pseudo-nitzschia produce the neurotoxin domoic acid and analogs known as Amnesic Shellfish Toxins (AST). Blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia were common in the North Sea and the Skagerrak-Kattegat, but levels of AST in bivalve shellfish were rarely above regulatory limits during the review period. Summer cyanobacteria blooms in the Baltic Sea are a concern mainly for tourism by causing massive fouling of bathing water and beaches. Some of the cyanobacteria produce toxins, e.g. Nodularia spumigena, producer of nodularin, which may be a human health problem and cause occasional dog mortalities. Coastal and shelf sea regions in northern Europe provide a key supply of seafood, socioeconomic well-being and ecosystem services. I

Relative risk prediction of norovirus incidence under climate change in Korea

As incidences of food poisoning, especially norovirus-induced diarrhea, are associated with climate change, there is a need for an approach that can be used to predict the risks of such illnesses with high accuracy. In this paper, we predict the winter norovirus incidence rate in Korea compared to that of other diarrhea-causing viruses using a model based on B-spline added to logistic regression to estimate the long-term pattern of illness. We also develop a risk index based on the estimated probability of occurrence. Our probabilistic analysis shows that the risk of norovirus-related food poisoning in winter will remain stable or increase in Korea based on various Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios. Our approach can be used to obtain an overview of the changes occurring in regional and seasonal norovirus patterns that can help assist in making appropriate policy decisions.

Over 30 years of HABs in the Philippines and Malaysia: What have we learned?

In the Southeast Asian region, the Philippines and Malaysia are two of the most affected by Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs). Using long-term observations of HAB events, we determined if these are increasing in frequency and duration, and expanding across space in each country. Blooms of Paralytic Shellfish Toxin (PST)-producing species in the Philippines did increase in frequency and duration during the early to mid-1990s, but have stabilized since then. However, the number of sites affected by these blooms continue to expand though at a slower rate than in the 1990s. Furthermore, the type of HABs and causative species have diversified for both toxic blooms and fish kill events. In contrast, Malaysia showed no increasing trend in the frequency of toxic blooms over the past three decades since Pyrodinium bahamense was reported in 1976. However, similar to the Philippines, other PST producers such as Alexandrium minutum and Alexandrium tamiyavanichii have become a concern. No amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) has been confirmed in either Philippines or Malaysia thus far, while ciguatera fish poisoning cases are known from the Philippines and Malaysia but the causative organisms remain poorly studied. Since the 1990s and early 2000s, recognition of the distribution of other PST-producing species such as species of Alexandrium and Gymnodinium catenatum in Southeast Asia has grown, though there has been no significant expansion in the known distributions within the last decade. A major more recent problem in the two countries and for Southeast Asia in general are the frequent fish-killing algal blooms of various species such as Prorocentrum cordatum, Margalefidinium polykrikoides, Chattonella spp., and unarmored dinoflagellates (e.g., Karlodinium australe and Takayama sp.). These new sites affected and the increase in types of HABs and causative species could be attributed to various factors such as introduction through mariculture and eutrophication, and partly because of increased scientific awareness. These connections still need to be more concretely investigated. The link to the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) should also be better understood if we want to discern how climate change plays a role in these patterns of HAB occurrences.

A climate-driven model for predicting the level of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in oysters harvested from Taiwanese farms using elastic net regularized regression

This study aimed at, and developed, a climate-driven model for predicting the abundance of V. parahaemolyticus in oysters based on the local climatological and environmental conditions in Taiwan. The predictive model was constructed using the elastic net machine learning method, and the most influential predictors were evaluated using a permutation-based approach. The abundance of V. parahaemolyticus in oysters in different seasons, time horizons, and representative concentration pathways (RCPs) were predicted using the Elastic-net machine learning model. The results showed: (1) the variation in wind speed or gust wind speed, sea surface temperature, precipitation, and pH influenced the prediction of V. parahaemolyticus concentration in oysters, and (2) the level of V. parahaemolyticus in oysters in Taiwan was projected to be increased by 40-67% in the near future (2046-2065) and by 39-86% by the end of twentieth-century (2081-2100) if the global temperature continues to increase due to climate change. The findings in this study may be used as inputs for quantifying the V. parahaemolyticus infection risk from eating this seafood in Taiwan.

