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The importance of protecting human health in the EU climate policies

Australia National Health and Climate Strategy Implementation Plan, 2024-2028

Plan de Acción Climática Bogotá 2020 -2050 / Climate Action Plan for Bogotá 2020 -2050

Plan de acción climática de Medellín 2020-2050 / Climate Action Plan for Medellin 2020-2050

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Equitable Climate Services Action Plan

Creative Policy Dialogues through Serious Fun – Humour and Acrobatics to Confront Climate and Mental Health

Health-focused climate finance for local adaptation

Role of COVID-19 recovery for climate change adaptation and health system resilience in Europe – Policy Brief

Co-design in climate and health research – Policy Brief

Climate change, wildfires and human health – Policy Brief

Climate change, adaptation and infectious diseases surveillance – Policy Brief

Non-Economic Loss and Damage (NELD): policy gaps and recommendations

Plan de acción de salud y cambio climático de la provincia de Neuquén

The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change – Policy brief for Brazil

The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change – Policy brief for the United States of America

The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change – Policy brief for Médecins Sans Frontières

The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change – Policy brief for Canada

الخطة الرئيسية للمنظمة (WHO) والمنظمة (WMO) بشأن تحويل العلوم إلى خدمات في مجالات الصحة والبيئة والمناخ




WHO-WMO卫生、环境和气候科学服务总规划(Cg-18/INF 5.5)

WHO-WMO Implementation Plan for Advancing Climate, Environment and Health Science and Services 2023-2033

Climate change and health: the national policy overview in Europe

Singapore Climate Action Plan: Take Action Today, for a Climate-Efficient Singapore

Mumbai Climate Action Plan 2022

Caribbean Action Plan on Health and Climate Change

Plan andino de salud y cambio climático 2020-2025

Ireland Climate Action Plan 2021

Plan D’actions Du Senegal (2006- 2020) pour la Mise en Place du Cadre National pour les Services Climatologiques (CNSC)

Strategic Action Plan to Scale Up Health and Environment Interventions in Africa 2019–2029

Assessment of Climate Change-related Risks and Vulnerabilities in the Health Sector in Togo

Togo Plan National d’Adaptation du Secteur de la Santé aux Effets des Changements Climatiques (PNAS))

Tanzania: Health National Adaptation Plan to Climate Change in Tanzania 2018 – 2023

Plan d’Action National d’Adaptation du Secteur Santé au Changement Climatique à Madagascar

Ethiopia National Health Adaptation Plan to Climate Change 2018-2020

Adaptation aux changements climatiques en Suisse : stratégie du Conseil fédéral

Plan D’actions Du Senegal (2006- 2020) pour la Mise en Place du Cadre National pour les Services Climatologiques (CNSC)

Pacific islands action plan on climate change and health

Nationale klimaatadaptatiestrategie 2016

DOE Climate Change Adaptation Plan

Department of the Interior Climate Change Adaptation Plan

FY 2014 Climate Change Adaptation Plan U.S. Department of Education

HHS Climate Adaptation Plan

Housing and Urban Development Climate Change Adaptation Plan

U.S. Department of Justice Climate Change Adaptation Plan

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Climate Change Adaptation Plan

US Department of Agriculture Climate Change Adaptation Plan

USDA Forest Service Climate Change Adaptation Plan

Climate adaptation plan for the Territories of the Yakama Nation

Climate change and health in small island developing states

The Minnesota climate and health strategic plan: August 2016 – August 2021 (updated April 2019)

Nationaal Hitteplan

Heat-Health Action Plan of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Karachi Heatwave Management Plan: A Guide to Planning and Response

Plano de contingência temperaturas extremas adversas

Portugal Plano de Contingência para Temperaturas Extremas Adversas – Módulo Calor

Vigilancia y Control de los Efectos de las Olas de Calor 2017 – Madrid

Plan nacional de actuaciones preventivas de los efectos del exceso de temperaturas sobre la salud – España

Plan de vigilancia y prevención de los efectos del exceso de temperaturas sobre la salud – Extremadura

Genève: Plan canicule pour les aîné-e-s

Plan Vaudois de Prévention et d’Intervention Sanitaire en cas de Canicule

Heatwave Plan for England

City of Philadelphia Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan

California Contingency Plan for Excessive Heat Emergencies

Arizona’s Climate and Health Adaptation Plan

New Hampshire Excessive Heat Emergency Response Plan

Brasilia DF Plano de Contingência para Emergência em Saúde Pública por Seca e Estiagem

India National Action Plan For Climate Change & Human Health

The United Republic of Tanzania One Health Strategic Plan 2015 – 2020

Adaptation aux changements climatiques en Suisse – Plan d’action 2020-2025

Adaptation aux changements climatiques en Suisse – Plan d’action 2014–2019

Plan de Acción Nacional de Salud y Cambio Climático – Argentina

La Plata Plan de Contingencia Hidrometeorológica

New South Wales State Heatwave Subplan

South Australia Extreme Heat Strategy

Heatwave plan for Victoria: Protecting health and reducing harm from heatwaves

Turn Down the Heat: Strategy and action plan

Gesamtstaatlicher Hitzeschutzplan

Plan Vague de Chaleur et Pics d’Ozone

Municipal Heat Response Planning in British Columbia, Canada

Plan National Canicule – France

Ahmedabad Heat Action Plan 2019

Heat Action Plan for Odisha, 2020

Rajasthan Draft Heat Action Plan

Tamil Nadu Heat Wave Action Plan 2019

Telangana State Heatwave Action Plan

Prevention and Management of Heat Wave in Uttar Pradesh 2018-19

Piano operativo nazionale di prevenzione degli effetti del caldo sulla salute – Italia

Luxembourg Extreme Weather Plan

Plan de Contingencia Fenómeno Hidrometeorologico 2013 – Quintana Roo

Valle de Guadalupe Plan de Contingencia Fenómeno Perturbador Hidrometeorológico