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Satellite and Stability Analyses for Deep Convection Forecasting in the Tropics

Online course: Climate change and inclusive WASH

Climate Change and Mental Health Course

El Niño in the Americas: Protecting health and promoting resilience

Course on Climate change and health

Environment, climate change and health for practitioners and actors guiding policy change

Women paying the health cost of the climate crisis

Climate Change and Health Boot Camp: Building Skills and Knowledge for Effective Engagement

Caribbean Climate and Health Responders Course: Education for Action

European Climate and Health Responders Course

Climate Change and Health Online Certificate Program

Sustainable Diet UN CC:e-Learn course

Climate Impact Checkup Online Course

Synergizing Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

Pan American Climate Resilient Health Systems

Climate Change Negotiations and Health

Air pollution: causes and impacts (MOOC)

From Climate Science to Action

Weather and Climate Services for Resilient Development: A Guide for Practitioners and Policy Makers

Satellite Remote Sensing for Urban Heat Islands

Training Module on Children’s Environmental Health: Climate Change

Climate Change and Health: Training modules

Human Health and Climate Change

Flood Management training Manuals

Occupational and Environmental Cancer: Recognition and Prevention

Human Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface

Sustainable Tourism – promoting environmental public health

Introduction to Algae

Air pollution: causes and impacts

The Biology of Water and Health – Fundamentals

The Biology of Water and Health – Sustainable Interventions

Sustainable Food Security: Crop Production

Causes of Human Disease:Nutrition and Environment

One Health: Connecting Humans, Animals and the Environment

The Health Effects of Climate Change

Recognizing, Preventing, and Treating Heat-Related Illness

Setting operational thresholds for Heat Early Warning Systems

Innovating in urban planning and governance for heat health

Economic valuation of heat-health impacts and

Developing an effective Heat Health Action Plan for your city

Heat in the City

Heat in the Workplace

Heat and Health Forecasting and Warning Training Center

Scaling up Sustainable Cooling for All

Protecting Public Health in a Changing Climate: A Primer for City, Local, and Regional Action