Author(s): Mcallister JC, Madson SL

When a disease outbreak occurs or there is increased threat for a disease outbreak to occur following a flooding disaster, it is important for government officials and mosquito abatement practitioners to know how to access federal financial, technical, or control activity assistance. In certain circumstances, the Federal Emergency Management Agency may provide reimbursement assistance to supplement state, territorial, tribal, or local governments' extraordinary mosquito abatement activities in areas that have received an emergency or major disaster declaration under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Public Law 93-288). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are the lead federal agency after a disease outbreak occurs. Government officials and practitioners should know how to access available assistance before an event occurs. Building a plan to request federal assistance, coordination with stakeholders under the National Incident Management System, and documentation of steps taken are the most effective method to ensure a smooth community response while maximizing assistance and reimbursement from federal agencies.

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.2987/19-6895.1