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NIHHIS Heat Tabletop Exercise Planning Challenge (Inflation Reduction Act)

NIH Climate and Health Scholars Program

Scaling Investments in Climate and Health: Launch of the Development Banks’ Joint Roadmap for Climate-Health Finance and Action

Recommendations and key messages from WWCS climate and health workshop for policy makers

Webinar: Developing a Health National Adaptation Plan: Quality criteria for HNAPs

Webinar: Integrating Health in NDCs and LT-LEDS

Webinar: Developing a Health National Adaptation Plan: Introduction

Webinar: WHO as an Accredited Implementing Entity of the Adaptation Fund; Accessing AF funding for Climate Change and Health

Metrics for Change: Towards Sustainable Health Systems

Deadline for IDRC expressions of interest: Regional hubs for climate change and health

Designing Health Systems Resilience: Surviving The Present, Ensuring The Future

Research Perspectives on the Health Impacts of Climate Change

Call for experts to serve in expert group: WHO initiative to evaluate PFAS

What Works Climate – Solutions Summit

19th World Meteorological Congress

Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health Annual Meeting