Since 2016, the National Institute of Health (INS), the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection have developed actions, within the Climate Variability and Change Board of the Comisión Técnica Nacional Intersectorial para la Salud Ambiental (CONASA), to establish the development of research and products and their dissemination within the national health system. For example, the IDEAM had conducted research into the relationship of rain, rain mean intensities, temperature and humidity with dengue and malaria cases, and incidences per hundred thousand inhabitants. In April 2017, the first Climate and Health Bulletin was prepared and published, containing information on climate conditions and predictions, epidemiological conditions and recommendations. The publication and dissemination are carried out by the Sub-directorate of Environmental Health of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, which sends the bulletin to departmental and local health bureaus to help inform their prevention and control plans and actions. The INS and IDEAM have developed research on the identification and characterization of the favourability of climatic variables in diseases such as vector-borne diseases, susceptible to climate. A methodology was developed to relate the favourability with the epidemiological behaviour. The result of this work was used to develop the bulletin. In the monthly meeting of the bulletin contributors, the conditions, climatic and favourable predictions, and behaviour of the current and expected number of cases are presented, with their recommendations.