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PAHO supports emergency response following flooding in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Climate change, El Niño and infrastructure failures behind massive floods in southern Brazil

Digital Health, Primary health care, climate change and antimicrobial resistance, among issues top of the agenda at G20 event in Brazil

Deadly Floods in Brazil Were Worsened by Climate Change, Study Finds

Call for public comment and author nominations: Sixth National Climate Assessment (NCA6)

State of the Climate in Latin America and the Caribbean 2023

El Niño-linked rains trigger devastation in Brazil

Brazil Has a Dengue Emergency, Portending a Health Crisis for the Americas

Climate Policy Consultant – Technical support for the LAC regional climate program

Chile records its deadliest wildfire in 123 years, may be linked to climate change

Wildfires cause huge loss of life in Chile amid heatwaves in South America

Health Implications for December 2023 to February 2024 (CIMH)

Small islands agree bold plan of action on noncommunicable diseases and mental health

Atlantic hurricane season ends, impacts continue

WHO Case Studies on Climate and Health

Dynamic WHO dashboard for island states highlights barriers and progress on climate change and health