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Exploring relationships between drought and epidemic cholera in Africa using generalised linear models

BACKGROUND: Temperature and precipitation are known to affect Vibrio cholerae outbreaks. Despite this, the impact of drought on outbreaks has been largely understudied. Africa is both drought and cholera prone and more research is needed in Africa to understand cholera dynamics in relation to drought. METHODS: Here, we analyse a range of environmental and socioeconomic covariates and fit generalised linear models to publicly available national data, to test for associations with several indices of drought and make cholera outbreak projections to 2070 under three scenarios of global change, reflecting varying trajectories of CO(2) emissions, socio-economic development, and population growth. RESULTS: The best-fit model implies that drought is a significant risk factor for African cholera outbreaks, alongside positive effects of population, temperature and poverty and a negative effect of freshwater withdrawal. The projections show that following stringent emissions pathways and expanding sustainable development may reduce cholera outbreak occurrence in Africa, although these changes were spatially heterogeneous. CONCLUSIONS: Despite an effect of drought in explaining recent cholera outbreaks, future projections highlighted the potential for sustainable development gains to offset drought-related impacts on cholera risk. Future work should build on this research investigating the impacts of drought on cholera on a finer spatial scale and potential non-linear relationships, especially in high-burden countries which saw little cholera change in the scenario analysis.

The urban metabolism of waterborne diseases: Variegated citizenship, (waste)water flows, and climatic variability in Maputo, Mozambique

In this article we draw on an interdisciplinary study on drinking water quality in Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, to examine the nature, scale, and politics of waterborne diseases. We show how water contamination and related diseases are discursively framed as household risks, thereby concealing the politics of uneven exposure to contaminated water and placing the burden of being healthy on individuals. In contrast, we propose that uneven geographies of waterborne diseases are best understood as the product of Maputo’s urban metabolism, in which attempts at being sanitary and healthy are caught up in relations of power, class, and variegated citizenship. Waterborne diseases are the result of complex and fragmented circulations and intersections of (waste)waters, generated by uneven urban development, heterogeneous infrastructure configurations, and everyday practices to cope with basic service deficits, in conjunction with increasing climatic variability. The latrine-from which ultimately contamination and diseases spread-is an outcome of these processes, rather than the site to be blamed. This article also advances an interdisciplinary framework for analyzing urban metabolism and deepening its explanatory potential. It serves as a demonstration of how interdisciplinary approaches might be taken forward to generate new readings of more-than-human metabolic processes at distinct temporal and spatial scales.

Drought-related cholera outbreaks in Africa and the implications for climate change: A narrative review

Africa has historically seen several periods of prolonged and extreme droughts across the continent, causing food insecurity, exacerbating social inequity and frequent mortality. A known consequence of droughts and their associated risk factors are infectious disease outbreaks, which are worsened by malnutrition, poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene and population displacement. Cholera is a potential causative agent of such outbreaks. Africa has the highest global cholera burden, several drought-prone regions and high levels of inequity. Despite this, research on cholera and drought in Africa is lacking. Here, we review available research on drought-related cholera outbreaks in Africa and identify a variety of potential mechanisms through which these outbreaks occurred, including poor access to water, marginalization of refugees and nomadic populations, expansion of informal urban settlements and demographic risks. Future climate change may alter precipitation, temperature and drought patterns, resulting in more extremes, although these changes are likely to be spatially heterogeneous. Despite high uncertainty in future drought projections, increases in drought frequency and/or durations have the potential to alter these related outbreaks into the future, potentially increasing cholera burden in the absence of countermeasures (e.g. improved sanitation infrastructure). To enable effective planning for a potentially more drought-prone Africa, inequity must be addressed, research on the health implications of drought should be enhanced, and better drought diplomacy is required to improve drought resilience under climate change.

Climate precursors of satellite water marker index for spring cholera outbreak in Northern Bay of Bengal coastal regions

Cholera is a water-borne infectious disease that affects 1.3 to 4 million people, with 21,000 to 143,000 reported fatalities each year worldwide. Outbreaks are devastating to affected communities and their prospects for development. The key to support preparedness and public health response is the ability to forecast cholera outbreaks with sufficient lead time. How Vibrio cholerae survives in the environment outside a human host is an important route of disease transmission. Thus, identifying the environmental and climate drivers of these pathogens is highly desirable. Here, we elucidate for the first time a mechanistic link between climate variability and cholera (Satellite Water Marker; SWM) index in the Bengal Delta, which allows us to predict cholera outbreaks up to two seasons earlier. High values of the SWM index in fall were associated with above-normal summer monsoon rainfalls over northern India. In turn, these correlated with the La Niña climate pattern that was traced back to the summer monsoon and previous spring seasons. We present a new multi-linear regression model that can explain 50% of the SWM variability over the Bengal Delta based on the relationship with climatic indices of the El Niño Southern Oscillation, Indian Ocean Dipole, and summer monsoon rainfall during the decades 1997-2016. Interestingly, we further found that these relationships were non-stationary over the multi-decadal period 1948-2018. These results bear novel implications for developing outbreak-risk forecasts, demonstrating a crucial need to account for multi-decadal variations in climate interactions and underscoring to better understand how the south Asian summer monsoon responds to climate variability.