Effect of temperature on Escherichia coli bloodstream infection in a nationwide population-based study of incidence and resistance

BACKGROUND: The incidence of Escherichia coli bloodstream infections (BSI) is high and increasing. We aimed to describe the effect of season and temperature on the incidence of E. coli BSI and antibiotic-resistant E. coli BSI and to determine differences by place of BSI onset. METHODS: All E. coli BSI in adult Israeli residents between January 1, 2018 and December 19, 2019 were included. We used the national database of mandatory BSI reports and outdoor temperature data. Monthly incidence and resistance were studied using multivariable negative binomial regressions with season (July-October vs. other) and temperature as covariates. RESULTS: We included 10,583 events, 9012 (85%) community onset (CO) and 1571 (15%) hospital onset (HO). For CO events, for each average monthly temperature increase of 5.5 °C, the monthly number of events increased by 6.2% (95% CI 1.6-11.1%, p = 0.008) and the monthly number of multidrug-resistant events increased by 4.9% (95% CI 0.3-9.7%, p = 0.04). The effect of season was not significant. For HO events, incidence of BSI and resistant BSI were not associated with temperature or season. CONCLUSION: Temperature increases the incidence of CO E. coli BSI and CO antibiotic-resistant E. coli BSI. Global warming threatens to increase the incidence of E. coli BSI.

The effect and attributable risk of daily temperature on category C infectious diarrhea in Guangdong Province, China

Previous studies have explored the effect between ambient temperature and infectious diarrhea (ID) mostly using relative risk, which provides limited information in practical applications. Few studies have focused on the disease burden of ID caused by temperature, especially for different subgroups and cities in a multi-city setting. This study aims to estimate the effects and attributable risks of temperature on category C ID and explore potential modifiers among various cities in Guangdong. First, distributed lag non-linear models (DLNMs) were used to explore city-specific associations between daily mean temperature and category C ID from 2014 to 2016 in Guangdong and pooled by applying multivariate meta-analysis. Then, multivariate meta-regression was implemented to analyze the potential heterogeneity among various cities. Finally, we assessed the attributable burden of category C ID due to temperature, low (below the 5th percentile of temperature) and high temperature (above the 95th percentile of temperature) for each city and subgroup population. Compared with the 50th percentile of daily mean temperature, adverse effects on category C ID were found when the temperature was lower than 12.27 ℃ in Guangdong Province. Some city-specific factors (longitude, urbanization rate, population density, disposable income per capita, and the number of medical technicians and beds per thousand persons) could modify the relationship of temperature-category C ID. During the study period, there were 60,505 category C ID cases (17.14% of total cases) attributable to the exposure of temperature, with the attributable fraction (AF) of low temperature (4.23%, 95% empirical confidence interval (eCI): 1.79-5.71%) higher than high temperature (1.34%, 95% eCI: 0.86-1.64%). Males, people under 5 years, and workers appeared to be more vulnerable to temperature, with AFs of 29.40%, 19.25%, and 21.49%, respectively. The AF varied substantially at the city level, with the largest AF of low temperature occurring in Shaoguan (9.58%, 95% eCI: 8.36-10.09%), and that of high temperature occurring in Shenzhen (3.16%, 95% eCI: 2.70-3.51%). Low temperature was an important risk factor for category C ID in Guangdong Province, China. The exposure-response relationship could be modified by city-specific characteristics. Considering the whole population, the attributable risk of low temperature was much higher than that of high temperature, and males, people under 5 years, and workers were vulnerable populations.

Meteorological and social conditions contribute to infectious diarrhea in China

Infectious diarrhea in China showed a significant pattern. Many researchers have tried to reveal the drivers, yet usually only meteorological factors were taken into consideration. Furthermore, the diarrheal data they analyzed were incomplete and the algorithms they exploited were inefficient of adapting realistic relationships. Here, we investigate the impacts of meteorological and social factors on the number of infectious diarrhea cases in China. A machine learning algorithm called the Random Forest is utilized. Our results demonstrate that nearly half of infectious diarrhea occurred among children under 5 years old. Generally speaking, increasing temperature or relative humidity leads to increased cases of infectious diarrhea in China. Nevertheless, people from different age groups or different regions own different sensitivities to meteorological factors. The weight of feces that are harmfully treated could be a possible reason for infectious diarrhea of the elderly as well as children under 5 years old. These findings indicate that infectious diarrhea prevention for children under 5 years old remains a primary task in China. Personalized prevention countermeasures ought to be provided to different age groups and different regions. It is essential to bring the weight of feces that are harmfully treated to the forefront when considering infectious diarrhea prevention.

