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The Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) monitors weather and meteorological conditions over Germany, and provides weather services for the general public and for nautical, aviational and agricultural purposes.The DWD’s principal tasks include warning against weather-related dangers and monitoring and rating climate changes affecting Germany. The organization runs atmospheric models on their supercomputer for precise weather forecasting, and manages the national climate archive and one of the largest specialized libraries on weather and climate worldwide.
A study focused on the influence of air pollution and drought on growth and ecosystem services of urban trees and forests.
A study that aims to further develop the PALM-4U, an urban climate model of unprecedented spatial resolution and computational performance and which allows simulations of large cities of a size of up to 2.000 km² with grid-resolved buildings.
This study focuses on respiratory diseases and possible effects of daily weather, climate and climate change. Respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are globally immense health factors.