Author(s): Alam M, Amjad M

Big data analytics, an emerging and most useful technology in the field of data analysis dealing with huge quantity of data, is used in this paper for exploring the domain and the repercussions of climate change with its adverse effects on health. Humans have failed until now to prevent the generation of greenhouse gases in the stratosphere which does not allow us to prevent health impacts that climate change is likely to direct upon humans and cause of global warming. Mining of climate, temperature, global health and death dataset, helps in visualization of data and the clear analysis of the problem. Technologies, related to the Big Data field, have been applied for analyzing and drawing correlations among radical features which are causing climate change. The first is the use of pollution datasets in different cities of the United States. The second technology used is Global temperature analysis with the help of datasets of different chronological timelines and the third is NCHS Leading causes of deaths in the United states using demographic and medical characteristics, Decision tree modeling using ML LIB is one of the key features in proper analysis.

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03772063.2021.1886605