UNICEF, 2020
Goal: To ensure safe and resilient water supply and sanitation for children living in the poorest communities
Summary/Activities: Myanmar’s climate is changing rapidly. Observable trends over the past 50 years have included an increase in overall rainfall in most areas with a declining trend in others and the late onset and early termination of the south-west monsoon. The country has also observed an increase in extreme weather events and a rise in sea level. Myanmar is engaged in an active process of reform and change on many fronts, the situation is dynamic and presents great opportunities as well as challenges. The potential impacts of climate change and the relatively low level of preparedness requires an immediate and urgent response. In 2015, UNICEF began working with the Government of Myanmar to carry out the Child-Centred Risk Assessment. The analysis aimed to provide a visual representation of child-centred risk in different development programmes across the different states. The Assessment provides a child-centred risk index ranking the 14 states and regions of Myanmar, which has allowed UNICEF to prioritise their interventions, particularly in terms of climate resilience, in order to ensure that the poorest children are reached through interventions. For example, in 2016, UNICEF Myanmar supported the installation of 15 new solar powered water systems, providing safe water to 20,000 people.
More info: https://www.unicef.org/myanmar/Myanmar_Child-Centered_Risk_Assessment_(ENG).pdf https://www.unicef.org/wash/myanmar_91419.html
Published In: WASH Climate Resilience: A Compendium of Case Studies, UNICEF