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Energy efficiency, thermal resilience, and health during extreme heat events in low-income housing in Argentina

Extreme heat events result in higher indoor temperatures in buildings, increased energy consumption, and more frequent health problems, mainly between the children, the elderly over 65, and vulnerable low-income people. The indoor environment plays a key role in reducing the effects of extreme heat events. While the benefits of passive cooling measures on thermal and environmental aspects are well known, their effects on resilience are less well explored. This paper aims at studying the indoor environment in low-income housing from the energy and heat resilience points of view, during extreme hot periods, together with possible passive cooling measures to be applied in the houses in order to improve both, heat resilience and energy efficiency. A low-income neighbourhood in La Pampa, central Argentina, was selected as a case study. Transient thermal simulation, electricity consumption bills obtained from the Energy Company, and health statistics from the data-base of the nearby hospital were used. We conclude that the houses are not capable to manage hot/heat wave periods in a resilient way because of their energy inefficient design. Moreover, the cooling equipment is sub-used due to economic reasons. Indoor temperatures exceeded 33 degrees C and Heat Index reached “Extreme caution” health risk level. Sudden changes in the meteorological conditions seems to increase the number of consultations of health disorders previous or after the hot periods. The best set of passive strategies is to favour night ventilation together with shading of the envelope (i.e., by trees, climbing plants, green walls, or by installing ventilated opaque facades) and an improved roof (light colour coating and addition of thermal insulation). These strategies could both, improve the heat resilience and the thermal behavior of the indoor environment while reducing the electricity consumption in the hottest months of summer. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Mortality risk during heat waves in the summer 2013-2014 in 18 provinces of Argentina: Ecological study

Increased frequency of heat waves (HWs) is one of the prominent consequences of climate change. Its impact on human health has been mostly reported in the northern hemisphere but has been poorly studied in the southern hemisphere. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of the HWs waves occurred in the warm season 2013-14 on mortality in the center-north region of Argentina, where 22 million people live. It was carried out an observational study of ecological-type contrasting the mortality occurred during the HWs of the summer 2013-14 with the mortality in the summers 2010-11 to 2012-13, free from HWs. The mortality was analyzed according to the following variables: place of residence, age, sex and cause of death. During the HWs of the summer 2013-14, 1877 (RR=1.23, 95%CI 1.20-1.28) deaths in excess were registered. Moreover, the death risk significantly increased in 13 of the 18 provinces analyzed. The mortality rates by sex revealed heterogeneous behaviour regarding both the time and spatial scale. The death risk increased with age; it was particularly significant in four provinces for the 60-79 years group and in six provinces in people of 80 years and over. The death causes that showed significantly increments were respiratory, cardiovascular, renal diseases and diabetes.

Modeling of leptospirosis outbreaks in relation to hydroclimatic variables in the northeast of Argentina

The transmission of leptospirosis is conditioned by climatic variables. In northeastern Argentina leptospirosis outbreaks occur mainly in coincidence with periods of abundant precipitation and high hydrometric level. A Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered Epidemiological Model (SIR) is proposed, which incorporates hydroclimatic variables for the three most populated cities in the area (Santa Fe, Paraná and Rosario), during the 2009-2018 period. Results obtained by solving the proposed SIR model for the 2010 outbreak are in good agreement with the actual data, capturing the dynamics of the leptospirosis outbreak wave. However, the model does not perform very well in the last months of the year when isolated cases appear outside the outbreak periods, probably due to non- climatic factors not explicitly considered in the present version of the model. Nevertheless, the dynamic modeling of infectious diseases considering hydroclimatic variables constitutes a climatic service for the public health system, not yet available in Argentina.

Meteorological indicators of dengue epidemics in non-endemic northwest Argentina

In the last two decades dengue cases increased significantly throughout the world, giving place to more frequent outbreaks in Latin America. In the non-endemic city of San Ramón de la Nueva Orán, located in Northwest Argentina, large dengue outbreaks alternate with several years of smaller ones. This pattern, as well as the understanding of the underlying mechanisms, could be essential to design proper strategies to reduce epidemic size. We develop a stochastic model that includes climate variables, social structure, and mobility between a non-endemic city and an endemic area. Climatic variables were input of a mosquito population ecological model, which in turn was coupled to a meta-population, spatially explicit, epidemiological model. Human mobility was included into the model given the high border crossing to the northern country of Bolivia, where dengue transmission is sustained during the whole year. We tested different hypotheses regarding people mobility as well as climate variability by fitting numerical simulations to weekly clinical data reported from 2009 to 2016. After assessing the number of imported cases that triggered the observed outbreaks, our model allows to explain the observed epidemic pattern. We found that the number of vectors per host and the effective reproductive number are proxies for large epidemics. Both proxies are related with climate variability such as rainfall and temperature, opening the possibility to test these meteorological variables for forecast purposes.

