Based on an early warning system (EWS) of drought conditions, a part of the Social Safety Net System Project II (SSNSP) helps the Mauritanian Government to implement cash transfer programmes in response to climatic shocks, mainly during the lean season and possibly also when floods and bushfires occur. The project developed a predictive model to anticipate drought risk and food security needs during upcoming lean seasons. The model uses remote-sensing data (the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and biomass, as well as historic household-level data from the Food Security Monitoring Survey (FSMS)) collected every six months in Mauritania. The Elmaouna programme,129 implemented by the Mauritanian Food Security Commission (CSA), provides direct support to poor and vulnerable populations in the event of a shock, in particular, drought (emergency transfer during the lean season), and upstream support before the impacts are felt when the EWS allows it. During the lean period, targeted households receive a cash transfer of 75% of the average food basket for four months which helps to eradicate hunger and malnutrition and increase resilience.