FAO, OIE, WHO, 2019
The 2019 FAO-OIE-WHO (Tripartite) zoonoses guide, “Taking A Multisectoral, one-health Approach: A Tripartite Guide to Addressing Zoonotic diseases in Countries” (2019 TZG) is being jointly developed to provide member countries with practical guidance on OH approaches to build national mechanisms for multisectoral coordination, communication, and collaboration to address zoonotic disease threats at the animal-human-environment interface. The 2019 TZG updates and expands on the guidance in the one previous jointly-developed, zoonoses-specific guidance document: the 2008 Tripartite “Zoonotic diseases: A Guide to Establishing Collaboration between Animal and Human Health Sectors at the Country Level”, developed in WHO South-East Asia Region and Western Pacific Region.
ISBN: 978-92-5-131236-0