Blue Adapt, 2023
Author(s): Jon Saenz, Ionan Marigomez, Manu Soto, Nestor Etxebarria, Gorka Bidegain, Iñigo de Miguel Beriain, Aline Chiabai, Julia Bohorquez & Estibaliz Baroja

One Health is an interdisciplinary approach that examines the relationships and intersections between humans, animals and the environment. This case study looks at a pilot study in the Plentzia Estuary, which is pivotal in the development of a One Health Living Lab (a research environment that takes a collaborative approach to problem solving).The Plentzia Estuary is in the Bay of Biscay, home to popular tourist resorts. Other human impacts include industrial and farming activities in the Plenzia’s catchment area , as well as a wastewater treatment plant. There’s also a squid fishery that supplies local restaurants.