Author(s): Urzola N, Gonzalez MP

Colombia's 2016 Peace Agreement is innovative in many ways. Remarkably, the agreement places significant emphasis on gender as a guiding principle. Gender-related measures are at the core of Colombia's peacebuilding efforts. Nevertheless, six years after, parties have not fully implemented these measures; a narrow understanding of the concept of violence could be one of the reasons behind this. The agreement mainly refers to the physical and dominant understanding of gender-based violence (GBV). However, this understanding is problematic. Environmental and climate-related causes are structural to the Colombian armed conflict, and critical in building peace. Environmental violence points to human-induced activities that cause harms to the environment. Climate violence, one manifestation of environmental violence, is a type of violence that worsens underlying conditions of inequalities through extreme climate conditions. Drawing on the 2016 Colombian Peace Agreement, this article focuses on the experiences of Colombian rural women to assess whether expanding dominant concepts of GBV help implement environmental peacebuilding commitments. Applying an intersectional ecofeminist reading could contribute to acknowledging particular forms of violence embedded in the climate and peace crises in Colombia during the implementation phase of gender-related peace commitments and push towards the recognition of environmental and climate violence as GBV.

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13200968.2022.2147704