Author(s): Masciopinto C, Vurro M, Lorusso N, Santoro D, Haas CN

A pathogenic Escherichia coli (E.coli) O157:H7 and O26:H11 dose-response model was set up for a quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) of the waterborne diseases associated with managed aquifer recharge (MAR) practices in semiarid regions. The MAR facility at Forcatella (Southern Italy) was selected for the QMRA application. The target counts of pathogens incidentally exposed to hosts by eating contaminated raw crops or while bathing at beaches of the coastal area were determined by applying the Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) Bayesian method to the water sampling results. The MCMC provided the most probable pathogen count reaching the target and allowed for the minimization of the number of water samplings, and hence, reducing the associated costs. The sampling stations along the coast were positioned based on the results of a groundwater flow and pathogen transport model, which highlighted the preferential flow pathways of the transported E.Êcoli in the fractured coastal aquifer. QMRA indicated tolerable (<10(-6) DALY) health risks for bathing at beaches and irrigation with wastewater, with 0.4 infectious diseases per year (11.4% probability of occurrence) associated with the reuse of reclaimed water via soil irrigation even though exceeding the E.Êcoli regulation limit of 10ÊCFU/100ÊmL by five times. The results show negligible health risk and insignificant impacts on the coastal water quality due to pathogenic E.Êcoli in the wastewater used for MAR. However, droughts and reclaimed water quality can be considered the main issues of MAR practices in semiarid regions suggesting additional reclaimed water treatments and further stress-tests via QMRAs by considering more persistent pathogens than E.Êcoli.

Journal: Water Res X