Childhood rotavirus infection associated with temperature and particulate matter 2.5µm: A retrospective cohort study

No study has ever investigated how ambient temperature and PM(2.5) mediate rotavirus infection (RvI) in children. We used insurance claims data from Taiwan in 2006-2012 to evaluate the RvI characteristics in children aged ≤ 9. The RvI incidence rates were higher in colder months, reaching the highest in March (117.0/100 days), and then declining to the lowest in July (29.2/100 days). The age-sex-specific average incident cases were all higher in boys than in girls. Stratified analysis by temperature (<20, 20-24, and ≥25 °C) and PM(2.5) (<17.5, 17.5-31.4, 31.5-41.9, and ≥42.0 μg/m^3) showed that the highest incidence was 16.4/100 days at average temperatures of <20 °C and PM(2.5) of 31.5–41.9 μg/m^3, with Poisson regression analysis estimating an adjusted relative risk (aRR) of 1.26 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.11-1.43), compared to the incidence at the reference condition (<20 °C and PM2.5 < 17.5 μg/m^3). As the temperature increased, the incident RvI cases reduced to 4.84 cases/100 days (aRR = 0.40, 95% CI = 0.35-0.45) when it was >25 °C with PM(2.5) < 17.5 μg/m^3, or to 9.84/100 days (aRR = 0.81, 95% CI = 0.77-0.93) when it was >25 °C with PM2.5 > 42 μg/m^3). The seasonal RvI is associated with frequent indoor personal contact among children in the cold months. The association with PM(2.5) could be an alternative assessment due to temperature inversion.

Emergence of non-choleragenic vibrio infections in Australia

Vibrio infection was rarely reported in Tasmania prior to 2016, when a multistate outbreak of Vibrio parahaemolyticus associated with Tasmanian oysters was identified and 11 people reported ill. Since then, sporadic foodborne cases have been identified following consumption of commercially- and recreationally-harvested oysters. The increases in both foodborne and non-foodborne Vibrio infections in Tasmania are likely associated with increased sea water temperatures. As oyster production increases and climate change raises the sea surface temperature of our coastline, Tasmania expects to see more vibriosis cases. Vibriosis due to oyster consumption has been reported in other Australian states, but the variability in notification requirements between jurisdictions makes case and outbreak detection difficult and potentially hampers any public health response to prevent further illness.

Effect and attributable burden of hot extremes on bacillary dysentery in 31 Chinese Provincial capital cities

BACKGROUND: High atmospheric temperature has been associated with the occurrence of bacillary dysentery (BD). Recent studies have suggested that hot extremes may influence health outcomes, however, none have examined the association between hot extremes and BD risk, especially at the national level. OBJECTIVES: To assess the effect and attributable burden of hot extremes on BD cases and to identify populations at high risk of BD. METHODS: Daily incident BD data of 31 provincial capital cities from 2010 to 2018 were collected from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, weather data was obtained from the fifth generation of the European Re-Analysis Dataset. Three types of hot extremes, including hot day, hot night, and hot day and night, were defined according to single or sequential occurrence of daytime hot and nighttime hot within 24 h. A two-stage analytical strategy combined with distributed lag non-linear models (DLNM) was used to evaluate city-specific associations and national pooled estimates. RESULTS: Hot extremes were significantly associated with the risk of BD on lagged 1-6 days. The overall cumulative relative risk (RR) was 1.136 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.022, 1.263] for hot day, 1.181 (95% CI: 1.019, 1.369) for hot night, and 1.154 (95% CI: 1.038, 1.283) for hot day and night. Northern residents, females, and children younger than or equal to 14 years old were vulnerable under hot night, southern residents were vulnerable under hot day, and males were vulnerable under hot day and night. 1.854% (95% CI: 1.294%, 2.205%) of BD cases can be attributable to hot extremes, among which, hot night accounted for a large proportion. CONCLUSIONS: Hot extremes may significantly increase the incidence risk and disease burden of BD. Type-specific protective measures should be taken to reduce the risk of BD, especially in those we found to be particularly vulnerable.

