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The Rockefeller Foundation Identifies Critical Gaps in City Responses to Climate-induced Health Threats

Alan Dangour on reframing climate change as a health crisis

Peru – Minsa brinda atención oportuna a personas afectadas por incendios forestales / Minsa provides care to people affected by forest fires in Peru

Climate change is hard on our lungs. New research aims to help Nova Scotians prepare

Protecting the Arctic and human health: The hidden potential of black carbon

UC Davis Health develops a real-time action plan to help patients with lung disease cope with wildfire smoke

Investing in clean air can saves lives and combat climate change

Q&A: Understanding clean air challenges and solutions

Exploring the link between air quality and mood: a new measure of climate sensitivity

Health Department releases first of seven reports on local health impacts of climate change

Study reveals Canadian wildfires are affecting US air quality and raising health concerns

Tocopilla, Antofagasta, Arica: estudio mide brutal impacto de plantas de carbón en enfermedades respiratorias / Tocopilla, Antofagasta, Arica: Study Measures Severe Impact of Coal Plants on Respiratory Diseases

Wildfire Smoke Can Cause Health Problems, Even Death

Las ciudades compactas con mayor población sufren peor calidad del aire y mayores tasas mortalidad / Compact cities with larger populations suffer from worse air quality and higher mortality rates.

Health-care evacuations are the ‘new normal.’ Here are lessons from Alberta’s last wildfire season

Fema petitioned to make extreme heat and wildfire smoke major disasters

Most Surface Ozone Contributing to Premature Mortality in European Countries Is Imported

Could better asthma inhalers help patients, and the planet too?

It’s Not Just You—Seasonal Allergies May Be Getting Worse for Everyone Because of Climate Change

Billions of Workers Exposed to Health Hazards Due to Climate Change

This Earth Day we consider the impact of climate change on human health

IGES and Its Partners Launch Global Project to Cease Open Waste Burning for Mitigation of Air Pollution, Climate Change and Health Risks

One Thing Most Countries Have in Common: Unsafe Air

Where There’s Fire, There’s Smoke

Making Invisible Problems Visible

Launch of The Local Climate Adaptation Tool (LCAT)

WHO launches a Repository of systematic reviews on interventions in environment, climate change and health

CAMS Aerosol Alerts: Atmospheric aerosol data at your fingertips

Air Pollution Threatens Millions of Lives. Now the Sources Are Shifting

Clean air can become a reality for the Global South

Children are more vulnerable to poor air quality, says Dundee study

Reducing air pollution associated with lower risk of all-cause dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

Air pollution raises risk of type 2 diabetes, says landmark Indian study

How we’re using AI to combat floods, wildfires and extreme heat

WMO Airborne Dust Bulletin highlights present, future hotspots

GCHA reports: Slashing global methane emissions crucial to human health

WHO trains health workers to battle air pollution and protect global health

Copernicus Launches Health Hub

How to Protect Yourself from Smoky Wildfire Air

WMO updates findings on role of meteorology and air quality in COVID-19 transmission

Mayors from around the world to meet for first ever ‘healthy cities’ summit

WMO report highlights health impacts of climate change in Europe

World Health Day calls for action on Our Planet, Our Health

U.S. EPA and WHO partner to protect public health

WHO and WMO Launch Global Knowledge Platform for Climate and Health