Wastewater based environmental surveillance of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae in Pakistan

BACKGROUND: Pakistan has been experiencing intervals of sporadic cases and localized outbreaks in the last two decades. No proper study has been carried out in order to find out the environmental burden of toxigenic V. cholerae as well as how temporal and environmental factors associated in driving cholera across the country. METHODS: We tested waste water samples from designated national environment surveillance sites in Pakistan with RT-PCR assay. Multistage sampling technique were utilized for samples collection and for effective sample processing Bag-Mediated Filtration system, were employed. Results were analysed by district and month wise to understand the geographic distribution and identify the seasonal pattern of V. cholera detection in Pakistan. RESULTS: Between May 2019, and February 2020, we obtained and screened 160 samples in 12 districts across Pakistan. Out of 16 sentinel environmental surveillance sites, 15 sites showed positive results against cholera toxigenic gene with mostly lower CT value (mean, 34??2) and have significant difference (p < 0.05). The highest number of positive samples were collected from Sindh in month of November, then in June it is circulating in different districts of Pakistan including four Provinces respectively. CONCLUSION: V. cholera detection do not follow a clear seasonal pattern. However, the poor sanitation problems or temperature and rainfall may potentially influence the frequency and duration of cholera across the country. Occurrence of toxigenic V. cholerae in the environment samples showed that cholera is endemic, which is an alarming for a potential future cholera outbreaks in the country.

Future scenarios of risk of vibrio infections in a warming planet: A global mapping study

BACKGROUND: Infections caused by non-cholera Vibrio species have undergone a global expansion over the past few decades reaching new areas of the world that were previously considered adverse for these organisms. The geographical extent of the expansion has not been uniform, and some areas have shown a rapid increase in infections. METHODS: We applied a new generation of models combining climate, population, and socioeconomic projections to map future scenarios of distribution and season suitability for pathogenic Vibrio. We used the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 framework. Three datasets were used: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory’s CM4.0 sea surface temperature and sea surface salinity; the coastline length dataset from the World Resources Institute; and Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project 2b annual global population data. Future projections were used up to the year 2100 and historical simulations from 1850 to 2014. We also project human population at risk under different shared socioeconomic pathways worldwide. FINDINGS: Projections showed that coastal areas suitable for Vibrio could cover 38000 km of new coastal areas by 2100 under the most unfavourable scenario with an expansion rate of season suitability in these regions of around 1 month every 30 years. Population at risk in suitable regions almost doubled from 1980 to 2020 (from 610 million to 1100 million under the scenario of medium challenges to mitigation and adaptation, shared socioeconomic pathway 2-4.5), although the increment will be more moderate in the future and stabilises after 2050 at 1300 million. Finally, we provide the first global estimate for Vibrio infections, with values around half a million of cases worldwide in 2020. INTERPRETATION: Our projections anticipated an expansion of both the temporal and spatial disease burden for Vibrio infections, in particular at high latitudes of the northern hemisphere. However, the largest extent occurred from 1980 to 2020 and a more moderate increase is expected for the future. The most positive outcome is that the projections showed that Vibrio morbidity will remain relatively stable over the coming decades.

A high-resolution earth observations and machine learning-based approach to forecast waterborne disease risk in post-disaster settings

Responding to infrastructural damage in the aftermath of natural disasters at a national, regional, and local level poses a significant challenge. Damage to road networks, clean water supply, and sanitation infrastructures, as well as social amenities like schools and hospitals, exacerbates the circumstances. As safe water sources are destroyed or mixed with contaminated water during a disaster, the risk of a waterborne disease outbreak is elevated in those disaster-affected locations. A country such as Haiti, where a large quantity of the population is deprived of safe water and basic sanitation facilities, would suffer more in post-disaster scenarios. Early warning of waterborne diseases like cholera would be of great help for humanitarian aid, and the management of disease outbreak perspectives. The challenging task in disease forecasting is to identify the suitable variables that would better predict a potential outbreak. In this study, we developed five (5) models including a machine learning approach, to identify and determine the impact of the environmental and social variables that play a significant role in post-disaster cholera outbreaks. We implemented the model setup with cholera outbreak data in Haiti after the landfall of Hurricane Matthew in October 2016. Our results demonstrate that adding high-resolution data in combination with appropriate social and environmental variables is helpful for better cholera forecasting in a post-disaster scenario. In addition, using a machine learning approach in combination with existing statistical or mechanistic models provides important insights into the selection of variables and identification of cholera risk hotspots, which can address the shortcomings of existing approaches.

Expected annual probability of infection: A flood-risk approach to waterborne infectious diseases

This study introduces a new approach for the investigation of infections after an accidental ingestion of contaminated floodwater. The concept of Expected Annual Probability of Infection (EAPI) is introduced and implemented in an infection risk-model approach, by combining a Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) with the four steps in flood risk assessment. Two groups and exposure paths are considered: adults wading in floodwater and small children swimming/playing in floodwater. The study area is located in Ghana, West Africa. Even though Ghana is one of the most urbanized countries in Africa it has significant problems with water resources management and public health. While cholera is classified as endemic in Accra, the natural and human-made characteristics of the capital makes it prone to flooding. The results of the EAPI approach show that on one hand the concentration of pathogens in floodwater, and thus the risk of infection, decreases with the increase of the flood magnitude. On the other hand, larger floods can spread the pathogens further from the point source, threatening populations previously not identified as at risk by small-scale floods. The concept of EAPI is demonstrated for cholera but it can be extended to other waterborne diseases and also different pathways of exposure, requiring minimal adaptations. For future applications, better estimation of EAPI key components and improvement points are discussed and recommendations given for all the assessment steps.