Genomic epidemiology of Salmonella Typhi in Central Division, Fiji, 2012 to 2016

BACKGROUND: Typhoid fever is endemic in some Pacific Island Countries including Fiji and Samoa yet genomic surveillance is not routine in such settings. Previous studies suggested imports of the global H58 clade of Salmonella enterica var Typhi (Salmonella Typhi) contribute to disease in these countries which, given the MDR potential of H58, does not auger well for treatment. The objective of the study was to define the genomic epidemiology of Salmonella Typhi in Fiji. METHODS: Genomic sequencing approaches were implemented to study the distribution of 255 Salmonella Typhi isolates from the Central Division of Fiji. We augmented epidemiological surveillance and Bayesian phylogenomic approaches with a multi-year typhoid case-control study to define geospatial patterns among typhoid cases. FINDINGS: Genomic analyses showed Salmonella Typhi from Fiji resolved into 2 non-H58 genotypes with isolates from the two dominant ethnic groups, the Indigenous (iTaukei) and non-iTaukei genetically indistinguishable. Low rates of international importation of clones was observed and overall, there were very low levels an antibiotic resistance within the endemic Fijian typhoid genotypes. Genomic epidemiological investigations were able to identify previously unlinked case clusters. Bayesian phylodynamic analyses suggested that genomic variation within the larger endemic Salmonella Typhi genotype expanded at discreet times, then contracted. INTERPRETATION: Cyclones and flooding drove ‘waves’ of typhoid outbreaks in Fiji which, through population aggregation, poor sanitation and water safety, and then mobility of the population, spread clones more widely. Minimal international importations of new typhoid clones suggest that targeted local intervention strategies may be useful in controlling endemic typhoid infection. These findings add to our understanding of typhoid transmission networks in an endemic island country with broad implications, particularly across Pacific Island Countries. FUNDING: This work was supported by the Coalition Against Typhoid through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation [grant number OPP1017518], the Victorian Government, the National Health and Medical Research Council Australia, the Australian Research Council, and the Fiji Ministry of Health and Medical Services.

Climate variability and change are drivers of salmonellosis in Australia: 1991 to 2019

Salmonellosis is a climate-sensitive gastroenteritis with over 92 million cases and over 50,000 deaths a year globally. Australia has high rates of salmonellosis compared with other industrialised nations. This study used a negative binomial time-series regression model to investigate the association between Australian salmonellosis notifications and monthly climate variables including El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and mean temperature anomaly from 1991 to 2019. Between 1991 and 2019 in Australia there were 275,753 salmonellosis notifications and the median annual rate for salmonellosis was 40.1 per 100,000 population. Salmonellosis notifications exhibited strong seasonality, reaching a peak in summer and a minimum in winter. There was an estimated increase of 3.4 % in salmonellosis cases nationally per 1 °C increase in monthly mean temperature anomaly (incidence rate ratio [IRR] of 1.034, 95 % confidence interval [CI]: 1.009, 1.059). Similar associations between salmonellosis and mean temperature anomaly were found for some states. Mean temperature anomaly exhibited an upward trend of 0.9 °C over the period 1991 to 2019. Additionally, a positive association was found between salmonellosis in Australia and ENSO whereby El Niño periods were associated with 7.9 % more salmonellosis cases compared to neutral periods (IRR 1.079, 95 % CI: 1.019, 1.143). A similar ENSO association was detected in the two eastern states of New South Wales and Queensland. This study suggests public health preventative measures to reduce salmonellosis could be enhanced in some regions during El Niño as well as during times of increased temperatures.

Effect of temperature and rainfall on sporadic salmonellosis notifications in Melbourne, Australia 2000-2019: A time-series analysis

Weather can impact infectious disease transmission, particularly for heat-sensitive pathogens, such as Salmonella. We conducted an ecological time-series analysis to estimate short-term associations between nonoutbreak-related notifications of Salmonella and weather conditions-temperature and rainfall-in Melbourne, Australia from 2000 to 2019. Distributed lag nonlinear models were created to analyze weather-salmonellosis associations and potential lag times on a weekly time scale, controlling for seasonality and long-term trends. Warmer temperatures were associated with increased risk of notification. Effects were temporally lagged, with the highest associations observed for warm temperatures 2-6 (greatest at 4) weeks before notification. The overall estimated relative risk of salmonellosis increased twofold at 33°C compared to the average weekly temperature (20.35°C) for the 8-week period preceding the disease notification. For Salmonella Typhimurium alone, this occurred at temperatures over 32°C. There were no statistically significant associations with rainfall and notification rates in any of the analyses performed. This study demonstrates the short-term influences of warm temperatures on Salmonella infections in Melbourne over a 20-year period. Salmonelloses are already the second most notified gastrointestinal diseases in Victoria, and these findings suggest that notifications may increase with increasing temperatures. This evidence contributes to previous findings that indicate concerns for public health with continued warm weather.

Effect of temperature and its interaction with other meteorological factors on bacillary dysentery in Jilin Province, China

Bacterial dysentery (BD) brings a major disease burden to developing countries. Exploring the influence of temperature and its interaction with other meteorological factors on BD is significant for the prevention and early warning of BD in the context of climate change. Daily BD cases and meteorological data from 2008 to 2018 were collected in all nine prefecture-level cities in Jilin Province. A one-stage province-level model and a two-stage city-specific multivariate meta-pooled level distributed lag non-linear model were established to explore the correlation between temperature and BD, then the weather-stratified generalised additive model was used to test the interaction. During the study period, a total of 26 971 cases of BD were developed. The one-stage and two-stage cumulative dose-response ‘J’ curves overlapped, and results showed a positive correlation between temperature and BD with a 1-6 days lag effect. Age group ⩾5 years was found to be more sensitive to the effects. Moreover, there was a significant interaction between temperature, humidity and precipitation (P = 0.004, 0.002, respectively) on BD under high temperature (>0 °C), reminding residents and policymakers to pay attention to the prevention of BD in situations with both high temperature and humidity, high temperature and precipitation during the temperate monsoon climate.

