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Cholera in Lusaka
Online course: Climate change and inclusive WASH
UN General Assembly resolution: Sustainable, safe and universal water, sanitation, hygiene, waste and electricity services in health care facilities
Responding to climate change impacts on human health in Europe: focus on floods, droughts and water quality
Water and sanitation interventions to prevent and control mosquito borne disease: focus on emergencies
Guidelines for drinking-water quality: small water supplies
The climate-changed child: A Children’s Climate Risk Index supplement
Repository of systematic reviews on interventions in environment, climate change and health
Using citizen science to identify the water and sanitation needs of homeless populations in Mexico City
Climate change, flooding, coastal change and public health – Health Effects of Climate Change (HECC) in the UK
Predicting exposure to pathogens and AMR
Predicting Health Risks for Swimmers
Does information about water quality change behaviour?
How climate change affects bacterial communities
Sampling methods along the Arrone River
The spread of antimicrobial-resistant pathogens
Improving clean water provision and nutrition through drought anticipation measures in Kenya
Climate-Resilient Water Safety Plans: Managing Health Risks Associated with Climate Variability and Change
Next generation chlorine dispensers for safe water, delivering a climate-health solution at scale
Vulnerability to Resilience (V2R) project for climate-resilient WASH in Bangladesh
Detection of climate-sensitive pathogens via wastewater surveillance in refugee camps in Bangladesh
Drought risk management and mitigation strategy 2022-2032
State of Global Water Resources report 2022
Climate change and public health indicators: scoping review
Addressing climate change: Supplement to the WHO Water, Sanitation and Hygiene strategy 2018–2025
Climate change and health resilience actions in São Tomé and Príncipe
Strong systems and sound investments: Evidence on and key insights into accelerating progress on sanitation, drinking-water and hygiene – UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) 2022 Report
The IAI Compendium on Climate Change Impacts in Latin America and the Caribbean
The 2022 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: health at the mercy of fossil fuels
Mumbai Climate Action Plan 2022
Protocolo para evaluar la situación del agua, el saneamiento y la higiene en establecimientos de salud con atención a la resiliencia al clima
Climate Change Adaptation through Implementation of Climate-resilient Water Safety Planning in Tanzania
Third Inter-ministerial Conference On Health And Environment In Africa: Conference Proceedings and Outcomes
Comprehensive climate risk modelling framework to help protect future food and water safety in Canada
Urban and rural sanitation in the Solomon Islands: How resilient are these to extreme weather events?
Linking water quality monitoring and climate-resilient water safety planning in two urban drinking water utilities in Ethiopia
Cost effective adaptation to flood: Sanitation interventions in the Gandak river basin, India
Complex interactions between climate change, sanitation, and groundwater quality: A case study from Ramotswa, Botswana
Mathematical modelling and numerical simulations of the influence of hygiene and seasons on the spread of cholera
Expert assessment of the resilience of drinking water and sanitation systems to climate-related hazards
Water systems, sanitation, and public health risks in remote communities: Inuit resident perspectives from the Canadian Arctic
A risk modeling framework to evaluate the impacts of climate change and adaptation on food and water safety
Water use, sanitation and health in a fragmented urban water system: Case study and household survey
Life cycle assessment of ecological sanitation system for small-scale wastewater treatment
Contamination of drinking water sources during the rainy season in an urban post-conflict community in Guinea Bissau: Implications for sanitation priority
WHO Global Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Annual Report 2019
Climate, Sanitation and Health
Climate Resilient Water Safety Planning (CR-WSP)
Climate-resilient water safety plans: Managing health risks associated with climate variability and change
Climate-resilient water safety plans
The Biology of Water and
Health – Fundamentals
The Biology of Water and
Health – Sustainable
Fighting Water Scarcity in the West Bank and Gaza
Improving Community WASH and Nutrition Resilience in Rural Bolivia
Hourly drought predictions in India
Using satellites to find groundwater in Ethiopia
Ensuring safe water for communities affected by arsenic contamination in Cambodia
Rwanda’s new water supply policy and strategy addresses climate risks
Financing Climate Resilient Water and Sanitation and using Multiple User Systems in Madagascar
Prioritising the Most At-Risk Children in Myanmar
WASH Climate Resilience: A Compendium of Case Studies
Creating safe underground water stores in Bangladesh
Safeguarding vulnerable island water supplies from the impacts of climate change
Building climate-resilient toilets for school children in Mongolia
Constructing flood-resilient toilets and protecting water sources in Peru
Solar Powered Water Systems in Somaliland
Solar Water Pumping for Schools in the Philippines
Solar powered water supply for drought-prone communities in Uganda
Planning Safe Water Supply in Kiribati
Water and sanitation for health facility improvement tool (WASH FIT)
Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change data explorer