Author(s): Davidson K, Hallberg A, McCubbin D, Hubbell B

As epidemiological work from around the world continues to tie PM2.5 to serious adverse health effects, including premature mortality, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has developed a number of policies to reduce air pollution, including PM2.5. To assist in the benefit-cost analyses of these air pollution control policies, the U.S. EPA has developed the Environmental Benefits Mapping and Analysis Program (BenMAP). BenMAP is meant to (1) provide a flexible tool for systematically analyzing impacts of changes in environmental quality in a timely fashion, (2) ensure that stakeholders can understand the assumptions underlying the analysis, and (3) adequately address uncertainty and variability. BenMAP uses a "damage-function" approach to estimate the health benefits of a change in air quality. The major components of the damage-function approach are population estimates, population exposure, adverse health effects, and economic costs. To demonstrate BenMAP's ability to analyze PM2.5 pollution control policy scenarios, we assess two sample applications: (1) benefits of a national-level air quality control program, and (2) benefits of attaining two annual PM2.5 standards in California (annual average standards of 15 microg/m3 and 12 microg/m3). In the former, we estimate a scenario where control of PM2.5 emissions results in $100 billion of benefits annually. In the analysis of alternative standards, we estimate that attaining the more stringent standard (12 microg/m3) would result in approximately 2000 fewer premature deaths each year than the 15 microg/m3 achieves. BenMAP has a number of features to help clarify the analysis process. It allows the user to record in a configuration all of the choices made during an analysis. Configurations are especially useful for recreating already existing policy analyses. Also, BenMAP has a number of reporting options, including a set of mapping tools that allows users to visually inspect their inputs and results.

Journal: Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A