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NIH Climate and Health Scholars Program

Climate and Health Equity Webinar Series

Applications Open: Climate Change and Human Health Seed Grants

Healthcare Facility Extreme Weather Resilience and Mitigation

Climate Week NYC

Climate change and urban health: opportunities for research and action

Designing Health Systems Resilience: Surviving The Present, Ensuring The Future

Interconnected Realities: Exploring the Nexus between Droughts, Floods, and Public Health Outcomes

Climate Change and Health Seminar with Elizabeth Yeampierre, “Climate Justice: Frontline Solutions in the Midst of Disruption”

Health & Equity in Action-Climate Solutions Summit

2024 Annual Meeting: From the Clinic to the Capitol

Workshop on Communities, Climate Change, and Health Equity – Lessons Learned in Addressing Inequities in Heat-Related Climate Change Impacts

Climate Change and Health Boot Camp

UN 2023 Water Conference

NIHHIS National Meeting

AGU/AMS GeoHealth Showcase: Science Leads the Future

Inaugural Heat Health Open Forum

International Congress of Biometeorology: From Urban to Global Sustainability

Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health Annual Meeting