Characteristics of norovirus food poisoning outbreaks in Korea in the 2000s

ABSTRACT: Norovirus food poisoning outbreaks in Korea (South) appeared in the 2000s and have been increasing since then. We aimed to investigate the epidemiological features of norovirus food poisoning outbreaks in Korea from 2002 to 2017, on the basis of official food poisoning statistics and publically reliable reports, and to find any associations with climate factors. Norovirus was the most common cause of food poisoning among known causative substances in Korea during the study period. More than one-third of the outbreaks occurred in group meal service facilities, including school lunch programs. A few of these facilities used groundwater contaminated with noroviruses to wash or cook food, which contributed to outbreaks. Norovirus occurrences showed strong seasonality: cold and relatively dry winter air may help norovirus to flourish. Both norovirus genotypes GI and GII that are infectious to humans were detected, with GII becoming more prevalent than GI. According to our correlation analysis in connection with climate factors, average temperatures, the highest and lowest temperatures, precipitation, the number of rain days, and humidity showed a significant negative correlation with a monthly norovirus occurrence (P < 0.05). The lowest temperature and average temperature had higher coefficients of correlation, -0.377 and -0.376, respectively. The norovirus outbreaks in Korea showed complex etiological characteristics, although more prevailed in wintertime, and are now a major public health problem. The use of groundwater in group meal service settings is a public health issue, as well as a norovirus concern; therefore, groundwater used in food service facilities and businesses should be treated for safety.

Plan de acción de salud y cambio climático de la provincia de Neuquén

Effect of climate change on infectious diseases in the UK – Health Effects of Climate Change in the UK

Climate change and public health indicators: scoping review

Climate change as a threat to health and well-being in Europe: focus on heat and infectious diseases

Climate Change Impacts on the Health of Canadians

Climate Change Impact Map

The 2022 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: health at the mercy of fossil fuels

Bulletin Climat-Santé – Madagascar

UNDRR Hazard Information Profile: Foodborne Diseases

Climate-sensitive infectious disease modelling software tools

Landscape mapping of software tools for climate-sensitive infectious disease modelling

Comprehensive climate risk modelling framework to help protect future food and water safety in Canada

Working with communities in East Africa to manage diarrhoeal disease and dengue risk in a changing climate

How will climate change impact microbial foodborne disease in Canada?

Food-borne and water-borne diseases under climate change in low- and middle-income countries: Further efforts needed for reducing environmental health exposure risks

Interrelationships between multiple climatic factors and incidence of foodborne diseases

Combined influence of multiple climatic factors on the incidence of bacterial foodborne diseases

Aquatic food security: Insights into challenges and solutions from an analysis of interactions between fisheries, aquaculture, food safety, human health, fish and human welfare, economy and environment

The hotspot for (global) One Health in primary food production: Aflatoxin M1 in dairy products

Incidences of waterborne and foodborne diseases after meteorologic disasters in South Korea

Correlations between climatic conditions and foodborne disease

Knowledge Mapping for Climate Change and Food- and Waterborne Diseases

The impact of climate change on the future incidence of specified foodborne diseases in Ireland

Hazard Information Profiles: Supplement to UNDRR-ISC Hazard Definition & Classification Review – Technical Report

Microbiological Risk Assessment Series

Quality criteria for the evaluation of climate-informed early warning systems for infectious diseases

Taking a Multisectoral one-health Approach: A Tripartite Guide to Addressing Zoonotic diseases in Countries

Strengthening surveillance of and response to foodborne diseases

Atlas of Health and Climate

The global view of campylobacteriosis: report of an expert consultation, Utrecht, Netherlands, 9-11 July 2012

Early detection, assessment and response to acute public health events: Implementation of Early Warning and Response with a focus on Event-Based Surveillance

Communicable disease surveillance and response systems. Guide to monitoring and evaluating

Foodborne disease outbreaks : guidelines for investigation and control.

Causes of Human Disease:Nutrition and Environment

Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF)

GEMS Food contaminants database

Food safety collaborative platform (FOSCOLLAB)

New Zealand Shellfish biotoxin alerts

US Vibrio Predictive Models