Author(s): Kumar P, Sharma A

Urban parks play an essential role in urban settings; significantly contribute to the health of every age group person. Parks provide opportunities for families to connect with nature and breathe in the fresh air. Due to global climate change and increased urbanisation in the past few decades, extreme heat can be experienced in urban areas. Mental and physical health issues arise primarily due to a sedentary lifestyle in cities. Staying at parks for a longer duration could promote stress reduction and perceived physical health. The present study aims to assess the thermal comfort conditions at an urban park in the hot semi-arid climate(BSh) of Haryana, India. The present study investigated the outdoor thermal comfort range and thermal sensations of visitors at a park during the summer season using the onsite monitoring of the microclimate parameters and questionnaire survey in the hot-semi arid region of India. Thermal comfort indices, Physiological equivalent temperature (PET) and Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) and Wet bulb globe temperature(WBGT) have been applied to investigate the outdoor thermal comfort conditions. The seven-point sensation scale has been used to record the visitors' thermal sensations. The results indicated that:1) WBGT was found to be the most suitable index to investigate the OTC conditions. The neutral UTCI, PET, and WBGT ranged within 28.03 degrees C to 35.6 degrees C, 24.04 degrees C to 37.5 degrees C, and 23.5 degrees C to 26.1 degrees C, respectively. 2) The neutral PET ,UTCI, and WBGT were found to be 30.8 degrees C, 31.8 degrees C, and 24.8 degrees C, respectively.3) Dry bulb temperature is the most significant thermal comfort parameter affecting visitors' thermal sensations, followed by mean radiant temperature.4) Thermal comfort indices were found to be most significantly affected by globe temperature. The study's outcome could provide theoretical design reference to urban designers to develop new parks and existing parks, ultimately promoting public health. Copyright (c) 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the F-EIR Conference 2021 on Environment Concerns and its Remediation: Materials Science

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.10.085