Author(s): Bhopal A, Medhin H, Baeroe K, Norheim OF

Ethiopia is experiencing an increasing frequency and intensity of slow-onset and acute disasters caused by climate change, with significant health impacts. Understanding and addressing these impacts involves trade-offs, which are central to effective priority setting in health and overarching efforts to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. Despite minimal historic greenhouse gas emissions, Ethiopia has been at the forefront of climate action since launching the Climate-Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) in 2011, a low-carbon development strategy. To learn from the Ethiopian approach, this paper examines to what extent health has been integrated into the CRGE. We found that the early years of the CRGE prioritized developing the financial basis of the green economy, while the health impacts of climate change have only been tentatively considered to date and remain detached from broader health strategies. Further analysis of climate adaptation measures, "health co-benefits," and reducing specific vulnerabilities of the health sector could help improve health and build climate resilience.

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/wmh3.447