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Health-care evacuations are the ‘new normal.’ Here are lessons from Alberta’s last wildfire season

Cities are key to a climate-resilient Europe, stronger adaptation targets can boost progress

More frequent and extreme weather events pose increasing risks to employee health and business performance

What happens when climate change and the mental-health crisis collide?

Where There’s Fire, There’s Smoke

Launch of The Local Climate Adaptation Tool (LCAT)

B.C. report says climate change brings health risk, as doctor fears ’colossal harms’

Chile records its deadliest wildfire in 123 years, may be linked to climate change

Wildfires cause huge loss of life in Chile amid heatwaves in South America

These are the ways rural Canadians are more vulnerable to climate change

California wildfires are unleashing dangerous metals from soil, Stanford study shows

How to Protect Yourself from Smoky Wildfire Air

UNDP, UNDRR and WMO developing new tracking system for hazardous events and disaster losses and damages

New toolkit to help US clinics better deal with heat, hurricanes, wildfires and floods

Early Warnings for All Action Plan gets overwhelming backing at COP27

WHO and WMO Launch Global Knowledge Platform for Climate and Health