Author(s): Nazarian N, Liu SJ, Kohler M, Lee JKW, Miller C, Chow WTL, Alhadad SB, Martilli A, Quintana M, Sunden L, Norford LK
Global climate is changing as a result of anthropogenic warming, leading to higher daily excursions of temperature in cities. Such elevated temperatures have great implications on human thermal comfort and heat stress, which should be closely monitored. Current methods for heat exposure assessments (surveys, microclimate measurements, and laboratory experiments), however, present several limitations: measurements are scattered in time and space and data gathered on outdoor thermal stress and comfort often does not include physiological and behavioral parameters. To address these shortcomings, Project Coolbit aims to introduce a human-centric approach to thermal comfort assessments. In this study, we propose and evaluate the use of wrist-mounted wearable devices to monitor environmental and physiological responses that span a wide range of spatial and temporal distributions. We introduce an integrated wearable weather station that records (a) microclimate parameters (such as air temperature and humidity), (b) physiological parameters (heart rate, skin temperature and humidity), and (c) subjective feedback. The feasibility of this methodology to assess thermal comfort and heat stress is then evaluated using two sets of experiments: controlled-environment physiological data collection, and outdoor environmental data collection. We find that using the data obtained through the wrist-mounted wearables, core temperature can be predicted non-invasively with 95 percent of target attainment within +/- 0.27 degrees C. Additionally, a direct connection between the air temperature at the wrist (T-a,T-w) and the perceived activity level (PAV) of individuals was drawn. We observe that with increased T-a,T-w, the desire for physical activity is significantly reduced, reaching 'Transition only' PAV level at 36 degrees C. These assessments reveal that the wearable methodology provides a comprehensive and accurate representation of human heat exposure, which can be extended in real-time to cover a large spatial distribution in a given city and quantify the impact of heat exposure on human life.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/abd130