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How are diet, food and climate change connected?

UN officials urge swift action to tackle El Niño-induced extreme weather

WHO launches a Repository of systematic reviews on interventions in environment, climate change and health

Global Warming Could Drive Locust Outbreaks into New Regions, Study Warns

The Foods the World Will Lose to Climate Change

Global food production at risk as rising temperatures threaten farmers’ physical ability to work – new study

Understanding the Lasting Impacts of Climate-Driven Disasters on Children’s Lives

Climate Change impacts traditional food systems in Kyuquot

Open call for Climate Change and Health Policy Case Studies

Kenya: Severe drought fuels malnutrition, reduces hospital-delivery births in Turkana County

Horn of Africa faces most severe drought in more than two generations

Large parts of world drier than normal in 2021: WMO

WHO and WMO Launch Global Knowledge Platform for Climate and Health