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The State of the World’s Children 2024
COP29 Special Report on Climate and Health: Health is the argument for climate action
Born into the Climate Crisis: Why we must act now to secure children’s rights
Heat and Health: Action Statement from the Global Heat Health Information Network
Drought preparation and response – B.C. Canada
Green Pages Directory
Act on Climate: Our Lives Depend on It
Integrating Sustainability into Healthcare Quality Improvement Education
The climate-changed child: A Children’s Climate Risk Index supplement
Children displaced in a changing climate
AirQ+: software tool for health risk assessment of air pollution
The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change – Policy brief for Canada
Health Care Climate Footprint
Climate-Resilient Water Safety Plans: Managing Health Risks Associated with Climate Variability and Change
Climate Change and Health Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments: Workbook for the Canadian Health Sector
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimation in Canadian Healthcare
WHO-WMO Implementation Plan for Advancing Climate, Environment and Health Science and Services 2023-2033
State of Global Water Resources report 2022
Pan American Climate Resilient Health Systems
United In Science 2022: A multi-organization high-level compilation of the most recent science related to climate change, impacts and responses
World Malaria Report 2022
Adaptation Gap Report 2022: Too Little, Too Slow – Climate adaptation failure puts world at risk
The State of the Global Climate 2021
The coldest year of the rest of their lives: Protecting children from the escalating impacts of heatwaves
WMO Air Quality and Climate Bulletin No. 2 – September 2022
Perspective climatique – Madagascar
Bulletin Climat-Santé – Madagascar
Health checks during extreme heat events
Air pollution: causes and impacts (MOOC)
Caribbean Action Plan on Health and Climate Change
WHO global strategy on health, environment and climate change
Agenda for the Americas on Health, Environment, and Climate Change 2021–2030
Vigilance Meteo et Marine
Plan D’actions Du Senegal (2006- 2020) pour la Mise en Place du Cadre National pour les Services Climatologiques (CNSC)
Bulletin de Surveillance de la Qualité de l’air Madagascar
Madagascar Maproom
Vigilance météorologique Madagascar
Vigilance Cyclones Tropicaux Madagascar
Health of Canadians in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action
Public Weather Alerts for Canada
Hello Weather Canada: Automated Telephone Service
Poster: Canada’s Wind Chill Index
WeatherCAN | Canada’s Weather App
Alert Ready: Canada’s emergency alerting system
Canada Weather Information
Canada’s wind chill index
Volcanic Ash Products – Montreal Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC)
Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change in Canada: an update on the National Adaptation Strategy
Climate Atlas of Canada
Canadian Centre for Climate Services Support Desk and Resource Hub
Assessment of Climate Change-related Risks and Vulnerabilities in the Health Sector in Togo
Togo Plan National d’Adaptation du Secteur de la Santé aux Effets des Changements Climatiques (PNAS))
Plan d’Action National d’Adaptation du Secteur Santé au Changement Climatique à Madagascar
World Malaria Report 2021
WHO Guidelines for Malaria
WHO Guidance for Climate Resilient and Environmentally Sustainable Health Care Facilities
WHO Chemicals Road Map and Workbook
World Disasters Report 2020: Come Heat or High Water – Tackling the Humanitarian Impacts of the Climate Crisis Together
WHO Global Strategy on Health, Environment and Climate Change
Bulletin de santé publique canicule : Bilan été 2020
Effets de la chaleur sur la santé en Suisse et importance des mesures de prévention: Décès dus à la chaleur pendant l’été caniculaire 2019 et comparaison avec les étés 2003, 2015 et 2018
Food safety, climate change, and the role of WHO
Forest fires in Europe, Middle East and North Africa 2019
Taking a Multisectoral one-health Approach: A Tripartite Guide to Addressing Zoonotic diseases in Countries
Impacts of heat on health (Excerpt from the 2018 WMO Statement on the State of the global Climate)
Monitoring Health Impacts from Extreme Heat Events in North America: Workshop Summary Report
Prescribing Clean Air: air-pollution and children’s health
Communicating risk in public health emergencies
Don’t pollute my future! The impact of the environment on child health
Climate-resilient water safety plans
Children’s Environmental Health Atlas, Inheriting a sustainable world?
Handbook of drought Indicators and Indices
Guide to identifying alert thresholds for heat waves in canada based on evidence
WHO Guidance to Protect Health from Climate Change through Health Adaptation Planning
Heatwaves and Health: Guidance on Warning-System Development
WMO Guidelines on Multi-hazard Impact-based Forecast and Warning Services
Atlas of Health and Climate
Standardized Precipitation Index User Guide
Protecting health from climate change: vulnerability and adaptation assessment
Early detection, assessment and response to acute public health events: Implementation of Early Warning and Response with a focus on Event-Based Surveillance
Guide for the evaluation of a warning system for people vulnerable to heat and smog
Integrated flood management Concept Paper
Communicating the Health Risks of Extreme Heat Events
Adaptation aux changements climatiques en Suisse : stratégie du Conseil fédéral
Plan D’actions Du Senegal (2006- 2020) pour la Mise en Place du Cadre National pour les Services Climatologiques (CNSC)
Genève: Plan canicule pour les aîné-e-s
Plan Vaudois de Prévention et d’Intervention Sanitaire en cas de Canicule
Adaptation aux changements climatiques en Suisse – Plan d’action 2020-2025
Adaptation aux changements climatiques en Suisse – Plan d’action 2014–2019
Plan Vague de Chaleur et Pics d’Ozone
Plan National Canicule – France
Human Health and Climate Change
Droughts in the Anthropocene
Keep children cool! Protect your child from extreme heat
It’s much too hot! Protect yourself from extreme heat
You’re active in the heat. You’re at risk! Protect yourself from extreme heat
Beat the Heat: Heat Illness in sports
UNICEF Cholera Toolkit
Famine Early Warning System Network
Pollen Diary
Swiss Pollen Forecast
Climate Change Toolkit for Health Professionals
Vigilance Maroc Météo
RBG Risk Map Morocco
Swiss Pollen Calendars and Information
Prévisions pollinique
Swiss UV Index
Swiss Natural Hazards Portal
Heat Health Watch Warning System (France)
Regional Air Quality Deterministic Prediction System
Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) observation and forecast
Canadian Hurricane Centre
Data and Products of the Global Deterministic Prediction System
Data and Products of the Regional Air Quality Deterministic Prediction System FireWork
Hydrometric observations data
WHO Operational Framework for Building Climate Resilient Health Systems