Environmental effects on phlebotominae sand flies (Diptera:Phychodidae) and implications for sand fly vector disease transmission in Corrientes city, northern Argentina

We evaluated species richness, abundance, alpha diversity, and true diversity of Phlebotominae sand flies temporal changes in domiciles within the northern Argentina city of Corrientes. A total of 16 sampling nights were conducted seasonally throughout the years 2012-2014 through light traps supplemented with CO2. Meteorological and remote sensing environmental factors were used to assessed for vectors implications in disease transmission through Generalized Mixt Models. Lutzomyia longipalpis was the most abundant and common species, followed by Nyssomyia neivai and Migonemyia migonei. Lutzomyia longipalpis was more abundant in urban areas, Ny. neivai was associated with vegetation in periurban areas, both were found all sampling years with higher abundance during the rainy season. Positive association of Lu. longipalpis with precipitation and relative humidity and negative association with temperature were observed. Models showed humidity and vegetation as making effects on Lu. longipalpis abundance. Precipitation was significant for Mg. migonei models, with higher abundance in periurban and periurban-rural environments. For Ny. neivai models, relative humidity was the most important variable, followed by precipitation frequency. Our findings led to identify high risk areas and develop predictive models. These are useful for public health stakeholders giving tolls to optimized resources aim to prevent leshmaniasis transmission on the area.

Plan de acción de salud y cambio climático de la provincia de Neuquén

Promoting active travel while combating climate change through the “More bikes, less emissions” program in Buenos Aires

Human Climate Horizons (HCH)

The IAI Compendium on Climate Change Impacts in Latin America and the Caribbean

Información sobre radiación solar UV en Argentina como base para distintas aplicaciones

Sistema de alerta temprana por Temperaturas Extremas Frío (SAT-TE Frío) – Argentina

Sistema de Alerta Temprana por Temperaturas Extremas Frío (SAT-TE Frío) – Argentina

Sistema de Alerta Temprana por Temperaturas Extremas Calor (SAT-TE Calor): la evolución del SAT-OCS – Argentina

Understanding the role of temporal variation of environmental variables in predicting Aedes aegypti oviposition activity in a temperate region of Argentina

Environmental variables related to vegetation and weather are some of the most influential factors that impacting Aedes (Stegomya) aegypti, a mosquito vector of dengue, chikungunya and Zika viruses. In this paper, we aim to develop temporal predictive models for Ae. aegypti oviposition activity utilizing vegetation and meteorological variables as predictors in Córdoba city (Argentina). Eggs were collected using ovitraps placed throughout the city from 2009 to 2012 that were replaced weekly. Temporal generalized linear mixed models were developed with negative binomial distributions of errors that model average number of eggs collected weekly as a function of vegetation and meteorological variables with time lags. The best model included a vegetation index, vapor pressure of water, precipitation and photoperiod. With each unit of increment in vegetation index per week the average number of eggs increased by 1.71 in the third week. Furthermore, each millimeter increase of accumulated rain during 4 weeks was associated with a decrease of 0.668 in the average number of eggs found in the following week. This negative effect of precipitation could occur during abundant rainfalls that fill containers completely, thereby depriving females of oviposition sites and leading them to search for other suitable breeding sites. Furthermore, the average number of eggs increased with the photoperiod at low values of mean vapor pressure; however the average number of eggs decreased at high values of mean vapor pressure, and the positive relationship between the response variable and mean vapor pressure was stronger at low values of photoperiod. Additionally, minimum temperature was associated positively with oviposition activity and that low minimum temperatures could be a limiting factor in Ae. aegypti oviposition activity. Our results emphasize the important role that climatic variables such as temperature, precipitation, and vapor pressure play in Ae. aegypti oviposition activity and how these variables along with vegetation indices can be used to inform predictive temporal models of Ae. aegypti population dynamics that can be used for informing mosquito population control and arbovirus mitigation strategies.

Temperature and photoperiod effects on dormancy status and life cycle parameters in Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti from subtropical Argentina

Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) distribution is bounded to a subtropical area in Argentina, while Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) covers both temperate and subtropical regions. We assessed thermal and photoperiod conditions on dormancy status, development time and mortality for these species from subtropical Argentina. Short days (8 light : 16 dark) significantly increased larval development time for both species, an effect previously linked to diapause incidence. Aedes albopictus showed higher mortality than Ae. aegypti at 16?°C under long day treatments (16 light : 8 dark), which could indicate a lower tolerance to a sudden temperature decrease during the summer season. Aedes albopictus showed a slightly higher percentage of dormant eggs from females exposed to a short day, relative to previous research in Brazilian populations. Since we employed more hours of darkness, this could suggest a relationship between day-length and dormancy intensity. Interestingly, local Ae. aegypti presented dormancy similar to Ae. albopictus, in accordance with temperate populations. The minimum dormancy in Ae. albopictus would not be sufficient to extend its bounded distribution. We believe that these findings represent a novel contribution to current knowledge about the ecophysiology of Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti, two species with great epidemiological relevance in this subtropical region.

