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Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation (CMRA)

Air pollution and health: an introduction for health workers

Technical Brief: Health and the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)

Copernicus Health Hub

Observatório de Clima e Saúde de Brasil

Sustainable and Climate-Resilient Health Care Facilities Toolkit

Health Care Facility Climate Change Resiliency Toolkit

Climate change and health: the national policy overview in Europe

Map viewer: Accessibility of hospitals in Europe

Map viewer: Availability of urban green spaces to vulnerable groups

Map viewer: Exposure of vulnerable groups and social infrastructure to climate-related risks

Risk Information Exchange (RiX)

Climate Change Impact Map

Human Climate Horizons (HCH)

Global Vector Hub: The global open-access community for vector control information and research

Drought Toolbox

Global Set of Climate Change Statistics and Indicators

Bulletin Climat-Santé – Madagascar

Climate Hazards and Vulnerability Atlas – India

Daily Dust Products (Global)

The Daily Dust Products include daily dust forecasts, their comparison with observations, and dust-related
observations. The products are displayed in an interactive dashboard that consists of three
panels: i) Forecast, ii) Evaluation and iii) Observations. Users need to select one of the panels
from the top menu and a variable from the side menu to see the products that are available for

Monitor de sequía meteorológica – España

El sistema de monitorización de sequías meteorológicas está diseñado para el seguimiento, alerta temprana y evaluación de la sequía meteorológica, para lo que utiliza en tiempo real la información climática y satelital disponible que muestra el desarrollo de las condiciones de sequía meteorológica y la posible evolución de la misma. El sistema incorpora el desarrollo de productos tecnológicos operativos con implicaciones directas para la gestión de los recursos hídricos, las áreas naturales y para la gestión del riesgo de sequía meteorológica en sectores económicos afectados.

Air Quality Index – Finland

This air quality index is used to describe the air quality in simple terms and an easy-to-understand color scale. It is based on measured air quality data and gives an overall characterization of the actual air quality. Finnish air quality index is an hourly index which describes the air quality each day, based on hourly values and updated every hour.

UV Index – Finland

Sun protection is required when the UV index is 3 or higher. The forecast for the daily maximum UV index is valid for cloudless conditions. Only thick clouds attenuate the UV radiation considerably.

Agrometeorological Forecast and Data – Slovenia

Sušomer, dnevni in povprečni podatki za kmetovelce, fenološki podatki, relevantne publikacije.

Fire Danger Index – South Africa

The Fire Danger Index (FDI) uses 5 categories to rate the fire danger represented by colour codes [Blue (insignificant) (0-20), Green (low) (21-45), Yellow (moderate) (46-60), Orange (high) (61-75) and Red (extremely high) (75<)]. Each of the danger rating is accompanied by precaution statement.

European Climate Data Explorer

Drought Knowledge Centre – Australia


MEDMI Mortality and Temperature Application

Hello Weather Canada: Automated Telephone Service

Canada Weather Information

Canada’s wind chill index


SIDS Dynamic Data Dashboard on Health and Climate Change


The WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS)

SunSmart Global Ultraviolet Radiation App

Cancers Attributable to UV Radiation

NOAA Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring System

Harmful Algae

Baltic Sea Algae situation

E3 Geoportal

Malaria Atlas Project

WHO Malaria Threat Map

Climate and Malaria in Africa: IRI Maproom

Surveillance and disease data for cholera

IDMP Drought Indicators and Indices

CDC Drought Indicators

NOAA National Integrated Drought Information System

NASA Global Flood and Landslide Monitoring

Global Flood Monitoring System (GFMS)

Dartmouth Flood Observatory (DFO)

Global Flood Detection System – Version 2

IRI Data Library Maproom of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS)

Disaster Alert App

European Flood Awareness System

WMO Airborne Dust Bulletin


European Air Quality Index

WHO Global Urban Ambient Air Pollution Database

WHO Ambient Air Quality Database Application



EJSCREEN: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Too

Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPPCAT) Model

Health Economic Assessment Tool (HEAT)

iSThAT: the Integrated Sustainable Transport and Health Assessment Tool

WHO Climate Change and Health Toolkit

The Ontario Climate Change and Health Toolkit

Social Vulnerability Index

Checklists to Assess Vulnerabilities in Health Care Facilities in the Context of Climate Change

Índice Meteorológico de Incendios (Peru)

Indicadores de sequías (Peru)

Pronóstico de radiación UV máximo (Peru)

New Zealand Drought Monitor

New Zealand River Flood Statistics

New Zealand UV Index

GeoNet Geological hazard information for New Zealand

New Zealand Shellfish biotoxin alerts

Netherlands Air Quality Map

India System for Thunderstorm Observation,Prediction and Monitoring (STORM)

Multi-hazard early warning system for India

India Biomass fire information

India Rainfall Monitoring

Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS)

European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS)

Prévisions pollinique

Swiss UV Index

How Much Hotter Is Your Hometown Than When You Were Born?

Multi-country survey of heat-health during COVID-19

Drought Index Europe

Heat Safety Tool

California Heat Assessment Tool (CHAT)

Croatia Air Quality Data

Croatia Lightening Strike Data

Drought monitoring – Croatia

Drought Watch UI

Croatia UV Index

Georgia Air Quality Portal

Germany Air Quality Measurements

Climate Watch (Climate Atlas – Germany)

European heat and cold waves map

Gefahrenindizes für Wetterfühlige

Space Weather forecasts

Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) observation and forecast

Canadian Hurricane Centre

Hong Kong Heat Index

Hong Kong Regional Information on Heavy Rain and Thunderstorm

Hong Kong Ultraviolet (UV) radiation information

Weather information for Senior Citizens

Hong Kong Air Quality Health Index

US Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Monitoring System and Forecasts

UK Air Pollution Forecasts

VAAC Volcanic Ash Forecast Products

England and Wales Fire Severity Index