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome outbreaks associated with climate variability in northwestern Argentina, 1997-2017

BACKGROUND: Rodent-borne hantaviruses (genus Orthohantavirus) are the etiologic agents causing two human diseases: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in Euroasia; and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in North and South America. In South America fatality rates of HPS can reach up to 35%-50%. The transmission of pathogenic hantaviruses to humans occurs mainly via inhalation of aerosolized excreta from infected rodents. Thus, the epidemiology of HPS is necessarily linked to the ecology of their rodent hosts and the contact with a human, which in turn may be influenced by climatic variability. Here we examined the relationship between climatic variables and hantavirus transmission aim to develop an early warning system of potential hantavirus outbreaks based on ecologically relevant climatic factors. METHODOLOGY AND MAIN FINDINGS: We compiled reported HPS cases in northwestern Argentina during the 1997-2017 period and divided our data into biannual, quarterly, and bimestrial time periods to allow annual and shorter time delays to be observed. To evaluate the relationship of hantavirus transmission with mean temperature and precipitation we used dynamic regression analysis. We found a significant association between HPS incidence and lagged rainfall and temperature with a delay of 2 to 6 months. For the biannual and quarterly models, hantavirus transmission was positively associated with lagged rainfall and temperature; whereas the bimestrial models indicate a direct relationship with the rainfall but inverse for temperature in the second lagged period. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This work demonstrates that climate variability plays a significant role in the transmission of hantavirus in northwestern Argentina. The model developed in this study provides a basis for the forecast of potential HPS outbreaks based on climatic parameters. Our findings are valuable for the development of public health policies and prevention strategies to mitigate possible outbreaks. Nonetheless, a surveillance program on rodent population dynamics would lead to a more accurate forecast of HPS outbreaks.

Agenda for the Americas on Health, Environment, and Climate Change 2021–2030

Nota Técnica: Sistema de Alerta Temprana por Olas de Calor y Salud (SAT-OCS) – Argentina

SMN Avisos a Corto Plazo

Health Benefits of Open Streets in Latin America

Climate Service Provider Profiles

Analysis of the health impacts of climate variability in four major South American cities

Geographic distribution of Trypanosoma cruzi genotypes detected in chronic infected people from Argentina. Association with climatic variables and clinical manifestations of Chagas disease

The Role of Humidity in Associations of High Temperature with Mortality: A Multicountry, Multicity Study

Mortalidad asociada a eventos extremos de frío en Argentina, 2005-2015

Dynamics of socioeconomic exposure, vulnerability and impacts of recent droughts in Argentina

Seasonal distribution of Phlebotomine sandfly in a vulnerable area for tegumentary leishmaniasis transmission in Cordoba, Argentina

Potential effects of climate change on the risk of accidents with poisonous species of the genus Tityus (Scorpiones, Buthidae) in Argentina

Differential effects of temperature and mosquito genetics determine transmissibility of arboviruses by Aedes aegypti in Argentina

Spatial population dynamics and temporal analysis of the distribution of Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) in the city of Clorinda, Formosa, Argentina

Seasonality and temperature-dependent flight dispersal of Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) and other vectors of Chagas disease in Western Argentina

Mortalidad durante las olas de calor de 2013-2014 en el Noreste Argentina

Relationship between environmental conditions and host-seeking activity of Ochlerotatus albifasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) in an agroecosystem and in an urban area in Chubut, Central Patagonia, Argentina

Human fascioliasis endemic areas in Argentina: Multigene characterisation of the lymnaeid vectors and climatic-environmental assessment of the transmission pattern

Weather variability associated with Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Dengue Vector) oviposition dynamics in northwestern Argentina

Waiting for chikungunya fever in Argentina: Spatio-temporal risk maps

Satellite-derived NDVI, LST, and climatic factors driving the distribution and abundance of Anopheles mosquitoes in a former malarious area in northwest Argentina

Rotavirus seasonality in urban sewage from Argentina: Effect of meteorological variables on the viral load and the genetic diversity

Effect of daily temperature range on respiratory health in Argentina and its modification by impaired socio-economic conditions and PM10 exposures

Climate change in Argentina: Trends, projections, impacts and adaptation

Vulnerability of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis populations to climate change in pampean lakes of Argentina

Local perspectives on adaptation to climate change: Lessons from Mexico and Argentina

Adaptation to climate trends: Lessons from the Argentine experience

Clima y Salud en La Argentina: Diagnóstico de Situación 2018

Plan de Acción Nacional de Salud y Cambio Climático – Argentina

La Plata Plan de Contingencia Hidrometeorológica

Infografia Sistema de Alerta Temprana por Olas de Calor y Salud

National Allergy Bureau

Sistema de alerta temprana por ola de calor y salud (SAT-OCS) – Argentina

Pronóstico de índice solar UV Argentina

Catálogo de Datos Abiertos del SMN